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10 Mythological Heroes and Stories, Greek Mythology
10 Mythological Heroes and Stories, Greek Mythology
10 Mythological Heroes and Stories, Greek Mythology
Audiobook2 hours

10 Mythological Heroes and Stories, Greek Mythology

Written by James Gardner

Narrated by Paul Spera

Rating: 0 out of 5 stars


About this audiobook

Ten mythological heroes and stories from Greek mythology, for a delightful overview of the fundamentals of our culture. This is a selection of the most touching and inspiring stories from Ancient Greece; they have all inspired countless works of art through the centuries, often come from even more ancient myths, and are here retold in a detailed and lively manner. This selection contains: The myth of Apollo and Daphne, about the revenge of the cruel god Eros on Apollo; Atalanta, the story of the swiftest runner who ever was; Echo and Narcissus, about a nymph who angered a god; Endymion, a shepherd whose beauty made the goddess Diana fall in love; Icarus, this ageless story of failure at the hands of pride; King Midas, the famous cautionary tale; Orpheus and Eurydice, the ultimate tragic love story and one of the most famous Greek myths; Phaeton, a similar story to that of Icarus about the pride of wanting to be like a god; Pygmalion, a sculptor so skilled he fell in love with one of his creations; and the death of Adonis, one of Greece's most touching stories, in which a goddess hopelessly falls in love with a man whose sole passion is hunting.
PublisherSAGA Egmont
Release dateApr 1, 2022
10 Mythological Heroes and Stories, Greek Mythology

James Gardner

JAMES GARDNER is an American art and culture critic based in NYC and Buenos Aires. His writings have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic and The British Spectator. He was the art critic at the New York Post and wrote architecture criticism for the New York Observer, before serving as the architecture critic at the now defunct New York Sun. He now writes for The Real Deal Magazine, the Weekly Standard, and Antiques.

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