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The Irish Healer
The Irish Healer
The Irish Healer
Audiobook8 hours

The Irish Healer

Written by Nancy Herriman

Narrated by Amanda McKnight

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

1830s London is rich with promise. And fraught with peril. Rachel Dunne and James Edmunds are about to discover that love is too. Rachel Dunne has always been a healer... until she’s accused of causing the death of a child under her care. Acquitted but shunned, she flees Ireland in search of a new life, convinced that she’ll be fine so long as no one in London learns of her disgrace—or forces her to ever sit at another sickbed. Physician James Edmunds has endured the loss of too many patients—the death of his wife the greatest blow of all. Deep in his grief, and no longer certain that God can be trusted, he decides the time has come to abandon his practice and run his family’s small farm. Alone. Though when he’s drawn to the intriguing Irish woman who has recently joined his household, he begins to reconsider his well-laid plans. Then cholera sweeps through London, and the life of James’s young daughter hangs in the balance. Can Rachel and James overcome their innermost fears and regain their faith? Or is it too late for trust and love to heal their hearts?

PublisherOasis Audio
Release dateApr 3, 2012
The Irish Healer

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Reviews for The Irish Healer

Rating: 4.436781609195402 out of 5 stars

87 ratings12 reviews

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Readers find this title lacking emotional connection to characters and banal, but with great potential. The book has interesting sentence structure and thoughtful similes. It is predictable but enjoyable. Some readers found the portrayal of characters to be stereotypical. The command of language and verbal illustrations are stunning. The narrator's accents are well done. Overall, it is a lovely and sweet book that is hard to stop reading or listening to, providing a nice escape from the dark world.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Rachel Dunne is a healer like her mother. But then she's accused of murder when a child dies while in her care. Because of the scandal she is forced to leave Ireland and her beloved family. She vows never be in charge of someone sick again. She no longer trusts her ability to heal and her faith in God is shattered. Her cousin secures her a position in London with Dr. James Edmunds. Having seen too many deaths and having his own faith crisis he commits to giving up his practice and moving to the country. When a cholera epidemic sweeps through London and visits the doctor's house, both Rachel and James will be challenged to face their greatest fears and perhaps learn what true faith really means.This was a wonderful story and very easy to read. It really pulls you in from the beginning and holds your attention to the very end. I felt the characters were very well drawn and the author's description of the time period made me feel as if I was right there. The relationship between Rachel and James seemed very natural and you could definitely feel the spark. Rachel was a pretty amazing character. So full of inner strength yet she felt so lacking. I thoroughly enjoyed Mrs. Mainprice and how her faith was so natural. The way she encouraged Rachel was inspiring to me. You get a picture of how devastating cholera was whether rich or poor and even doctors were brought down by the dreaded disease. It makes me thankful I didn't have live in that time. Those who like Julie Klassen are sure to enjoy The Irish Healer. I sure did! A thank you goes to Worthly Publishing for providing this ARC through Netgalley for my review.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love historical romances, rich in perfect period detail, well researched, and lushly written. The Irish Healer, Nancy Herriman’s debut novel, is all of that and more. I will be honest and say I would normally have bypassed this one since it’s billed as “inspirational/Christian” romance. That is way outside my reading comfort zone as a non-Christian. And that would have been a tragedy. I would have missed a tender, beautiful, glorious romance that made my heart sing and left me with happy tears at the end.Rachel Dunne—the Irish healer of the title—is running away. Although acquitted of murdering a child under her care, she’s come to London to escape the scandal of her past, vowing to give up her gift of healing, believing it’s really a curse. She finds work with Dr. James Edmunds, a man with tragedies of his own in his past, a physician who is also in the process of giving up his medical practice. Rachel vows only to work as a sort of secretary for him. She will not help him in medical matters, will not sit at the bedside of patients, will not trust or use her own special gifts.James and Rachel have each in their own way given up on God, as they believe God has abandoned them. This love story is about healing—not only the bodies of those they comfort and serve, but their own hearts and faith and each other.Inspirational references are woven in subtly, without browbeating the reader with it, which was what I had feared from an inspirational romance. Again, I could not have been more wrong. This is a book about the universal themes of loss and forgiveness, about finding redemption, and most powerfully, about finding love. It transcends a specific, single belief system. It’s about learning to forgive yourself, and love yourself; about accepting love and forgiveness from others. And make no mistake, this is first and foremost, a romance, as sweet and delicious and yummy as you could want. There is no overt sex in this book; there’s barely a single kiss. But oh, the yearning! The longing! Ms. Herriman beautifully, powerfully builds the tension, page by page, a glance, a touch, a sigh at a time, until the reader is as wound up as Rachel and James, an ember about to burst into a conflagration. This is a truly romantic romance. The power of faith is the backbone of this feast of a novel, but love—God’s and man’s—is the heart and soul of it. I’ve never been happier to have been wrong about something. Missing out on this wonderful book would have been a tragedy indeed.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Lovely book. Sweet. Hard to stop reading/listening. Fantastically read as well.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Irish Healer by Nancy Herriman is Christian Historical Romance with a lot of secrets. The setting is England in the 1830‘s with all the wealthy, the poor and the diseases that affect them all. The main story revolves around a medical doctor and a healer from Ireland. Every character is realistic and has their own tale to tell. I especially enjoyed the historical medical details and the characters journey in their Christian life. I would have liked to read more about Rachel‘s family but perhaps they will be in a new book. 4.5 Stars
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    While I did find this story predictable, I did enjoy the story, and was page turning for answers.Can't imagine leaving home under the circumstances Rachel Dunne leaves Ireland and ends up in London. Working no less for a doctor, but in the end she is right where she should be!This story has a bit of everything, London is being hit with a cholera epidemic, we also have jealous help, and a bit of sweet romance. The author did a great job of melding all of the above into a enjoyable read!I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Worthy Books, and was not required to give a positive review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Gentle Love StorySet in the 1830s, Rachel Dunne flees her home country of Ireland after a child in her care, dies and Rachel stands trial for murder. Even though acquitted, the majority of their town shuns her family, so Rachel moves to London seeking work through a cousin. The death of the child, the trial, and the move take their toll on Rachel’s faith in herself and the Lord. Her employer, also a physician, stumbled from his faith years ago when his wife died. When a cholera epidemic hits London, they each hit bottom, turning to the Lord for the ultimate support.This gentle love story provides the reader a time of introspection as the characters seek to find God’s mercy in their lives. The characters have depth, and Herriman describes the scene so well that the reader easily transports to another time. Very enjoyable read, recommended for readers looking for a deep love story with the added depth of Biblical foundations.Received Galley from NetGalley.comPublished by Worthy Publishing, April 3, 2012.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great command of language and her verbal illustrations are stunning..the narrator slipped seamlessly from British accents to Irish accents and back.. well done!
    In 2021 when the world has seemed to go crazy, this is a nice Oasis in a dark world.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Irish Healer was a pleasant surprise. On Netgalley you may find the smuttiest and kinkiest of smut - and you may also find the most strait-laced of Christian fiction. I request books based on their descriptions, and often forget to check the publisher; sometimes the latter will give a better clue of what I'm in for than the former. This sounded like it was going to be first and foremost a historical, with some romance thrown in (forbidden, at that), along with a quart of cholera and a sprinkle of Ireland. Worth a try. It was only later that I read more thoroughly and discovered that it's billed as a Christian romance. Oh, I thought, dear. But no. This was lovely. It is indeed a Christian romance, in that faith is important to the characters and, unmarried, they don't leap into bed with each other every thirty pages. While physical attraction is very much on their minds there is no call for any of the stunningly lame and stilted language the general run of romance novels resort to to talk about intercourse. All in all I'm very pleased by the writing; Herriman is the sort of writer who gets out of the way of her characters and setting and lets them loose. The story may owe much to 19th century literature like Jane Eyre, and may push the bounds of what was actually possible for a young woman in 1832 England, but it's all to good purpose. The threats that surround the main character, Rachel Dunne, are made very real, and her strength in the face of all of that makes for someone I'm pleased to read about. I think the only complaint I could possibly make is that Rachel's dialogue is just much too erudite, always. She's 20 years old and has been through hell (if it's all right to say that), and still even just chatting with the young groom, Joe, she sounds a little like the Professor from Gilligan's Island. This is not to say I missed the hideous attempts at "Irishness" so often seen - "Shure now, boyo, an' would I not be after just comin' from me ould ma's house, now?" But Rachel is very young, and however well educated and however suppressed her accent has been, just the occasional hint would have been good: a phrase or a dropped G under stress or something of the sort.This is perhaps three and a half stars, rounded up to four – I'm much more inclined to be generous than I expected to be. An unexpurgated review is on my blog.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Irish Healer by Nancy Herriman 4 StarsIt was good but I did not connect with the characters somehow. Its a regency romance in 1830's in London. No sex scenes. Also made me glad that doctors are better now.Rachel Dunne is a Irish healer like her mother. A young girl she was trying to get better died while she slept by her side. Rachel was tried for murder and was found not quilty. But her mothers business dropped right off and had a hard time feeding their family.So Rachel left for London to work for awhile at a doctors house and then planned to be a teacher. Rachel was finshed being a healer.James Edmunds was a Physician and was closing his practice in London. He was moving to family country estate to be a gentlemans farmer.He could not save his wife or father and tired of failing. So he was leaving medicine.Rachel had lots of guilt and hard times but everytime she saw a need to help she did give the help. She turned away from God because she did not believe he was answering her prayers.At this time a lot of people were dying of Cholera in London.I was given this ebook to read in exchange of honest reviews from Netgalley.04/03/2012 PUB Worthy Publishing
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    the story wasn't particularly awful and I listened to the whole book to the end. There is just too much petite female, manly man who doesn't take no for an answer.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For a first published book...very good! Interesting sentence structure with thoughtful similes. Predictable but enjoyable! I related in that a grief of long ago still keeps me from moving forward in certain areas...and felt challenged to “Let it go” ?
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed the Christian context but felt the entire novel was lacking. I didn't feel emotionally connected to the characters. The story line has great potential but the novel was very banal.