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A Cousin's Prayer
A Cousin's Prayer
A Cousin's Prayer
Audiobook8 hours

A Cousin's Prayer

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

A year after her boyfriend was killed, a traumatized Katie Miller returns to her Amish community in Indiana, struggling with depression and panic attacks. Will she ever find the courage to face her inner demons? Freeman Bontrager has been interested in Katie ever since they were in school. Now that Katie is home, Freeman finds excuses to spend time at the Miller house. Is there any future for him with this emotionally scarred woman, or should he turn to the fair beauty Eunice Byler? When a mysterious package appears on Katie’s doorstep, Freeman’s loyalty is tested. Will he win her trust only to lose his standing with her parents? What will it take for Katie to overcome her fears and dare to live—and love—again?  Insert disc 7 into your PC to access a PDF with discussion questions and a recipe for Katie’s banana nut cake.
PublisherOasis Audio
Release dateAug 20, 2009

Wanda E. Brunstetter

New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Wanda E. Brunstetter is one of the founders of the Amish fiction genre. She has written more than 100 books translated in four languages. With over 12 million copies sold, Wanda's stories consistently earn spots on the nation's most prestigious bestseller lists and have received numerous awards. Wanda’s ancestors were part of the Anabaptist faith, and her novels are based on personal research intended to accurately portray the Amish way of life. Her books are well-read and trusted by many Amish, who credit her for giving readers a deeper understanding of the people and their customs. When Wanda visits her Amish friends, she finds herself drawn to their peaceful lifestyle, sincerity, and close family ties. Wanda enjoys photography, ventriloquism, gardening, bird-watching, beachcombing, and spending time with her family. She and her husband, Richard, have been blessed with two grown children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. To learn more about Wanda, visit her website at 

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    One of the best books I have ever read, a must read
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This series is about 3 cousin's who get involved in a car accident and how it changed each of their lives. In this story Katie Miller finds herself moving back to her Amish community in Indiana, as she had moved to Florida to get over the death of her boyfriend from the accident. She is dealing with panic attacks and is an emotional wreck. Her family doesn't know what to do for her. Freeman Bontrager takes an interest in Katie since he at one time dealt with a similar problem. He wants to help her, even though she fights him every step of the way. A good story about overcoming ones fears and how one must dare to live and love again, even after a heartfelt tragedy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Traumatized by and feeling responsible for a tragic accident that killed three people and injured two others a year before, Katie Miller is reluctant to return to Indiana to be an attendant in her cousin, Loraine’s, wedding. Still grieving, she has been staying with her grandparents in Florida to distance herself from the painful memories. Returning will only remind her that this wedding should have been hers and Timothy’s, but he died, along with Raymond and Paul. Wayne will always be crippled and Jolene will always be deaf - because of her. With her grandmother’s encouragement, she goes home. It’s the hardest but best thing she can do to move on with her life.When Katie returns for the wedding and can’t return to Florida with her grandmother afterwards, her depression worsens and she begins to have inexplicable panic attacks, though she doesn’t know what to call these overwhelming, suffocating feelings at first. She doesn’t want people to think she’s crazy, but when she faints in church and other times flees to escape her fears, the community starts to wonder what’s wrong with her. Rumors start flying, a mysterious package ends up on her doorstep, and then she is befriended by an old friend, Freeman Bontrager, who can relate to some of the things Katie is experiencing. Freeman fixes bikes for a living and some feel he also wants to “fix” Katie and make her better, to the envy and jealousy of Eunice Byler, who would love to marry a kind man like Freeman. Katie and Freeman both insist they are only friends. Besides, she can’t imagine ever loving another, not after losing Timothy. It would hurt too much to love and lose again. But, God is in control, and all works out for the good for those who love the Lord.As someone who grew up in the Midwest surrounded by Amish culture, and one who has experienced depression and panic attacks, I can attest to the validity and accuracy of what Brunstetter writes. She infuses her writing with German words and phrases that give her dialogue authenticity. If one can’t figure out the meaning, there is enough context to help the reader or another line of dialogue that will help describe what is meant. Though some of the plot was predictable and some of the dialogue was awkward, the strength of this book are the characters, the details of Amish culture, the faith that is shared, the moral lessons one can learn, and the heartfelt treatment of complex emotional issues. I would like to read more by this author. This was the first book I’ve read by Ms. Brunstetter. Some people say her writing is too simplistic, but I enjoy her style. This was a quick read for a slow reader like me. The words she uses seems to fit the Plain people and the simple way they live. Unlike many English outsiders, the Amish focus on the basic things in life: faith, friends, and family. I received this book as part of the Early Reviewers Program. One does not have to read the first book in the Indiana Cousins series (A Cousin’s Promise) to enjoy the second book. I will be looking for the third.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book and I read the whole series and It is what I call something good to read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    If you were able to walk around this town, invisible to the inhabitants, you would be highly entertained by goings-on. There is a young woman intent on snagging a husband and will let nothing and no one get in her way. Spreading gossip - including tales of a supposed pregnancy - about someone she sees as her rival is just one of her tricks. An over-bearing mother lives the community, and she is determined to tell her daughter how to think and what to do. Then there is a young man who needs someone tell him what to think, because he can’t seem to make up his mind. But his bossy sister is not the one to take on that job, though she tries mightily. These characters and others make up the Amish community in this tale. Poor Katie is trying to come to grips with the accident that killed her boyfriend. Dealing with this emotional challenge, she is overwhelmed by panic attacks that seem to come out of nowhere. Her symptoms give fodder to the town gossips. Will no one come to her rescue, or must Katie flee? Well, some of these characters are textbook stereotypes, and the end is quite predictable, proving guys are clueless, even the Amish ones, but will finally see the light. (Yeah, I like clichés, too.) But the tale is entertaining anyway, and though it is sappy in parts, it was refreshing to see an Amish woman indulging in gossip mongering.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This was a lovely story but just not for me. I didn't particularly like the the writer's style but that is just a personal preference. I also hadn't read the first book in the series. The writer obviously has a great understanding of the Amish. I don't usually read this type of book which is why I probably didn't enjoy it as much as some people would.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Katie has returned home from Florida where she was living with her grandparents. Although the accident that took her fiancé’s life happened over a year ago, she is still in deep mourning. She has resigned herself to never loving again and living out her life as an old maid. To make matters worse, she continues to have severe anxiety attacks that keeps her from doing the simplest tasks.Will handsome Freeman Bontranger win her heart? Can he teach her how to overcome her anxiety attacks or will the attacks finally drive him away. And what secret is Freeman hiding from Katie?While I really liked the book, it did not seem to flow as easily as Wanda's other books. It took me awhile to get into the characters.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have to admit, the writing style wasn't my cup of tea; it seemed a bit simplistic. But it's clear that Brunstetter has respect for the Amish, and she handles the panic attacks and grief of Katie sensitively.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful story about the Amish. Wanda E. Brunstetter is a great writer and I'm always looking for her books.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Amish romance genre has become very popular in the past few years, probably because it reflects a way of life that is basic and much more simple than the hectic life style most of us lead. A Cousin's Prayer is the story of Katie Miller who is experiencing depression and panic attacks caused by an accident which killed her fiance. Katie feels responsible. After the accident Katie was living in a Plain community in Florida but now is forced to return to her family in Indiana. Being home causes the panic attacks to accelerate.My evaluation: For the most part, this was a pleasant and heart warming story. There were, however, things that bothered me. I found the majority of the main characters rather mean spirited, not what you'd expect from a good Christian community. I also had trouble with the dialogue. It was written in a very simplistic style that didn't seem realistic. And, there was way too much extraneous material added in.What I did like were the two main characters, Katie and Freeman. I found them to be near humans with nice flaws thrown in. The character of Eunice was perfect as someone I loved to hate, if you know what I mean. Although I had some problems with this book I want to read at least one more by this author, maybe one of her earlier books. Overall, I like her writing. I think my problems may be with this book.I received this book as part of the Early Reviewers program.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I sat down to read this book last night, and ended up reading it all at once to see what would happen. Like any engaging book, the characters stuck in my mind today. So, I want to share the good, the bad and some recommendations! First of all: this book is not going to be a classic. The subject is rather cliche and predictable and some of the dialog is unrealistic. For style, it is just an average book. Not bad, not exceptional. However, the content of the book is the important part. I commend the author for painting an excellent picture of how people should treat each other. Yes, there is an antagonist, as with most novels; however, there are portrayals of great communication and healthy relationships that make great examples. Many of the main characters have secrets, hidden fears, shames, etc., but they learn to communicate with each other with respect and I think its admirable. If only people in "real life" treated each so well! The characters are Amish and there is a strong sense of community and family life that really strikes me as wholesome and more meaningful than a whole stack of flashier romance novels. The romantic lead isn't a Fabio, but he is a good man, and these characters choose their mates for their character qualities rather than superficial aspects. Wouldn't we all be a lot wiser to do the same? So yes, this book is goody two shoes, it is wholesome, it is corny, it is cheesy and old fashioned... BUT there is a sense of goodness and integrity throughout, and those are two things that are sometimes sadly lacking in our "real" lives. The characters aren't perfect, but they are very rich in emotional intelligence and honest compassion and caring.There is also an educational aspect that I appreciated. The main character, Katie, is suffering from severe panic attacks. Actually, it sounds like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but that diagnosis is never mentioned. The text emphasizes the importance of caring for one's mental health without shame, and gives some truths about panic disorder that may help to educate others. It also stresses the importance of getting help, maybe even taking medicines, and, (something I appreciate as a natural health lover,) the potential of homeopathic and natural remedies. As someone who has suffered from both panic attacks and PTSD, I appreciated the thoughtful and realistic portrayal.Another feature I liked was the author's inclusion of Amish terms. It added a nice sense of authenticity. Though there was not a glossary, each term was incredibly well defined by the text. Whenever a character used a foreign term, the other character in the conversation would repeat it in English. I don't know the author's career background, but that is actually the preferred technique for teaching speakers of other languages--using words in context and repeating so the meaning is obvious. The author's technique was very natural yet educational.So, who should read this book? Christians or people who are open minded to faith for sure. There are strong religious tones throughout and a passage that involves a character accepting Christ. If that annoys you, this isn't the book for you! It would also work for people who appreciate a wholesome family life or "plain" living or people looking for G rated romance. I think the book shows, as I noted before, excellent examples of real love in action with all the meaning and none of the flash.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Received this book from LibraryThing in order to review it. Glad I have that excuse for reading it. This is the 2nd book in the Indiana Cousins series and I felt like I should read the 1st book first, but my library didn't have it. Glad I didn't waste my time on 2 books.The writing was dry and stiff. I don't think the author has a sense of humor because there wasn't any humor throughout the whole book. Also, it is about Amish people and never once did the author describe what they were wearing. I had no idea how to imagine them in my head. The dialogue was very repetitive, but the descriptions of the buggies and clothing were scarce.I had to finish it to see how the author would end it. No surprises or twists and not a very satisfying romance either.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is the second in the series, but you don't really need to have read the first in order to enjoy and follow the second.Overall, the story was engaging and an enjoyable read, though I found the plot to be a bit contrived in places. While there was plenty of character development in the story, this is not what I would call a "character-driven" story, as much of the growth that happens is only in reaction to coincidences. On the surface it seems that this might be because the character herself is fairly weak, but I would like to have seen the main character overcome that particular personality defect and start to take control of her life (and stop being merely a reactive being, but also an active being) around the same time as she starts to deal with her panic attacks. In any case, if you're looking for some light (but touching) reading, this is a pretty good choice.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Though I normally do not choose Christian Literature, and I was not all all fond of the author's style, I'll admit that I did find myself pulled into the story. I ended up caring for the characters, even while fussing to myself about the poor quality of the writing style. It was interesting to read about the Amish and I did appreciate the simple goodness of their lives. I think that within her genre, Ms. Brunstetter tells a good, solid story. I won't become a repeat reader of hers, but am glad I had the opportunity to spend a little time with "A Cousin's Prayer."
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This type of book is not something I usually read. I gave up Christian fiction years ago because of stories like this. Boring and just a bunch of fluff. It was torture for me to get through this book. Maybe if I had read the first book in the series (this was the 2nd) it would've been better, but rest assured I will not be picking up the 3rd.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another truly amazing and wonderful book in this series by Wanda Brunstetter! She combines love, faith, hope and life in a way that is moving yet delightful. When I read this book, as I do with all her books, I learned from it and grew from it. I love to read about the Amish and God and she combines them both in wonderful stories. I couldn't put this book down or rather I should say I didn't want to put this book down! I definitely recommend this inspiring read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this second book in the series as much as the first and look forward to the next.The characters were very well developed. I found myself looking forward to the dumping of Eunice by Freeman. The story progressed very well. I enjoyed cheering for Kate and learning more about anxiety attacks. I would enjoy more continuing story about Wayne and Loretta.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a coming of age story about a young Amish girl, Katie, whose fiance was killed in a vehicle accident the previous year. She is overcome with grief that translates into fear when she returns to her home town where he died. Her panic attacks confuse her family and friends and even spark rumors of a possible secret pregnancy.To overcome, Katie must find solutions at the emotional and spiritual levels. The counselor encourages her to practice facing her fear, but to even do that she needs to face her Lord and make the most important decision of her life. I loved the three-dimensionality of the main characters, Katie and Freeman. Their flaws aroused my compassion and their choices to overcome my applause. In spite of emotional issues, Katie's decision to break her fears gripped me. I laughed out loud at the comedy of errors that Freeman created when he recklessly violated Katie's confidentiality. In spite of their foibles, they were easy to forgive. The ending of the book was as predictable as fiction gets, but I still enjoyed watching it happen.There were two story lines that left me wanting more story -- the subplots of the abandoned baby and the miscarriage suffered by a newlywed Amish wife. I was hoping the bereaved woman could adopt that boppli or some similar happy ending. A sequel perhaps?This was my first Amish fiction, and now I understand why this is a bestselling genre in Christian literature. The purity and simplicity of the Amish make them attractive in contrast to the ills of the world.