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Lies Women Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free
Lies Women Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free
Lies Women Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free
Audiobook9 hours

Lies Women Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

How to counter the lies that keep you from abundant living.
Satan is the master deceiver, and his lies are endless.  The lies Christian women believe are at the root of most of their struggles.
"Man women live under a cloud of personal guilt and condemnation," says Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.  "Many are in bondage to their past.  Others are gripped by fear of rejection and a longing for approval.  Still others are emotional prisoners."
In the best-selling Lies Women Believe, Nancy exposes these areas of deception most commonly believed by Christian women - lies about God, sin, priorities, marriage and family, emotions, and more.  She then sheds light on how we can be delivered from bondage and set free to walk in God's grace, forgiveness, and abundant life.
Nancy offers the most effective weapon to counter and overcome Satan's lies: God's truth!
PublisherOasis Audio
Release dateMar 20, 2018

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is the host and teacher for Revive Our Hearts, a daily radio program for women heard on 250 stations. Since 1979, she has served on the staff of Life Action Ministries in Niles, Michigan. She has authored or coauthored eighteen books, including Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free, A Place of Quiet Rest, and Seeking Him.

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Reviews for Lies Women Believe

Rating: 4.723684210526316 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have never read a book that opened my eyes like this book. I have believed so many lies without really knowing it.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is fantastic! Certainly a must read for any christian woman of any age and stage of her faith.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book contains challenging topics that easily may be desguised as part of cheuvenism, but what we found eventually is freedom and how women can be released from the continuous lies that affect our performance as women, no matter if we are married, if we are mothers, or not. Pryer and reading Scriptures is basic to move along with this book.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I honestly don’t know why I listened to this book; a friend who unfollowed me on instagram recommended it on Facebook so I decided to give it a listen because I was bored.

    It’s a typical self-help book: the author has a special key that will improve every area of your life. This one suggests that the root of many issues, from overeating to masturbation to not submitting to your husband to mental illness have a common root: you’ve believed a lie from the devil.

    There was a disclaimer about abusive marriages, that it was of high importance to keep yourself safe. The only thing is there was no clear definition give of the difference between an abusive marriage and a “difficult” one.

    The advice on mental illness and depression was better and more nuanced than I was expecting, acknowledging there aren’t clear cut solutions to these issues and they’re often multifaceted. Still, the suggestion that depression is often a “sin” issue is disturbing and harmful.

    To any LGBTQ people who may be interested in reading this book: there’s a LOT of homophobia in it, which could be triggering. She even dismissed asexuality, which I found interesting because to my knowledge there is zero biblical backing to do so.

    If you feel like modern society is out to get Christians you will probably appreciate this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic and scripture based! Standing up for what is ultimately right.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Nacy DeMoss Wolgemuth has written a book that all women can identify with. Ever since the book was first published, it has helped women defeat the lies that Satan has set before them. It helps them deal with all aspects of our lives; from forgiveness of sins to marriage, loving ourselves (self-confidence), children dealing with emotions, and even circumstances.

    Ever since Eve was deceived by the serpent in the garden of Eden, Satan knows that women are easily deceived. Now is the time to break through all those lies that Satan wants us to believe. WThe reader will learn how to love God, love themselves, their spouses; how to enjoy their marriage, even more, having the freedom to walk in the truth.
    This is the updated version of the original "Lies Women Believe" So you ask why would I want an updated version? Well for starters, there has been some cultural changes that have occurred since the first edition in 2001. Social media being one of those. There are some sexual issues and themes that are addressed in this issue. Nancy has added a whole new chapter about sexuality and has made some other updated that were needed.

    Nancy has taken the feedback from thousands of women and addressed all that mail, e-mail, and online reviews. She has used this feedback to clarify and to fine-tune her message and to help express it in a way that is truthful to scripture and relevant to readers in various life circumstances.

    I personally like how she illustrates her points by writing sections though Eve's point of view. It's kind of fun to sneak a peek at Eve's journal and see what Eve may have thought and felt.

    There is also a study guide that you can purchase to go alongside this book that you can use in a group or even do by yourself. Either way book alone or with the guide, this is a book that all women should read.

    I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I have a hard time with what the author calls "truth" sometimes. If something is truly biblical, I will agree with her, but she should not call her own opinions "truths" that all women should follow in order to please God and "prove" they are true Christians. For example, one of her points is that a true Christian mother should never limit how many children she has (i.e., using birth control). I disagree with this. The Bible doesn't say anywhere that to be godly you must have as many children as possible. It is fine for her to have that opinion, but she shouldn't act like that is God's will for every family.