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Behind the Scenes in the Lincoln White House
Behind the Scenes in the Lincoln White House
Behind the Scenes in the Lincoln White House
Audiobook6 hours

Behind the Scenes in the Lincoln White House

Written by Elizabeth Keckley

Narrated by Bobbie Frohman

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

A former slave who became a successful dressmaker with her own business, became the dresser, dressmaker and confidante to Mary Todd Lincoln during Abraham Lincoln's presidential adminstration. Behind the Scenes tells the story of the rise of Elizabeth Keckley from abused slave to independent business woman to friend of the First Lady of the Land during the Civil War.
Release dateJan 1, 2012
Behind the Scenes in the Lincoln White House

Elizabeth Keckley

Elizabeth Keckley was born into slavery in Virginia, moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where she earned enough money to free herself and her son, and then moved to Washington, D.C., where she worked as a seamstress and dressmaker for prominent Washington women, including Mary Todd Lincoln. Sadly, she spent her final years in the Home for Destitute Women and Children, which she had helped to establish.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An eye-opening first hand account of time spent in the Lincoln White House and Mrs Lincoln’s financial drama after the assassination of the President. Quite revealing in its scope, and it was not well-received by the public or Mrs Lincoln. A fascinating, easy listen/read and I recommend it, although the Southern accent used in the narration leaves a lot to be desired.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book very much. It was very telling.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My previous book led me to pick up Behind the Scenes, a memoir written by Elizabeth Keckley in 1868 about her life of enslavement, how she bought her freedom, and how she made a life for herself subsequently. Keckley was born a slave in Virginia in 1818. The first part of her memoir details her life a slave - the splitting up of her family, the abuse she faced, included rape that led to a pregnancy, and how she strove to keep her dignity. She eventually was able to purchase her freedom through her skill as a seamstress, learned through being forced to keep her owner's family of 17 clothed. While she was in St. Louis with this family, she was able to earn $1500 with her seamstress skills to purchase her freedom and that of her son's. She moved to Washington, D.C. and began a seamstress business, sewing dresses for the most well-known women of the day, such as Varina Davis, wife of Jefferson Davis who was soon to be President of the Confederacy. After the Lincolns came to the White House, she became Mary Lincoln's modiste and confidant. The two developed a close relationship - a friendship from Keckley's account. The middle of the book details her exclusive access to the Lincoln family. After Lincoln's assassination, she helps Mary Todd Lincoln sell some of her dresses to make money and the book becomes a bit of an exposé that Mary Lincoln apparently never forgave her for. She includes full letters written to her from Mary Lincoln. Unfortunately, this book seems to have hurt Keckley's reputation and she never financially recovered. My feelings on this book are mixed. It's beautifully written and I want to know more. I want to know where she learned to read and write, how she managed to become so skilled as to be the best dress designer in Washington on her own, and more about the struggles and triumphs she faced personally. Unfortunately, a lot of the book is overshadowed by the Lincoln family, and especially by Mary Todd Lincoln's financial and emotional troubles after her husband's death. I'm glad I read this because it's an important first person account of a woman's journey through and out of slavery and to personal success. But I think it's also good to know before you read it that Keckley's own intention in writing this was not just to tell her story, but also to give another view of the Lincolns. She does it well, but at 150 years removed, I personally wanted more of HER story - I can read about the Lincolns plenty of other places.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Yikes. Over 500 pages long and serious. Abandoned this pretty fast, I'm afraid. Not something I cared for enough to pressure myself into the long hard slog it would be. I'd like to point out original publishing date is 1888 not 1988.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Having recently attended a performance of The Widow Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC, I wanted to learn more about the relationship between Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckley. I opted for this memoir rather than a historical novel and am glad I did. The writing is wonderful and gives the reader a real sense of the bond between these two women. For those who have the opportunity, I strongly encourage you to see the play AND to read this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The lasts few years have held some horrible surprises for me. One of the worst was the day I discovered, to my terrible surprise, that, no matter how much I want to think of myself as an enlightened, educated human being with no preconceptions nor prejudices about others, I was horribly wrong as I discovered when George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering Treyvon Martin. I am a racist. Rodgers' and Hammerstein's "You've Got to be Taught" sums it up --and I suggest that, if you have never heard it ,you dig out a copy of "South Pacific" and listen to it.In any case, I resolved after discovering this terrible thing that I had to understand how and why I became a racist and how to change these deeply embadded feelings.When I stumble on Elizabeth Keckley's book about the Lincoln White House, Keckley taught me much about what it meant to be an African American, and even in the enlightened White House of the Great Emancipator, it was not easy.I was right. Elizabeth Keckley was an incredibly talented woman who not only sewed all of Mary Lincoln's clothing (and Mrs. Lincoln was an even more demanding clotheshorse than Jacqueline Kennedy), but also became her best friend and confidant. She was so successful that she was able to buy her freedom (and her son's) prior to be the beginning of the Civil War. By the end of the War, designed clothing for all the great Washington ladies and commanded a large staff of seamstresses to keep up with the demand. If you have seen Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln," you will see Mrs. Keckley portrayed by Gloria Reuben, the woman who accompanied Mrs. Lincoln to the final vote on the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.If you do not know what it means to be Black in the United States --- and this is something that only our African American brothers and sisters can understand, I suggest that you pick read this book. It will give you a tiny glance into a different culture and time. And although there are now 150 years separating us from that time, I don't know that our better selves have been very successful at creating a new world.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of the most remarkable memoirs I have read. Keckley speaks frankly about having been beaten as a slave, being ofrced to take a white slave owner as a lover, baring his child, and then traveling to Washington to set up a dress shop. It was there she met the Lincolns. Her time spent with them was the most interesting part of this tale so I won’t spoiler the eye openers. The memoir was completely engrossing. A remarkable book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Elizabeth Keckley was a slave for 30 years. Once she bought her freedom, she opened a dressmaking business, and eventually became Mary Todd Lincoln's dressmaker. This is her autobiography. We hear conversations between the President and his wife, conversations they both held with Elizabeth, the people she met, and what life was like in the White House during the Civil War. Just a different perspective, but a very interesting one. Keckley ends the book with copies of correspondence between her and Mrs. Lincoln after the President's death.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Elizabeth Keckley wrote BEHIND THE SCENES OR, THIRTY YEARS A SLAVE, AND FOUR YEARS IN THE WHITE HOUSE in 1868. While the book received a great deal of attention when it was published, both she and the book were largely forgotten until the recent publication of MRS. LINCOLN’S DRESSMAKER by Jennifer Chiaverini in which she both bases and quotes much of her book.In short, this book is about Mrs. Keckley’s life from her birth as a slave through her years as a seamstress and entrepreneur to her relationship with Mrs. Lincoln following President Lincoln’s assassination. The second focus is on the character, relationships, and actions of Mrs. Lincoln from her time in the White House to a year after President Lincoln’s assassination. It is not at all what one would expect to read from a woman born into slavery.However, there is so much literary beauty in this book that I am including many examples of what I found that fueled my interest. In the preface, Mrs. Keckley explained that she wrote the book to “place Mrs. Lincoln in a better light before the world.” She continues that both their characters are “at stake, since I have been intimately associated with that lady in the most eventful periods of her life. I have been her confidant...and have been party to all her movements.” The book includes several letters from Mrs. Lincoln to Mrs. Keckley verifying their close relationship. One, sent from Chicago after the assassination reads, “My Dear Lizzie,...I consider you my best living friend....Always truly yours, M. L.”She began by telling the story of her childhood as a slave, born in Virginia. Her father lived on another plantation and was cruelly moved further away. She never saw him again but hoped to see him in heaven. She wrote, “We who are crushed to earth with heavy chains, who travel a weary, rugged, thorny road, groping through midnight darkness on earth, earn our right to enjoy the sunshine in the great hereafter.”Speaking of life as a slave, she observed having what could be interpreted as a negative attitude could result in punishment. “The sunny face of the slave is not always an indication of sunshine in the heart.” She did not want to marry and have children because she did not think want to bring a child into slavery. Her son was the result of rape. “The Anglo-Saxon blood as well as the African flowed in his veins; the two commingled–one singing of freedom, the other silent and sullen with generations of despair....By the laws of God and nature, as interpreted by man, one-half of my boy was free, and why should not this fair birthright of freedom remove the curse from the other half...?” But she did marry into a troubling relationship.Mrs. Keckley writes about a visit she made to the plantation where she had been a slave following her White House years. She was greeted warmly, as she expected to be because of the “warm attachment between master and slave.”She was an accomplished seamstress and was able to use her skills to help support her family and to buy freedom for herself and her son for $1200. She borrowed the money from her patrons in St. Louis, and was able to repay it. She then moved to Baltimore, then to Washington City, now known as Washington, D.C. There she found a different life, being treated with respect by merchants and establishing a dressmaking shop serving women such as the wives of Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. When Abraham Lincoln became President, her skills brought her to the attention of Mrs. Lincoln. Mrs. Lincoln relied on her not only for her needle skills but also as a confident and friend. (Many in the capital avoided Mrs. Lincoln for many reasons: She was from the West; she was opinionated ;she was jealous; she was suspicious; she was moody.) Following the death of Willie Lincoln, the second of her sons to die, Mrs. Lincoln entered into a deep depression, she was adamant against allowing her older son Robert enlist in the Army. She thought she had sacrificed enough and that his services were not needed. Eventually he did enlist but was assigned to a less dangerous position.Mrs. Keckley observed that freedmen came North “looking for liberty, and many of them not knowing it when they found it.” People weren’t as friendly as they were in the South and many former slaves had difficulty coping with independence. Their helplessness was branded idleness. “Charity is never kind,” she wrote. .Freedom brought poverty. She wrote that “Colored people are wedded to associations and when you destroy these you destroy half the happiness in their lives.” They would rather live in poor, familiar surroundings with those they knew than travel and find what, to others, would be a better life. Many slaves believed they had “earned our right to enjoy the sunshine in the great hereafter.” Education was very important to her. She learned to read and write, against the wishes of her masters, and her son attended college. She began an association to help poor colored people, especially soldiers. In the process, she became acquainted with people such as Frederick Douglass. When Richmond fell, she and the girls who worked for her were “elated” because “the rebel capital had surrendered to colored troops.” When President Lincoln and his party went there by boat, he asked the band to play one of his favorite tunes, “Dixie.”After Willie’s death Mary Lincoln went into a deep depression. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated it got worse; Mrs. Keckley and the Lincoln children were her only companions.She refused to see any other callers.Even though she had a seamstress business to run in Washington, Mrs. Lincoln insisted that Mrs. Keckley accompany her to Chicago where Mrs. Lincoln continued her isolation. While there, Tad’s lack of education becomes very apparent when he refuses to admit that A-p-e doesn’t spell monkey. Mrs. Keckley observed, “Had Tad been a negro boy, not the son of a President, and so difficult to instruct, he would have been called thick-skulled, and would have been held up as an example of the inferiority of race....If a colored boy appears dull, so does a white boy sometimes; and if a whole race is judged by a single example of apparent dullness, another race should be judged by a similar example.”At the time of President Lincoln’s death, Mrs. Lincoln owed $70,000 for her extravagant personal purchases. She tried several methods to raise money and eventually moved to Chicago. “The colored people...intend to take up collections in their churches for the benefit of Mrs. Lincoln.” When told about it, “Mrs. Lincoln...declined to receive aid from the colored people.” Mrs. Keckley also consulted with Frederick Douglass about ways to help Mrs. Lincoln.Mrs. Keckley was given several personal items from both President and Mrs. Lincoln. Many were donated to Wilberforce University, a colored college in Ohio, which had been destroyed by fire the night of the assassination. A quilt made from pieces of Mrs. Lincoln’s dresses was donated to Kent State University.BEHIND THE SCENES OR, THIRTY YEARS A SLAVE, AND FOUR YEARS IN THE WHITE HOUSE is a wonderful, very personal memoire of a remarkable woman living in and reporting on an important part of American history. I heartily recommend it. This book was an e-book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Elizabeth Keckley gives us an interesting look at life in US in the 1800's, the politics of the time and her relationship with the people of the era. There's a little snapshot of Fredrick Douglas and a larger analysis of Mary Todd Lincoln in which the reader is both annoyed with the frippery of the president's wife and dismayed at her treatment. Perhaps the most amazing aspect was Keckley's statement that there was both a bad and good aspect to the practice of slavery. Keckley details her beatings and the selling off of family from each other, also the fact that she was "interfered with" by a white man who fathered her only child. But she professed profound love for her former masters, the ones whom she supported with her sewing and who would not grant freedom to herself and her son until she managed to pay them $1200. She says people don't understand how a former slave can have fond memories of her days in servitude but that people always remember the days of childhood with fond nostalgia, even when those days involve slavery. This book left me wanting to know more and with the utmost respect for the ambition and accomplishments of its author.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Keckley worked for the Lincoln family in the White House. She was an expert seamstress. The novel adheres to some melodramatic conventions of the time but is nonetheless fascinating.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The book starts with a short life-story of the author, a former slave who bought her own freedom. She became well-known as a seamstress and went to work for Mary Lincoln. There are many recollections in this book that are well known in Lincoln-lore, but they originated in this book. Thus, as an original source, this is a must read. First editions are essentially non-existent, so be satisfied with any modern copy.