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Written by Walter Scott

Narrated by B.J. Harrison

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Prince John has assembled a collection of avaricious nobles to take control of England while Richard the Lionhearted is imprisoned in Austria. This threatens to bring the country to civil war between the Norman nobles and the conquered Saxons. Standing above it all is Wilfred of Ivanhoe, a disinherited Saxon knight who has fought in the Holy Land. Now returned, he wishes to wed the fair Rowena, the highborn Saxon noble, in spite of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that stand in his way. With dozens of colorful characters, clashing swords, burning castles, kings in disguise and damsels in distress, Ivanhoe remains Scott's best-loved novel of historical romance.
PublisherB.J. Harrison
Release dateJan 1, 2011

Walter Scott

Sir Walter Scott was born in Scotland in 1771 and achieved international fame with his work. In 1813 he was offered the position of Poet Laureate, but turned it down. Scott mainly wrote poetry before trying his hand at novels. His first novel, Waverley, was published anonymously, as were many novels that he wrote later, despite the fact that his identity became widely known.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A real page turner.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ivanhoe (published 1820) is a novel set in late 1100s Britain, before the rifts caused by the Norman (northern French) conquest in 1066 had time to heal. Although I had initially thought that Ivanhoe was a late addition to the Arthurian legendarium, this is incorrect: King Arthur and his knights ruled in the early 500s, more than six centuries prior to Ivanhoe. The late 1100s were an era of fervent Christianity, contemporaneous with the Third Crusade (led by King Richard the Lionheart) and the legend of the outlaw Robin Hood.Ivanhoe is a very slow-paced novel. It spends a great deal of time describing the appearance of each character, and their speech is invariably long-winded and flowery, even at times when it seems like brevity would be necessary. During action or tense scenes, the dialogue almost feels like an aside in a play, where most actors pause the scene and allow one actor to express her thoughts, with time "frozen" in the background. The slow pace of action and sheer number of words required for anyone to say anything or get anything done really drags the book down."Ivanhoe" is unusual in that it does not have any character one could meaningfully call "the protagonist." Certainly Ivanhoe, for whom the book is named, could not be it- he gets remarkably little "screen time." In fact, the narrative camera follows a great many characters, giving them all modest portions of time, a style reminiscent of that used by George R. R. Martin in his Song of Ice and Fire series. But unlike Martin's series, the storyline of "Ivanhoe" has a clearly defined and manageable scope, set in a relatively small geographic area containing forests, a few castles, and a monastery.The book is even more unusual in that its most important focus is the experience of Jewish people in late 1100s England, a society remarkably hostile to them. The most sympathetic characters in the novel are an old Jewish moneylender, Isaac of York, and his beautiful daughter, Rebecca. While one might criticize Isaac's portrayal as playing into old stereotypes of Jewish people (particularly a love of money), it is hard to know what Jewish people were really like so long ago, and Isaac at least appears to help explain why 1100s English society held some of the views that it held toward Jews. Rebecca does not play into these stereotypes at all. She is a passive but heroic figure who is proud of her Jewish heritage. Though people might disagree over the extent to which Scott reinforces or breaks down stereotypes, it seems clear that Scott was vastly ahead of writers and thinkers who came more than 100 years after him in promoting the equal rights, understanding, and acceptance of Jewish people in society.Characters are typically entirely good or entirely evil, and they often fit stereotypes (the clever jester; the handsome, youthful knight who excels in combat; the greedy, evil knight; the religious zealot who leads a cult-like order; etc.) None of them are all that interesting, except for the pair of Jewish characters, and the other characters insofar as they interact with the Jews and what this reveals about them.The book has three main action scenes: a tournament, storming a castle, and a trial by combat. Unfortunately, action writing is not Scott's forte. The actual events are short and sparsely described; even during a battle, the focus remains on the feelings of the characters present, rather than their actions or the strategic aspects of the fight.In the end, the book was interesting, but was not worth the time I spent on it. I'd only recommend it for true aficionados of older stories set in the Middle Ages, or those who want to know more about the life, times, and court politics of England following the Norman Conquest. If your goal is simply entertainment, you can probably find a more fun novel elsewhere.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great story......epic in fact. The cultural, ideological and racial tensions come together for a well written story that boils down to trust, love and friendship.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe when I was very young, so reading it again now for a class was quite interesting. It was odd how much I remembered once I actually got started -- and strange the things that I didn't remember, like the fact that Robin Hood is in it!

    Reading it now, halfway through the course, it staggered me how very typical it is of a Robin Hood text, and how much it reminded me of Chaucer, too. It's like some bizarre cross between an Arthurian text (with all the jousting and the knights) and a Robin Hood text. This is the first one I've read for this course which makes it a Saxon vs. Norman issue, which is interesting.

    It was so strange reading this and, for the first time, feeling like I couldn't turn off the critical English Literature student part of me. I keep wanting to ramble on about the king and subject aspects, or the criticism of the clergy, or...

    I actually really enjoyed it. It's one of the first books I read completely on my ereader, so I suppose the aspect of playing with a new gadget helped, but I found it really easy to read and be absorbed in, even if it is -- by modern standards -- quite wordy. The people who think it's Old English baffle me.* I don't think I had to look up any of the vocabulary in Ivanhoe.

    In terms of the action and characters, Ivanhoe himself isn't terribly interesting. Oh, sure, he's virtuous and a good knight and the title would make you think he's the main character, but he isn't. The most interesting characters were probably King Richard, Rebecca and Cedric. Rebecca got a little irritating after a while, with it always talking about how utterly perfect she was, but at least she was more interesting than Ivanhoe. The tension between her and Ivanhoe was also interesting -- more so than the love story between Rowena and Ivanhoe.

    Interested to see what my lecturer has to say about it; I'll probably write my essay on Ivanhoe.

    *This is Old English (Anglo-Saxon): In ðeosse abbudissan mynstre wæs sum broðor syndriglice mid godcundre gife gemæred ond geweorðad, forþon he gewunade gerisenlice leoð wyrcan, þa ðe to æfestnisse ond to arfæstnisse belumpon, swa ðætte swa hwæt swa he of godcundum stafum þurh boceras geleornode, þæt he æfter medmiclum fæce in scopgereorde mid þa mæstan swetnisse ond inbryrdnisse geglængde ond in Engliscgereorde wel geworht forþ brohte.
    For example.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Leather-bound edition badly worn and repaired by me. Wonderful classic story of romance and adventure.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ivanhoe by Sir Walter ScottI have been wanting to reread this book about medieval knights, damsels in distress, honor, chivalry, strange heroes, etc. Ivanhoe, with the dialogue written in Old English, does not disappoint. Although the characters never spoke in less than a paragraph and the author describes every single person, setting, and event to the Nth degree, these carefully fabricated words serve to make the reader feel as though they are right there cheering in the lists alongside the populace. Ivanhoe is & has been since I first read it in 2nd grade, one of my favorite historical novels. Though Ivanhoe does not even seem to have a major role, he is worthy of the heroism we place upon his head. I loved Wamba. What a funny & odd little hero this village idiot turns out to be. The Lady Rowena as the love interest of Ivanhoe is a bit disappointing and the fact that she seems a rather flat character is probably my only complaint about this book. Rebecca is a much broader player and as such is more interesting as a lead female character. I am very happy that I read this again but do wish I had not waited so very long. Highly recommended for those who do not tire of the 'old English' language.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I find myself re-reading this classic story again and again. It strikes a chord deep down in the emotions, although I'm not sure where and why. I love the "disinherited knight", and I suppose it's reassuring to see justice triumph in the end. Yet it is not simplistic and there are lots of strands in the story. The motif of local people living under a foreign invader is still topical in so many parts of the world.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ah, Ivanhoe. You have it all: beautiful ladies, brave and desperate knights, daring feats in the lists, breaking lances and shattered spears, courtesy and gentility and even Robin Hood. You have all the beauty of the chivalric age... and all its ugliness, too. The bigotry of the Norman toward the Saxon is eclipsed only by the virulent anti-Semitism of the period, when reviling and even killing Jews was considered praiseworthy service to God. The story is well known: Ivanhoe, a young Saxon knight, has been disinherited by his father Cedric for daring to love his ward Rowena, whom Cedric desires to marry Athelstane, descendant of the last Saxon kings in England. In his brother Richard's absence in the Holy Land, Prince John is scheming to take the throne. Three of his strongest supporters, Bois-Guilbert, De Bracy, and Front-de-Boeuf, become involved in a kidnapping scheme to carry off Rowena as well as a young and beautiful Jewess, Rebecca, whose father Isaac of York is John's moneylender. My favorite character is Rebecca, hands down. She is supposed to be secondary to the lovely and regal Rowena, but even Scott admits that Rebecca is more interesting. Poor Rowena... she has a great moment in her defiance of De Bracy, so imperious and dignified and unbending. I was even thinking of using that passage to argue for her not being such a wimp as she is usually colored, but then Scott completely undermines her courage by saying that she only exercises it because she is so used to getting her own way in Cedric's household and couldn't imagine anyone not giving way to her wishes. When De Bracy proves a firmer man than her guardian, Rowena takes refuge in her only remaining defense: a flood of tears that routs him from the room, if not from his purpose. After that collapse, Scott mercifully does not allow her to be further tested... because she might just crumple under the pressure — !But not so with Rebecca. She is made of sterner stuff, and the scenes of her defiance toward Bois-Guilbert are thrilling to read. Who can read of her courage and not root for her, even while wishing she would bend just a little so she could survive? But then she wouldn't be Rebecca, would she? I thought the minor character of Ulrica was fascinating... a sort of precursor to the mad Bertha of Jane Eyre. There are several striking likenesses: a woman used for her beauty, insane, who sets fire to the castle of her imprisonment for revenge and perishes the night of the conflagration. Although, Ulrica wasn't locked in the attic and she is perhaps a shade more complex than the simply insane Bertha, because of her willing compliance in her degradation. In any case, it's masterful what Scott is able to do with even the minor characters. Speaking of whom, how about Wamba? Is he not the best fool ever? I don't understand why people think classic novels are dry. Scott evinces quite a wit and sense of humor with the humble jester of Cedric's household. Athelstane is another character who amuses me, with his stolid passion for food and drink while Cedric is trying to urge him to think on higher things. Haha!Ivanhoe himself is not much characterized in the story. He is very honorable and mighty in battle, faithful to a fault but not entirely free of the prejudices of his time and rank. He shows mercy to the despised Jew Isaac of York, but there is contempt mixed with his care. And I didn't much like how after his marriage to Rowena, his thoughts wandered to Rebecca "more frequently than the fair descendant of Alfred might altogether have approved." I guess that's fairly realistic though. And the villains... they don't make them like this nowadays! They are mighty men, competent, strong, honorable according to their code, and not easily thrown off. There is almost something admirable about them... and that's what makes them such splendid villains. Selfish, proud, and wrongheaded as he is, Brian Bois-Guilbert nevertheless retains a vestige of attraction and fascination. He does nothing halfheartedly. Maurice De Bracy is another villain I couldn't quite hate; he's foolish, but there is something warm and pleasant about him. At least he escaped the heavier fate of his two partners in crime, Bois-Guilbert and Front-de-Boeuf. Overall, Ivanhoe is a thrilling read, for all its intricate language and sentence structure. The characters, the romance, the humor... it's the complete package. Literary fun in the world of chivalry doesn't get much better. Recommended!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A tale as the Saxons and Normans were beginning to compete for control of England. Yet, if aware a more profound and controversial secondary commentary also clearly comes through.Scott’s used Ivanhoe to make a not-so-subtle criticism of the medieval church. Bois-Guilbert, aTemplar Knight, kidnaps Rebecca and threatens to defile her. A clergyman, Prior Aymer, who's reputation of worldly acts such as cavorting with women, and drinks excessively. The church, highly political and hostile to the Jewish race. Anti-Semitism plays into Bois-Guilbert’s decision to put Rebecca on trial. Rebecca, a Jew, proves to be the most genuinely faithful and God-fearing character in the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    And here I was thinking I going to read another dusty old poem from the middle-ages written by some anonymous nobody. NOPE! This is in fact a historical fiction novel written in the early 19th century by Sir Walter Scott. One of those classics I clearly didn't really look into until later in my life.

    For the most part I really liked Ivanhoe. Good writing, adventurous, and even a page turner. The main reason I wanted to read this book was Robin Hood. Even though he appears in a few chapters, my inner child loved his parts. As I've grown up though I've become interested in King Richard and Prince John as well.

    My only negative thought on this book was the way it was written. As I said it well written, but it's difficult. It took me awhile to get into the langue. There are phrases and world that we don't use today and I wasn't use to as well. Penguin's edition has a ton of notes to make it a little easier. It's probably a good thing I recently read Robin Hood earlier this year too, which as a similar style of English.

    I'm really glad I read this though. I'll admit knights and the middle-ages can get a little boring for me because I kind of think it's an overdone genre. Yet here I am reading and liking a book that takes place during the Crusades, then again I like Robin Hood.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    That was unexpected very little about Ivanhoe. U would think that he is the main character in the book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I can't believe that this was written for pleasure reading.

    I think this was written for decently well-off families with a lot of time to kill in the evenings. Read it aloud to the children to teach them. There is enough romance to keep the daughters listening and enough adventure for the sons. There are so many lessons:

    * English history (Prince John, Richard the Lion-Hearted)
    * English culture (Normans v Saxons)
    * The French are untrustworthy scum
    * The Catholic church is corrupt
    * Serfs and servants, even fools, are loyal
    * The right clothes for the occasion are very important, a full page of description important
    * There is always time to express yourself clearly, with correct grammar, and at great length
    * Father-murderers will burn in hell and burn before they go to hell, unshriven
    * Drinking and eating copious amounts is appropriate unless you are being chased by Normans
    * Honorable behavior leads to victory, even over skilled opponents (sometimes they just drop dead)
    * Jews are not like us, not English at all, and only care about money, but you should be nice to them anyway
    * Always pay detailed attention to English architecture
    * Robin Hood is awesome

    If you already know those things, there is a ripping yarn buried somewhere beneath all the words. The book is over-wordy at a fractal level. Sometimes you need to skip pages, sometimes just phrases. I got better at it.

    It is hard to believe that eight years before this tripe, we have Sense and Sensibility. Then afterwards we have Frankenstein, then Barchester Towers, then Middlemarch.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Slow, difficult read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Daring! Intrigue! Damsels in distress! And yet it felt two-dimensional and slow. I valued pieces of the book as historical insight, but found that it lacked entertainment value.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wilfred of Ivanhoe is a secondary character in his titular novel, which does more to provide a basis for the modern Robin Hood myth than anything else. It is slow to start (the setup drags on for what seems like ever), but once the action begins, this is a cracking good read. There are several storylines which split off and weave their way back together by the end of the narrative.It was definitely enraging to read Rebecca's storyline, as she's basically kidnapped against her will and taken to a priory, where she's then tried as a sorceress for "tempting" the man who kidnapped her. Rage-inducing does not even begin to cover it! At least Rebecca had some backbone and continually threw off the Templar's advances. She'd rather die than go anywhere willingly with him. Go Rebecca!You could only class this as a (small-r) romance if you squint reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hard at the penultimate chapters. Otherwise, this is more about chivalry and courtly devotion than anything else. Read it for the adventure and to learn more about Robin Hood, not because you're looking for the star-crossed lovers promised in the book blurb.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In some ways this is a hard read 'Children's Literature': In my childhood the required standard of English was such that this book's text was the reading level for junior school, I suspect now the content would challenge many at Secondary education: Nevertheless, a really great Historical 'Romance' story set in 12th Century England by one of Britain's foremost 19th century storytellers. Scott conjures up a gallant knight, Ivanhoe battling for his honour and the virtue of lovely Jewess, Rowena & Isaac, her father all occurring within the national struggle for power between assumed 'good' King Richard I & assumed 'baddie' brother, Prince John. A must read in any serious collection of the evolution of English Literature.There is within the text a substantial 'racist' & 'bigoted' element that fits well with the era in which it is set and offers an opportunity for the adults in the house to raise those topics with any off-spring.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The tenth book in Scott's series of historical novels. Anthony Trollope rates Ivanhoe as one of the greatest ever novels, up there with Pride and Prejudice and others. I'm afraid I don't agree. It is an enjoyable read, but the plot is a frequently implausible, the characters are more caricatures than believable people, and the historical "background" tends to become didactic at times. But, as a rollicking good yarn in the Biggles or Indiana Jones style, the reader should settle down and enjoy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sir Walter Scott’s 1819 novel, Ivanhoe, tells the story of Wilfred of Ivanhoe, a Saxon knight in the twelfth century. Ivanhoe was disinherited by his father, Cedric of Rotherwood, for supporting the Norman King Richard Cœur-de-Lion and falling in love with Rowena, Cedric’s ward. Cedric had hoped to wed Rowena to Athelstane, the descendant of the great Saxon kings, in order to restore the Saxon nobility.King John holds a tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle, at which a disguised Ivanhoe bests the Norman champion and Templar knight, Brian de Bois-Guilbert, and where Robin of Locksley splits a willow reed with his arrow as well as his competitor’s arrow, a scene that first entered the Robin Hood legend in this novel. A Black Knight also performs admirably, but departs when besieged during the melee. A major subplot focuses on the place of Isaac of York and his daughter, Rebecca, as Jews in Norman-conquered England. Scott describes how Isaac’s wealth allows him to interact with Norman society, though, as a non-Christian, the Normans hold him in the same contempt with which they view the conquered Saxons. Rebecca’s intelligence and beauty, however, attract would-be Norman suitors.After the tournament, Bois-Guilbert and Reginald Front-de-Bœuf, a fellow Norman Templar, capture Cedric and his party along with Isaac and Rebecca. In his fortress Torquilstone, Front-de-Bœuf demands an impossible ransom from Isaac in exchange for his daughter. Meanwhile, the Black Knight meets the Holy Clerk of Copmanhurst, Friar Tuck, and joins in the siege of Torquilstone with Locksley’s men. Front-de-Bœuf dies during the siege along with Athelstane, though Bois-Guilbert escapes with Rebecca as a prisoner. The Black Knight rescues Ivanhoe from the burning castle and reveals himself to be King Richard.While Locksley hosts Richard Cœur-de-Lion, Bois-Guilbert’s Templar master, the zealot Lucas de Beaumanoir, believes that Rebecca has ensorcelled his knight and plans to execute her as a witch. She demands trial by combat and a call is sent for a champion. At Coningsburgh, while Cedric plans Athelstane’s funeral, the Saxon lord is discovered to have survived his wounds. Though Cedric still hopes to wed Athelstane to Rowena, Athelstane demurs and frees her to marry Ivanhoe. Rebecca’s message arrives, and Ivanhoe, Richard, and Cedric depart for the Templar Preceptory. There, Ivanhoe fights Bois-Guilbert, who dies of natural causes in the saddle. Rebecca, now free, makes plans for she and her father to leave England for Al-Andalus (Muslim Spain), where she believes they will be free from persecution. Before departing, Rebecca visits Rowena and gives her a gift on her wedding day to Ivanhoe.Scott wrote a fictionalized history, though he sought to give it verisimilitude with references to historical sources, including those he invented such as the Norman Wardour Manuscript, which first appeared in Scott’s 1816 novel, The Antiquary. Though Robin Hood is not the main character of Ivanhoe, Scott’s portrayal of the outlaw left a lasting mark on the character’s history. Future retellings of Robin Hood included the arrow-splitting and transposed elements of Ivanhoe’s narrative on to Robin. According to Hector Hugh Munro, Scott misspelled “Cerdic,” creating the name Cedric in the English language. Further, Scott helped popularize Robin Hood as Robin of Locksley. In addition to this, while Scott’s portrayal of Jewish characters was likely progressive and sympathetic for 1820 (much like Shakespeare’s portrayal of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice was for its time), his focus on Isaac’s avaricious nature resembles the worst stereotyping of the twentieth century and has not aged particularly well. Rebecca fares better, but only in comparison to Isaac. That said, the work is a must-read for those studying English literature or who enjoy historical fiction or fantasy. This Heritage Press edition contains illustrations from Edward A. Wilson, who brilliantly captures the spirit of Scott’s text.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Knights errant, jousting tournaments, a king in disguise and a plot against said king, fair damosels and their various distresses, a fool who is touchingly loyal to his gruff master, naughty templars and Robin of Locksley. What else could one possibly want or need in a story? Well, maybe just a smidge less anti-Semitism, to be honest. But otherwise, this one is a hoot.(Seriously, the way Isaac of York is treated across the board by 'good' and 'bad' guys alike bothered me enough to knock me right out of the story on several occasions. Product of the times and all, I suppose, but the cavalier nature of it all sets my teeth on edge.)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great story......epic in fact. The cultural, ideological and racial tensions come together for a well written story that boils down to trust, love and friendship.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's full of intrigue, adventure, and romance. The two women speak thoughtfully and articulately at various points, while the men speak with their swords and lances.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Surprised that I liked it, with the Knights and such and so forth, and then not surprised at all.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The iconic novel of knights in shining armor and damsels in distress, honor and glory in early Norman England. The language is a bit stilted but today's standard, but the book is good as the classic that it is.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    IVANHOE, by Sir Walter Scott, is a great little story set in Medieval England. The title character is the disowned son of Cedric the Saxon and in the beginning of the story Ivanhoe is returning to his home ground, hiding his identity behind a knight’s helmet.
    There is plenty of action with lists (knights fighting each other as entertainment), kidnappings, rescues, damsels in distress, arson, feasting, and the storming of castles. In fact, the storming of the castle was one of the best parts.
    At first the style in which the characters speak took some getting used to. I liked the humor and wit of Wamba the Jester. I disliked the anti-climatic ending and think that the fate of Brian de Bois-Guilbert was a cop-out. Still, I would recommend this book for anyone interested in Medieval times.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An interesting read for me as Ivanhoe is often credited as the progenitor of the historical fiction genre, which I enjoy. I didn't love it, but was happy to have read it. Some of the issues I had were:Some, but not all, parts of the story were a little tame. I think this might be because in our era we've become inured to violence which is much more graphic and widely accepted in books, TV, movies and video games.I was glad to read this on my Kindle so I had instant access to a dictionary and Google. Many of the words I looked up were not found. I wasn't sure if this was because of the language during Scott's era or if he tried to use medieval language. My Googling ended up slowing down my reading as I became sidetracked learning about the Normans, Crusades, the Plantagents and many other interesting bits of research.The anti-semetism and role of women was very thought provoking and quite a contrast from our current era.I was unsure Scott's narrative method entirely worked for me:Example 1: using a third party to describe action (Rebecca's retelling of the assault on the castle)Example 2: slowing down the progress of the story to go back and fill in parts of prior events of some of the characters.I didn't think the "Merry Men" were adequately identified and Richard the Lion Heart was too saintly.On the plus side:The Tournament and battle scenes were very well written and engaging.The twisty resurrection was innovative.It's quite a complex plot, and understandable in spite of the archaic language.All in all, it deserves its place in classic literature, but perhaps not a "wow" for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Gurth and Wamba son of Witless. How can one forget adventures with characters like these. Add in a few damsels in distress, saving England from a tyrant, knights that will not compromise right, and some cool jousting make this a rousing and fun medieval tale.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sir Walter Scott is credited with having invented the historical novel, and his Waverley series of books were the first critical and commercially successful stories to feature fictional characters alongside historical figures, and participating in actual events.In Ivanhoe he revisited that formula, featuring a vivid cast of fictional characters interacting with King John and his Norman barons in England in 1194. The basic story is fairly straightforward, almost to the point of being predictable (though that might not have been the case in 1820): having been disowned and disinherited by his ferociously Saxon father for pledging loyalty to the Norman king, Richard I (of Lionheart fame), Wilfred of Ivanhoe leaves England to join the ill-fated Third Crusade where he covers himself in glory, battling valiantly against the Saracen. He returns to England, travelling in disguise to a major tournament in Ashby de la Zouch where, fighting incognito under the alias The Disinherited Knight, he emerges victorious on the first day after humiliating a host of proud but ineffectual Norman Barons. On the second day he fares almost as well, though the show is stolen by another anonymous knight clad in black armour who, having vanquished more Norman barons, disappears into the crowd, rather like the Lone Rnager leaving confusion in his wake as people ask, 'Who was that masked man?'There are, however, a host of other complications to the plot, and Scott manages to keep the reader's attention firmly riveted to the book. He captures the feel of the Middle Ages, and even the plethora of details about the technicalities of armour, horseback warfare and estate management in the twelfth century fail to deflect the reader's interest. Given that this was published very early on in the history of the novel as a popular art form it seems surprisingly up to date. I had started reading it with a certain trepidation, and perhaps more from a sense of duty than with the expectation of much enjoyment, but it proved to be most entertaining.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    One of my favorite periods of time is when King Arthur ruled in England, so it wasn't hard for me to admire this tale of chivalry and valiant characters. And the characters that held those qualities, I thought, were more the outlaws than some of the knights in the story. With the humor of Wamba and the uncertain love triangles, Ivanhoe was a wonderfully fanciful story to step into.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another wonderful work by Scott. Ivanhoe, the last of a Saxon noble family splits with his father by his allegiance to the Norman Richard the Lion Hearted. The events take place after Ivanhoe's return to England where he confronts a conspiracy keeping Richard prisoner in Europe. This work is considered not only the revitalization of England's love of things medieval but of the modern rendition of Robin Hood. The characters are believable and the story captivating. Too bad it is often considered a young adult novel.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This classic historical romance (pretty much the inspiration for the whole genre of medieval historical fiction) is extremely well written and, from a linguistic point of view, an excellent example of the complex sentence structure often used in 19th century novels and not often today, demanding much of the reader; it is as a consequence, a challenge to read, and it took me a fortnight to get through, though this edition was only some 350 pages, and it did get a bit dull and somewhat confusing in places. Ivanhoe himself is actually a fairly minor character throughout most of the novel, and is overshadowed by a number of other characters. For much of it, the novel is actually about oppression - the oppression suffered by the Jewish characters, Isaac of York and his daughter Rebecca at the hands and tongues of Norman and Saxon alike (though the author clearly disapproves of this anti-Semitism, an opposition which is a refreshing attitude for an author of this period, it does get quite dispiriting to read when this prejudice is displayed even by characters with whom the reader is supposed to sympathise); and the oppression suffered by Saxons at the hands of their Norman conquerors (though, given that the events take place some 130 years after the Norman Conquest, the starkness of this conflict was much less clear in reality than depicted in the novel). The novel is also famous, of course, for popularising the legend of Robin Hood and coining the epithet, Robin of Locksley. Good stuff, though it drags in places.