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DMT Trip Reports
DMT Trip Reports
DMT Trip Reports
Audiobook1 hour

DMT Trip Reports

Written by Alex Gibbons

Narrated by Erich Schneider

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Are you interested in uncovering more about the powerful psychedelic drug DMT? Do you want to learn about people’s experiences and the transformational impact it had on their minds, emotions, and lives? Want to make sure you don't have a bad trip if you decide to take it?
Inside this profound book, you’ll uncover three detailed and insightful accounts of DMT trips, and how these trips impacted the minds and lives of its users. With an exploration of the spiritual and psychedelic effects of DMT, as well as their hallucinations and what they learned about themselves and others, this book allows you to peer behind the curtain of DMT and see it for the powerful tool of self-discovery that it is.
DMT has been used in ancient cultures for thousands of years to communicate with spirits, invoke visions, and allow people to interact with their higher selves and deeper consciousness. Now, you can learn about the incredible effects of this drug from people who have experienced it first-hand.
Also included is a Frequently Asked Question section including questions such as:
- Can you die from taking DMT?
- What does a bad trip feel like?
- How long does a bad trip last?
- What is ego death on DMT?
With personal stories, a down-to-earth tone, and a wealth of valuable insights, this guide provides an in-depth look at the secrets of DMT.
To discover more about this incredible psychedelic today download the audio now and let's get started!
Release dateMay 21, 2020
DMT Trip Reports

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Rating: 3.9285714285714284 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Very short. Feels like the two stories and FAQs are lifted from a reddit page. And the book is about n,n DMT and NOT 5Meo DMT (they are very different subsystem).

    Lazy work by the author.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    To say that a book could prepare you for a psychedelic experience and prevent you from having a bad trip is ridiculously unprofessional, lazy and downright dangerous. Having taken psychedelics and read about their use I can say that two have nothing in common. Especially reading about the most immersive psychedelics of which DMT is one, albeit a more pleasant one than the prospects of 5 meo dmt which can in sufficient doses kill someone by stopping respiration, not likely but there are reports on wrebsites I suggest of people turning blue and not breathing for a sufficiently scary amount of time though you’ll probably pass out or have a whiteout (a sort of psychedelic black out where you see the white light everywhere feel your body and mind dissolve think your dead ect. It’s not a black out exactly your still conscious but since no normal state of consciousness resembles it it might as well be because language and thought as you know it won’t work I. this state. To people out there interested in this stuff if you want good info go to Erowid or psychedelic pages (or specific drug) on Reddit there you will get less biased reports of the experience. It is indeed as all experiences that force you to let go because you have no control are in a species that insists in trying to control everything even nature itself which is all so much kindgarten species hubris, a catalyst of spiritual awakening (the guardians of Christian morality would have you believe spirituality is all about control and they would be wrong it’s all about relinquishing and learning to live with the largely uncontrollable without freaking out since that is life). but if you want to try psychedelic don’t expect a book to prepare you or erowid, get a book on lucid dreaming or if you have the time go to a 10 day vipassana retreat that is silent and intensive and follow their instructions (don’t read write, turn on phone, read, talk, draw ect and do the meditation instructions and you will have very surreal psychedelic like experiences,it’s not quite the same as ir is akin and probably is a technique which allows you to stay aware and alert in your hypnagogic state (the point in falling asleep where your thoughts get weird and turn into images which is to some extent what dmt does…turn your thoughts into images) . Dmt affects the brain like a dream your awake in so I know of no better sober way to prepare but don’t think vipassana is easy,it’s free if you do Goinka course I. Keeping with Buddhist tradition but it’s not easy. Final warning: one guy on erowid years ago said smoking 5meo dmt is like having an elephant sit on your head for ten minutes, if you think you can handle that,well your probably lying to yourself. Start with a low mushroom trip for the love of god not DMT or probably the most intense experience you will ever 5 meo dmt. If you insist start with salvia and see how that treats, not nearly as dangerous almost as intense.