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Main Street
Main Street
Main Street
Audiobook18 hours

Main Street

Written by Lewis Sinclair

Narrated by Deaver Brown

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

An early 20th century American story written in the Theodore Dreiser style of each word and chapter building on the previous ones, telling the saga of evangelical religion & people with irony throughout. 

Release dateOct 13, 2023

Lewis Sinclair

Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) was an American author and playwright. As a child, Lewis struggled to fit in with both his peers and family. He was much more sensitive and introspective than his brothers, so he had a difficult time connecting to his father. Lewis’ troubling childhood was one of the reasons he was drawn to religion, though he would struggle with it throughout most of his young adult life, until he became an atheist. Known for his critical views of American capitalism and materialism, Lewis was often praised for his authenticity as a writer. With over twenty novels, four plays, and around seventy short stories, Lewis was a very prolific author. In 1930, Sinclair Lewis became the first American to receive the Nobel Prize for literature, setting an inspiring precedent for future American writers.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The ideas offered were interesting and many are still relevant today. The copy of the book I read had a different cover, but the same ISBN. The repetition of incidents became tedious, as did the characters who were mere spokes pieces. Carol, the main character, had an inner life, but was also very naive and idealistic. Her husband, Dr. Kennicott, believed in both White and male superiority, but tried to see his wife's point of view. Many of the characters were stereotypes, especially the women. This took place in Sauk Centre and was supposed to be a satire of small towns.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I can see why this was an important book when published. But it's not my kind of book. Characters all seemed pretty thin, and I don't understand why it required 400 pages to tell this story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting novel about breaking away from complacency of small town people. Read for High School.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book has been on my shelf since 2016. I know I've read something by Sinclair Lewis, which I think was Arrowsmith and more recently [It Can't Happen Here]. This book which is suppose to be how awful small town life and people are really was more of a book about a young woman with many dreams, tending to set people against here rather than learn to fit in. Dissatisfaction goes wherever and whatever she does. It is a coming of age and shows the stages of life for the young woman until she finally comes to some peace. This book was not well received in the area and even bands in the library of Alexandria, Minnesota (another small town). It reminds me of books that like to preach at you and jab at you with your ignorance in comparison with the authors greater insights. I doubt that this is the first book to make small towns look bad. And there are plenty of books that point out the negatives of larger cities. Contentment is what you find in yourself not where you live.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A little slow in the beginning, but Lewis developed the character of Carrie on a slow, deliberate trajectory so it makes sense that the build up would take time. The book was banned in at least one Minnesota locale because of its depiction of small-town inhabitants as, shall we say, less than couth and intellectual. The novel works on several different levels, but it worked best for me in its depiction of the struggle of women (or at least one woman in particular) to break away from the societal expectations of the time. Carrie has limited success along these lines, but she is successful at maintaining her identity, no mean feat given her Gopher Prairie, Minnesota environs.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Main Street is about an idealistic young woman, Carol, who is wanting to change a small town. These changes vary as the story unfolds. She moves the village with her new husband, who is a doctor.
    Most of the men are Good Ol' Boys that are conservative in their outlook.
    The husband was one of them: "To him, motoring was a faith not to be questioned, a high-church cult, with electric sparks for candles and piston-rings possessing the sanctity of altar-vessels."
    The wives are generally gossips and are conservative as their husbands. Carol meets roadblock after roadblock on her ideas. She is attracted to the few men that aren't accepted in the good old boys club. She daydreams about running away with one of them but realizes that it wouldn't last.
    After several ups and downs, she realizes that mostly she can like the people while still not agreeing with them.
    The story is an interesting read, and even though the story starts before World War I, it reads like a modern story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A networking acquaintance gave me this book in a box of books. Mine has a "new introduction by Thomas Mallon" which I appreciated since it gave a bit of background on the book and points to look for while reading. I guess this is considered a classic--though it wasn't ever on a required reading list during my schooling.I found it quite dull. I'm not quite sure what I was supposed to take away from reading it. It seemed overly long. I'm not sure what Carol thought marriage would (or should) be--apparently something different than what she got. She rarely seems content and when she is content, it doesn't last long. Neither Carol nor Will seem to listen to each other. I'm not sure this bodes well for their marriage. In real life, in modern times, they'd probably be divorced. Of course, in modern times, Carol would have many occupational options too. I don't think Carol is necessarily wrong in wanting to make changes--maybe not all the changes she wants to make, but some changes. I can understand her discouragement when many of the changes she proposes are poo-poohed or dismissed. And I realize that many ways in which we'd be able to pursue Carol's interests today were probably not available to her then (no world wide web etc.) but . . . perhaps there would have been ways for her to "feed" her interests without having to involve the whole town?Carol seems to want to change Will--but it's hard to change someone who doesn't want to change. Will doesn't seem to take into account his wife's interests. He doesn't have to take up everything she proposes, but certainly it wouldn't hurt to ask her to read him a poem on a winter's night while they sit by the fire--he could whittle while she reads aloud etc. Or perhaps he could order up a special book for their anniversary or Christmas that would interest his wife--plays, a series of essays on a topic she's interested in, those old style "photo" viewers with photos of many of the world's famous sites, etc. I kind of have the feeling that he's the type of husband who gives you a mop as a present because you need one...a practical gift, but not something that makes a wife feel loved or special.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love books where I'm not sure how I'm 'supposed' to feel about a character, because that usually means the characters are fully realized creations and not stereotypes. It also often means I have some examining of my own personality and choices to do.... In Main Street, I found myself simultaneously irritated by, sympathetic to and identifying with Carole as she struggles to adapt to life and marriage in a small Minnesota town. Even though this was set around 100 years ago, there was much to recognize of today in the attitudes of the main characters. The reformer who doesn't bother to learn about the place she's trying to reform, the small town gossip who provides a sympathetic ear and then repeats everything you say, the parent who refuses to believe a single bad word about her baby...the list goes on. While this probably isn't the book you'd turn to if you're looking for a ripping plot (very little really happens) its a slice of life from the past that still resonates today.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I set a goal to read at least one classic book each month. This was my choice for July, as it overlapped with research interests in the period.Carol is a liberal, proudly-literate young woman of Minneapolis who marries a doctor and ends up in the small town of Gopher Prairie. She thinks she's going to reform and enlighten the entire town--indeed, even raze Main Street to the ground and rebuild it Georgian-style. Young and naive as she is, she is genuinely shocked and hurt by her reception by the town's well-established cliques who have zero desire to change. Again and again, she tries to make friends and to fight through the enraging mindless boredom of what it means to be a doctor's wife in a small town, where she's supposed to be satisfied with her life of comfort and strain neither her body or mind. Again and again, she fails, becoming increasingly dissatisfied in her marriage and everything that is embodied by Main Street.My gosh, but Lewis can write. His Babbit impressed me, but Main Street delves deep into the very psychology of a small town. He shows the full ranges of personalities, the social stratification, and the petty, horrible gossip that is the primary hobby for many. Even more, he goes deep into Carol's psychology. He totally gets how it feels to be a woman stuck at home, bored mindless, and afraid of staying in that dread loneliness forevermore; many modern male writers can't do justice to that despair, but Lewis did, and in the 1920s. I also appreciate how his nuanced portrayal doesn't make Carol into a martyr (though she does feel like that at times). Quite often, Carols brings trouble upon herself, but by keeping the point of view with her the majority of the time, we can still sympathize (even if we kinda wanna slap her).The book also acts like a camera to depict life in a small town on the Minnesota prairie through the 1920s. That means camaraderie, at times, but it also means outright sexism and racism. While minstrel shows and playing at being Chinese get brief mentions, the most blatant racism throughout is the social and racial line between the Anglo-Saxon town elite and the Nordic and Germanic people who make up the common laborers and farmers. Carol is the only one willing to cross those lines--becoming friends with 'the help'--because of her deep loneliness, and it sadly perpetuates the cycle for her. Her efforts to stand up for the newly-arrived artistic sissy--so derided by the manly-men of town, they call him by a woman's name--don't end well, either.This is truly a masterful read, a rare classic that holds up due to the skill of its writing. I don't often like literary fiction, and many of the subjects here would immediately make me stop reading other books. But Lewis handled everything with such a deft hand, I felt as anxious at times as I might if I read a modern thriller. Mind you, other readers might not feel that way, but I strongly related to Carol in her isolation, and that made this a surprisingly quick read for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    # 8 of 100 Classics Challenge
    Main Street🍒🍒🍒🍒
    By Sinclair Lewis
    Signet Classic

    Carol Milford(Kennicotts') role as a "progressive" is hard not to appreciate, in this 1920 story of Americana. This is a novel of social reform versus personal freedom and still relatable themes today.
    Carol begins as a librarian in big city St Paul, Minnesota, when she meets Dr. Will Kennicott, and together they move to Gopher Prairie, Minnesota. Carol is stifled by the small town and dreams of building. Will is more traditional and insular and enjoys being the only physician in town. Carols struggles with her aspirations for change and growth.
    Erik Valborg, Vida Sherwin and Carol were my favorite characters.
    I loved this Sinclair Lewis....
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In a word tedious. Sinclair Lewis wrote a satire about small time life. His writing is tedious as he shows what life is like in a small town when you surround yourself with like-minded people. No one wants to change. Everyone knows everything about everybody. No one wants to go out of his/her comfort zone. And his uses his writing to show that. Carol marries Will, Gopher Prairie's doctor. She's used to a big city and tries to change things and is discounted and laughed at and gossiped about. She is a whiner and nothing and nobody does anything she likes. She has an active inner life but drove me crazy. Will does not see Gopher Prairie as Carol does. He sees nothing wrong with the town or the people. He does take Carol to task at times. He is also willing to let her do what she wants even if it is leave but she still is not happy. They have a few blow-ups over her discontent.My favorite character was Miles, the town handy man. He was real but also an outcast. I felt bad for him. The place and time are written well. I am glad I did not live then or there.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the satirical story of Carol Milford and her desire to transform her new husband's little town of Gopher Prairie. While Dr. Will Kennicott is the celebrated hometown physician Carol is the new girl; the sophisticated, educated, and stylish "city girl" (having been a librarian in the metropolis of St. Paul, Minnesota). Her hopes and dreams for the little community are often met with bemusement, confusion, and more than a little resentment. From every angle Carol's energy and enthusiasm to change things make the townspeople nervous resulting in stubborn denial. It isn't long before, with all of her reform attempts failed, Carol yearns for adventure and big city culture. Even becoming a mother is not enough to contain her. She wants to shake things up and does so by falling in love with a young tailor. While the community tongues wag, Carol grows more emboldened and daring, finally leaving Gopher Prairie.In the beginning, I didn't really care for Carol Kennicott, nee Milford. Early on she was a snob through and through. While traveling to Kennicott's provincial little town she watches people on the train and is disappointed to see they are peasants. Previously, she didn't believe in American peasants. Now she is witness to poverty and in her dismay she calls the less fortunate, "stuck in the mud" (p 42). She hasn't even seen her husband's town but already she is utterly panicked by the thought of living "inescapably" in Gopher Prairie (p 50). It isn't until she removes herself from the wretched town that she learns what it means to belong somewhere.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I couldn't tell sometimes if this story of early 20th century small town morals and social pressures was feminist or mocking.Carol, a young woman who has lost her parents, becomes a librarian in St. Paul and meets an older country doctor. She marries him without really understanding the constrictions of small town life. Her attempts to renovate the town are peremptory and mostly failures, given the very conventional nature of the community. Her husband is loving but does not share her intellectual cravings. After a son is born, she escapes for a time to Washington, D.C. but work there is not much more fulfilling. After an extended visit from her husband, she is once more pregnant and returns to their small town of Gopher Prairie, determined to do as much as she can to improve the social freedoms, especially for women.Lewis's descriptive powers are impressive - the country itself leaps off the page over and over again. Carol and some of the other characters are very transparently drawn, so that you can see their thoughts, especially Carol's, as they struggle between ambitions and realities. The observations of prejudice and mean-spirited attitudes toward the poor have not become any less relevant today, alas, although I suspect the small towns have changed a great deal since the 1915-20 era.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book went on too long for me -- I ended up losing interest in and patience with Carol. I felt like I should sympathize with her but didn't in fact do so.Lloyd James was very good with the narration which did help me persevere through.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a well written story of life in a simpler time,but not simple life! A good,digestable read. A good choice if you never read Lewis before.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I know it's a classic and everything, and I love the classics, but man, oh man... I couldn't even get the used bookstore to take it - they already had several dust-covered copies. I'm sorry Mr. Lewis (R.I.P.), this was the first book of yours I ever read and I'm thinking it is the last as well.

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I am so glad I listened to the audiobook as read by Lloyd James and didn't attempt to read a print copy. I think reading it would have been the perfect cure if I was suffering from insomnia. The story isn't bad but it tends to float from the mundane to the mundane. The lead character, Carol ("Carrie") is a rather insufferable woman and I refuse to accept that her husband Will would put up with as much as he does, but that is just my personal opinion. Even with those negative comments, this story is an excellent portrayal of small town America - or small town anywhere - during the 1910's. Lewis perfectly captures that small town culture, the resistance of the town folks to change or to any nonconformity to their ways. That is the hardest nut to crack: a population where everyone knows everyone and has a set of beliefs, values and prejudices that should not be tampered with. Well-meaning and patriotic but narrow-minded. The fact that the town folks have as much to teach Carol as Carol has to teach them seems to be the big divide that never gets crossed. Each party stays more or less entrenched in its own 'camp', trying to get the other side to change/conform. Overall, the story speaks to human nature and presents some interesting perspectives on topics of marriage, politics, socialism, capitalism and social/cultural dynamics but for me, I probably would have abandoned the book if I was reading it. I found it worked better as an audiobook playing in the background while I was out walking or working in the house, thanks in large part to James' ability to act out the story as he read it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Carol Milford, college graduate and librarian, thinks very highly of herself and her abilities. When she receives a proposal from Dr. Will Kennicott of Gopher Prairie, Minnesota, she accepts since it will allow her to fulfill her aspiration of being a big fish in a small pond. She plans to single-handedly “improve” the small Midwestern town to fit her image of beauty and refinement. To her surprise and dismay, the town resists all of her efforts.I had little sympathy for Carol. She thinks so highly of herself, yet she behaves as a dilettante. She tries to force her will on her husband and neighbors without making an effort to get to know them as individuals. Her only admirable quality is her acceptance of other outsiders in the community. If only she could have extended the same generosity to her husband and his friends. In the end, it isn't the town that changes. It's Carol. I wouldn't call this conformity or resignation. I'd call it maturity.Lewis's characterizations seem exaggerated and heavy handed, and the tone is too “preachy” for my taste. Lewis seems to treat his readers the way Carol treats the citizens of Gopher Prairie, trying to force them to accept his view of the world without respecting any opinion but his own.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Carol, from St. Paul, meets Dr. Will Kennicott who is a physician in Gopher Prairie. She goes to the town expecting to "reform it" and change it. She struggles with adapting to the life there. While aspects of the novel have applicability today, others do not. I seriously doubt that if Lewis had lived a century later that the outcome would have been the same. The book was a bit longish and tended to bog down in places. Carol and I would not have been kindred souls. Her story never resonated with me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a very interesting reading. I love Lewis' strong spelling style, his fierceness and his foresight because a lot of things he had written came true. He wrote about philistinism and hypocrisy of a small town life. But to be frank, was this only 100 years ago the case or isn't it still so?It's the story of a Carol Kennicott who grew up in a 'city' and after her marriage with the local doctor is ambitious to turn upside down the life of a provincial town. She has a lot of plans how this little town could improve but is always turned down by the local prominence. She turns her back to Gropher Prairie to go back to a city. After two years she comes back and sees the little town much calmer because she learned that there are Gropher Prairie everywhere.There was only a minor point I struggled with. Sometimes I had the feeling Something similar I've already read. and that made the story too long, but luckily every time I had that feeling a new subject turned up.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read Babbitt in college and reread it recently which enticed me to look at more of Sinclair Lewis' novels. Main Street is a terrific read but felt a little puerile to me. Carol was the protagonist, a young girl from the Cities, meaning Minneapolis-St Paul, who met a doctor, married him and went to Gopher Prairie, a town of 3,000 people. When Carol saw how provincial the town was she set out to change it, but that was not well received by the locals. We follow her trials and tribulations in Gopher Prairie until she seeks independence and moves with her young child to Washington and takes a job. She needed a job. She had wanted to work but that was unacceptable for the wife of a doctor in this small town. Like most novels of the period, all ends well. The doc comes to visit her in DC, they make up and she moves back to Gopher Prairie to live happily ever after. A rather conventional story but I rather enjoyed its simplicity.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This being a classic, & also being a satire, I expected it to be funny. It wasn't. It was painfully slow in places, & I could have done without it deviating from the story every so often. Other than that, it wasn't a bad story. I didn't know whether to like Carol, feel sorry for her, or to be annoyed by her overall, but I was all of these in turn. The way I see it, she probably never should have married Will at all, & he was the character I felt the most sympathy for. He was an honest country doc, hard working, with simple pleasures, his car, hunting, fishing, & his family. The rest of the cast of characters are a bunch of small town stereotypes brought to life, & anyone who reads this & lives in or grew up in a small town will probably recognize the characters in their own towns.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Scathing.Carol is a university student in St. Paul, Minnesota in the early 1900s. She doesn't want to just settle for getting married to some boring guy who won't understand her desire to do something, to make a mark. (She reminded me a bit of George Bailey from It's a Wonderful Life here in the beginning.) She meets Dr. Will Kennicott, and they seem to have a meeting of the minds. He lives in Gopher Prairie, a small town, but surely being a doctor's wife will be fulfilling? All that prestige and excitement, and then their good conversations at home?Gopher Prairie could have been any town in the US at the time the book was written - towns with a railroad station and sturdy unimaginative buildings, filled with sturdy and unimaginative people. It could still be many towns across the country today, and a lot larger ones these days, as they have become interchangeable plots of mini-malls that blend into each other along the highway. Is this the chain coffee shop/grocery store/sandwich shop complex in my city, or yours? Some aspects of the issues that Carol faces are dated, but I thought that far too many of them were just as relevant now, unfortunately. If you live in a small enough town, people still notice where you go, who you talk to, and they gossip about it when you fail to meet some standard of town behavior - those aspects of human nature will probably never change. Carol's attempts to convince the townspeople, to rebel against them, to ignore them, to make nice, all have a sort of futility that anyone can understand who's ever been in a difficult situation where every effort to create a sustainable change in either your environment or your own attitude about it seems to fail. In many ways, I felt like what made this a difficult read was the feeling that all of this was new when Lewis was writing about it, and now we are just that much further down the path. Not only has not much changed, most of it has only intensified.Recommended for: people from small towns, square pegs.Quote: "The universal similarity - that is the physical expression of the philosophy of dull safety. Nine-tenths of the American towns are so alike that it is the completest boredom to wander from one to another. Always, west of Pittsburgh, and often, east of it, there is the same lumber yard, the same railroad station, the same Ford garage, the same creamery, the same box-like houses and two-story shops. The new, more conscious houses are alike in their very attempts at diversity: the same bungalows, the same square houses of stucco or tapestry brick. The shops show the same standardized, nationally advertised wares; the newspapers of sections three thousand miles apart have the same "syndicated features"; the boy in Arkansas displays just such a flamboyant ready-made suit as is found on just such a boy in Delaware, both of them iterate the same slang phrases from the same sporting-pages, and if one of them is in college and the other is a barber, no one may surmise which is which."
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    On 27 Oct 1946 I said: "Started Sinclair Lewis' Main Street. Interesting in a way, though not good." On Nov 3 I said: "Finished Main Street. Not much good--written like a novel of the 'teens."
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I must admit to having trouble seeing this book through. Although I identified Carol's struggles, her socialist and feminist ideals, her inner and personal battles, I found the novel slow, even sluggish - which I suppose was the point. Main Street has an inertia, resistance to change and conformism which swallows and engulfs... for nearly 500 pages. Miles' defeat and Valborg's success are foils that show just how deeply Carol has been enveloped to the point that she wasn't even able to rebuild her life in Washington. The last lines are so pathetic that there's nothing left but to pity Carol. A harsh critique which does not leave much room for hope.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Caustic satire of small-town life. Although some of the concepts in the book are invariably dated, the concept and the characters are still only too familiar, and the follies of small-town living are laid bare.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Carol Kenicott makes the move from the big city of St. Paul to the small farm community of Gopher Prairie when she marries Will, one of the town's doctors. At the beginning of her marriage, Carol has grandiose ideas of transforming this small simple town into a beautiful artistic community. She tries to redecorate, create a community theater and bring her big city life style to this town, but faces resentment and opposition. Although the immediate target of this satire is the narrow minded attitudes of small midwest towns, but much of the personalities quirks and conflicts of Main Street are found in every community, from the big city to the rural country. I thought I would find Carol's life suffocating and depressing, but I didn't find this to be a downer at all. Surprisingly good and insightful!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the most developed stories I've ever read about marriage...I'm glad I finally discovered it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    You'd think a 400+ page book about the tedium of small town life would itself be tedious, but it actually wasn't. I was engrossed! And so happy my small(ish) town is nothing like the one described in this book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sinclair Lewis was seemingly unafraid to simultaneously bash small towns in the midwest, as well as religious ideals and republican tenants. I found Carol to be a character with whom I wanted to sympathize, but couldn't fully. She seemed affected and artificial, as did many of the other characters in the book. They seemed to be nothing more than the mouthpieces whereby the author voiced his opinions about the downfalls of religious, rural life, while building up the supposed beauty and nobility of the city. The story itself was fairly interesting, but I think that Lewis went too far in depicting a town of exceedingly ugly architecture as well as exceedingly ugly personalities. His liberalism, despite its being the liberalism of the 1920's, was over the top, even for this modern-day reader. And the ending, if it can be called that, was a complete cop-out - Carol should have been forced to make an irrevocable decision. Overall, I was not overly impressed.