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What Is Quiet Vacationing, The Reasons Why Employees Are Quiet Vacationing, How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Employer, And How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Future Employment Status With Their Employer
What Is Quiet Vacationing, The Reasons Why Employees Are Quiet Vacationing, How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Employer, And How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Future Employment Status With Their Employer
What Is Quiet Vacationing, The Reasons Why Employees Are Quiet Vacationing, How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Employer, And How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Future Employment Status With Their Employer
Audiobook25 minutes

What Is Quiet Vacationing, The Reasons Why Employees Are Quiet Vacationing, How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Employer, And How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Future Employment Status With Their Employer

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This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

This essay sheds light on what is quiet vacationing, demystifies the reasons why employees are quiet vacationing, explicates how employees quiet vacationing affects their employer, and expounds upon how employees quiet vacationing affects their future employment status with their employer. Succinctly stated, quiet vacationing refers to the practice of real private sector employees indulging in vacation experiences during their scheduled employee shifts without having their vacation periods approved by their real private sector employer. When real private sector employees engage in quiet vacationing, they abstain from showing up to their real private sector employer’s workplace and circumvent working their scheduled employee shifts. When real private sector employees engage in quiet vacationing, they also often covertly do so without notifying their employer in advance that they will forgo working their scheduled employee shifts during their vacation periods. When real private sector employees engage in quiet vacationing quiet vacationing, they also often prioritize boosting their well-being above maximizing the profits of their employer’s company and above maximizing the wealth of the shareholders and executives of their employer’s company. The practice of real private sector employees indulging in vacation experiences amid their scheduled employee shifts without having their vacation periods approved by their real private sector employer allows employees to bask in vacation experiences on a whim whenever they desire to do so. The practice of real private sector employees indulging in vacation experiences during their scheduled employee shifts without having their vacation periods approved by their real private sector employer also allows employees to avail themselves of having ample downtime from their real private sector employee jobs.

Release dateJun 20, 2024
What Is Quiet Vacationing, The Reasons Why Employees Are Quiet Vacationing, How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Employer, And How Employees Quiet Vacationing Affects Their Future Employment Status With Their Employer

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