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Exploding, Like Fireworks
Exploding, Like Fireworks
Exploding, Like Fireworks
Ebook29 pages17 minutes

Exploding, Like Fireworks

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On the space station known as Moon Talk, engineers and poets work together to prototype and manufacture communications satellites. The founder of the station decided to include poets because they specialize in communicating high-density information in very short bursts.

Angel, a 20-year-old robotics engineer, is visiting Moon Talk on a poetry/engineering internship when an accident on the station’s hull leaves her paralyzed. Unable to return to Earth where the relentless pull of gravity would kill her, Angel must make the station her home.

Though her body is trapped, the poets and engineers who run Moon Talk find a way for Angel’s consciousness to escape the confines of the station. The robotics staff jacks Angel first into a robotic unit on the station’s hull, and then into a body that can move about the station’s interior. She inhabits a robotic probe that prospects among the orbiting rocks of the asteroid belt. But that's just the beginning of Angel's journey.

A novelette.
PublisherUntreed Reads
Release dateNov 15, 2012
Exploding, Like Fireworks

Pat Murphy

Eugene R. "Pat" Murphy is the executive director of The Community Solution. He co-wrote and co-produced the award-winning documentary The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil, has initiated four major Peak Oil conferences and has given numerous presentations and workshops on the subject. He has extensive construction experience and developed low energy buildings during the nation's first oil crisis.

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    Book preview

    Exploding, Like Fireworks - Pat Murphy

    Exploding, Like Fireworks

    By Pat Murphy

    Copyright 2012 by Pat Murphy

    Cover Copyright 2012 by Ginny Glass and Untreed Reads Publishing

    The author is hereby established as the sole holder of the copyright. Either the publisher (Untreed Reads) or author may enforce copyrights to the fullest extent.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold, reproduced or transmitted by any means in any form or given away to other people without specific permission from the author and/or publisher. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to the living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    Also by Pat Murphy and Untreed Reads Publishing

    A Cartographic Analysis of the Dream State


    Exploding, Like Fireworks

    By Pat Murphy

    Shadows on the hull—

    long shadows, getting longer.

    Night is coming fast.

    I never saw what hit me.

    I was a young woman of 20, visiting Moon Talk, the space station for engineers and poets, when my life changed. I was out on the station’s hull with a couple of friends. I had wanted a chance to see the earth with as little between me and it as possible. Sure, I could look at it on the monitors, but that didn’t seem real. I might as well be earthside, watching it on TV. So I’d convinced Chaz and Joan to go for a stroll on the hull.

    We were strolling near a construction area, where remotely controlled units were attaching a dish receiver to the hull. Chaz and Joan were flirting with each other—amusing for them, but not so great as a spectator sport—so I turned off my radio. In my suit, I could hear only the sounds of my own body: the rhythmic pounding of my heart, the hiss of my

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