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The Creative Adventures of Nelson Clarke
The Creative Adventures of Nelson Clarke
The Creative Adventures of Nelson Clarke
Ebook54 pages36 minutes

The Creative Adventures of Nelson Clarke

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A 10 year old boy, named Nelson Clarke, finds his way into the hearts of many by coming to their aide with Science and Technology.
Release dateJun 1, 2012
The Creative Adventures of Nelson Clarke

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    The Creative Adventures of Nelson Clarke - Randall J. Feinberg


    Nelson Clays a Game

    No. We aren’t leaving the house so you can get clay for your project.

    Nelson Clarke’s babysitter, Sara Parker, delivered the words with finality before she left the bedroom, probably to continue texting her friends. It wasn’t like he wanted her to journey to the moon, or even to do something a little closer to home like make a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. He just needed clay to complete his latest project—Steampunk Zombie Invasion. There was no other game like it in existence!

    As Nelson scratched the neck of his pug dog Rex, he thought about his new game. The game board for Steampunk Zombie Invasion had once been used for Candy Cookie Party. Now the happy paths leading to Candy World or Cookie World had been converted into graveyards full of gross creatures blocking the way to new locations like the Airship Isabella or the UberGuber Lab. Nelson needed zombie game pieces to match the new theme.

    Sara’s voice drifted to him as she chatted on her cell phone. I love that stuff! she said. The facial mud mask is the bomb. I always carry some in my purse in case of an acne emergency.

    Mud mask? Hmmm…

    Rex, I have an idea. Nelson stood. I think I know how we can make our clay.

    After a quick search on the internet, Nelson printed out his information. He headed into the living room where he dropped the papers onto the coffee table.

    Hey, Sara, I figured out how to make the clay with stuff we already have.

    Great. She didn’t look up from her texting. Just don’t make a mess or anything.

    I don’t think mud masks get very messy.

    Mud masks? Sara glanced at the papers on the coffee table. You must have heard me on the phone. Don’t even think about it, kid. You are not using one of my mud masks!

    It’s got the same basic ingredients as clay.

    You’ll just make a huge mess all over your room, and then I’ll get in trouble! Sara sighed. Okay, put your shoes on. We’re going to the hobby store.

    A few hours later, Nelson sat back and observed the two game pieces he’d created. One was a zombie replica of himself and the other of Rex. His grimy hand curled into a fist pump as he congratulated himself on his genius.

    Wow, Nelson, I’m impressed. Those pieces look kind of cool. Sara stood in the doorway. And is that…wait, a second…is that my mud mask powder? Did you mix it in with your clay?

    My zombies needed some color. Don’t worry. I’ll give you some money from my allowance so you can buy a new pack.

    They heard the rattle of keys in the front door.

    Oh, Nelson, how charming. His mother swept into the room, surveying the project. Was this your creative idea, Sara?

    Sara held up the empty mud mask packet. Well, I contributed.

    "Brilliant! You are always so good

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