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Analysis of Biological Networks
Analysis of Biological Networks
Analysis of Biological Networks
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Analysis of Biological Networks

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An introduction to biological networks and methods for their analysis

Analysis of Biological Networks is the first book of its kind to provide readers with a comprehensive introduction to the structural analysis of biological networks at the interface of biology and computer science. The book begins with a brief overview of biological networks and graph theory/graph algorithms and goes on to explore: global network properties, network centralities, network motifs, network clustering, Petri nets, signal transduction and gene regulation networks, protein interaction networks, metabolic networks, phylogenetic networks, ecological networks, and correlation networks.

Analysis of Biological Networks is a self-contained introduction to this important research topic, assumes no expert knowledge in computer science or biology, and is accessible to professionals and students alike. Each chapter concludes with a summary of main points and with exercises for readers to test their understanding of the material presented. Additionally, an FTP site with links to author-provided data for the book is available for deeper study.

This book is suitable as a resource for researchers in computer science, biology, bioinformatics, advanced biochemistry, and the life sciences, and also serves as an ideal reference text for graduate-level courses in bioinformatics and biological research.

Release dateSep 20, 2011
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    Book preview

    Analysis of Biological Networks - Björn H. Junker

    PART I






    Our environment is a combination of tightly interlinked complex systems at various levels of magnitude. While the exact sciences of physics and chemistry describe our environment from subatomic level up to the molecular level, biology is carrying the burden to deal with an inexact and extremely complex universe that sometimes even seems lawless. Yet biological systems follow laws that physicists would rather refer to as probabilities. By these laws, it is possible to describe biology at different detail levels with a certain precision.

    The smallest biological detail level is the molecular level of DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites. All these molecules are ingredients of a cell, which in turn is a part of a tissue. Different tissues constitute the organs of an organism. Many organisms together form the ecosystem. Additionally, over time these organisms are subjected to evolution, which results in a certain phylogenetic relationship between them. At all these levels of detail, the relationships between the elements are of great interest. These relationships can be described as networks, in which the elements are the vertices (nodes, points) and the relationships are the edges (arcs, lines; see Chapter 2). Typical biological networks at the molecular level are gene regulation networks, signal transduction networks, protein interaction networks, and metabolic networks. An example of a biological network is given in Fig. 1.1 . While parts of all these networks have been modeled since a long time, recent technological advances have made it possible to elicit entire networks, or at least large proportions of them.

    FIGURE 1.1 Example of a biological network. The largest strongly connected component (see Chapter 2) of the human protein interaction network is shown. The network is based on the complete data set for interaction of human proteins downloaded from the Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP, [35]) in January 2005.


    The next section contains a concise overview of basic biology and is especially aimed at readers who would like to refresh their knowledge of biology. Section 1.3 introduces the concept of systems biology. In Section 1.4, an overview is given about what findings have been made about different biological networks with modern network analysis methods.

    1.2 BIOLOGY 101

    1.2.1 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    The information about the assembly of an organism is stored in the desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA, see Fig. 1.2). DNA is a coiled ladder (helix) consisting of two sugar phosphate backbones enclosing pairs of the nucleotide bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine (A,C,G,T). The nucleotide A pairs only with T, whereas C pairs only with G. While DNA constitutes the passive part of the cell’s biochemistry, the active part is contributed by the proteins, as they catalyze reactions and are responsible for many other mechanisms in the cell. The process of information transmission from DNA to proteins is called gene expression (Fig. 1.2). This process can be divided into two main parts, transcription and translation. Transcription is a complicated, highly regulated process, in which a protein complex containing the RNA polymerase opens the DNA helix, reads one strand, and synthesizes a corresponding ribonucleic acid (RNA) like a blueprint. Transcription is initiated and terminated at certain signal sequences, which are called promoter and terminator, respectively. The corresponding RNA to a certain gene is called transcript (Fig. 1.2). In eukaryotes (see next section), the RNA then undergoes a process called splicing, in which the introns (noncoding regions) are excised so that only the exons (coding regions) remain. During translation, amino acid chains are synthesized from the (spliced) RNA by the ribosomes. The information of the RNA is read in triplets (codons), for which there are 4³ = 64 combinations. These are used to code both for 20 amino acids (sometimes more than one codon stands for one amino acid), as well as one start codon and three stop codons.

    FIGURE 1.2 Information flow from genes to metabolites in cells.


    The structure of a protein is important for its functionality. The primary protein structure is simply the amino acid sequence, where as the secondary structure consists of regular three-dimensional patterns such as loops, helices, or sheets. Furthermore, the tertiary structure describes how these patterns are arranged in space to form a protein or a subunit thereof. Finally, the quaternary structure depicts how the different amino acid chains of the subunits are arranged to form an active protein complex. Proteins can play many different roles in the cell, for example, structural proteins that stabilize the cell’s structure, transcription factors that regulate the process of transcription, or enzymes enzyme that catalyze reaction in which one metabolite is converted into another.

    Metabolite is a term for all molecules of low molecular weight, such as sugars or amino acids. All the processes mentioned above are subject to tight regulation, which can take place at different levels. An environmental or internal signal (e.g., light, hormone) can be at first multiplied and processed through signal transduction chains. Then, a regulatory action can take place, for example, at the transcriptional level through activation or repression of gene expression, or at the protein level through posttranslational modification.

    1.2.2 Cell Biology

    Depending on the domain of life, the cells of an organism are organized in different ways. Prokaryotes such as bacteria are single cells that are not further subdivided. Their genome, the totality of the genes, is organized in one single circular chromosome. In contrast, the cells of eukaryotes are structured much more complex (see Fig. 1.3). Like prokaryotes, the cells are filled with the cytoplasm, but contrary to prokaryotes, additional organelles are separated from the cytoplasm through membranes. Organelles are, for example, mitochondria that produce chemical energy, the endoplasmatic reticulum that plays a role in protein synthesis, and the nucleus (Fig. 1.3). Plant cells are equipped with additional organelles, the plastids, which is an umbrella term for chloroplasts (responsible for photosynthesis), chromoplasts (pigment synthesis and storage), amyloplasts (starch synthesis and storage), and vacuoles that serve as storage organelle for metabolites.

    Inside the nucleus, the genome is organized in several chromosomes, each of which is consisting of two chromatides, parallel coils that are connected near the middle to form an x-like structure. On the gene level, this means that a eukaryotic cell generally has at least two copies of every gene. Further on, most cells in most organisms are equipped with two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.

    In living organisms, there is a variety of different cell types responsible for various functions. A number of cells that perform a similar function constitute a tissue, examples for animal cells are epithelium and connective tissue, for plant cells epidermis or vascular tissue. A group of tissues that perform a specific function or a set of functions form an organ. Typical organs in animals are brain, lung, and liver. Typical organs in plants are leafs, stem, and seeds. All organs together constitute the entire organism.

    FIGURE 1.3 Schematic illustration of an animal cell with some organelles.


    1.2.3 Ecology and Evolution

    In the previous two sections, an overview was given about the biochemical and cellular composition of a single organism. In our environment, the organisms constantly interact with each other and are integrated components of the ecosystem. The influence of one organism on another is called a biotic factor. This influence might be the predator–prey relationship between two animals, or the relationship between a plant and an insect pollinating this plant. Further on, organisms are influenced also by abiotic factors such as climate and geology.

    Organisms are subjected to evolution over large timescales. Evolution is the process by which populations of organisms acquire and pass on novel traits from generation to generation. The modern theory of evolution is based on the concept of natural selection, as first outlined in Darwin’s 1859 book "The Origin of Species’’ [9]. Individual organisms that possess advantageous traits will be more likely to pass on their genes. In the 1930s, Darwin’s theory was combined with Mendel’s heredity laws to create the modern synthesis, which explains evolution as a change in frequency of alleles within a population between two generations. In modern times, sequence information from certain genes is used to derive evolutionary relationships between different organisms. From this data, phylogenetic trees can be constructed at different detail levels of the taxonomy (Fig. 1.4).

    FIGURE 1.4 A speculative phylogenetic tree showing the separation of the three domains of life. Exemplary groups are shown, which represent different detail levels of the phylogeny.



    Biology is currently in the starting phase of a shift that will ultimately transform it into a precise science similar to physics and chemistry. The term systems biology is drawing more and more attention. While the origin of systems biology dates back to at least 1969 when Ludwig von Bertalanffy described his systems theory [37], it faced an explosion of interest in the new millennium. Hiroaki Kitano defined systems biology in his book "Foundations of System Biology as systems biology is a new field in biology that aims at system-level understanding of biological systems" [21]. That means the ultimate goal of systems biology is to understand entire biological systems by elucidating, modeling, and predicting the behavior of all components and interactions.

    The central step toward a systems-level understanding of biology was to move away from reductionist to wholist approaches, sometimes also called bottom-up and top-down approaches, respectively [20]. Traditionally, reductionists look at one element of the system to find out the connections to neighbors, roles in all processes that the element is involved in, and mechanisms of action. In contrast, the wholist approach is to first make a snapshot of all elements at a certain level (genes, transcripts, proteins, and/or metabolites; see also Fig. 1.2). For this task, since the 1990s, many massively parallel experimental techniques have been developed. The entire set of components of one kind is described with terms ending -ome (genome, proteome), whereas the techniques to identify this set ends with -omics (genomics, proteomics). To date, more than hundred of these -omics technologies have been defined [1]. While some of them are just new words for old things, some others open an entirely new view on biological systems. The genomes of many organisms were sequenced, starting with Escherichia coli in 1997 [8], to reach 680 complete published genomes in November 2007 [2]. Recent technological developments will likely result in an exponential increase of this number [26]. Snapshots of the transcriptome (set of all RNA molecules of one biological sample, [10]) are routinely measured in laboratories all over the world. By the help of experimental techniques such as two-dimensional gels and mass spectrometry, the proteomes of several organisms can be determined [31]. Another recent development is metabolomics, in which a large number of metabolites are measured simultaneously in one sample [13]. With other -omics technologies, other -omes have been measured, such as the fluxome (the fluxes through metabolic pathways) or the interactome (the interactions between proteins and small molecules). Having established these high-throughput experimental techniques, scientists were confronted with the problem of how to make sense out of the wealth of generated data. One possible solution will be presented in the next section.


    Just as it is impossible to assemble an airplane by using a list of all parts, it seems impossible to gain any useful information out of the wealth of data generated with the-omics methods detailed above. One particularly promising approach for the generation of hypothesis out of this data is network analysis, such promising that this entire book is dedicated to this area of research. While network analysis is not a new research field, it is noticeable that some fundamental properties of networks have been elucidated just at the change of the millennium. In 1998, Watts and Strogatz published a paper in which they illustrate that the neural network of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, the power grid of the Western United States, and the collaboration graph of film actors have similar properties: they are highly clustered (densely connected subgraphs, see Chapter 2), yet they have small characteristic path lengths (see Chapter 2) [39]. The authors created the term small world networks for this phenomenon, by analogy with the popular small-world phenomenon [27], which states that any person on our planet links to any other person by a chain of on average six acquaintances. One year later, Barabási and Albert created a simple model for these networks, which they found to follow a scale-free power-law distribution and thus named them scale-free networks [5]. The consequence of this connectivity distribution is that many vertices have few links, while there are some that are highly connected. As a result, scale-free networks are very robust against failure, such as removal of arbitrary network elements [3]. To date it has been found that power grids, the Internet (routers and cables), the World Wide Web (webpages and links), protein interaction networks, metabolic networks, and many other networks follow these general rules [4]. However, the first obstacle for the application of these methods in biological research is the generation of networks out of the data sets determined with the -omics technologies. Because it is not possible to directly infer any networks from sequences, or from transcript, protein, or metabolite concentrations, additional information is needed, such as information about interactions. In the following sections, it will be briefly discussed which sources are available to derive biological networks, and which novel findings have been made investigating these networks.

    1.4.1 Networks on a Microscopic Scale

    Biochemical networks have been under investigation for many decades. However, the efforts were until recently limited to the determination of the components of the networks, rather than addressing the design principles of its structure. The fundamental finding about all kinds of networks (as mentioned above) have also been investigated in biological networks, such as regulation networks, protein interaction networks, and metabolic networks.

    Transcriptional regulation networks (or gene regulation networks) are controlling gene expression in cells. The expression of one gene can be controlled by the gene product of another gene. Thus, a directed graph (see Chapter 2) in which the vertices are genes and the directed edges represent control can be used to model these networks. Until recently, only fragments of these networks have been modeled, usually quantitatively, by assigning rate laws to every step. For example, quantitative models containing selected genes have greatly improved the understanding of morphogenesis of early embryos of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster [16]. Recent advances in data collection and analysis made it possible to elucidate large-scale gene regulation networks [23]. It has been found that in this network type, certain motifs (small recurring patterns, see Chapter 5) such as feed-forward loops or single input modules are overrepresented when compared with randomly generated networks [23,36]. Through these investigations it was possible to define the basic computational elements of biological networks.

    Signal transduction networks can be understood as gene regulation networks extended by signaling chains that contain different kinds of vertices and edges such as protein–protein interaction and phosphorylation. By quantitative modeling, emergent properties have been found in these networks such as integration of signals across multiple timescales, generation of distinct outputs depending on input strength and duration, and self-sustaining feedback-loops [7]. A more detailed explanation of gene regulation and signal transduction networks together with scientific results is given in Chapter 8.

    Protein interaction networks are generated out of different types of large-scale experimental and computational approaches [38]. The different methods are resulting in significantly different networks, so that we can speak only of a network for a certain organism determined by using a certain method. The protein interaction network of the baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as determined by systematic two-hybrid analyses was found to follow the laws of scale-free networks [17]. Furthermore, it has been shown that the most highly connected proteins in the cell are the most important for its survival [17]. In the network, this corresponds to the vertices with the highest number of connections (high degree centrality, see Chapter 4). In the same network,it has been shown that certain motifs are over represented[41] (see Chapter 5). Through comparison with orthologous networks from other higher eukaryotes, the authors found that these motifs are evolutionarily conserved. More details on protein interaction networks are given in Chapter 9.

    Metabolic networks consist of metabolites that are converted into each other by enzymes. These networks have been determined through biochemical experiments over the last few decades, and they can be found in various kinds of biochemistry textbooks. A summary of biochemical pathways is given in the well-known Boehringer map [12]. Since few years, metabolic pathways have also been predicted from the genome of fully sequenced organisms. The KEGG database [19] is a public resource for these predicted pathways. In an early study, it was found that the large-scale structure of the core metabolic network from 43 organisms is identical, being dominated by the same highly connected substrates [18]. For the same set of metabolic networks, it has been stated later that they are organized into many small, highly connected topologic modules that combine in a hierarchical manner into larger, less cohesive units [34]. Several other studies have compared the structure of the metabolic networks of several organisms in order to derive information about their phylogenetic relationship [14,25,32]. While these first studies could not replicate the detail of phylogenetic studies based on sequence information, it was at least possible to deduce from the network whether an organism belongs to the domains of Archaea, Bacteria, or Eukaryotes (see also Fig. 1.4). A more detailed discussion of metabolic networks can be found in Chapter 10.

    1.4.2 Networks on a Macroscopic Scale

    As stated before, networks are also present in the areas of biology dealing with larger space- or timescales. The interactions of different organisms can be depicted as ecological networks. Food webs have been under investigation since a long time. Qualitative food webs, which contain information only about predator–prey relationship, but no quantities, can be modeled as directed graphs (see Chapter 2). In this context, qualitative food webs are often called static models. However, they have not been the subject of many studies [11]. This is probably due to the fact that the available food webs are relatively small compared with biochemical networks, and thus not much new information can be gained out of the structure alone. Nevertheless, through comparison of 50 food webs of lakes, it was found that a relation exists between the number of species in a food web and the links per species [15]. Instead of investigating the structure of food webs alone, they are often modeled quantitatively with rate laws for every step (dynamic models [11]). Ecological networks other than food webs can be, for example, plant–pollinator interaction networks, which were found to exhibit an increased number of interactions per species upon increased diversity [28], analogous to the food webs mentioned above. More details on ecological networks are given in Chapter 12. Phylogenetic networks describe the evolutionary relationships between organisms. Traditionally, they were presented as bifurcate or binary trees (see Chapter 2)[29]. The branchpoints of the tree represent points of separation of two species during evolution. However, recent studies suggest that population genealogies are often multifurcated (trees, see Chapter 2), or even containing reticulate relationships due to recombination events, which turns them into phylogenetic networks [33]. Recently, a network for the phylogenetic relationships between all groups of prokaryotes has been presented and termed the net of life [22]. A more detailed discussion of phylogenetic trees and networks can be found in Chapter 11. As mentioned in the previous section, this topic is linked to several biochemical networks through many studies that have been made to infer phylogeny especially from metabolic networks. Recently, it has been shown that bacterial metabolic networks evolve adaptively by horizontal gene transfer [30].

    1.4.3 Other Biological Networks

    Correlation networks have only been investigated for a relatively short time, and they represent an exception among biological networks. Their special feature is that these networks are not a direct result of experimental data, but they are determined by collecting large amounts of high-throughput data and calculating the correlations between all elements. So far this has been done for transcripts and metabolites. Barkai and coworkers compared large-scale gene expression data sets of six evolutionarily distant organisms [6]. They found that for all organisms the connectivity of the correlation network follows a power-law, highly connected genes tend to be essential and conserved, and the expression program is highly modular. Furthermore, transcript correlation networks have been used to identify hormone-related genes in plants [24]. Metabolite correlation networks have been constructed from pair-wise analysis of linear correlations between metabolites from profiling data [40]. It was found that the connectivity distribution in these networks also follows the typical power-law for scale-free networks. More examples of correlation networks and their analysis are given in Chapter 13.

    1.5 SUMMARY

    Biology describes the processes of our environment from the molecular level to the level of the ecosystem. At all levels of detail, many of the respective processes can be modeled by networks. At the microscopic levels, these are gene regulation networks, signal transduction networks, protein interaction networks, and metabolic networks. At the macroscopic level, these are ecological and phylogenetic networks. All these networks have some special characteristics and are quite distinct from each other, but they also share common properties. Although the analysis of large-scale biological networks with modern tools has made significant progress in the last decade, this branch of science is still in its infancy.


    1. Describe the information flow within a cell, from DNA to metabolism. Name the processes.

    2. What are the four levels of protein structure?

    3. Describe the organization of a cell.

    4. In a regular cell of most organisms, how many copies of each gene are present? Why?

    5. Describe the term systems biology in your own words.

    6. What are -omes and -omics?

    7. Why is the measurement of a complete transcriptome not yielding a network?

    8. Name at least four microscopic and two macroscopic networks in biology.

    9. Why are correlation networks not intrinsic biological networks?


    1. -omes and -omics glossary and taxonomy.

    2. Gold—genomes online database.

    3. R. Albert, H. Jeong, and A.-L. Barabási. Error and attack tolerance of complex networks. Nature, 406:378–381, 2000.

    4. A.-L. Barabási. Emergence of scaling in complex networks. In S. Bornholdt and H. G. Schuster, editors, Handbook of Graphs and Networks, pp. 69–84. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (Germany) 2003.

    5. A.-L. Barabási and R. Albert. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, 286:509–512, 1999.

    6. S. Bergmann, J. Ihmels, and N. Barkai. Similarities and differences in genomewide expression data of six organisms. PLoS Biology, 2:85–93, 2004.

    7. U. S. Bhalla and R. Iyengar. Emergent properties of networks of biological pathways. Science, 283:381–387, 1999.

    8. F. R. Blattner, G. Plunket, III, C. A. Bloch, N. T. Perna, V. Burland, M. Riley, J. Collado-Vides, J.D.Glasner, C. K. Rode, G. F. Mayhew,J. Gregor, N. W. Davis, H. A. Kirkpatrick, M. A. Goeden, D. J. Rose, B. Mau, and Y. Shao. The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli k-12. Science, 277:1453–1462, 1997.

    9. C.Darwin.On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. John Murray, London, 1859.

    10. J. L. DeRisi, V. R. Iyer, and P. O. Brown. Exploring the metabolic and genetic control of gene expression on a genomic scale. Science, 278:680–686, 1997.

    11. B. Drossel and A. J. McKane. Modelling food webs. In S. Bornholdt and H. G. Schuster, editors, Handbook of Graphs and Networks, pp. 218–247. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (Germany) 2003.

    12. G. Michal. Biochemical Pathways (wall charts). Boehringer, Mannheim, Basle Switzerland, 1993.

    13. O. Fiehn, J.Kopka, P.Dormann,T.Altmann, R. N. Trethewey, and L. Willmitzer. Metabolite profiling for plant functional genomics. Nature Biotechnology, 18:1157–1161, 2000.

    14. C. V. Forst and K. Schulten. Phylogenetic analysis of metabolic pathways. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 52:471–489, 2001.

    15. K. Havens. Scale and structure in natural food webs. Science, 257:1107–1109, 1992.

    16. J. Jaeger, S. Surkova, M. Blagov, H. Janssens, D. Kosman, K. N. Kozlov, Manu, E. Myasnikova, C. E. Vanario-Alonso, M. Samsonova, D. H. Sharp, and J. Reinitz. Dynamic control of positional information in the early Drosophila embryo. Nature, 430:368–371, 2004.

    17. H. Jeong, S. P. Mason, A.-L. Barabási, and Z. N. Oltvai. Lethality and centrality in protein networks. Nature, 411:41–42, 2001.

    18. H. Jeong, B. Tombor, R. Albert, Z. N. Oltvai, and A.-L. Barabási. The large-scale organization of metabolic networks. Nature, 107:651–654, 2000.

    19. M. Kanehisa and S. Goto. KEGG: Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes. Nucleic Acids Research, 28:27–30, 2000.

    20. F. Katagiri. Attacking complex problems with the power of systems biology. Plant Physiology, 132:417–419, 2003.

    21. H. Kitano. Foundations of Systems Biology. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001.

    22. V. Kunin, L. Goldovsky, N. Darzentas, and C. A. Ouzounis. The net of life: Reconstructing the microbial phylogenetic network. Genome Research, 15:954–959, 2005.

    23. T. I. Lee, N. J. Rinaldi, F. Robert, D. T. Odom, Z. Bar-Joseph, G. K. Gerber, N. M. Hannett, C. T. Harbison, C. M. Thompson, I. Simon, J. Zeitlinger, E. G. Jennings, H. L. Murray, D. B. Gordon, B. Ren, J. J. Wyrick, J.-B. Tagne, T. L. Volkert, W. Fraenkel, D. K. Gifford, and R. A. Young. Transcriptional regulatory networks in Saccharomyces cerivisiae. Science, 298:799–804, 2002.

    24. J. Lisso, D. Steinhauser, T. Altmann, J. Kopka, and C. Müssig. Identification of brassinoid-related genes by means of transcript co-response analyses. Nucleic Acids Research, 33:2685–2696, 2005.

    25. H.-W. Ma and A.-P. Zeng. Phylogenetic comparison of metabolic capacities of organisms at genome level. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 31:204–213, 2004.

    26. M. Margulies, M. Egholm, W. E. Altman, S. Attiya, J. S. Bader, L. A. Bemben, J. Berka, M. S. Braverman, Y. J. Chen, Z. Chen, S. B. Dewell, L. Du, J. M. Fierro, X. V. Gomes, B.C.Godwin,W.He, S.Helgesen,C.H. Ho, G.P. Irzyk, S.C.Jando,M.L.Alenquer, T.P. Jarvie, K. B. Jirage, J. B. Kim, J. R. Knight, J. R. Lanza, J. H. Leamon, S. M. Lefkowitz, M. Lei, J. Li, K. L. Lohman, H. Lu, V. B. Makhijani, K. E. McDade, M. P. McKenna, E. W. Myers, E. Nickerson, J. R. Nobile, R. Plant, B. P. Puc, M. T. Ronan, G. T. Roth, G. J. Sarkis, J. F. Simons, J. W. Simpson, M. Srinivasan, K. R. Tartaro, A. Tomasz, K. A. Vogt, G. A. Volkmer, S. H. Wang, Y. Wang, M. P., Weiner, P. Yu, R. F. Begley, and J. M. Rothberg. Genome sequencing in microfabricated high-density picolitre reactors. Nature, 437:376–380, 2005.

    27. S. Milgram. The small-world problem. Psychology Today, 1:61–67, 1967.

    28. J. M. Olesen and P. Jordano. Geographic patterns in plant-pollinator mutualistic networks. Ecology, 83:2416–2424, 2002.

    29. N. R. Pace. A molecular view of microbial diversity and the biosphere. Science, 276:734– 740, 1997.

    30. C. Paál, B. Papp, and M. J. Lercher. Adaptive evolution of bacterial metabolic networks by horizontal gene transfer. Nature Genetics, 37:1372–1375, 2005.

    31. A. Pandey and M. Mann. Proteomics to study genes and genomes. Nature, 405:837–846, 2000.

    32. J. Podani, Z. N. Oltvai, H. Jeong, B. Tombor, A.-L. Barabási, and E. Szathmáry. Comparable systems-level organization of archaea and eukaryotes. Nature Genetics, 29:54–56, 2001.

    33. D. Posada and K. A. Crandall. Intraspecific gene genealogies: trees grafting into networks. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 16:37–45, 2001.

    34. E. Ravasz, A. L. Somera, D. A. Mongru, Z. N. Oltvai, and A.-L. Barabási. Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networks. Science, 297:1551–1555, 2002.

    35. L. Salwinski, C. S. Miller, A. J. Smith, F. K. Pettit, J. U. Bowie, and D. Eisenberg. The database of interacting proteins: 2004 update. Nucleic Acids Research, 32:D449–D451, 2004.

    36. S. S. Shen-Orr, R. Milo, S. Mangan, and U. Alon. Network motifs in the transcriptional regulation network of Escherichia coli. Nature Genetics, 31:64–68, 2002.

    37. L. von Bertalanffy. General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications. George Braziller, New York (NY, USA) 1969.

    38. C. von Mering, R. Krause, B. Snel, M. Cornell, S. G. Oliver, S. Fields, and P. Bork. Comparative assessment of large-scale data sets of protein-protein interactions. Nature, 417:309–403, 2002.

    39. D. J. Watts and S. H. Strogatz. Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks. Nature, 393:440–442, 1998.

    40. W. Weckwerth, M. E. Loureiro, K. Wenzel, and O. Fiehn. Differential metabolic networks unravel the effect of silent plant phenotypes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 101:7809–7814, 2004.

    41. S. Wuchty, Z. N. Oltvai, and A.-L. Barabási. Evolutionary conservation of motif constituents in the yeast protein interaction network. Nature Genetics, 35:176–179, 2003.



    Falk Schreiber


    The term network is an informal description for a set of elements with connections or interactions between them. A typical example from biology is a protein interaction network. It consists of a set of proteins (elements) and a set of interactions between them (connections). The previous chapter introduced many different biological networks. Given such networks, we could be interested in questions such as Which protein has the highest number of interactions with other proteins in a protein interaction network? Are there clusters of proteins where every protein interacts with every other? Or, in a metabolic network, we might like to study the shortest path of reactions that transform one metabolite into another. Such questions can be answered if we analyze the structure of the network, that is, the way the elements are connected.

    To deal with networks in a formal way they are modeled as graphs. A graph is a mathematical object consisting of vertices and edges representing elements and connections, respectively. This usage of the term graph should not be confused with another meaning often used in biology: the graphical representation of a function in the form of a curve or surface. The theory of graphs reaches back to Leonard Euler and his Königsberg bridge problem in 1736. The problem is as follows: In Königsberg (today Kaliningrad), the river Pregel runs through the town as shown in Fig. 2.1. Seven bridges were built over the river. The question is whether it is possible to walk around the town in a way that would involve crossing each bridge exactly once. By

    FIGURE 2.1 A map of Königsberg with the river Pregel and the representation of the Königsberg bridge problem problem as a graph. analyzing the structure of the graph representing the problem, as shown in Fig. 2.1, Euler proved that this is not possible.


    This chapter gives an introduction to most of the mathematical and computer science terminologies used later in the book. It is aimed at readers not familiar with these topics, and formal concepts are restricted to a minimum. Readers with prior knowledge may wish to skip this chapter. More detailed presentations can be found in many good textbooks about graph theory, network analysis, and algorithms, for example [2–4,6]. Here, we discuss basis terminology and notation for graphs in Section 2.2, special graphs used in modeling biological networks in Section 2.3, typical representations of graphs in Section 2.4, and some fundamental algorithms for the analysis of graphs in Section 2.5.


    2.2.1 Sets

    A set A = {a1, a2,…,an} is a collection of distinct objects a1, a2,… an considered as a whole, and can be defined by listing its elements between braces. An example is a set A = {6, 3, 4, 2, 1} of numbers. The objects ai of a set A are called its members. In case an object is a member of a set this is symbolized by ∈. For example, in the set defined above 2 is a member of A, written 2 ∈ A. Two sets A1 and A2 are said to be equal (written A1 = A2) if every member of A1 is a member of A2, and every member of A2 is a member of A1. If every member of set A1 is a member of set A2 (but not necessarily every member of A2 is a member of A1) then the set A1 is a subset of set A2, written A1 ⊆ A2. Two sets A1 and A2 can be combined into a new set. The union of the sets A1 and A2 is the set of all objects that are members of either A1 or A2 and is denoted by A1 ∪ A2. The intersection of the sets A1 and A2 is the set of all objects that are members of both A1 and A2 (denoted by A1 ∩ A2). An empty set is denoted by Ø. Special sets used in this book are the set of natural numbers including zero ( c02ie002 0), the set of integers ( common_z ), and the set of real numbers ( comman1 paraaftertitle).

    2.2.2 Graphs

    A graph G = (V, E) consists of a set of vertices (also called nodes or points) V and a set of edges (arcs, links) E where each edge is assigned to two (not necessarily disjunct) vertices. An edge e connecting the vertices u, v is denoted by {u, v} we say u and v are incident with e and adjacent (or neighbors) to each other. The vertices incident to an edge are called its end-vertices. The degree of a vertex v is the number of edges that have v as end-vertex. An edge where the two end-vertices are the same vertex is called a loop. A loop-free graph does not contain loops.

    FIGURE 2.2 Two graphical representations of the graph G = (V, E) with vertex set V = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} and edge set E= {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {1, 3}, {3, 6}, {4, 5}, {5, 7}}.


    This definition describes undirected graphs, that is, graphs where connections between vertices are without a direction. Undirected graphs are used, for example, to model protein interaction networks (see Chapter 9), phylogenetic networks (see Chapter 11), and correlation networks (see Chapter 13). In the following, we describe general graph concepts based on undirected graphs. Section 2.3 deals with other types of graphs, especially directed graphs that are used, for example, to model gene regulation networks (see Chapter 8) and ecological networks (see Chapter 12).

    The usual way to visualize a graph is by drawing a point for each vertex and a line for each edge that connects the corresponding points of its end-vertices, see Fig. 2.2. It is not important how a graph is drawn, as long as it is clearly visible which pairs of vertices are connected by edges and which not. The positions of the vertices and the drawing of the lines are called the layout of the graph.

    A subgraph G′ = (V′,E′) of the graph G = (V, E) is a graph where V′ is a subset of V′ and E′ is a subset of E. This implies that E′ contains only edges with end-vertices in V′. If graph G′ is a subgraph of graph G and the edge set E′ contains all edges of E that connect vertices of V′ the subgraph is called an induced subgraph of G See Fig. 2.3 for subgraph and induced subgraph.

    One graph can have many different graphical representations, see Fig. 2.2. But two graphs can also be the same, see Fig. 2.4. Both graphs G1 = (V1, E1 have different vertex and edge sets. Graph G 1 consists of V1 = {1 2 3 4} and E1 = {{1 2} {2 3} {3 4} {2 4}}; graph G2 of V2 = {a, b, c, d} and E2 = {{a, b}, {b, c}, {b, d}, {c, d}}. However, even though both graphs appear to be different, they contain the same number of vertices connected in the same way and are therefore considered as the same or isomorphic graphs. Formally, two graphs G1 and G2 are isomorphic, if there exists a bijective mapping between the vertices in V1 and V,2 with the property that any two vertices u, v ∈1 are adjacent if and only if the two corresponding vertices in the other graph are adjacent. Such a bijection is called an isomorphism.

    FIGURE 2.3 A graph G, a subgraph of G, and an induced subgraph of G (from left to right).


    FIGURE 2.4 Two isomorphic graphs.


    A sequence (v0, e1, v1 e2 v2,…,vk -1, ek, vk) of vertices and edges such that every edge ei has the end-vertices vi-1 and vi is called a walk. Usually the vertices are omitted and the walk is denoted by a sequence (e1, e2,…, ek ). We say that the walk connects v0 with vk and call v0 and vk the start- and end-vertex of the walk, respectively. If all edges of a walk are distinct the walk is called a path, and if additionally all vertices are distinct the walk is called a simple path. The length of a walk or path is given by its number of edges. A path with the same vertex as start- and end-vertex is a cycle. A graph without cycles is called an acyclic graph. For example, in the graph in Fig. 2.2, the sequence ({1 2} {2 3} {3 6} {6 3} {3 1}) is a walk and the sequence ({1 2} {2 3} {3 1}) is a path which is furthermore a cycle.

    Two vertices of a graph are called connected if there exists a walk between them. If any pair of different vertices of the graph is connected, the graph is connected. A connected component of a graph G is a maximal connected subgraph of G. For example, the graph in Fig. 2.5 consists of four connected components.

    A shortest path between two vertices is a path with minimal length. The distance between two vertices is the length of a shortest path between them or ∞ if no such path exists. For example, in Fig. 2.2, thepath({1 3} {3 6}) is a shortest path between vertex 1 and vertex 6 and the distance between these two vertices is 2. Note that there may be several different shortest paths between two vertices in a graph.

    FIGURE 2.5 An unconnected graph consisting of four connected components.


    FIGURE 2.6 Some attributes connected to the vertices of a food web: textual vertex labels, different geometrical objects (mammals: squares, others: dots), and coordinates for vertices (the positions of the vertices) representing the layout of the graph.


    2.2.3 Graph Attributes

    Often attributes such as text, numerical values, types, colors, and coordinates are associated with the vertices and edges of a graph. Typical examples are the stoichiometry of reactions in metabolic networks represented as numerical values along the edges, protein classes for proteins represented as vertex types or textual vertex labels in protein interaction networks, and the coordinates of the vertices represented as numerical value pairs. Figure 2.6 shows a typical example.

    Attributes can be represented as functions from the vertices or edges to the attribute type. For example,

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