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Inquisitor Dreams
Inquisitor Dreams
Inquisitor Dreams
Ebook433 pages6 hours

Inquisitor Dreams

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Spanish Inquisitor Don Felipe considers himself a loyal servant of Holy Church. Despite his lifelong friendship with the Jewish Gamito, despite the courtly love for their Islamic playfellow's sister that inspired him to celibacy and the priesthood (not necessarily in that order). Despite his own secret sin, despite his own arrest and long imprisonment in midlife by the Inquisition he serves, despite his love for and private marriage with the barren Romany woman Pilar.

Why, then, these nightmares that recurrently trouble his sleep, in which his ancestress the heretic Raymonde and purported descendant the Pagan Rosemary guide him through terrible visions of the evil humans do to one another in the name of righteousness?

Release dateFeb 13, 2013
Inquisitor Dreams

Phyllis Ann Karr

Born 1944, death date not yet established. Lifelong fictioneer, primary publisher for the last few decades Wildside Press. Savoyard (fan only, non-singing), Droodophile, etc.Pictured with my beloved husband Clifton Alfred Hoyt, who among other things invented a means of measuring gas in tenths of a gallon when pumped into your car. He moved out of his body in 2005. (Note: that's ALFRED, not "Albert," as some places seem to have it erroneously.I once had a poor little website. It got eaten by some Japanese(?) concern peddling -- as nearly as I could make out -- cosmetics. As nearly as I could see, it had never profited me; and as of today, it seems as nearly as I can see to have vanished. Now I leave it all to Wikipedia (which may not always be reliable), Amazon, and Smashwords.Throughout my life (77 years and counting), every time I have tried to blow my own trumpet, somebody has thrown heavy lumps of discouragement into its bell. Now I am like someone shipwrecked on a desert island with several cases of pop, reams of paper, and sharpened pencils, who, after drinking up each bottle, puts in a message and tosses it into the ocean. A few of these messages may eventually be picked up; and, since it will probably be too late for the writer, at least let the message itself give a little enjoyment to the February 2022 I was appalled to find that somehow -- who was responsible for the goof may never be known -- the dollar ninety-nine cents I thought I had listed for my "Polifonix Poems" message-in-bottle had got transmogrified to a hundred and ninety-nine dollars!! I don't think there is any newly published and/or currently available volume of verse anywhere in the world worth that kind of asking price, unless perhaps it were privately printed on thin sheets of beaten gold and bound in unicorn hide. Apologies to anyone who may have glimpsed that absurd $199.00 and pictured me as endowed with an ego bigger than Mount Everest. Although leaving the price to the purchaser amounts to "free," that's much better than risking such a ridiculously out-of-line price tag by mistake; and I am, after all, pretty well just tossing out messages in bottles.

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