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Is Someone Up There?
Is Someone Up There?
Is Someone Up There?
Ebook54 pages38 minutes

Is Someone Up There?

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Why science can't explain the creation of the universe and life.
Release dateJul 15, 2013
Is Someone Up There?

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    Is Someone Up There? - Jack W. Stage, M.D.



    Immortality is yours. Why and how are just a walk thru the pages ahead. Scientists from many fields, physicists, astronomers, mathematicians, and theologians have advanced theories, discussions, and arguments on the creation of the universe, our solar system with the sun, earth, and life based on theories, speculation, mathematical calculations, assumptions, all based on current conditions, not those which existed 13.5 billion years ago, and have given answers which may or may not be correct. No one can be sure. There are many and vast areas for the insertion of an X (unknown) factor which may have substantially influenced, if not controlled what transpired over the eons. It may be that the X factor is what is up there. I have my opinion about what the X factor is, but I would like you to decide for yourself based on the following information.

    Human beings are funny people. Everything must have a beginning and an end just like this book or this line ---------. But that may not necessarily be true. Also, who can grasp the concept of everything and nothing being the same? To suggest that it is a state of mind, let’s take you up to the space station, where there is no gravity effect, put you in a totally dark room where you cannot see anything, floating about so that you can’t touch anything. and remove most of the air so you can wave your hands about but not feel any air. Then we’ll fill this room with energy. Light, of the frequencies you cannot see. Sound, of the frequencies you cannot hear. Add to those, X rays, cosmic rays, magnetic waves, radio waves, cell phone carrier waves and hundreds more, yet all you know is that you are floating around in a totally empty space with no definable boundaries that you can measure. You see, feel, hear, smell, and taste nothing, yet there are massive amounts of energy there, energy which can be converted into anything and everything under the right circumstances. Nothing becomes everything but the concept is hard to grasp.

    So please read on. There will be an occasional simplified physics refresher and even if you don’t know anything about physics, this may be an enjoyable and enlightening experience that will help you to better understand the marvels, mysteries, and miracles that allowed all of us to be here. Enjoy and be prepared to be surprised.

    Chapter I

    Scientific facts and shortcomings

    Have you ever looked up on a clear dark night and seen all of those twinkling jewels in the heavens? Aren’t the stars beautiful and have you ever asked yourself, I wonder how all of those got up there or more cogent, I wonder who put all of those up there?

    I never gave much thought to the possibility of something really being up there until one warm summer night, a long time ago, when I was in the Air Force. One of my favorite pilots, Jerry, gave me a call and asked if I would like to go up for a night ride. I love to fly so I jumped at the chance and shortly thereafter we pulled wheels up from a base just north

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