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Yesterday's Sun: A Novel
Yesterday's Sun: A Novel
Yesterday's Sun: A Novel
Ebook311 pages6 hours

Yesterday's Sun: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Yesterday’s Sun, a poignant debut novel from British author Amanda Brooke, finds a young woman having to choose between her own life and the life of her future child.

When newly married Holly and her husband Tom move into a charming old manor house in the English countryside, she couldn’t have predicted that a mystical moondial would change her life—and her destiny.

In the style of Jodi Picoult, with memorable characters, and tender, warm, prose, Yesterday’s Sun is a brilliant, suspenseful tale of free will versus fate; a heart-wrenching story of family and the risks we take to break from the past.

Release dateFeb 12, 2013
Yesterday's Sun: A Novel

Amanda Brooke

Amanda Brooke is an internationally bestselling author. Her debut novel, Yesterday’s Sun, was a Richard and Judy Book Club pick and since then she has written eleven further books which regularly make the bestseller charts. Amanda lives in Merseyside with a cat called Spider, a dog called Mouse, and a laptop within easy reach.

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Reviews for Yesterday's Sun

Rating: 3.5000000235294118 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Yesterday's SunbyAmanda Brooke My "in a nutshell" summary...A young childless couple move into a new home...the wife...Holly...finds an orb that gives her a vision of a questionable future.My thoughts after reading this book ...Whoa! Infinitely readable and totally engrossing...that's what this book was to me. And I can not really tell you that much about it! I will share a few choice bits, though, perhaps just enough to tease you into wanting to read this book. Ok...a young couple...Holly and an old country cottage and move to the country. Holly is an artist and Tom is a reporter. Holly finds an orb that fits on a structure in the garden...a new friend...Jocelyn...tells her it is a moon dial and shares a bit of the house's history. You see...Jocelyn once lived in the house...suffered through an abusive marriage and knows the secrets of the moon dial. Holly soon finds out the secrets as they will affect her life. They are shattering, will change her life forever and are ultimately very sad. And that's all that I can tell you!What I loved about this book...I loved the lovely writing, the setting, the characters and the mysterious stories surrounding the moon dial.What I did not love...I did not love that I knew what the outcome would be.Final thoughts?Even though this lovely book might have been a wee bit predictable...I truly still enjoyed reading it. Great characters in a lovely Englishy setting...mysterious enough to make it a page turner...even though I knew where it was going!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Where I got the book: e-ARC from Edelweiss.This is yet another novel with a GREAT story idea and writing that fails to deliver. Holly has to choose between perfect baby Lily and perfect husband Tom, because she's found out (by conveniently stumbling across a magic moondial) that if she gives birth to Lily, she'll die (because of some weird logic connected with the moondial itself).My issues with this book:- the simplistic writing. I should go back and find a quote, but I'm feeling lazy this evening. My overall impression was of a writer who simply needs more time to mature.- the ending. I think the writer broke the rules of the world she invented, but it would give away the book to say why.- the total perfection of the husband and baby. They were both just...cloying.- I didn't like Holly. I have to say that I really wanted to find out what happened, and just upped my rating from 2 to 3 stars when I remembered that. And I found parts of the novel very moving. Kudos to Brooke for inventing such a nice plot, and if she can keep doing that and improve her overall technique I could become a fan.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    *This review also appears on*I had really been looking forward to reading this book, so it pains me to say that actually I found it to be a real disappointment after what I felt was a fairly strong start. Things were going pretty well until about a quarter of the way into the book and then it all went a bit downhill, grew overly repetitive and I really lost interest in what was going on and struggled to finish the damn thing. I'm sorry to say that I wouldn't be in a hurry to pick up another book by this author in future. Also: the comparisons to Jodi Picoult? This book is nothing like a Picoult novel- so please don't be swayed into reading this thinking that's what you're going to get, because you most certainly aren't!The concept of this novel was interesting (on the surface at least) and is what encouraged me to pick it up in the first place; being based around an ancient moon dial that can show its user the future so having a somewhat magical quality. Indeed, for unsuspecting Holly, when she and her husband uncover the dial in the rambling back garden of their new home, she never dreams quite what it will show her: her husband grieving her loss after she has died in childbirth. But is this future set in stone, or can it be changed? And if it *can* be altered, then what will the consequences be?Like I said, a pretty decent premise for a story, but unfortunately one that just fell short at the final hurdle and was utterly ruined by the flimsy, one dimensional lead characters that had absolutely no personality or gumption and apparently spent all their time rolling around in bed together, giggling. Sickeningly sweet and smug- not appealing in the slightest! Another thing: pronouns. The complete lack of them in this story was utterly distracting and left me scratching my head a bit. I found the speed at which Holly bonded with her unborn child to be a teeny bit unbelievable, particularly given how in the previous chapter she had been completely averse to ever having a child. Also, for risk of spoiling anything, I will also say that I think the author copped out on the ending- I saw it coming but valiantly hoped that it wouldn't be the case and that this novel would have some redeeming quality, but instead it just became a predictable cliché. Such a shame.Overall, this book had promise, but it failed to deliver the goods. I wouldn't recommend it and this will be going straight in the charity shop bag.