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The Sure Refuge
The Sure Refuge
The Sure Refuge
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The Sure Refuge

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Divine protection is not to be wished. It is to be worked out. Supernatural protection is not an assumption. It places a responsibility upon us to activate supernatural forces ordained of God to shield us against the ravenous beasts of this earth. Good and evil will exist until the Lord Jesus comes again. But Believers cannot live fatalistic lives. We must put all spiritual weapons to work and prevail against the evils of the day. The promises of divine protections are not cosmetic. The evil of our day is that we do little in substance and in time to turn the word into flesh and make every word deliver its mate. We must live lives that please God to actualize our covenant covering. Our lives must command, not demand divine intervention. The ministry of angels is not abolished. The blood of Jesus has not run dry. The efficacy of the word is determined by how we handle it. Those who know their God cannot be cheap victims in the hands of beasts. We must live by choice, not chance. It is this thought that has been given some light in this book and I pray it may inspire courage, boldness, holiness and positioning to conquer and positioning to conquer and live beyond harm (above hurt) by divine covering.
Release dateApr 1, 2013
The Sure Refuge

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    The Sure Refuge - Rev. Ayomide Abraham



    Divine protection is not to be wished. It is to be worked out. Supernatural protection is not an assumption. It places a responsibility upon us to activate supernatural forces ordained of God to shield us against the ravenous beasts of this earth. Good and evil will exist until the Lord Jesus comes again. But Believers cannot live fatalistic lives. We must put all spiritual weapons to work and prevail against the evils of the day. The promises of divine protections are not cosmetic. The evil of our day is that we do little in substance and in time to turn the word into flesh and make every word deliver its mate. We must live lives that please God to actualise our covenant covering. Our lives must command, not demand divine intervention.

    The ministry of angels is not abolished. The blood of Jesus has not run dry. The efficacy of the word is determined by how we handle it. Those who know their God cannot be cheap victims in the hands of beasts. We must live by choice, not chance. It is this thought that has been given some light in this book and I pray it may inspire courage, boldness, holiness and positioning to conquer and positioning to conquer and live beyond harm (above hurt) by divine covering.



    Divine covering or divine protection against the onslaughts of the evil one is a product of the covenant and the covenant is by conveyance. Conveyance is a legal term referring to a concluded legal transaction by which landed property is transferred from the seller (called the vendor) to the buyer (called the purchaser). Upon the payment of the agreed consideration (price) and the execution (signing) of the legal document (called conveyance) and the affixing of other legal requirements that may not be necessary to mention here, there is exchange of ownership between the parties. The former owner ceases to have legal hold on the land. The property’s title changes hands within seconds. It becomes a sealed deal. This may help us understand the ‘conveyance’ referred to in Colossians 1:13.

    Conveyance refers to the effect of the washing of our souls by the blood of Jesus when we are saved. It is a shift in the realm of the spirit. A born again child of God becomes the ‘beloved’ of the Lord. In other words, he becomes another ‘David’ whom the Lord has found (Psalm 89:20). There is then a crossover from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light – the kingdom of God’s Son – Jesus Christ, the propitiation for our sin and the testimony of Israel. Until this conveyance occurs, we do not have access to divine covering. What this means is, there is no guarantee that we have God’s protection. Therefore, when there has been no conveyance, there cannot be a covering! Colossians 1:12-13 explains it this way:

    Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love….. (emphasis mine)

    God’s original plan for Adam was that Adam would have uninterrupted fellowship with His Maker (God). Adam, however fell and the result is, we were pre-natally sentenced to the wrath of Satan and his wicked agents. Our souls were eternally mortgaged to torture, affliction and oppression. We became cheap victims of wicked forces. The fall in the garden exposed man to emptiers and wasters (destructive spirits). As soon as God sentenced man to hard labour (Genesis 3:17-19), He also returned man to his original status of dust. He had made man out of dust and His breath in that dust resulted in a supernatural being - Adam. It was that spirit-being called Adam that named all the beasts in the field, the birds in the air and the fish in the ocean without studying zoology and animal science. He was supernaturally empowered mentally to name them all. His nature gained dominion for him over all the animals in the garden. Nothing could hurt Adam because of the breath of God upon Him. In Job 33:4 we read:

    The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life

    The fall reduced man to dust. He was dethroned, decimated, devalued (Genesis 3:14-15) and Satan got a legal right to torment him. Satan and his cohorts ‘eat’ the potentials, health, progress, even the very life of any man or woman they can lay their hands upon. The only exception to that rule is the person who is saved and positioned or has taken refuge under the blood of Jesus. In Psalm 14:4, the Psalmist lamented:

    Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge, Who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call on the LORD?

    Satan can do most things but he cannot pray (call on the Lord). He does not acknowledge God and that was the root of his rebellion. Workers of iniquity everywhere in America, Europe, Asia or Africa are ruthless, cruel and have no pity. Mercy is not in their vocabulary! At conversion, when legal ownership of our lives changes, Satan loses the right to feed on us as ‘dust’. However Satan feasts on the unsaved sinners and makes them operate under his oppressive powers.

    Since the fall of man has exposed men of all descent to the wickedness of evil forces, they will operate under Satan’s oppressive powers. This is why a tenant may owe rent yet spend every evening in the beer parlour wasting his meagre resources! He is in the devil’s prison! The unsaved man’s wicked mother, operating under the tyranny of witchcraft, may be ‘eating’ the pregnancy of his wife so that every pregnancy suffers abortion! He may be working hard but his name may be mysteriously omitted each time others are considered for promotion. He may be a victim of motor accidents now and then. He may live in a cursed house where every tenant who moved in prosperous must leave in penury. His destiny may be under the constant divination of his family’s ancestral idols administered by evil local priests. His dreams may be mere nightmares and he may be a victim of evil caterers who feed him every night. His sperm may not flow whenever he sleeps with his wife but will be wasted in his funny dreams later the same night. He may face rejection where others are embraced and applauded. He and his family may be jumping in and out of hospitals. He may also enjoy going to the hospital all the time. This is the plight of the unsaved, the person who has no covering in the covenant! The devil may slap him anyhow, anywhere, anytime. The only escape route from satanic holocaust is salvation. Hebrew 2:3 questions:

    How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation

    God in His mercy sent His only begotten son as a covering, a refuge for those who will believe in Him. This is a salient call for you to take cover under the covenant by the blood so that you do not become Satan’s next victim The efficacy of the blood of Jesus will be discussed in chapter four, but without the blood we are eternally doomed! The conveyance that occurs at redemption transfers us from the kingdom of darkness, to which we were sentenced by the fall of Adam into God’s own Kingdom. We change legal camp and legal identity. This conveyance works the way International Law works. An offender in Benin Republic who crosses the border into Nigeria has crossed to a different legal territory over which the laws of Benin Republic have no effect. The Benin policemen cannot, as of right, enter into Nigeria and apprehend him. There are certain protocols to be observed under the laws of Nigeria before they can arrest such an offender. If the Nigerian government refuses to grant permission, the person cannot be arrested! That is similar

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