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Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
Ebook378 pages6 hours

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In Focus, Psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman, author of the #1 international bestseller Emotional Intelligence, offers a groundbreaking look at today’s scarcest resource and the secret to high performance and fulfillment: attention.

Combining cutting-edge research with practical findings, Focus delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long overdue discussion of this little-noticed and under-rated mental asset. In an era of unstoppable distractions, Goleman persuasively argues that now more than ever we must learn to sharpen focus if we are to survive in a complex world.

Goleman boils down attention research into a threesome: inner, other, and outer focus. Drawing on rich case studies from fields as diverse as competitive sports, education, the arts, and business, he shows why high-achievers need all three kinds of focus, and explains how those who rely on Smart Practices—mindfulness meditation, focused preparation and recovery, positive emotions and connections, and mental “prosthetics” that help them improve habits, add new skills, and sustain greatness—excel while others do not.

Release dateOct 8, 2013

Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman is the bestselling author of several books, including Emotional Intelligence, Focus, and Optimal. He was a science journalist for The New York Times, received the American Psychological Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and was honored by Harvard for his contributions to education, business, and society. He lives near New York City. Find out more at

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Rating: 3.544025137106918 out of 5 stars

159 ratings15 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a decent read, with some practical advice worth reading. However, there are some negative aspects such as too many anecdotes and missing pages. The book seems unfocused and lacks a clear theme. Despite these flaws, it provides insights into the power of focus in our daily lives. Some readers found the book off-topic at times, discussing climate change. Overall, it is a concise book that highlights the importance of focus, although it may not be suitable for everyone.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great Read. It takes the idea of focus from the micro level to the macro. It helps understand how persons affect systems and vis versa.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Decent book. Too little practical advice, too many anecdotes, and I didn't care about the last part which was only for leaders. The title didn't let on about being for leaders. I'm just an average person looking for practical advice. Still, about 50% of the book is worth reading.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Clear consise book on the power of focus in our daily lives. I did however feel it at times got off topic and felt more like a political statement about climate change. (I do not even disagree with the issues with climate change in our modern world just seemed out of place to bring up so consistently in a book about focus.)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was working with Hublot brand in Dubai. One day i was going through a blog i saw a post concerning MONEY TRANSFER SERVICE and I contacted them and when i bumped into their site { } while surfing the net at my leisure time at work. I started with $450 payment for $4,000 transfer which is 14,692 AED due to the money is small and i could readily forget about it if it doesn’t work out. I receive my transfer same day and so i started ordering for higher amounts which i can now say i’m presently a VIP member. I have never seen such great service online in my life. God used them to change my life for good and now I am opportune to have a Hublot franchise in Dubai worth millions of USD. Overall It was pleasure to work with World’s Best hacking team, they are very professional and courteous. I will certainly recommend them to few of my friends. { }
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I am really sorry to admit that I can't focus to end a book about focus. I don't understand why, but this books seems to talk about focus for the shake of focus without giving realistic insights into the methodology.. Maybe I'll start it again in the summer.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Now focus. I’m going to tell you something important.’s a secret. Ready? Okay, here it is: The most important thing is...focus. Yes, focus. So, are you doing that? If you aren’t, could you please try it? Yes, focus. I’m telling you it’s important. Simple. But important. So let’s all go out there and focus.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In "Focus" Daniel Goleman takes a wide-ranging perspective on the subject of attention. Goleman explains how what individuals and organizations focus on impacts learning, creativity, relationships, parenting, emotional intelligence, systems, gaming, the environment, leadership, and more. Goleman admits in an endnote that such breadth of coverage precludes depth of explanation. However, he provides a helpful section on resources for those wanting to explore in more depth topics the book touches on. Goleman does a good job in identifying the role of focus in many aspects of our personal and organizational lives. His lively writing style stimulates the reader’s curiosity to want to know more. Goleman mentions some ways we can increase focus, but this is not a how-to book. Goleman gets us to pay attention to the importance of focus. The reader will need to explore other resources to learn the skills for strengthening focus.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    As with many other pop-science books, "Focus" is a collection of anecdotes in search of a theme. It isn't about the ability to concentrate on one's work, or attention to detail, or sticking to one's core strengths. It's used more like it would be with a camera: you can set your focus on a tiny bug or a huge panorama. In that respect, the book feels very unfocused; the only connection between Goleman's stories about self-knowledge, empathy, and systems understanding is that these are all things you can pay attention to.

    3 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    3 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    All the online reviews which point out the irony of this book's complete lack of focus are exactly right. It is a grab bag of short and superficial treatments of diverse subjects which have all been treated better elsewhere. Many of the subjects have only a tangential relationship to what is apparently the main topic of the book, namely attention. For example, global warming gets a guernsey because it is an important problem, so we should all pay attention to it!. And writing about the marshmallow test as if you're not the 98th person to do so in print is an insult to the reader's intelligence.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The first half of this book was fascinating. It presents excellent information and insight into how our brains work with regard to attention and focus.

    The second half was really just a collection of anecdotes about high powered people and how they succeed or fail at managing focus. It was ok, but not really very informative.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Goleman's book is a bland melange of politically correct truisms and resume wagging claiming to be science/advice/insight. Claims focus is the key to excellence but spends most of his time talking about mindfulness and saving the world. Title should have been, "Mindfulness can save the world," but that would not have flown off the business shelf at the airport news stand. Goleman is a narcissistic bore. Half his anecdotes seem to revolve around another line on his resume. The story of the online poker fiend ends with the rounder purchasing a copy of one of Goleman's books. Oh, and didn't you know, it was Goleman not Malcolm Gladwell that first reported on the whole 10,000 hours to mastery concept. Goleman is more than happy to spend an irrelevant chapter telling you so.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Test test test test test test test test test
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    In a bit of irony, this book lacks focus. It's a decent survey of the overall importance of focus, but it ranges from light neuroscience, to environmental activism on, to leadership. Aside from mindfulness and breathing, there's nothing prescriptive in here for achieving greater focus individually or as a society. Don't bother.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    There are so many missing pages...Why? This book is not complete and you should look for another version.

Book preview

Focus - Daniel Goleman



For the well-being of generations to come



1    The Subtle Faculty

Part I: The Anatomy of Attention

2    Basics

3    Attention Top and Bottom

4    The Value of a Mind Adrift

5    Finding Balance

Part II: Self-Awareness

6    The Inner Rudder

7    Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us

8    A Recipe for Self-Control

Part III: Reading Others

9    The Woman Who Knew Too Much

10    The Empathy Triad

11    Social Sensitivity

Part IV: The Bigger Context

12    Patterns, Systems, and Messes

13    System Blindness

14    Distant Threats

Part V: Smart Practice

15    The Myth of 10,000 Hours

16    Brains on Games

17    Breathing Buddies

Part VI: The Well-Focused Leader

18    How Leaders Direct Attention

19    The Leader’s Triple Focus

20    What Makes a Leader?

Part VII: The Big Picture

21    Leading for the Long Future





About the Author

Also by Daniel Goleman



About the Publisher




To watch John Berger, house detective, track the shoppers wandering the first floor of a department store on Manhattan’s Upper East Side is to witness attention in action. In a nondescript black suit, white shirt, and red tie, walkie-talkie in hand, John moves perpetually, his focus always riveted on one or another shopper. Call him the eyes of the store.

It’s a daunting challenge. There are more than fifty shoppers on his floor at any one time, drifting from one jewelry counter to the next, perusing the Valentino scarves, sorting through the Prada pouches. As they browse the goods, John browses them.

John waltzes among the shoppers, a study in Brownian motion. For a few seconds he stands behind a purse counter, his eyes glued to a prospect, then flits to a vantage point by the door, only to glide to a corner where a perch allows him a circumspect look at a potentially suspicious trio.

While customers see only the merchandise, oblivious to John’s watchful eye, he scrutinizes them all.

There’s a saying in India, When a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are the pockets. In any crowd what John would see are the pickpockets. His gaze roams like a spotlight. I can imagine his face seeming to screw up into a giant ocular orb reminiscent of the one-eyed Cyclops. John is focus embodied.

What does he scan for? It’s a way their eyes move, or a motion in their body that tips him off to the intention to pilfer, John tells me. Or those shoppers bunched together, or the one furtively glancing around. I’ve been doing this so long I just know the signs.

As John zeroes in on one shopper among the fifty, he manages to ignore the other forty-nine, and everything else—a feat of concentration amid a sea of distraction.

Such panoramic awareness, alternating with his constant vigilance for a telling but rare signal, demands several varieties of attention—sustained attention, alerting, orienting, and managing all that—each based in a distinctly unique web of brain circuitry, and each an essential mental tool.¹

John’s sustained scan for a rare event represents one of the first facets of attention to be studied scientifically. Analysis of what helped us stay vigilant started during World War II, spurred on by the military’s need to have radar operators who could stay at peak alert for hours—and by the finding that they missed more signals toward the end of their watch, as attention lagged.

At the height of the Cold War, I remember visiting a researcher who had been commissioned by the Pentagon to study vigilance levels during sleep deprivation lasting three to five days—about how long it estimated the military officers deep in some bunker would need to stay awake during World War III. Fortunately his experiment never had to be tested against hard reality, although his encouraging finding was that even after three or more sleepless nights people could pay keen attention if their motivation was high enough (but if they didn’t care, they would nod off immediately).

In very recent years the science of attention has blossomed far beyond vigilance. That science tells us these skills determine how well we perform any task. If they are stunted, we do poorly; if muscular, we can excel. Our very nimbleness in life depends on this subtle faculty. While the link between attention and excellence remains hidden most of the time, it ripples through almost everything we seek to accomplish.

This supple tool embeds within countless mental operations. A short list of some basics includes comprehension, memory, learning, sensing how we feel and why, reading emotions in other people, and interacting smoothly. Surfacing this invisible factor in effectiveness lets us better see the benefits of improving this mental faculty, and better understand just how to do that.

Through an optical illusion of the mind we typically register the end products of attention—our ideas good and bad, a telling wink or inviting smile, the whiff of morning coffee—without noticing the beam of awareness itself.

Though it matters enormously for how we navigate life, attention in all its varieties represents a little-noticed and underrated mental asset. My goal here is to spotlight this elusive and underappreciated mental faculty in the mind’s operations and its role in living a fulfilling life.

Our journey begins with exploring some basics of attention; John’s vigilant alertness marks just one of these. Cognitive science studies a wide array, including concentration, selective attention, and open awareness, as well as how the mind deploys attention inwardly to oversee mental operations.

Vital abilities build on such basic mechanics of our mental life. For one, there’s self-awareness, which fosters self-management. Then there’s empathy, the basis for skill in relationship. These are fundamentals of emotional intelligence. As we’ll see, weakness here can sabotage a life or career, while strengths increase fulfillment and success.

Beyond these domains, systems science takes us to wider bands of focus as we regard the world around us, tuning us to the complex systems that define and constrain our world.² Such an outer focus confronts a hidden challenge in attuning to these vital systems: our brain was not designed for that task, and so we flounder. Yet systems awareness helps us grasp the workings of an organization, an economy, or the global processes that support life on this planet.

All that can be boiled down to a threesome: inner, other, and outer focus. A well-lived life demands we be nimble in each. The good news on attention comes from neuroscience labs and school classrooms, where the findings point to ways we can strengthen this vital muscle of the mind. Attention works much like a muscle—use it poorly and it can wither; work it well and it grows. We’ll see how smart practice can further develop and refine the muscle of our attention, even rehab focus-starved brains.

For leaders to get results they need all three kinds of focus. Inner focus attunes us to our intuitions, guiding values, and better decisions. Other focus smooths our connections to the people in our lives. And outer focus lets us navigate in the larger world. A leader tuned out of his internal world will be rudderless; one blind to the world of others will be clueless; those indifferent to the larger systems within which they operate will be blindsided.

And it’s not just leaders who benefit from a balance in this triple focus. All of us live in daunting environments, rife with the tensions and competing goals and lures of modern life. Each of the three varieties of attention can help us find a balance where we can be both happy and productive.

Attention, from the Latin attendere, to reach toward, connects us with the world, shaping and defining our experience. Attention, cognitive neuroscientists Michael Posner and Mary Rothbart write, provides the mechanisms that underlie our awareness of the world and the voluntary regulation of our thoughts and feelings.³

Anne Treisman, a dean of this research area, notes that how we deploy our attention determines what we see.⁴ Or as Yoda says, Your focus is your reality.


The little girl’s head came only up to her mother’s waist as she hugged her mom and held on fiercely as they rode a ferry to a vacation island. The mother, though, didn’t respond to her, or even seem to notice: she was absorbed in her iPad all the while.

There was a reprise a few minutes later, as I was getting into a shared taxi van with nine sorority sisters who that night were journeying to a weekend getaway. Within a minute of taking their seats in the dark van, dim lights flicked on as every one of the sisters checked an iPhone or tablet. Desultory conversations sputtered along while they texted or scrolled through Facebook. But mostly there was silence.

The indifference of that mother and the silence among the sisters are symptoms of how technology captures our attention and disrupts our connections. In 2006 the word pizzled entered our lexicon; a combination of puzzled and pissed, it captured the feeling people had when the person they were with whipped out a BlackBerry and started talking to someone else. Back then people felt hurt and indignant in such moments. Today it’s the norm.

Teens, the vanguard of our future, are the epicenter. In the early years of this decade their monthly text message count soared to 3,417, double the number just a few years earlier. Meanwhile their time on the phone dropped.⁵ The average American teen gets and sends more than a hundred texts a day, about ten every waking hour. I’ve seen a kid texting while he rode his bike.

A friend reports, I visited some cousins in New Jersey recently and their kids had every electronic gadget known to man. All I ever saw were the tops of their heads. They were constantly checking their iPhones for who had texted them, what had updated on Facebook, or they were lost in some video game. They’re totally unaware of what’s happening around them and clueless about how to interact with someone for any length of time.

Today’s children are growing up in a new reality, one where they are attuning more to machines and less to people than has ever been true in human history. That’s troubling for several reasons. For one, the social and emotional circuitry of a child’s brain learns from contact and conversation with everyone it encounters over the course of a day. These interactions mold brain circuitry; the fewer hours spent with people—and the more spent staring at a digitized screen—portends deficits.

Digital engagement comes at a cost in face time with real people—the medium where we learn to read nonverbals. The new crop of natives in this digital world may be adroit at the keyboard, but they can be all thumbs when it comes to reading behavior face-to-face, in real time—particularly in sensing the dismay of others when they stop to read a text in the middle of talking with them.

A college student observes the loneliness and isolation that go along with living in a virtual world of tweets, status updates, and posting pictures of my dinner. He notes that his classmates are losing their ability for conversation, let alone the soul-searching discussions that can enrich the college years. And, he says, no birthday, concert, hangout session, or party can be enjoyed without taking the time to distance yourself from what you are doing to make sure that those in your digital world know instantly how much fun you are having.

Then there are the basics of attention, the cognitive muscle that lets us follow a story, see a task through to the end, learn, or create. In some ways, as we’ll see, the endless hours young people spend staring at electronic gadgets may help them acquire specific cognitive skills. But there are concerns and questions about how those same hours may lead to deficits in core mental skills.

An eighth-grade teacher tells me that for many years she has had successive classes of students read the same book, Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. Her students have loved it—until five years or so ago. I started to see kids not so excited—even high-achieving groups could not get engaged with it, she told me. They say the reading is too hard; the sentences are too complicated; it takes a long time to read a page.

She wonders if perhaps her students’ ability to read has been somehow compromised by the short, choppy messages they get in texts. One student confessed he’d spent two thousand hours in the last year playing video games. She adds, It’s hard to teach comma rules when you are competing with World of WarCraft.

At the extremes, Taiwan, Korea, and other Asian countries see Internet addiction—to gaming, social media, virtual realities—among youth as a national health crisis, isolating the young. Around 8 percent of American gamers between ages eight and eighteen seem to meet psychiatry’s diagnostic criteria for addiction; brain studies reveal changes in their neural reward system while they game that are akin to those found in alcoholics and drug abusers.⁷ Occasional horror stories tell of addicted gamers who sleep all day and game all night, rarely stop to eat or clean themselves, and even get violent when family members try to stop them.

Rapport demands joint attention—mutual focus. Our need to make an effort to have such human moments has never been greater, given the ocean of distractions we all navigate daily.


Then there are the costs of attention decline among adults. In Mexico, an advertising rep for a large radio network complains, A few years ago you could make a five-minute video for your presentation at an ad agency. Today you have to keep it to a minute and a half. If you don’t grab them by then, everyone starts checking for messages.

A college professor who teaches film tells me he’s reading a biography of one of his heroes, the legendary French director François Truffaut. But, he finds, I can’t read more than two pages at a stretch. I get this overwhelming urge to go online and see if I have a new email. I think I’m losing my ability to sustain concentration on anything serious.

The inability to resist checking email or Facebook rather than focus on the person talking to us leads to what the sociologist Erving Goffman, a masterly observer of social interaction, called an away, a gesture that tells another person I’m not interested in what’s going on here and now.

At the third All Things D(igital) conference back in 2005, conference hosts unplugged the Wi-Fi in the main ballroom because of the glow from laptop screens, indicating that those in the audience were not glued to the action onstage. They were away, in a state, as one participant put it, of continuous partial attention, a mental blurriness induced by an overload of information inputs from the speakers, the other people in the room, and what they were doing on their laptops.⁸ To battle such partial focus today, some Silicon Valley workplaces have banned laptops, mobile phones, and other digital tools during meetings.

After not checking her mobile for a while, a publishing executive confesses she gets a jangly feeling. You miss that hit you get when there’s a text. You know it’s not right to check your phone when you’re with someone, but it’s addictive. So she and her husband have a pact: When we get home from work we put our phones in a drawer. If it’s in front of me I get anxious; I’ve just got to check it. But now we try to be more present for each other. We talk.

Our focus continually fights distractions, both inner and outer. The question is, What are our distractors costing us? An executive at a financial firm tells me, When I notice that my mind has been somewhere else during a meeting, I wonder what opportunities I’ve been missing right here.

Patients are telling a physician I know that they are self-medicating with drugs for attention deficit disorder or narcolepsy to keep up with their work. A lawyer tells him, If I didn’t take this, I couldn’t read contracts. Once patients needed a diagnosis for such prescriptions; now for many those medications have become routine performance enhancers. Growing numbers of teenagers are faking symptoms of attention deficit to get prescriptions for stimulants, a chemical route to attentiveness.

And Tony Schwartz, a consultant who coaches leaders on how to best manage their energy, tells me, "We get people to become more aware of how they use attention—which is always poorly. Attention is now the number-one issue on the minds of our clients."

The onslaught of incoming data leads to sloppy shortcuts, like triaging email by heading, skipping much of voice mails, skimming messages and memos. It’s not just that we’ve developed habits of attention that make us less effective, but that the weight of messages leaves us too little time simply to reflect on what they really mean.

All of this was foreseen way back in 1977 by the Nobel-winning economist Herbert Simon. Writing about the coming information-rich world, he warned that what information consumes is the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.






As a teenager I got into the habit of listening to the string quartets of Béla Bartók—which I found slightly cacophonous but still enjoyed—while doing my homework. Somehow tuning out those discordant tones helped me focus on, say, the chemical equation for ammonium hydroxide.

Years later, when I found myself writing articles on deadline for the New York Times, I remembered that early drill in ignoring Bartók. At the Times I labored away in the midst of the science desk, which in those years occupied a classroom-sized cavern into which were crammed desks for the dozen or so science journalists and a half dozen editors.

There was always a Bartók-ish hum of cacophony. Nearby there might be three or four people chatting; you’d overhear the near end of a phone conversation—or several—as reporters interviewed sources; editors shouted across the room to ask when an article would be ready for them. There were rarely, if ever, the sounds of silence.

And yet we science writers, myself among them, would reliably deliver our ready-to-edit copy right on time, day after day. No one ever pleaded, Everyone please be quiet, so we could concentrate. We all just redoubled our focus, tuning out the roar.

That focus in the midst of a din indicates selective attention, the neural capacity to beam in on just one target while ignoring a staggering sea of incoming stimuli, each one a potential focus in itself. This is what William James, a founder of modern psychology, meant when he defined attention as the sudden taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one of what seems several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.¹

There are two main varieties of distractions: sensory and emotional. The sensory distractors are easy: as you read these words you’re tuning out of the blank margins surrounding this text. Or notice for a moment the feeling of your tongue against your upper palate—just one of an endless wave of incoming stimuli your brain weeds out from the continuous wash of background sounds, shapes and colors, tastes, smells, sensations, and on and on.

More daunting is the second variety of lures: emotionally loaded signals. While you might find it easy to concentrate on answering your email in the hubbub of your local coffee shop, if you should overhear someone mention your name (potent emotional bait, that) it’s almost impossible to tune out the voice that carries it—your attention reflexively alerts to hear what’s being said about you. Forget that email.

The biggest challenge for even the most focused, though, comes from the emotional turmoil of our lives, like a recent blowup in a close relationship that keeps intruding into your thoughts. Such thoughts barge in for a good reason: to get us to think through what to do about what’s upsetting us. The dividing line between fruitless rumination and productive reflection lies in whether or not we come up with some tentative solution or insight and then can let those distressing thoughts go—or if, on the other hand, we just keep obsessing over the same loop of worry.

The more our focus gets disrupted, the worse we do. For instance, a test of how much college athletes are prone to having their concentration disrupted by anxiety correlates significantly with how well or poorly they will perform in the upcoming season.²

The ability to stay steady on one target and ignore everything else operates in the brain’s prefrontal regions. Specialized circuitry in this area boosts the strength of incoming signals we want to concentrate on (that email) and dampens down those we choose to ignore (those people chattering away at the next table).

Since focus demands we tune out our emotional distractions, our neural wiring for selective attention includes that for inhibiting emotion. That means those who focus best are relatively immune to emotional turbulence, more able to stay unflappable in a crisis and to keep on an even keel despite life’s emotional waves.³

Failure to drop one focus and move on to others can, for example, leave the mind lost in repeating loops of chronic anxiety. At clinical extremes it means being lost in helplessness, hopelessness, and self-pity in depression; or panic and catastrophizing in anxiety disorders; or countless repetitions of ritualistic thoughts or acts (touch the door fifty times before leaving) in obsessive-compulsive disorder. The power to disengage our attention from one thing and move it to another is essential for well-being.

The stronger our selective attention, the more powerfully we can stay absorbed in what we’ve chosen to do: get swept away by a moving scene in a film or find a powerful poetry passage exhilarating. Strong focus lets people lose themselves in YouTube or their homework to the point of being oblivious to whatever tumult might be nearby—or their parents calling them to come eat dinner.

You can spot the focused folks at a party: they are able to immerse themselves in a conversation, their eyes locked on the other person as they stay fully absorbed in their words—despite that speaker next to them blaring the Beastie Boys. The unfocused, in contrast, are in continual play, their eyes gravitating to whatever might grab them, their attention adrift.

Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin, names focus as one of a handful of essential life abilities, each based in a separate neural system, that guide us through the turbulence of our inner lives, our relationships, and whatever challenges life brings.

During sharp focus, Davidson finds, key circuitry in the prefrontal cortex gets into a synchronized state with the object of that beam of awareness, a state he calls phase-locking.⁵ If people are focused on pressing a button each time they hear a certain tone, the electrical signals in their prefrontal area fire precisely in synch with the target sound.

The better your focus, the stronger your neural lock-in. But if instead of concentration there’s a jumble of thoughts, synchrony vanishes.⁶ Just such a drop in synchrony marks people with attention deficit disorder.⁷

We learn best with focused attention. As we focus on what we are learning, the brain maps that information on what we already know, making new neural connections. If you and a small toddler share attention toward something as you name it, the toddler learns that name; if her focus wanders as you say it, she won’t.

When our mind wanders off, our brain activates a host of brain circuits that chatter about things that have nothing to do with what we’re trying to learn. Lacking focus, we store no crisp memory of what we’re learning.


Time for a quick quiz:

1.   What’s that technical term for brain wave synchrony with a sound you hear?

2.   What are the two main varieties of distraction?

3.   What aspect of attention predicts how well college athletes perform?

If you can answer these off the top of your head, you’ve been sustaining focused attention while you read—the answers were in the last few pages of this book (and can be found at the bottom of this page).*

If you can’t recall the answers, you may have been zoning out from time to time while you read. And you’re not alone.

A reader’s mind typically wanders anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of the time while perusing a text. The cost for students, not surprisingly, is that the more wandering, the worse their comprehension.

Even when our minds are not wandering, if the text turns to gibberish—like We must make some circus for the money, instead of We must make some money for the circus—about 30 percent of the time readers continue reading along for a significant stretch

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