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Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%: A Corporate Spiritual Democracy
Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%: A Corporate Spiritual Democracy
Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%: A Corporate Spiritual Democracy
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Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%: A Corporate Spiritual Democracy

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This book creates a hypothetical organization called "Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%". The book is based upon the Spiritual and organization principles designed by Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. His system which is referred to as a Corporate Spiritual Democracy has proven to work successfully with a very mixed background of personalities and with an exponentially growing membership for over 75 years. The book demonstrates how Bill Wilson's 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts and 6 Warranties can be applied to an organization with the following goals:
• Progressive reduction and removal of ego and self-centeredness from our personality;
• Continual spiritual and moral character development within ourselves;
• Establishment and operation of a national “Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%” Corporate Spiritual Democracy fellowship for U.S. citizens;
• Selecting, electing and placement of political candidates and government leaders of high moral and spiritual quality;
• Lobbying for government legislation and regulation of amoral capitalism;
• Providing service to our membership so that our “Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%” Meetings can always remain open and easily available to anyone wanting or needing our information and fellowship.

This book provides many profound and innovative ways to rethink and plan the direction we are headed individually, as a society and as a nation
Release dateSep 4, 2013
Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%: A Corporate Spiritual Democracy

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    …The Blessed One then spoke as follows: "If a soiled and dirty piece of cloth is dipped by the fuller in any dye…it will be of bad and dirty color. Why? Because the cloth is not clean. Even so … when the mind is impure, a bad future life must be expected.

    If a clean piece of cloth is dipped by the fuller into any dye at will be of beautiful and clean color. Why? Because the cloth is clean. Even so … when the mind is clean, a good future life must be expected.

    Now what are the impurities (the soil and dirt) of the mind? Lust, greed, envy, anger, jealousy, hypocrisy, stubbornness, rebellion, arrogance, haughtiness, pride, deceit, malice, trickery, etc. are some of the many impurities of the mind. One who recognizes these impurities as undesirable will gradually abandon them on this plane of existence because of the pain and suffering these false idols bring. After one recognizes these things as impurities of the mind and abandons them, they will find serenity, joy and enlightenment.

    LIBERAL TRANSLATION of The Parable of the Piece of Cloth (Abridged) extracted from What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula, Grove Press, New York, 1974.

    This book has been created to demonstrate how the genius of Bill Wilson, the anonymous founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and creator of a lasting system in which I have labeled as a Corporate Spiritual Democracy, may be applied to other uses in our society. From about age 40 to age 60, Bill Wilson has spent his sober life developing an exceptional and inspirational social order that has been successful for over seventy five years. This book generates a hypothetical fellowship called, Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% as a model to specify how the AA structure might be applied to reshaping the ideals and politics of a society to a moral democratic government that serves its people.

    This book is quite spiritual, but not specific in religiosity. The hypothetical Word of Mouth society builds its rudimental principles upon (1) the necessity to recover from self-centered Egomania through the application of Spiritual principles using AA’s 12 Steps and (2) forming a fellowship with other like minded persons using AA’s pattern for Meetings, Sponsorship, Democratic Assemblies and Corporate Service using AA’s 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts. The applicants must acknowledge the destructive power of Ego and be willing to apply the AA recovery program to their lives. By continual striving by each individual Member to raise their individual spiritual integrity and improve their moral character through application of the Steps, their association with one another and their moral expansion and spiritual growth will improve the integrity of the society they belong to.

    Speculatively, by employing a mechanism to create rapid growth and expansion for this principled fellowship, the intensification can advance the moral character of their surrounding society and culture in a short period of time. By ultimately focusing their purpose to the reparation of their established government through legal, peaceful and Spiritual methods, similar to what has been successfully carried out in history by persons such as Gandhi and ML King, Jr., it is possible to elevate the consciousness and respectability of their government to operate by Spiritual and moral principles and provide fair and equitable service to all its citizens.

    It is however imperative that this proposed social order remain humble and not interfere with any other establishment or create any controversy with the rest of society, because of the fragile nature of its existence. It would only take a few secular or non spiritual egomaniac personalities or opposing groups to take down the entire system in short order. Previous Democracies have toppled in such a manner. But just as our country’s founding fathers observed existing democracy in other governments and then incorporated those ideas into a Constitution aimed at keeping 13 States operating in a cooperative Democracy, maybe some of Bill Wilson’s ideas, extending from other great minds such as the Frenchman, De Tocqueville, could be considered by present day Democratic idealists and scholars so that we can continue with a government that serves We The People, the 99%.

    This book is not intended to be subversive or disloyal to any existing government. The model presented may be a far cry from reality and impractical for application anywhere in this world except AA, but many of the individual principles and the total conception of this system is worth sharing with others rather than keeping the ideas locked up obscurity through anonymity. Many of the AA ideas and practices have been changed in this book to suit the model for Word of Mouth Democracy, but the overall brilliance of a Corporate Spiritual Democracy should shine through. The ideas presented in this book are intended to be a representation of an existing form of Democracy found in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous that might be adaptable by the willing and open-minded who may be looking for another option for teaching concepts of morality and spirituality to our society.

    This book is largely a collection of previously published materials which are presented piecemeal with added author commentary. The author neither has an education in Sociology nor Politics, but has a great incentive to pass on the information concerning Bill Wilson’s success with a Corporate Spiritual Democracy in order that it may inspire greater minds to study, revise and actuate some of his ideas and systems into today’s and our future society. The following is a list of the works that have been quoted extensively throughout this book:

    AA Questions and Answers on Sponsorship, Anonymous. New York

    A Course in Miracles, Anonymous. New York

    Alcoholics Anonymous, Anonymous. New York

    Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age: A Brief History,Anonymous. New York

    A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, Eckhart Tolle. New York

    Ask and It Is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Hayhouse.

    Being A Christ, Ann & Peter Meyer. SD, CA

    The AA Service Manual with Twelve Concepts for World Service, Bill W. New York

    The Bhagavad Gita, Paramahansa Yogananda. LA, CA

    The Disappearance of the Universe, Gary Renard. Hayhouse

    The Language of the Heart, by Bill Wilson, The Grapevine Inc., New York

    The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes, New York

    The Twelve Concepts for World Service, illustrated,Anonymous. New York

    To Love Or To Be Loved, Tom Johnson. Redondo Beach, CA

    Power vs. Force, by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Ph. D., Hayhouse

    Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Anonymous. NewYork

    What Love Is Not (E-Article), Robert Perry. Sedona, Az.

    What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula, Grove Press, New York

    Paramahamsa Upanishad – excerpt from The Upanishads translated by Eknath Easwaran, Nilgiri Press, Canada

    This book is not designed so that the reader can comprehend all its tenants in one easy reading. The ideas presented are simple but very complex. People have studied just one section of this ideology, such as the 12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening, for over 20 years and still have not mastered its application. The Corporate Spiritual Democracy ideology is a design for living that may take one the rest of their life to just comprehend let alone apply. Word of Mouth Democracy ideology emphasizes Spiritual progress and not Spiritual perfection. But the emphasis is progression and not regression, one day at a time.

    The author must remain anonymous to respect the Traditions of A.A. The author has presented almost exactly the same ideas in another book entitled Applying AA Experience to ACIM – A PROPOSAL. This work is a proposition to A Course In Miracles study groups as an alternative to forming feudal churches (led by egomaniacs) as a means of studying and applying what is found in their literature.

    Afterwards, the author was motivated by former Vice President of the U.S. and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Al Gore, from his book entitled The Assault On Reason, to revise his proposal to A Course In Miracles students in order to address how this social creation of Bill Wilson might be applied to the formation of a Corporate Spiritual Democratic society (e.g. Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%) by laymen citizens without any particular tie except the desire to weed out Egomania in ourselves, our society and our government and bring a moral and ethical Democracy and a government that serves its people back to this country.

    Since publication of Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%, the author has also created the following books: CARBS – Carbohydrate Addiction Recovery Battalion System, Outskirts Press, Inc. The creation of this book was motivated by the writings of Gary Taubes, Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It. The principles presented are similar to what is presented in this book, only they are addressed to a different audience for different purposes.

    Another book is entitled Escape from the Addiction to Pornography – A Way Out, Outskirts Press and is based upon the author’s own recovery challenges. The book was written to help those U.S. males who discover that they are addicted to pornography and need help. The book uses the A.A. blueprints so that they can apply the same spiritual recovery program and start their own support group organization.

    The purpose of this book Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% is to illustrate to others the potential of Bill Wilson’s life work. The hypothetical Word of Mouth fellowship is based upon the Corporate Spiritual Democracy principles created by Bill Wilson to include the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts and 12 Warranties along with the his design for Meetings, Sponsorship, Democratic Assembly and Corporate Service. The fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous and its magnificent design for Corporate Spiritual Democracy stands on its own merit and does not need the defense of anyone. (Besides, we have quit fighting everyone.) AA’s corporate, Spiritual and democratic principles and successful design has been prolifically adapted to many other organizations, such as Narcotic Anonymous, Over-eaters Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, etc.

    The Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%fellowship does not actually exist anywhere, but it could. The hypothetical fellowship in this book created as a as a model to demonstrate the genius of Bill Wilson’s Corporate Spiritual Democracy could be put into effect by some motivated and energetic political science students or any U.S. citizens desiring moral and spiritual change to our existing form of government. The United States has many Spiritual people, both denominational and non denominational, who live by moral and Spiritual principles. The plan and blueprint provided by this book will allow those people to more effectively participate in shaping the principles of our country’s government. Their time, their dedication and their discipline is now needed to redirect our nation. Let the spiritual and moral people of this nation plan our future along with the law, political science and government administration majors. It is time to let those who dedicate their life to moral improvement and spiritual growth, instead of those who have dedicated their lives to material gain, to take an active role in shaping the direction our country should travel into the future. The Corporate Spiritual Democracy just by be the vehicle in which this can be accomplished.

    The fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the largest and most pure currently operating systems of democracy to be found in the world. Its Spiritual principles are aimed at the reduction of Ego from our consciousness in order to support a primary purpose: which is to awaken Spiritually and provide service to others. In today’s society where we give up all our inalienable rights to take employment and where our democratically elected representatives to government serve the lobbyists and not the populace, having the opportunity to participate in a truly democratic organization is a breath of fresh air.

    Some Spiritual fellowships and organizations profess their foundation is based on equality, but in turn establish a hierarchal autocracy. Can we ever get away from feudalism? One might take a six week Spiritual class and receive a certificate and a rank in the order and as they continue with their classes they work their way up through the rank and file, their Ego grows larger and larger, all the while claiming that they are part of an organization based upon equality. However, equality is synonymous to Democracy where our leaders can only be our Trusted Servants and not dictators, charlatans, rogues or egomaniacs.

    The ideas of the feudal church system are so entrenched into our minds, that we often can bring no effective alternatives to mind. We didn’t like the way the last one operated, with one person or a few telling the congregation how to think, interpret and model their lives. In ignorance of the destructive nature of Ego and with good intentions to form a better way, we find (and often after many years of strenuous effort), that we have gotten nowhere in our attempts to build a better system; instead we find defeat and disapproval, which are the wages of Ego.

    Democracy has greatly declined in our workforce administration and human rights are depreciating in our occupations. Unions are losing ground. Our government Human Resource offices have changed tactics. The 911 experience created large amounts of funding sent to local governments throughout the U.S. to train for emergency response. And what system did they use, a military hierarchy--that changed the entire workplace environment. Overnight all the democratic ideas such as Management by Objective disappeared, and it became a Do as I say dictatorship management system with superficial group meetings achieving no results except to produce a smoke screen of Democracy to the subordinates.

    The primary reason democracy doesn’t work is Egomania. People do not want to be equal and they want power over others. Just witness the change in personality of the person who befriends you at work and when promoted becomes the tyrant. We are a society motivated on the principles of Ego; some of which are Jealousy, Envy, Greed, Lust, Conceit, Selfishness, Anger and Fear. We do not want to share or play fair; we want to win at all costs. The insatiable Ego just wants one thing: more.

    Anyone with at least a meager intelligence and maturity can see where we are headed with this type of value system running our country and our society. Maybe it is time for our populace to change our direction and plan our course into the future. It may be possible to take our society back to the democratic principles upon which it started, respecting individual human dignity and providing service to all. If you are of that nature and are motivated to make improvements to our society and our government, hopefully you will find in this book a blueprint and a plan that has been proven to work successfully. I am suggesting that you will find it to your benefit to review the accomplishments of Bill Wilson’s Alcoholics Anonymous corporate, spiritual and democratic fellowship and be able to use many of his principles to make a better way in whatever endeavor you seek.



    The Organizational Inverted Pyramid

    Figure 1

    This chapter expounds upon the democratic assembly and corporate service systems created by Bill Wilson and applies it to a hypothetical organization called Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%. The information is very complex and is not easy reading. Perhaps the reader could just peruse through it for now. It is not necessary to grasp the entire concept unless Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% meetings were to be started and a rapid expansion of membership were to take place.

    The preceding diagram (figure 1) gives a visual depiction of the entire organization if it were to actualize. Meetings are held to learn and discuss spiritual and moral principles. Democratic business meetings occur to provide moral and spiritual methods to operate and steer the meetings. Subsequent levels of assembly and service office are established as the membership grows, hopefully, exponentially. Member’s ideas and desires are represented to the higher democratic assemblies through a spiritual electoral process called a collective Spiritual conscience. The arrow for representation in the diagram (figure 1) shows the flow of democratic communication through the various assemblies to the National Board. This is the democratic assembly system.

    In turn, a corporation is established to provide service for the membership. A corporate organization is the most efficient method to ensure that what services and policies the assemblies have determined are necessary for the membership and the fellowship’s purpose, objectives and goals are effectively carried out. The corporate service activities flow through the organization in the direction of the arrow labeled Service in the diagram (figure 1).

    Once the development of the entire organization system has been accomplished, the National Board will hire political experts with funds provided by the membership. These experts will assist and advise the Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% fellowship in determining how the overall organization can most effectively place moral and spiritual people as our political representatives and our government officials. Those findings will be communicated through corporate channels to all members; the membership can reply through the democratic assembly system to the board, however a written minority opinion can always be forwarded to any level of the Corporate Spiritual Democracy for review.

    Based upon the information and decisions provided by the National Conference, the board will also develop public relations, literature, advertisement policies and agencies as subsidiaries to the Word of Mouth Corporate Spiritual Democracy. These operations will answer directly to the board. These agencies serve the overall membership to create moral and spiritual improvements in our nation’s laws and administration. However, as depicted in the Organizational Chart each level of assembly will also have their own service office to carry out administrative responsibilities and services for that level. By utilizing the system of Corporate Spiritual Democracy established by Bill Wilson from about 1935 to 1969, we could possibly start a fellowship that promotes moral as well as spiritual restoration into our government laws and policies instead of our government serving individual or corporate capitalist desires.

    As opposed to the hierarchal pyramid that most of us have been born into and are familiar with, the AA system is an inverted pyramid organization. The individual Member is the most important person in the organization, then comes the individual Meeting’s which provide service to the Member and then the Group of Meetings which provides service to the Meetings, and so on. However, unity runs a very close second, if the Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% is to ever accomplish its goals, purpose and objectives. Members must be willing to participate as the collective Spiritual conscience leads them and often give up their particular and individual belief system if the organization is to ever have any clout at the voting polls.

    Additional levels such as District, Central Area, Regional, State, Geographical Area and National (and other levels added or subtracted in between as the need for span of representation and service arises) must be created before any real action can be taken to suggest moral improvement to our existing government. Each subsequent level of assembly must answer to the democratic assembly of Members that founded it. Each level must have a Service Office, Manager and Staff to administrate the directives, policies and services established by its corresponding Group, Assembly, Conference or Board. The office Managers and some staff are annually salaried personnel paid with the collection funds of the Membership. (Word of Mouth cannot accept outside contributions.) Managers and staff must be competent and qualified and be provided the trust and authority to do their jobs without interference.

    Ideas, needs, desires, requests and communication initially flow democratically from the Membership to the Group, Assemblies, Conference and Board. Lateral communication from the Group, Assembly, Conference or Board to their representative Service Office is also essential. Service, policies, goals and communication flow corporately back through each Service Office level from the Board to the Group to individual Business Meetings. Each Service Office Manager must not only respond to the lateral Group, Assembly, Conference or Board but also to the Service Office Manager from the corporately superior level.

    The Service Office Manager should be a highly qualified administrative and managerial full time professional employee hired to direct efficient operations of the Service Office. Additional staff can be hired or come from member volunteers, but they work equitably performing duties in all areas of office responsibility. Candidates for the position of a Service Office Manager are recruited by either the Business Meeting Chairpersons (if it is for the Group Office) or by the existing corporately subordinate Service Office Manager (e.g. Group Service Office Managers pick one candidate for the District Service Office; District Service Office Manager pick one candidate for the Central Area Service Office, and so on).

    A list of Service Office Manager nominees are presented to the next level of assembly (e.g. nominees from Group Service Offices are compiled as a list and presented to the District Assembly, District Service Office nominee names and qualifications are listed and presented to the Central Area Assembly, and so on). The assembly that is to choose the Office Manager for their Service Office discusses the nominee’s professional qualifications as well as moral and spiritual character. A collective Spiritual conscience election is then held (described later in the chapter How Business Meetings Work). A preliminary screening election is held to come up with only two candidates for the final election. All ties are settled by a draw from the hat. A prioritized list based upon the candidates standing in the screening election is maintained by the electing assembly’s Service Office as available alternates or replacements. The nominee list must be kept current and names must be removed from the list when no longer available.

    The Service Office Manager chooses his staff. All paid staff start at the same annual salary with merit and longevity raises in salary provided. Each person, volunteer or hired as office staff, learns all the aspects of the required office duties and responsibilities. Staff routinely rotate through each area of service office responsibility; the Service Office has no individual specialists except for the Service Office Manager. Experienced staff may choose to be nominated for the position of Service Office Manager.

    Those not chosen will be maintained on a list as alternates or replacements. Those on the alternative/replacement list cooperate with the delegated representative and work with them as assistants so that the position of representative does not become overwhelming to the individual delegate. In that way they can also learn all the responsibilities of the representative position and easily step into the role when needed. Persons on the alternate/replacement list are welcome to attend the next level of assembly, but not as voting participants. Their attendance will be of great benefit to their delegate’s participation and will allow them the opportunity to learn the Word of Mouth democratic assembly process at the next level.

    Whenever someone is selected or elected from one assembly to be representative in the next higher assembly a vacancy in that assembly is created. The assembly will notify the assembly Service Office Manager of the vacancy. The Service Office Manager will contact the assembly office of the vacated representative for a replacement from their list.

    Once a National Conference, National Board and National Service Office are attained, the division and expansion process (discussed later in this chapter) for Meetings, Groups and so on, that was originally established to create rapid growth and enlargement of the hypothetical Word of Mouth Democracy organization is relaxed or suspended. A new procedure to provide for adequate time for Member participation and for span of service for Meetings, Groups, Assemblies, etc. may be resolved through the Democratic process of Member Business Meetings telling their Representatives suggestions as to how this may be resolved. (One way would be to allow the division process to continue and form parallel Corporate Spiritual Democratic organizations, ad infinitum and a new level World Office be formed once another National Conference, Office and Board has been established. However, presently, this is all Pie in the Sky and I am letting my imagination get away from me.)

    Communication of needs from the Members is channeled through elected Representatives to each new level of Group, Assembly, Conference and Board democratically and carried out through that level’s Service Office Manager and Staff, corporately. Service is provided in an efficient corporate manner through the Service Office system back to the membership and their assemblies however, the elected assembly representatives are also trusted servants who serve the membership and the assembly that elected them. They must relay an account of their activities and their assembly conclusions and decisions back to the membership and other assemblies. The assembly chairperson and assistants relay assembly conclusions and decisions to the Service Office Manager; the Service Office Manager and staff are voting participants of their assembly. Likewise the National Board Trustees and the National Board Office Manager and Staff attend the National Conference with voting privileges.

    The established provisions in the Bill Wilson’s system of corporate spiritual democracy for communication back and forth and laterally are very efficient. Also, corporate spiritual democracy forms a system of checks and balances that will seal off any damaged areas of the ship, until they can be repaired. Equality, freedom of speech and respect for human dignity are the rudiments of Bill Wilson’s corporate spiritual democracy. All decisions to provide policies and services for the Membership are based upon the corporate spiritual democratic procedures of prayer, open and fair discussion, a quiet time for introspection prior to voting and a group consensus (referred to in this book as the collective Spiritual conscience) requiring a substantial unanimity or substantial majority. The established formats for discussion guarantee that a democratic spirit always prevails. The basic tenets are that leaders serve and never govern. In fact, the 12 Traditions (discussed later) are implicit that within our Word of Mouth fellowship no one person or group of people has the authority to govern another person or group of people. Much more detail of this reputable and efficient corporate spiritual democracy will be discussed later in this book.

    Although we aim at being inclusive, in order for democracy to prevail the Egomaniac personality must be weeded out of the group. This can be easily accomplished by the requirement to qualify before speaking in any activity which can be done by making the statement: My first name is ____________________, I am a U.S. citizen and I have a desire to have a Higher Spiritual Power remove self-centered, selfish Egomania from my personality, to grow Spiritually and Morally, to legitimately revive our Government and to lawfully restore U.S. Democracy to one that serves We the People, the 99%. This declaration states our primary purpose and besides being a U.S. citizen, should be the only requirement for membership.

    This Word of Mouth corporate spiritual democracy system is not designed to usurp any existing system especially our U.S. Government and its Constitution, but rather to work within the ideals of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. These ideals might in time change our Judicial System from serving political parties back to serving We the People. The Word of Mouth Democracy society could be used to take back our Congress, our Senate, our Executive Branch from amoral Capitalist domination and establish new standards to select our representatives, their qualifications for morality and competency, and change our government into an efficient and moral democracy that provides service with humility to its people.

    Books like this one usually start out identifying the problem and spend a great deal of time getting the reader to identify with the problem, but in the process of following a 12 step spiritual awakening formula there is a general theme, which is: to get out of the problem and into the solution. I did start out with What’s wrong with this country, but there are many books, CD’s and radio talk shows that can fill you in. Or, I am sure that you might be able to do a good job with that subject yourself. My personal analysis is that most of the positions in government and business are filled by self-serving Egomaniacs, whose values will eventually crash and destroy this country. With such a spiritual awakening procedure as provided in 12 Step outlines, it is important to identify the problem, but it is just as important then to get into the spiritual solution.

    Instead of spending hours to justify my claim, I will be writing on the attributes of a corporate spiritual democracy system I call Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99%. A corporate spiritual democracy employs an ego reduction and spiritual awakening practice as a requirement for all its members, but membership is voluntary and never forced upon anyone; it is strictly for those people who desire the Word of Mouth Democracy objectives, purpose and goals. Members can come and go as they please and are not required to swear allegiance to the Steps, Traditions or Concepts. You are a member if you say you are a member, however once you declare your membership, in order to verbally participate in any discussion, members are required to qualify with the statement, My first name is ___________________________, I am a U.S. citizen and I have a desire to have a Higher Spiritual Power remove self-centered, selfish Egomania from my personality, to grow Spiritually and Morally, to legitimately revive our Government and to lawfully restore U.S. Democracy to one that serves We the People, the 99%. In order to protect the individual members as well as the ‘Word of Mouth" fellowship, membership is anonymous, and we use our first names while participating in Meetings. All participation is voluntary.

    Bill Wilson’s Corporate Spiritual Democracy is designed to handle large populations and rapid population growth. The Word of Mouth Democracy fellowship is designed to create rapid growth, mostly by word of mouth from one person to another. In order for Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% objectives, purpose and goals to succeed, rapid membership growth and attendance would be necessary.

    The first phase to start Word of Mouth Democracy would be the establishment of small grass root Meetings throughout the U.S. For consistency, information from this book should be used for the format of how to conduct those Meetings (presented in later chapters of this book). Each Meeting would be focused on the reduction of self-centered, selfish Egoism within the individual member as well as moral and spiritual methods and principles to overcome Egomania. The Meetings are not about amoral capitalism or the problems within our government and discussion of those topics, as well as religion and politics should be dissuaded. Members would assist one another in the 12 step program of ego reduction and spiritual awakening. Meetings would be to discuss their progress, setbacks and discoveries in working the 12 Steps. In addition, there should be Meetings scheduled to study and discuss the Word of Mouth 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts, & 12 Warrantees.

    Rapid and exponential growth of the Word of Mouth Democracy fellowship is an important factor to successfully making changes in our government policies and planning our country’s future direction. Meetings must remain small and once they reach 24 Members in number, they should split up and move to new time or location to conduct their Meeting; 12 Members remaining and 12 Members moving on. Selection can be conducted by drawing lots or other agreed upon methods. Perhaps geographic convenience for the attendees should be the first consideration to the relocation of the Meeting.

    The continual splitting of the group will create expansion in a rather rapid process. 12 related Meetings can form a Group service function requiring a Service Office with a Manager and Staff and a Group Business Meeting (Assembly) with one delegate from each Meeting the Group represents. The Group service function should split, preferably geographically into two Groups of 12 delegates each, once the number of delegates reaches 24. This multiplicative process can go on using the numbers 12 to form a higher level and 24 to split into new groups. New levels are then formed with an accumulation of 12 Groups such as District, Central Area, Regional, State, Geographic Area, National and Board (or whatever names are deemed necessary added or subtracted to the process).

    The process used to form the Group level is through regular grass-root Meetings conducting Business Meetings. The business meeting uses the collective Spiritual conscience procedure (described later in this book) to make moral, spiritual and democratic decisions to serve and steer the Meeting. The Business Meeting employs prayer, open discussion, meditation and group consensus in order to make decisions. There is also a random pulling of choices from the hat when there is a no decision because there is less than a substantial unanimity or substantial majority in the vote, but a decision must be made. (The hat method shall also be discussed in later chapters of this book.)

    All Meetings, Business Meetings, Group Business Meeting, Assemblies, Conferences, Board Meetings, and Service Office Meetings, start with prayer and end in meditation. The prayer on the front cover of this book is suggested to begin all activities:

    Spirit, Grant what I say be of Thy word

    So other shall be blessed for having heard, and

    Grant that my path be Thy chosen way

    So those who hold my hand shall not be led astray.

    When the State level has been achieved, a State Service Office, Manager and Staff are created to administrate the requests of the State Assembly and pass service back to the Membership. The State Service Office and State Assembly should be located in the State Capital and preferably near the Capital buildings. (Likewise, Group, District, Central area, District Assemblies and Service Offices should be located near local governmental centers.) Each State Assembly creates a nomination committee to select potential candidates from their ranks for delegates to the Geographical Assembly and the National Conference. Each State Assembly chooses through the collective Spiritual conscience procedure one delegate to the Geographical Area Assembly and one delegate for the National Conference, not to be the same person.

    The State Assembly nomination committee also finds one highly morally and spiritually qualified person as a candidate for the Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% Board of Trustees. They provide the name to their State Service Office Manager, who in turn, forwards the information to the Geographic Service Office Manager. The Geographic Service Office Manager compiles a list of candidates and presents the names and qualifications to the Geographic Area Assembly. Through the collective Spiritual conscience procedure, the list is reduced to six candidates from each Geographic Area. The names of those six candidates and their credentials are forwarded to the National Conference Service Office Manager and who sequentially provides that information the National Conference delegation. Through the collective Spiritual conscience procedure 12 National Board Trustees are selected. Those not elected will serve as alternates and replacements.

    All levels of Membership from Groups to State can hold as many Business Meetings or Assemblies (e.g. District, Central Area, etc.) with their delegated Representatives as deemed necessary and convenient. All must convene at least once a year and not to coincide with the State, Geographic Area Assembly or the National Conference. General membership conventions, round ups, retreats, etc. for all Members and their guests can be sponsored by any level from Group to National and be held year round. Once the Convention, Round up, Retreat, etc. pays the bills and all contracted or professional services, the proceeds can be put back into service for the Word of Mouth Corporate Spiritual Democracy through the Word of Mouth Democracy for the 99% National Board Office.

    Once several State service functions have been instituted, the next organizational process should be Geographical Area, creating four Geographic Areas of 12 States each for the continental states and Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. territories and Indian / Inuit Nations can be assigned proportionally preferably to the nearest Geographical Area service. In order to get the Word of Mouth Democracy fellowship firmly founded, it is very important that the grass root Meeting process be started and carried out in every State. To do so would require some very dedicated service by very dedicated Members who believe that Morality, Spirituality and Democracy must prevail in our nation.

    The Geographical Area should set up an Assembly and a Service Office with a

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