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The Furious Longing of God
The Furious Longing of God
The Furious Longing of God
Ebook86 pages1 hour

The Furious Longing of God

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Imagine a stormy day at sea, your ship yielding to a relentless wind, pummeled by crashing waves, subject to the awesome force of nature. A force that is both fierce and majestic. A power that is nothing short of furious.

Such is God's intense, consuming love for His children. It's a love that knows no limits, and no boundaries. A love that will go to any lengths, and take any risks, to pursue us.

Renowned author and ragamuffin Brennan Manning presents a love story for the brokenhearted. For those who are burdened by heavy religion. For those who feel they can never measure up. It is a provocative and poignant look at the radical, no-holds-barred love of our Heavenly Father. It is a message that will forever change how you view God.
PublisherDavid C Cook
Release dateMar 1, 2009

Brennan Manning

Brennan Manning is the bestselling author of many books, including The Ragamuffin Gospel and Ruthless Trust. He leads spiritual retreats in the United States and Europe for people of all ages and backgrounds.

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Reviews for The Furious Longing of God

Rating: 4.566666666666666 out of 5 stars

30 ratings8 reviews

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Readers find this title a beautiful journey of the heart, bringing them to their knees in prayer to encounter the furious longing of God. They appreciate the realization of how loved they are and the depth of God's love. Overall, the book is liked and considered awesome.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Brennan Manning's books focus on the powerful, furious (in the best sense of the word) love of God for all his children. So I'm always glad to have the opportunity to read another one, and was delighted to find this on special offer, free for the Kindle. It's a short book, which enlarges again on the same theme - that Christianity without love offers nothing. That our role is to be submerged in God's love, and to reach out to others.

    I didn't find it as mind-blowingly powerful as I did the first couple of books I read by this author, but it was still a good, encouraging read. Thoughts to ponder at the end of each chapter meant that I spent nearly two weeks reading just a little each day.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A beautiful book that is a journey of the heart, and brought me to my knees in prayer to encounter the furious longing of God. That I would realize how loved I am and how deep his love is for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My takeaway,The furious love of God will make you burn .Thank you Brennan for this piece
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Yeet! Not too bad. I liked it it was awesome.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have been fortunate enough to see Brennan Manning live a few times and have enjoyed him very much, And while I was excited to pick this book up and read it, I had no idea what to expect from Manning as an author.The Furious Longing of GodI don’t know what it was – but I just could not get excited about the book. Mr. Manning writes a little bit like a theologian and a little bit like an existential beat poet. His chapters are short and are pretty easy to get through, but each sentence is so richly crafted that if you’re not careful, you can read an entire page and then – STOP – and ask. “What did I just read?” I don’t mind big words when they are in doctrinal papers and systematic research, but when they are trying to be artsy and “deep” … my mind will just drift away. And even after reading it, I don’t recall much what it was about. Don’t get me wrong, at times I remember enjoying the book, even thinking to myself how I could totally use that idea in a sermon or two.. it’s just… I don’t know.. it wasn’t my “type” of book. I think Manning was trying to write about how much God loves us (his children) but that point for me kept drifting away every time the author started talking about himself. I don’t know how much I would recommend it, I’d say pick up Raggamuffin first if you have never read him.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've stated before how big a fan of Brennan Manning's books I am. No other author has done more to shape my understanding and appreciation of the grace and love of God. His books have been key in the process of me walking away from the legalism that crippled my faith and spiritual development most of my life. So when a new Brennan Manning book hits the bookstores, I'm generally first in line.Manning's latest, The Furious Longing of God, is a short but powerful book. He doesn't cover a lot of new ground here (in fact, it almost reads like a 'greatest hits' book) but for me that doesn't take away from the fact that this book is incredible. Reading this book was not only a great reminder of life-changing truths, but it was somewhat therapeutic, too. Have you ever gone for years and years of only taking showers and then one day decide to soak in a big ol' bubble bath? You're left wondering why did I ever give this up when it feels so great? Same feeling reading this book. I didn't want it to end as quickly as it did.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Having read several of Brennan Manning's books, it is hard to find anything new in The Furious Longing of God, however, that does not mean this is not a worthwhile read. Once again, Manning confronts us with a combination of scriptural insight and personal stories that effectively remind us of God's intense and unchanging love for the human race. Manning has been consistently repeating this message for over twenty years now but it is a message that we all need to be reminded of from time to time and no one does it better than he does. The essential theme of The Furious Longing of God can be summarized in this quote form page 77: 'In human beings, love is a quality, a highly-prized virtue; in God, love is His identity.' Manning explores in his somewhat didactic, but entirely enjoyable way, just what it means to know a God who loves us unconditionally. I highly recommend this book for someone just exploring the Christian faith or for anyone struggling to understand how God could possibly love them despite their sin (especially those who have been believers a long time but feel burdened by "heavy religion" as Manning calls it.) Read it slowly to let the message of God's remarkable love sink in and sweep you away.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a book about the furious longing of God for His children. Which is a really important thing to write about. And something that everyone needs to hear. Every day. Including me.But this book is also about how Brennan Manning has screwed up in various ways over the course of his life. And about prayer. And fire. And chutzpah. And small gifts. And other stuff. Sort of. I lost track of what the book was supposed to be about half way through.This book is a series of chapters. Some of which are pretty good. Some of which are pretty bland. One of which is only a single paragraph. Quoted from another author. None of which are really connected with each other. Or in any kind of order.Brennan said some things that deeply moved me in this book. He said a lot that didn't. And he said some things that were kind of strange. Or just plain wrong.The back cover says that this book is "provocative and poignant." And that it will "forever change how you view God." That would have been great. If it were true.I really wanted to love this book. And recommend it. But I really didn't. And I can't. Sorry, Brennan.

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The Furious Longing of God - Brennan Manning

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the furious longing of God

"Sometimes I think that Brennan Manning’s books should come with tear marks and nicotine stains. He dares to write who he is, and in so-doing never fails to shape and change me into a more human, more honest disciple. The Furious Longing of God is one of the most startling apologetics for hope you will read this year."

Pete Greig, one of the founding leaders of The 24-7 Prayer Movement

the ragamuffin gospel

In our society, we tend to swear unyielding allegiance to a rigid position, confusing that action with finding an authentic connection to a life-giving Spirit. We miss the gospel of Christ: the good news that, although the holy and all-powerful God knows we are dust, He still stoops to breathe into us the breath of life—to bring to our wounds the balm of acceptance and love. No other author has articulated this message more simply or beautifully than Brennan Manning.

Rich Mullins, songwriter and recording artist

I found deep comfort in realizing that Jesus loves even me, a ragamuffin, just as I am and not as I should be; that He accepts me, though I am most unacceptable. I came to this book hungry; I tasted and saw afresh that our God truly is good and that He is, after all, for us.

Michael Card, musician, recording artist, and author of A Violent Grace

So much religion is conveyed to us as bad news or bland news that we are immensely grateful when it is spoken freshly as good news. This is a zestful and accurate portrayal that tells us unmistakably that the gospel is good, dazzlingly good.

Eugene Peterson, author of The Message

Brennan Manning does a masterful job of blowing the dust off of shop-worn theology and allowing God’s grace to do what only God’s grace can do—amaze.

Max Lucado, bestselling author of No Wonder They Call Him the Savior and God Came Near

"Some books are a great read. Some have taught me lifelong lessons that have made my life more of what I’m sure God intended it to be. And of course some have impressed my friends but gathered dust on my shelves. The Ragamuffin Gospel was and is different. It transformed me. I will never be the same."

Michael W. Smith, Michael W. Smith Productions

abba’s child

Brennan is my friend, walking ahead of me on the path toward home. As I watch him from behind, I am drawn to more closely follow on the path, to more deeply enjoy Abba’s love.

Dr. Larry Crabb, author of Inside Out and Finding God

Brennan awakens a sense of wonder at the possibility of real relationship with the Abba of Jesus. I was gently led closer to becoming a true child of Abba.

Michael Card, singer, songwriter, and author of Immanuel: Reflections On the Life of Christ

"Brennan Manning has the wonderful gift of making Jesus a real answer to our real questions, a desirable lover for our ever desirous hearts. He does it again in Abba’s Child."

Richard Rohr, founder of the New Jerusalem Community in Cincinnati and the Center for Action & Contemplation in Albuquerque


Published by David C. Cook

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All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form without written permission from the publisher.

The Web site addresses recommended throughout this book are offered as a resource to you. These Web sites are not intended in any way to be or imply an endorsement on the part of David C. Cook, nor do we vouch for their content.

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are the author’s own translation.

LCCN 2008942916

Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4347-6750-9

International Trade Paperback ISBN 978-1-4347-6728-8

eISBN 978-1-4347-0086-5

© 2009 Brennan Manning

Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc,

7680 Goddard St., Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

The Team: John Blase, Amy Kiechlin, and Jaci Schneider

Cover Design: The DesignWorks Group, Charles Brock

Cover Images: Clouds © age fotostock/SuperStock;

other images are Shuttershock

First Edition 2009



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about the author


by Mark Batterson

lead pastor of National Community Church and author of In the Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day

If Brennan Manning writes it, I’m going to read it. It’s as simple as that. I’ve been greatly impacted by his previous books, especially The Ragamuffin Gospel and The Importance of Being Foolish. So when I was given the opportunity to write the foreword to this book, I was truly humbled. And I selfishly accepted because it meant I would get to read the book before you!

Brennan has a raw poetic writing style that puts him in rare writing company. His words will gracefully confront the status quo in your life and reawaken a deep desire to know the One who desires you. Brennan also has a way of putting into words the subliminal

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