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The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Mark: Serving Others as You Walk with the Master Servant
The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Mark: Serving Others as You Walk with the Master Servant
The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Mark: Serving Others as You Walk with the Master Servant
Ebook114 pages2 hours

The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Mark: Serving Others as You Walk with the Master Servant

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The Gospel of Mark offers a unique look at the life of Christ and documents the ministry and miracles of Jesus that firmly established Him as God’s Son. This insightful study takes an in-depth look at Christ’s character and His remarkable messages, while exploring a savior whose life was marked by serving others. The Wiersbe Bible Studies Series explores timeless wisdom found in God’s word. Based on Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s popular “BE” series, each study provides topical, relevant insights from selected books of the Bible. Designed for small groups, this eight-week study features selected commentaries from Be Diligent, engaging questions, and practical applications, all designed to help you connect God’s word with your life.   
PublisherDavid C Cook
Release dateFeb 1, 2013
The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Mark: Serving Others as You Walk with the Master Servant

Warren W. Wiersbe

Warren W. Wiersbe, former pastor of the Moody Church and general director of Back to the Bible, has traveled widely as a Bible teacher and conference speaker. Because of his encouragement to those in ministry, Dr. Wiersbe is often referred to as "the pastor’s pastor." He has ministered in churches and conferences throughout the United States as well as in Canada, Central and South America, and Europe. Dr. Wiersbe has written over 150 books, including the popular BE series of commentaries on every book of the Bible, which has sold more than four million copies. At the 2002 Christian Booksellers Convention, he was awarded the Gold Medallion Lifetime Achievement Award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Dr. Wiersbe and his wife, Betty, live in Lincoln, Nebraska.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Wiersbe Bible Studies Series explores timeless wisdom found in God’s word. In the book of Mark, Jesus eagerly proclaims the Good News: the Kingdom of God has come. What does that mean for those of us who follow Jesus? Mark: The Wiersbe Bible Study Series is an excellent introduction to the book of Mark and the important themes contained in this earliest gospel.The Bible invites us to explore God’s word and reflect on how we might respond to it. To do this, we need guidance and the right tools for discovery. Balanced in judgment and offering numerous astute observations, this work should prove highly useful, especially to serious readers seeking a reliable introduction and companion for their study of Mark's account of Jesus's ministry.This volume transports modern readers back to the days of Mark's original audience and helps us to understand and apply his unique writing and challenges to the church. Very possibly the oldest written account of the ministry of Jesus that we possess, the Gospel of Mark is a vivid and fast-paced narrative of the Good News about Jesus.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Wiersbe Bible Study commentary made it very easy to understand the Mark's Gospel

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The Wiersbe Bible Study Series - Warren W. Wiersbe



Introduction to Mark

How to Use This Study

Lesson 1

The Servant (MARK 1)

Lesson 2

Three Gifts (MARK 2:1—3:12)

Lesson 3

The Crowds and the Kingdom (MARK 3:13—5:43)

Lesson 4

Unbelief (MARK 6)

Lesson 5

Teacher (MARK 7—9)

Lesson 6

Paradoxes (MARK 10)

Lesson 7

Jerusalem (MARK 11—13)

Lesson 8

Suffering and Sacrifice (MARK 14—16)

Bonus Lesson

Summary and Review


Introduction to Mark

Meeting Needs

The gospel of Mark is just the book for busy people who want to use every opportunity to serve God. It presents our Lord on the move, meeting the physical and spiritual needs of all kinds of people. Mark depicts Jesus as God’s suffering Servant who came, not to be ministered to, but to minister—even to the extent of giving His life for us on the cross.

Our world is filled with hurting people who need our ministry. Jesus left His church on earth so that we might continue the ministry He started. However, I fear that in the church today, we have too many spectators and not enough participants, too many celebrities and not enough servants.

The Servant

Mark wrote for the Romans, and ultimately for all of us, and his theme is Jesus Christ the Servant. If we had to pick a key verse in this gospel, it would be Mark 10:45: For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

If our time together studying Mark’s gospel encourages you to be diligent in your own ministry to others, then the time has not been wasted. May our Lord enable all of us to be servants for His glory!

—Warren W. Wiersbe

How to Use This Study

This study is designed for both individual and small-group use. We’ve divided it into eight lessons—each references one or more chapters in Warren W. Wiersbe’s commentary Be Diligent (second edition, David C Cook, 2010). While reading Be Diligent is not a prerequisite for going through this study, the additional insights and background Wiersbe offers can greatly enhance your study experience.

The Getting Started questions at the beginning of each lesson offer you an opportunity to record your first thoughts and reactions to the study text. This is an important step in the study process as those first impressions often include clues about what it is your heart is longing to discover.

The bulk of the study is found in the Going Deeper questions. These dive into the Bible text and, along with helpful excerpts from Wiersbe’s commentary, help you examine not only the original context and meaning of the verses but also modern application.

Looking Inward narrows the focus down to your personal story. These intimate questions can be a bit uncomfortable at times, but don’t shy away from honesty here. This is where you are asked to stand before the mirror of God’s Word and look closely at what you see. It’s the place to take a good look at yourself in light of the lesson and search for ways in which you can grow in faith.

Going Forward is the place where you can commit to paper those things you want or need to do in order to better live out the discoveries you made in the Looking Inward section. Don’t skip or skim through this. Take the time to really consider what practical steps you might take to move closer to Christ. Then share your thoughts with a trusted friend who can act as an encourager and accountability partner.

Finally, there is a brief Seeking Help section to close the lesson. This is a reminder for you to invite God into your spiritual-growth process. If you choose to write out a prayer in this section, come back to it as you work through the lesson and continue to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you discover God’s will for your life.

Tips for Small Groups

A small group is a dynamic thing. One week it might seem like a group of close-knit friends. The next it might seem more like a group of uncomfortable strangers. A small-group leader’s role is to read these subtle changes and adjust the tone of the discussion accordingly.

Small groups need to be safe places for people to talk openly. It is through shared wrestling with difficult life issues that some of the greatest personal growth is discovered. But in order for the group to feel safe, participants need to know it’s okay not to share sometimes. Always invite honest disclosure, but never force someone to speak if he or she isn’t comfortable doing so. (A savvy leader will follow up later with a group member who isn’t comfortable sharing in a group setting to see if a one-on-one discussion is more appropriate.)

Have volunteers take turns reading excerpts from Scripture or from the commentary. The more each person is involved even in the mundane tasks, the more they’ll feel comfortable opening up in more meaningful ways.

The leader should watch the clock and keep the discussion moving. Sometimes there may be more Going Deeper questions than your group can cover in your available time. If you’ve had a fruitful discussion, it’s okay to move on without finishing everything. And if you think the group is getting bogged down on a question or has taken off on a tangent, you can simply say, Let’s go on to question 5. Be sure to save at least ten to fifteen minutes for the Going Forward questions.

Finally, soak your group meetings in prayer—before you begin, during as needed, and always at the end of your time together.

Lesson 1

The Servant

(MARK 1)

Before you begin …

• Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth and wisdom as you go through this lesson.

• Read Mark 1. This lesson references chapter 1 in Be Diligent. It will be helpful for you to have your Bible and a copy of the commentary available as you work through this lesson.

Getting Started

From the Commentary

The gospel is neither a discussion nor a debate, said Dr. Paul S. Rees. It is an announcement!

Mark wasted no time giving that announcement, for it is found in the opening words of his book. Matthew, who wrote primarily for the Jews, opened his book with a genealogy. After all, he had to prove to his readers that Jesus Christ is indeed the rightful Heir to David’s throne.

Since Luke focused mainly on the sympathetic ministry of the Son of Man, he devoted the early chapters of his book to a record of the Savior’s birth. Luke emphasized Christ’s humanity, for he knew that his Greek readers would identify with the perfect Babe who grew up to be the perfect Man.

John’s gospel begins with a statement about eternity. Why? Because John wrote to prove to the whole world that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Son of God (John 20:31). The subject of John’s gospel is the deity of Christ, but the object of his gospel is to

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