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Healing Your Life with Water: How to use your Mind Body & Water Connection to Awaken Your Inner Fountain of Youth
Healing Your Life with Water: How to use your Mind Body & Water Connection to Awaken Your Inner Fountain of Youth
Healing Your Life with Water: How to use your Mind Body & Water Connection to Awaken Your Inner Fountain of Youth
Ebook299 pages5 hours

Healing Your Life with Water: How to use your Mind Body & Water Connection to Awaken Your Inner Fountain of Youth

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About this ebook

This is a ground breaking book that reveals the surprising key to feeling better, looking younger, living longer and CHANGING THE WORLD - using your Mind, Body and Water Connection.

If you want to feel and live better, read on....

You are made up of 70% water—in essence, you are a body of water. Taking care of your inner water has a greater effect on your health—and the world—than you ever imagined. What Diana Ruiz reveals will change how you feel about yourself, others, and life itself.

Join Diana on a voyage to healing your own body of water and kick-starting your Inner Fountain of Youth. Through simple techniques and new knowledge, you will experience better health and confidence in every area of your life; business, relationships, creativity, spirituality, and a boost to age-defying thoughts & emotions.

In Healing Your Life with Water, you will learn:
The surprising relationship between water and human emotions.
A simple technique to relieve, phobias, panic attacks, depression, PTSD, anxiety; any type of stress at home/work simply.
What an Inner Fountain of Youth is and how to rev it up.
How to eat in a rejuvenating “Alkaline” way.
How to boost "Alkaline" thoughts and emotions.
How to turn up your "Inner Fountain of Youth".
How your thoughts affect your body of water as evidenced by scientific studies.
How Zombie Emotions and Moldy Oldies prevent happiness.
A revolutionary simple technique to erase stress and boost vitality.
How to boost confidence.
The role water, oxygen, and kindness play in preventing cancer and disease.
How to create age-defying relationships at home and work.
How the subconscious controls us, and how we can control it.
The Emotional Freedom Technique than can heal our pasts.
How you can change the world just by feeling good.
How to Change the world just by feeling better.

Are you ready to awaken your Inner Fountain of Youth and change the

Come on in, the water’s fine
Release dateOct 31, 2013
Healing Your Life with Water: How to use your Mind Body & Water Connection to Awaken Your Inner Fountain of Youth

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book title is misleading, the author doesn't tell you how much water to drink. She talk about its benefits mostly not how it can cure emotional upsets.

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Healing Your Life with Water - Diana E. Ruiz


We are made up of 70 percent water, and 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

Maybe that is why, as an adult, I feel such a connection to water and the twinge of a protective mother when watching one oil spill after another in the ’90s. It was frustrating to feel like I could do nothing to help. Goodness knows I had my own issues to deal with as a single mother of three on welfare who had been in hiding for several years from a relationship gone very badly. I went from one women’s shelter to another, finally landing in Duluth, Minnesota by the great Lake Superior and near my family on my mother’s side. The water provided solace during turbulent emotional times and strength when needed. Many summer days were spent by the lakeshore with my children.

There always seemed to be an unspoken bond, a kinship, a common language between the water and me.

A few years later while earning a Master’s in Mass Communication while my children were in school, I produced a documentary called Preserving the Reefs of Cozumel and felt good about my attempt to do my part. It was used by college biology classes to educate students.

During that time, I struggled with social phobias, and at one point, I was too afraid to walk into a mall parking lot in broad daylight. In an effort to find relief, I began reading many books and became aware of the importance of thinking and feeling positive thoughts in order to create a better life and better health. Along the way, I learned some powerful but simple tools that quickly and easily dissolved the unhealthy emotions collected during my life, which allowed me to begin to experience a new, foreign, but age-defying emotion—Joy.

Little did I know that my search to create my own internal peace and health would lead me to discover the biggest key in transforming the earth’s water back to health—the conscious human body of water. This and other keys I’ve discovered about water are what I offer in this book.

It is with this great respect for the earth’s water—water in all forms—that I share insights that provide simple tools to transform health-hindering emotions into personal and world peace.

Earth has been called the blue planet because of its oceans and fresh water, and when you consider the human collective body of water, this statement rings truer than ever. There is a certain way to eat, think, and feel in order to keep your body of water healthy. When we understand the relationship between our mind and our physical body of water, we can begin to discover the key to: feeling better, looking younger, living longer, and unlocking our inner fountain of youth. You will be surprised by how easily your personal happiness affects the world at large once you make this discovery. And it all starts with our health.

When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence cannot be implied.

— Herophilos, (335-280 B.C.), Greek physician


You are made up of 70 percent water; in essence, you are a body of water. There is a certain way to eat, think, and feel in order to create a healthy body of water.

Feeling truly and honestly emotionally good is not only good for your personal health—those good feelings ripple out to all our families and communities and benefit their health in a way that might surprise you because of the unique properties of water. In other words, what you eat, think, and feel becomes a worldwide event because you and all of us are made up of 70 percent water.

Sometimes, though, feeling honestly and deeply good in this day and age can seem like a very difficult task. That’s exactly why I’ve written this book. If you are wondering whether this book will help you, ask yourself:

• Have you struggled with weight, health issues, energy, anxiety, phobias or confidence?

• Have you felt discouraged by the state of the world and the economy?

• Are you comfortable with your age, financial situation, status, and relationships?

• Have you ever wanted to make a difference in the world but feel hard pressed to make a meaningful change in your own life?

• Did you ever wish you had an easy button for stresses in life and in relationships?

• Have you ever asked yourself: Isn’t there more to life than this?

• Have you wanted to deepen your connection to your passion?

• Have you wanted to connect more with your purpose?

I can relate intimately to each of these concerns because they are questions I had grappled with in my efforts to make a difference in the world and create a better life for myself.

This book reveals how our:

• Diet

• Emotions, and

• Thoughts

affect us down to our DNA and how they affect our friends, family, communities and world. When we feel good it supercharges our inner fountain of youth.

Because feeling relaxed and good is so vital to our rejuvenation, I’ve shared a technique that has successfully helped millions of people eliminate stress and the emotional blocks that stand in the way of success on all levels. It is used by internationally renowned coaches to guide their clients toward satisfying lives because it makes positive choices easy and natural. Surprisingly, this technique quickly relieves cravings from food, cigarettes and other addictions and provides quick relief from grief, phobias, PTSD and depression. It has worked personally for me. Not too long ago, I struggled with social phobias, and at one point, I was too afraid to walk into a mall parking lot in broad daylight. Using the simple principles allowed me to stand on stage in front of thousands while heading my own band and gave me the courage to become an author and speaker.

The principles laid out in this book, if earnestly applied, will change you and your life for the better as well. I challenge you to read one more book on your personal journey which could alter your future choices in such a way that it will allow you to get where you want to be in life—with more ease and potentially change your life and the world in ways you had always hoped you could.

I encourage you to take this journey with me. It’s time to awaken your Inner Fountain of Youth and change the world. Come on in, the water’s fine.


DISCOVERING YOUR BODY OF WATER—Revealing Your Inner Fountain of Youth


Water You Made Of?

You have an amazing body—did anyone ever tell you that? It’s true. It’s built to last, and it replaces itself entirely every seven years. Your skin is renewed monthly. Cells constantly die off and are replaced. The cells of our stomach lining are replaced every three or four days, our livers are renewed every six weeks, bones which seem so solid are actually fluid in the sense that they are continuously renewed, completing a cycle every three or four years. Despite this complete turnover of matter, we adhere to the blueprint. We retain our personality and general appearance and are completely unaware of the renovation process.¹

We are built to be healthy, and when all things are perfect—diet, exercise, sunshine, water—Scientists say we should be able to live to age 120.

Water makes all of this possible. The average adult contains 70 percent water—and children up to 90 percent. The human body contains 2/3rds water by weight: blood contains 83 percent water, muscles 75 percent, the brain 74 percent, and bones 22 percent.² We have the approximate equivalent of ten gallons of water in us. So we are basically a body of water.


Nothing happens without water, so making sure we take in enough water is very important. Water regulates all the functions in the human body: body temperature, cushioning of joints, movement of nerve impulses, balance of hormones, flow of blood to lymph nodes, brain functioning, nutrient absorption, and waste removal in cells.³

If we don’t have enough water—the very thing upon which all our body’s functions hinge—there can be a hiccup in our health.

How much water do you need to drink? At least 20 percent of the water you need comes from the foods you eat. The rest comes from the beverages you drink. Some experts believe you can estimate the amount of water you need by taking your weight in pounds and dividing that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces you may want to drink each day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water or other fluids per day.⁴ Drink more if you work out or sweat a lot in the heat. How much water do you drink each day?


You might be thinking What? If I drink all that water won’t I gain water weight? I used to think that drinking less water, would solve the problem. It seemed logical; however, this is not the case. Water is so important that the body will try to hang onto every drop of it, storing it greedily, if it isn’t getting enough. When we begin to drink enough water, the body freely lets go of the stored water. It also breaks down fat and fills you up a bit more if you drink it before a meal, which is a good habit to get into because sometimes dehydration can mimic hunger pangs. ⁵ Drinking more water is great for weight loss on several levels.

I really never paid attention to how much water I drank when I was younger (last year) so it wasn’t high on my priority list. In fact, I somewhat had to force myself to drink it when I learned how good it was for me. I added a bit of fresh lemon juice to tweak the flavor a bit. I lost noticeable inches from around my waist and hips a few weeks after intentionally drinking more.

A friend of mine was instructed by her doctor to drink more water because of a stomach issue. She could hardly contain her smile while telling me how many inches she had lost from simply drinking more water.


According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, Water has been called God’s nectar, within three days of not drinking water, the membranes of your brain will be irreversibly affected, and within seven days of not drinking, you will be dead.⁶ It’s pretty important!

Studies gathered by the Royal College of Nursing and the National Patient Safety Agency in England⁷ show that drinking enough water not only helps in weight loss but also:

• Reduces risk of breast cancer by 33 percent in premenopausal women and 79 percent in post-menopausal women

• Reduces bladder cancer risk by 51 percent

• Reduces risk for rectal cancer by 92 percent

• Reduces risk for colorectal cancer by 42 percent

• Reduces risk of heart disease by 46 percent in men and 59 percent in women

• Slows down development of diabetic ketoacidosis during insulin deficiency in Type 1 diabetes

• Maintains healthy blood sugar levels

• Reduces risk of developing pressure ulcers by

50 percent

• Reduces tooth decay

• Promotes tooth repair

• Reduces gum disease

• Increases concentration


Taking in plenty of water is important because we lose approximately 10-15 cups of water each day through everyday activities⁸ such as sweat and urination. We lose one pint a day just by breathing out water vapor. Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate as well.⁹ Dehydration can decrease athletic performance by 45 percent.

After learning about the importance of water, I began encouraging my elderly mother, a die-hard caffeinated soda and coffee fan, to drink more water. She had several colas a day, almost hourly. Getting her to drink more water was important because of all the reasons mentioned above and she was also experiencing some health problems. When she scrunched up her nose at the mere mention of drinking water, I realized where I inherited my distaste for it. After many long dissertations about the benefits of water (Sorry, Mom), she finally promised me she would drink at least two glasses a day. A few days later, she was happy to report that she was more regular than she had been in many years, and after a few weeks, her skin took on a nice glow. She LOVED hearing that! Such a simple thing to do that provides so many benefits!


Staying hydrated is important because water contains oxygen. We wouldn’t be able to live very long if we couldn’t breathe, and it’s the same with our cells—they wouldn’t be able to live very long if they were deprived of the oxygen found in water; goodness knows they have a lot of work to do renewing and rejuvenating us every day. Our health depends on plenty of oxygen.

When we look at the ingredients of water—two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen (H2O)—we begin to see why water is so vital for us.


We can learn a lot from other bodies of water such as a pond or a fishbowl. We all know that fish need clean balanced water in which to live and thrive. Have you ever seen a fishbowl that has turned murky? I remember losing more than one goldfish by not knowing the basics of caring for the water my little pet swam in. Water in a fishbowl needs to have proper pH, which is an alkaline and acid ratio that determines the health of the water. The right pH keeps the fish happy and healthy. Our internal fishbowl is no different and we need to maintain a healthy pH there too. The ratio of alkaline and acid in water is basically the measurement of oxygen in it. If a test shows a higher alkaline content, it means there is more oxygen in the water. A murky fishbowl or pond is a sign that there is not enough oxygen in a pond and the fish have to labor to breathe. This water would be considered on the acidic side (less oxygen). Many things can cause this imbalance; too many toxins, not enough fresh water coming in, overgrowth of certain plants, or foreign marine life. External elements can throw off the balance, depriving a body of water of its oxygen. Our body of water is no different.


Our blood can be looked at as the river of life within us and the body guards the pH balance of the blood strictly at 7.356 pH which is considered very mildly basic. ¹⁰

If there is too much acid in the system, our bodies extract alkalizing minerals from our bones and transport it to the blood so it can maintain this important balance. What we eat either helps or hinders this balance.

If we are wise, we too will follow the cue of our body’s protective measures concerning our life blood and guard our pH as well. Several ways to protect our pH are covered in this book. Diet and drinking enough water are the most obvious; however, later we’ll discover how our thoughts and emotions can upset this delicate balance as well.

Measuring your pH

The secret to healthy water is to have the right pH balance, the right amount of oxygen. The caretaker of a swimming pool will test the water to see whether the pH is healthy for us to swim in it. We too can test to see whether our body of water is healthy for our cells and organs to swim in by purchasing pH test strips at a local health food store or online.

You can use pH strips to test your saliva or urine. Here is a sample of a color chart found on the packaging that you’ll compare your test strip with:

The most accurate way to test your alkaline level is a blood test.

When I learned this, I ran out to my local health store and bought some pH test strips. I wanted to see just how good or bad my measurement was. After finding out what it was, I took a mental snapshot of that level and created conversations and assumptions around it. What I didn’t realize was that the pH level of my saliva and urine fluctuates. I don’t do that anymore because I’ve learned that it’s a better use of energy to grab a glass of water and implement a diet that supports health because our bodies respond very quickly to positive changes as you will learn.

Case in point: During a recent dentist visit, my hygienist told me that if your gums are in bad shape, just two weeks of good dental hygiene—brushing, flossing, and stimulating the gums—is enough to get your gums back into shape…two weeks. I always thought that once the gums went downhill…that was it. But our bodies respond that quickly. So go ahead and check your pH level, but more importantly, read on and discover what foods will keep your body of water balanced and healthy, and then, add more of those foods to your diet.

With everything that water does, transporting nutrients throughout our bodies, providing oxygen, facilitating the rejuvenation process, allowing our system to function so it renews itself again and again, we truly do have an Inner Fountain of Youth. The key to vibrant health is knowing what to eat, drink, think, and feel to keep it flowing freely.

We all want to feel young at heart and enjoy vibrant health. This book presents a holistic approach to nourishing your mind, body of water and soul. A recipe, if you will, for true health and happiness. As with any winning recipe, I have added a pinch of love, and a dash of hope that it will inspire you.

In this next chapter, we’ll start out with the basics – what to feed your body of water. We’ll tend to the mind and soul a bit later.

1 Morter, M. Ted. Dynamic Health. p. 34







6 Leaf, Caroline. Who Switched Off My Brain? p. 133




10 Young, Shelly Redford and Robert O. Young. The pH Miracle. p. 34


What Is the Best Thing to Feed Your Body of Water?

A winning recipe is always in the ingredients. Let’s see what ingredients our body is using in order to recreate itself over and over.

Recipe of a Human:¹

• Oxygen (65 percent)

• Carbon (18 percent)

• Hydrogen (10 percent)

• Nitrogen (3 percent)

• Calcium (1.5 percent)

• Phosphorus (1.0 percent)

• Potassium (0.35 percent)

• Sulfur (0.25 percent)

• Sodium (0.15 percent)

• Magnesium (0.05 percent)

• Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Molybdenum, Fluorine, Chlorine, Iodine, Manganese, Cobalt, Iron (0.70 percent)

• Lithium, Strontium, Aluminum, Silicon, Lead, Vanadium, Arsenic, Bromine (trace amounts)

Surprisingly, few other ingredients make up our magnificent physiologies. The fact that we are made up of so few ingredients is pretty amazing considering the many organs, glands, bones, hair, eyes, and blood vessels these few elements form into. Our water is the medium that facilitates the creation of all these systems and assists them in functioning once they are up and running. Our inner fountain of youth is truly fantastic!

Since our bodies are always rebuilding themselves, they need to have these key recipe ingredients replenished daily—the building blocks, if you will. If you want to be amused and amazed, do an Internet search and look for the foods that contain the ingredients found in a recipe of a human. You will find that each food has high nutrient, water and oxygen content. Here is a wonderful site where you can look up ingredients, vitamins, and minerals found in each food:


We’ll look into what those foods are in the next chapter. (Hint, if it is a fruit or a vegetable it has water in it.)

There is a pattern emerging here; water is involved in every aspect of our internal workings. We are made up of 70 percent water, which provides our internal flowing river, allowing easy transportation for the continual reconstruction process. It helps infuse nutrients in and out of the cells of each of the systems, and it provides oxygen in the process. It’s surprisingly simple to keep a body of water healthy: drink plenty of water and eat a diet of foods that contain mostly water and oxygen.

It might surprise you to know that spinach has more water in it per gram than

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