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Hard As It Gets: A Hard Ink Novel
Hard As It Gets: A Hard Ink Novel
Hard As It Gets: A Hard Ink Novel
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Hard As It Gets: A Hard Ink Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Five dishonored soldiers. Former Special Forces. One last mission.

These are the men of Hard Ink.

Trouble just walked into Nicholas Rixey's tattoo parlor. Becca Merritt is warm, sexy, wholesome—pure temptation to a very jaded Nick. He's left his military life behind to become co-owner of Hard Ink Tattoo, but Becca is his ex-commander's daughter. Loyalty won't let him turn her away. Lust has plenty to do with it too.

With her brother presumed kidnapped, Becca needs Nick. She just wasn't expecting to want him so much. As their investigation turns into all-out war with an organized crime ring, only Nick can protect her. And only Becca can heal the scars no one else sees.

Desire is the easy part. Love is as hard as it gets. Good thing Nick is always up for a challenge . . .

Release dateNov 26, 2013
Hard As It Gets: A Hard Ink Novel

Laura Kaye

Laura Kaye is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty books in contemporary romance and romantic suspense, including the Hard Ink, Raven Riders, and Blasphemy series. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. Laura also writes historical fiction as the New York Times bestseller, Laura Kamoie. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and monster puppy, Schuyler, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

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Reviews for Hard As It Gets

Rating: 4.136363636363637 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a great series with lovable characters and emotional depth. The author does a great job of weaving a great story and creating characters that readers want to know more about. While some readers felt that the timeline was rushed and had a hard time with a character's name, overall, the series is well worth buying and the novellas are particularly enjoyable. The author also does a great job of explaining the story in each book, making it possible to read one or the whole series.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Hard As It Gets has cemented my belief that Laura Kaye can not write a book that is anything but fantastic. This first book in her new series combined many of this author’s staples: excellent writing, realistic dialogue, likeable characters, hot but flawed heroes, and the women who make them want something they never knew they needed. If you buy any book this year, pick up this Hard Ink novel or any of her other books. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

    Becca Merritt has lost one family member after another. Her mother, her older brother, her father and now her younger brother Charlie is missing. He’s all the family she has left, so nothing will stop her from exhausting all means in order to find him. I really liked Becca as a heroine. She had a strong will to see things through, she was smart and quick-thinking, she rarely backed down from anything or anyone, and she rarely ever took unnecessary risks. Now that is a character I can appreciate.

    Nicholas “Nick” Rixey. Thirty-three years old, former Army Special Forces, part-time tattoo artist, process server, older brother, protector and a little bent, but not broken. Hearing the name “Merritt” brought up some very unpleasant memories. There was no way he would help the daughter of the man he despised most. But that’s the thing about being a soldier and honoring the vows he’d lived and served by for so long. He couldn’t turn his back on her, no matter how much he wanted to. The fact that he played a minor role in his brother’s tattoo parlor spoke of his love and concern for him. That seemed to be the only area where Nick felt he hadn’t failed.

    I really enjoyed the chemistry these two had. As they gradually became closer, thrust together by danger and secrets, they faced some of their fears, it set them on the course to opening up to someone, and it opened their eyes to the bigger picture. All of those things combined intensified the conflict that the reader and Nick were privy to, but not Becca. When she finally found out what Nick hadn’t been able to tell her, she handled it very well, all things considered. They dealt with everything like level-headed adults and forged on. Another plus point for this couple was their ability to communicate, both seriously and jokingly. The author did a wonderful job of making the dialogue sound realistic whether the situation called for some light-hearted banter or more serious topics.

    The sex. THE SEX! I think Nick’s words were often hotter than the act itself.

    There was a very good balance between suspense/action and romance. I feel that each got equal attention that kept me glued to the pages. The story flowed nicely, although one portion was perhaps a little longer than necessary. Also, the two times that Becca’s life was in danger, it wasn’t altogether realistic that she got away relatively unscathed both times. Then again, it gave the hero a reason to save the day, and who wouldn’t want to read and swoon over that? I was a little distracted by those two points, but within the bigger picture, they did ultimately serve their purpose.

    The book doesn’t exactly have a cliffhanger ending, but the mystery behind the team’s tarnished reputation and honor, Becca’s father’s involvement and the Church Organization will be tackled in the following books. I think this book was quite satisfying that one won’t mind waiting on the sequel. I definitely recommend it.

    My rating: 4.5 rounded up to 5

    Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the publisher via Edelweiss for the purpose of an honest review. I also pre-ordered the print copy from Amazon.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    4.5 starsOkay, all you fellow romantic suspense readers out there, get ready for Laura Kaye’s smexy new Hard Ink series. Her debut novel, Hard As It Gets was just released, and so far, I’m impressed with the storyline and the loyal cast of characters who collaborate to solve an ongoing mystery behind a major cover up that has already destroyed the careers and reputations of five ex-special forces soldiers who are determined to clear their names. Becca Merritt steps out of her comfort zone when she enters the Hard Ink Tattoo Parlor looking for Nick Rixey to help her find her missing brother, Charlie. She doesn’t expect Nick’s brusque behavior and abrupt dismissal of her crisis, but she also has no idea of the depth of anger and bitterness Nick has toward her father, the recently deceased Colonel Frank Merritt.Since Nick’s other than honorable discharge from the Army a year ago, he has felt lost, without a true purpose and spends some of his time working alongside his younger brother, Jeremy, as a tattoo artist. He carries so much guilt that as second in command, he didn’t realize that Colonel Merritt planned to sabotage and destroy his own team, and it’s sad to see him try to bear the burden alone, when his teammates would be there for him, if only he’d reach out to them. Despite Nick’s aloof behavior, he is a man of integrity, and the desire to protect others is deeply ingrained in his psyche. When he discovers both Becca and her brother are, indeed, in immediate danger, he puts aside his deep-seated feelings of betrayal and puts all of his efforts into helping Becca stay safe and find Charlie. As they work together, the attraction and sexual chemistry between them intensifies and the awareness they have when they are around each other is one of the key aspects in making this a great romantic read. I enjoyed the deep connection that forms between Becca and Nick over such a short period of time. Even Becca finds herself a bit rattled by the intense feelings she has so quickly developed for Nick:“The way she wanted him was crazy. She knew it was…At twenty-eight she’d never felt anything like the passionate urges he seemed to wring out of her with just a look or a touch and who knew if she’d find another man capable of making her feel this way again. He was quintessentially masculine and quietly powerful and arrogantly commanding-sometimes to the point where she wanted to throttle him. But mostly, her body reacted to these qualities as if they were a gypsy healer’s most potent aphrodisiac, mysterious and irresistible and maybe a little dangerous too.” And no matter how much Nick tries to keep his distance, he can’t help but to be drawn to her beauty and the light she brings into his life: “She just had a light about her he found so appealing. Because these days, he didn’t have much light in his own life. Everything was dark and heavy, saddling him with the bone-crushing weight of guilt and regret and wants never to be fulfilled. But Becca was just…sunshine, warm and life-giving.” Their private moments together are passionate, steamy, and also very tender. They complement each other so well, I can’t help but hope that when the truth comes out, Colonel Merritt will no longer be an obstacle to keep them apart. After Becca shares what little she knows of her brother’s investigation into their father’s activities, Nick begins to think that finding Charlie is vital in discovering and exposing the truth about Merritt’s deceptive, illicit black op activities, and ultimately the key to restoring his name and honor. As a result, Becca’s situation is the impetus for reuniting Nick and his fellow brothers-in-arms. One of my favorite parts of the book is the tense, icy reception Nick gets when his former teammates arrive and their struggles to rebuild their fractured team. Kaye does an excellent job in establishing each team member’s defining personality traits, and I appreciate the time the author takes to flesh out these secondary characters who already are and will continue to be essential to the continuation of the series. Becca is my favorite type of heroine. She is sincere, kind, and helpful in finding her brother. She doesn’t needlessly put herself in harm’s way or make poor decisions that only cause more complications because of a need to prove herself to anyone else. Over the course of the story, Becca earns the admiration of Nick and everyone else on the team, and I really liked her grit in standing up to these hardened warriors when they step out of line. Although Becca is grateful to Nick for all of the help he is providing, she also has no idea that Nick and his team have their own personal reasons for getting involved. Nick is afraid that once Becca learns why they have all gathered to help, she will be unable to forgive him. Will she believe her father to be capable of the betrayal that Nick and his team allege? How will she feel about Nick once she finds out he’s kept his connection to her father a secret? The story is paced very well with plenty of action, suspense, surprises, and romance to keep me interested the entire time. As the team continue to search for answers, more and more questions arise, and I can already see a more complex plot unfolding that is far from over. Kaye also establishes the storyline for the next installment, and I can’t wait to see what will happen next. This is a series I plan to continue and encourage you to check out!I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Edelweiss for an honest review. Since the quotes used in this review were taken from a pre-published copy, they may have changed or been omitted in the final copy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a great beginning to a new series. I really liked the love story between Nick and Becca even though they seemed to fall for each other a little too quickly. The mystery that I assume will be a part of the entire series is really interesting. It makes me anxious for the next book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Full Review now posted !!!!

    4.5 stars

    “Happiness wasn't something you found, happiness was something you made-by living in the moment, by cherishing the people in your life right now, by finding the courage to change those things you didn't like.”

    This is the first book of Laura’s that I have read and it surely will not be the last one.

    This story has it all, sexy tattooed Special Forces men, it was Gritty, sexy, suspenseful, fast paced.

    Becca Merritt is an ER nurse when he younger brother, Charlie, goes missing she will do everything she can to find him. Charlie has left a note which points her to the Hard Ink Tattoo parlour and Nick Rixey.

    Find Rixey, the Colonel's team, Hard Ink Tattoo.

    Nick is Ex-Special Forces, he was discharged from the Military one year ago with a not so honorable discharge along with the rest of his team. He now works part time with his brother in his brother’s tattoo shop.
    When she first finds Nick he turns her away. He wants nothing to do with helping her. Why because he has bad feelings towards his ex- Colonel. As time goes by Nick can’t get Her out of his mind and She refuses to not find her brother.

    Once she convinces Nick to help her things slowly start to get uncovered, and this leads Nick to call in back up in the form of his Special Forces team he worked with under the Colonel.

    The bond that these Men have with each other is truly special. One of true brother hood., with all the bad that happened with them all a yr ago they all still pulled together to come and Help Nick when he asked. As well as his brother Jeremy who as a brother was going to help whether Nick liked it or not.

    As the story unfolds we find out more about Becca’s Dad and why they believe Charlie was kidnapped. There is a lot of suspense in this story, a lot of action, some sexual tension. The way Laura brings thins story to life is incredible,. I felt like I was right there along side all of the characters.

    If you are into Alpha men, with tattoos, military background, and hot as hell. Then I suggest you read this story. I don’t think you will be disappointed.

    This book is the first in a new series by Laura and I can’t wait for the next installment and the chance to read about Shane and Crystal.

    Excited I got my review copy in the mail today :) :) :)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Oh this was a fantastic read! Hard As It Gets is the first in a brand new series by Laura Kaye and I was wowed throughout the entire book. This is one of those perfectly blended books. Just the right amount of heat, suspense and thrilling story all rolled up into one gripping book. It was also a very unique setting, the home base for the story is a tattoo shop that is eventually packed with a handful of ex-military men. Can you say hot? The story focuses around Nick Rixey and Becca Merritt, who, despite their circumstances could not have been more made for one another. The connection is magnetic but, they also understand each other on a whole different level. In an almost eerie way they can preempt each others moods and actions. And they become the support the other has never had before. Becca and Rixey are both incredibly strong-willed and stubborn. And while Becca is light to Rixey's dark, and sweet to his gruff, they compliment one another. When her brother goes missing, he leaves Becca clues to help find him. The clues, which lead straight to Nick Rixey. And once a reluctant Rixey realizes there is more at stake than he realized, he agrees to help Becca in her journey to find her brother. With Becca and Rixey it was a lot of push and pull. Both intimately and professionally. They fight their attraction, until they simply can't anymore. I felt like once they gave in physically, they also gave in mentally to one another. They had created such a relationship before they ever fell in bed, it was basically the last stepto take in their relationship. But don't take that to mean there is any lack of heat or sex in this book... because there isn't! But along the way secrets have been kept, and tensions rise higher until all hell breaks loose. Rixey's team has joined the efforts but, not just to find Becca's brother. They believe they can prove the wrong doing of their commander that caused them to be kicked out of the military. A commander who just happens to be Becca's father. And in this twisted web of connections everyone's life is at risk.Hard As It Gets is a rollercoaster of a story. It's intense, then sexy, emotional, then laugh out loud worthy. This group looking to save a hostage, ends up unfolding a story much bigger than anyone thought possible. And it the midst of it all two people learn to heal and love together when the scenes unfolding should be tearing them apart. Ms. Kaye writes a refreshing and thrilling book that I will be suggesting to everyone! You like suspense and mystery? Pick it up. Romance? Pick it up. You like heated scenes and alpha men? Pick it up. It literally has a taste for almost everyone. It was highly enjoyable and captivated me from beginning to end! So, go forth and buy it!Happy Reading!*ARC provided by the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review*
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Hard As It Gets by Laura Kaye is the first book in her new Hard Ink series. It also just happens to be phenomenal. Just Saying!Nick is masculine, tough, slightly damaged, and very chivalrous. All in a very modern, 21st century way. He's been betrayed and he very gruffly turns down a request for help from the daughter of the man who betrayed him. He plays things very close to the vest, not letting on why he is saying no to Becca, but it eats away at his conscience. Upon further investigation he learns that he can't tell her no despite how much he wishes he could.Becca just needs someone to help her. Her father is dead, her brother is missing and weird things are happening at home. She is surprised and thankful when the reticent Nick changes his mind and decides to help her. She senses something deep and dark within him, knows he has secrets he can't or won't tell her, but she has no idea just how deep those secrets are.Very awesome, absolutely fan-freaking-tastic! I found myself running the gamut of emotions along with these characters, tears were shed, emotions were ragged. I cannot wait for the next book in this series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Really of the better books I have read lately!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    HARD AS IT GETS was an entertaining, spicy and thrilling story. Nurse Becca Merritt's younger brother is missing. She did find a message from him telling her to go to Hard Ink - a tattoo parlor - and find Nick Rixey to help her out. Nick was one of the men who was in the Army Special Forces with her father who died a hero in Afghanistan. Nick has been living at Hard Ink and marking time since he was drummed out of the military. He and the rest of their team were led into an ambush by Colonel Merritt who was doing some clandestine drug deal with the Afghanis. In the following cover-up, the surviving team members had their records changed to make it look like they were screw-ups who were trying to blacken the reputation of Colonel Merritt. They had their reputations blackened and lost their faith in the Army they had served faithfully. When Becca comes for help, Nick shows her the door. But something about her - and his own sense of honor - doesn't let it end like that. He decides that he can spare a couple of days to watch her and see if she really is in trouble. When he catches someone breaking into her house, he takes her home with him and calls in his fellow survivors of the Afghan debacle to help him. They quickly learn that the issues are complex and there are quite a number of very powerful villains in this conspiracy. Corrupt police, gangs, and drug traffickers are somehow involved in the scheme that is threatening Becca and her brother Charlie and that led to Nick and his colleagues problems too.This story was filled with hot romance as Becca and Nick fall in love with each other. It was also filled with strong friendships between Nick and his brother Jeremy and Nick and his Army teammates. The only negative that I can think of about the story was that the suspense plot was not resolved in this book. Luckily, book two is coming in March 2014 when one of Nick's army buddy gets his chance at romance and his chance to unravel the conspiracy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Read for Review (Edelweiss)Overall Rating: 4.75Story Rating: 4.50Character Rating: 5.00First Thought when Finished: Hard As It Gets was a fantastic read that made me start counting down to the next Hard Ink Novel. (I may or may not have been stalking Laura Kaye's FB page for updates as she was writing #2)Story Thoughts: Hard As It Gets is a really good mystery that appears to start out as a missing person case but soon morphs into much more. I enjoyed the action, the sleuthing, and the fact that our leads were in real danger. There was a sense of "realness" in the story because things happened that made me flinch. The end was a little open-ended (yes so the series can continue) so I was frustrated that the next book was not available yet. What can I say patience is not a virtue of mine. That being said, it was not a cliff-hanger of a "typical" nature and most things with this couple were wrapped up in Hard As It Gets!Character Thoughts: Holy freaking hotness! Nicholas Rixey was just HAWT. If I was reverting to my 80s teenage self "Like he was totally hot to the max and had a gnarly job that was totally Righteous". Needless to say, I was in love with Nick almost from the beginning. He was just the right amount of damaged alpha and protective male. I also really liked Becca! She was strong, driven, and willing to do whatever to help her brother. She wasn't stupid either and didn't insist on being involved in something that was clearly out of her ability scope. Together they were a great couple! Also the rest of the guys = SWOON!Final Thoughts:Stalking Hard Ink #2! That is all!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fun. It really reminded me of the "Men Who Walk" series by Lori Foster, but these heroes were more like real people and less like patronizing uber-alphas (don't get me wrong, I love that series, but those guys aren't real). Quite the mystery going on, and I like how enough was resolved that you feel the story was complete, but enough was left open to continue the series. Becca was a nice change... no whiny, bitchy, can't-follow-directions heroine like we get in so many of these books. She had the sense to trust the professionals and stay put when she needed to. That in itself deserves a whole star! However, I'm not a fan of Rixey's name... it just didn't flow well in my mind, so I started calling him Captain Yum in my head, and that seemed to fix everything. ;)

    I'll definitely read the next one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book for the most part. I don't like cliffhangers though. The main reason of Charlie missing was resolved, but the overall why was not. I also didn't like how quickly Becca forgives Nick for lying by omission to her about her dad. I did like the other characters. I might read the rest of the series once all books are published.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review originally posted on readersedyn (dot) blogspot (dot) comColor me turned on. I officially now want a tattoo – from Nick! It is no secret that this has been a hard year for me in reading and reviewing. There has been so much going on that I had to put everything blog-related on hold. So I couldn’t have possibly have chosen a better book, author, or series for that matter, to come back with. First of all, if you haven’t read Laura Kaye, what the hell is the matter with you? She is made of awesome. Simple as. Side note: LMAO tonight because that phrase pops up quite often within the book and I actually heard a friend of mine use it tonight. Totes one of my new phrases now. But I digress. Laura Kaye gets it. I have several favorite authors, but a few of them are simple sentimentality because they were the chosen few I had begun with. Johanna Lindsey, for example. My first ever and I will always love her, but the books are just monotonous and completely predictable. Julie Garwood. Love her, but she burned me when she ditched HR and switched completely to CR. Bleck. Not that I don’t love each genre, but sheesh! She was phenomenal at HR and now she write cookie cutter contemporary that reads like a broken record. I still enjoy them, but they don’t grab me and suck me into the dang pages to the point I get upset when I have to put the book down for any reason. Anyway --- back to that digress thing. Ms. Kaye is masterful at her craft. She fills her books with suspense, intrigue, snarky wit, and arguably some of the hottest sex scenes I have ever read. The key to the sex is that it is slightly over the top, but not so over the top that the reader is feeling like his/her life sucks because of a failure to experience such magnetic attraction or multiple orgasms with their partner. Maybe some do, experience such mind blowing sex, but those of us in the real world who stumble back into reality after the conclusion of the book call bullshit when we read it. Ms. Kaye excels at hitting the mark of ample without excess. And within it all, she builds this world that is so near tangible, that the reader could darn near walk down the street and meet these very people in their own town. Calm down. I said “darn near”, not that they actually would. I was blown away by these awesome characters, not only Nick and Becca, but there wasn’t a single secondary character who I didn’t appreciate. Each one has their own purpose and role and together they form a connection that is pretty much unbreakable. The men of Hard Ink are sure to blow your mind and leave you breathless for more. Now, I am not going to get into a patriotic rant here, but I also really love that despite the circumstances of this former Special Ops team and their exit from the armed forces, their patriotism rang true. They could have shut down and told the world and everyone in it to kick rocks, but these guys are what it is really all about. Listen to me, like they are real. Maybe for me they are – or at least a representation of what I believe the All-American Patriot to be. And that struck a chord within me. Rather than describe the characters and summarize their conflicts and character flaws that endear them to us, I am going to leave the review at this. Buy it. Read it. You will absolutely NOT be disappointed. In fact, you might cry when you realize you do not yet own the next book in the series. I didn’t because I have it. But I swear I would have if I didn’t have the next book to dive into next. Oh yeah – and here’s another positive – the book does not wrap up all nice and pretty with a little bow. Our main characters are in a good place, but in no way is the mystery solved. In fact, the end brings up more questions than the team began with. I am even doubting Merritt’s true intention at this point. And I am only starting the second book in the series. Says a lot. I can safely say that I am hooked and for a reader, there is no better feeling for a book and its author to attain. Simple as.Paperback purchased for personal library
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Summary Becca Merritt, when receiving a frantic message from her brother, Charles, to find Nick Rixey, and learning of her brothers disappearance, she has no idea where to turn. She knows that Nick worked with her father in the military, and was part of the team he led. So she goes into the Hard Ink Tattoo parlor, to ask for his help. Becca is a nurse, and has never known the danger of gangs and terrorists, until her brother's kidnapping. Nicholas Rixey, when first seeing Becca some into his brothers parlor, is intrigued despite his feelings toward her father, who betrayed their team, and they lost six of their team members, brothers he would have died for. Now he and the other remaining living members, are considered outcasts of the military, and not honored for their years of sacrifice. Nick knows that the last thing he wants to do is help a Merritt, but helping her and saving her brother, may lead them to being honored again. But as he helps investigate, Nick and Becca learn that the danger is more than they thought, and it will take working along side his team, with every asset they have, to survive. The Hero Nicholas Rixey, fought in the military, mostly overseas, where he and other members of his team were on Special Forces. He sacrificed and dedicated his life to his country, and ended up being betrayed by his mentor and a man he had admired and respected. Nick suffers from a back injury, from that fateful day where his life changed. He works with his young brother at a Tattoo Parlor, and is a talented artist. But inking tattoos is not where he though he would lead his life. Nick, is one hell of a hero. He is sexy, dangerous, and has the type of sense of humor you could relate with on a personal level. He is charming and has a certain sexual appeal to him that makes him irresistible. His character is full of depth and you being to admire him. He is such a human character, he makes mistakes and has faults, but those qualities make him seem real to the reader. The Heroine Becca Merritt, adores her family. She has lost her father and her brother already, and has only one living member left and he has been kidnapped. But Becca isn't going to just lay down, she will find her brother with or without Nick's help. I loved her tenacity, stubborn will, and sweet nature. She is passionate, and quite a fighter. She doesn't back down from a challenge, and I loved her smart wit and the way she endears herself to Nick. She was such a lovely character, and I really liked seeing her grow from page 1 to page 358. From the beginning of the story, I admired her. I never found anything I didn't like about her, because she loved fiercely and didn't shy away from danger, just because she might get hurt. As certain truths are revealed, I loved how compassionate she is especially toward the team. Overall a very sweet and likable character you can't resist falling in love with.Plot and Story Line The story starts off with a intriguing start. I was instantly pulled into the story. Now I have read quite a few Romantic Suspense novels, but I will say this author is at the top of my list. She is a phenomenal storyteller, and she adds that level of tension and thrilling excitement to each of her stories. Hard As It Gets is the second book that I have read from this author, but is the first in the series. (I know I am reading it out of order...what else is new? ;) Well the story starts off with Becca asking Nick for help, and quite frankly his answer isn't the most encouraging for Becca. So she goes off on her own in search of her own answers. But when she is put in danger, Nick can't resist Becca and has a need to help her find her brother. They both have a attraction to each other, and there is quite a bit of sexual magnetism, but you also see the seeds of a real relationship that goes deeper than just sex. I enjoyed seeing the way these characters grew and developed as the story progressed. We also get to see other members of the team, and the start of them working for a way to redeem themselves. I will say my favorite secondary character, is Jeremy, Nick's younger brother. He is so funny, and I had a hoot of fun with him. I honestly can't wait to read his story. What I found compelling about this book was the effortless way that this author combines suspense and mystery, with a endearing love story. There was a balance in the book, that I wasn't quite expecting, and there wasn't any chopping connections in the plot. The flow was pretty smooth, and it seemed to blend together in a harmonious way that you don't normally see in Romantic Suspense. If you have yet to try this out out and you love a thrilling contemporary romance...this author is for you. I guarantee you won't regret it. Cover Now when I first saw this cover, it played mind tricks on me. I don't know if any of you had the same reaction. But at first glance (and it still happens), oh the curse of the mind, is it looks like instead of holding hands, its gripping his pectoral. Kinda confused me at first but then I really looked at it...and I then I was like Oh....LOL. You just have to laugh at yourself.Overall ViewA sexy and full of edge romance, that really keeps your heart rate up. A thrilling romance of action, sizzling sexual tension, and a whopper of a love story. A impossible to put down read! A must read for Romantic Suspense lovers...or anyone that loves a romance to give you thrills from head to toe. BRILLIANT!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great romantic suspense. The characters were all very likable, but something about Nick's attitude rubbed me wrong. Alas, his and Becca's relationship was pretty sweet and they gave us some steamy and sexy scenes. I can't wait to see what the other books in the series are going to bring us.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Hard as It Gets is the first book in the Hard Ink series by Laura Kaye. I absolutely loved this book. I think it is a great start to a new series. The Hard Ink series is about a group of ex-military men that are investigating the mystery behind why they were dishonorably discharged after a mission gone wrong. Hard as It Gets sets the backstory for this series so the pace does seem a bit slow at first. However, the sexual tension and the gradual romantic build up between Becca and Nick kept me reading to the end. Nick's emotional struggle to reunite his team again was incredibly touching. The team is a brotherhood that fell apart after the terrible tragedy that took half of their team members. So many feels were brought on by the anger, pain, betrayal, and love these strong men have for their fallen brothers. Overall, Hard as It Gets is a very entertaining, steamy, and emotional read. I thoroughly enjoyed Becca and Nick's love story. I'm really looking forward to the other books in the series. Please, please, please tell me Nick's brother Jeremy gets a book. He's my favorite supporting character so far. If you have not started this series yet go read it now! Trust me, you will not want put it down.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    You know what I really love? Well thought out characters. Characters I can connect with. Characters that I feel like I really know.
    Laura Kaye creates the hell out of some characters! She knows how to suck you in, make you feel and make you fall in love with the characters she creates.
    Hard as it gets is touching, engrossing, and anxiety inducing. I felt such a range of emotions when I read it! I loved every minute of it. 
I believed the characters completely. Not once did I say “yeah, that would never happen!” (and honestly, I say that a LOT when reading books!) I totally bought the story. I was invested in it and was invested in the outcome from page 10.
    You can read the synopsis to learn more about the book… from me you will just hear: Read it. If you are like me, you will be waiting with bated breath to read more about these hot Hard Ink guys!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    great series, well worth buying the rest of the series including the novellas which were two of my favorites in the series for their emotional depth, this author does a great job of creating lovable real characters that you want to know more about, the whole series takes place over about one month and I wish some of the romances where later in time so you could see how their lives progress forward, the author does a great job explaining the story a new way in each book so you could read one or the whole series
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am now a dan of Laura Kaye. I was totally caught up in the story and the men of the hard ink family. While the timeline felt somewhat rushed and I had a hard time digesting Rixey as a name, Ms. Kaye weaves a great story. Can't wait to see what happens to the rest of the team.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Really enjoyed. Got hooked on the series really quickly. Definitely a must read
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a great beginning to a new series. I really liked the love story between Nick and Becca even though they seemed to fall for each other a little too quickly. The mystery that I assume will be a part of the entire series is really interesting. It makes me anxious for the next book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hard as it Gets by Laura Kaye1st book in the Hard Ink series. Contemporary romantic suspense. Nick Rixey is Ex-military special forces. Their investigation into organized crime to help Becca find her missing brother takes the group into a war zone of danger.Fast moving and intense. Sexy hot and engaging. A romantic suspense week worth reading.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked all the characters including the female lead (who is sometimes a tough sale for me in some books). She was smart and capable enough to do what needed to be done. She butted in when needed and stayed out of the way when necessary. She wasn't helpless or over the top. The action was believable. I was interested in the suspense and mystery.

Book preview

Hard As It Gets - Laura Kaye

Chapter 1


Becca Merritt stepped through the heavy industrial door and into another world. A buzzer screeched above her head, sending her heart into quick palpitations somewhere in the neighborhood of her throat. Compared to the late April warmth, the indoor air was like a meat locker, thick and intensely cold—or maybe that was just the draining weight of her anxiety these past days. She hugged herself and rubbed her arms.

Be with you in a minute, a gruff voice called from the back. The driving bass beat of a hard-edged rock song echoed from the same direction.

Gripping her purse more tightly under her arm, Becca’s gaze scanned the colorful images covering every inch of wall space. Tribal birds, winged hearts, dagger-eyed skulls, full-faced roses, crosses, and cartoon characters were some of the designs she noticed at first glance. Playful, gory, beautiful, haunting, many of the images were objectively artistic and oddly compelling.

Becca found tattoos intriguing, and she saw a lot of them on patients that came through the emergency department. She’d never really considered getting one for herself, though. Her father would’ve flipped out, and she’d always valued his opinion too much to rock the boat. With her dad gone now, she supposed there was nothing stopping her besides not knowing what image she’d want permanently drawn on her skin.

Like nails on a chalkboard, the buzzer sounded again and the door banged shut behind her. Becca whirled, expecting . . . she didn’t even know what. Strange as the past few days had been, anything seemed possible right now. But it was just a woman. A totally fascinating woman. Despite wearing all black, she was a riot of color, from the dark red highlights in her shoulder-length black hair, held back in sloppy-but-cute pigtails, to the dramatic eye makeup, to the colorful ink running the length of both arms. She was the Goth yin to Becca’s Plain Jane yang.

The woman juggled a stack of huge pizza boxes and a plastic grocery bag of canned sodas. Sorry if you’ve been waiting a while.

Oh, no. Becca rushed to her. Can I help you with that?

Aw, you’re a doll. Yes, please, before my wrist breaks off. The woman twisted her hand out. Becca unlooped the plastic handle from her arm, revealing angry red grooves in her skin from bearing the weight of it. It’s a good thing I like these guys so much. A quick grin as she dropped the two pizza boxes on the counter, which nearly reached to her chest she was so short. She heaved a deep breath and braced her hands on her hips. Now, how can I help you?

Becca’s stomach flip-flopped. Would she finally start getting some answers today? I’m looking for a Mr. Rixey.

The woman arched a pierced brow. "Mr. Rixey? Don’t hear him called that often. She chuckled and winked. Between her vibrancy and the mischievous sparkle in her dark eyes, she gave off such self-assurance that her presence dominated the room, making her seem much bigger than her petite stature. And may I tell him who’s asking?"

My name is Becca Merritt. I don’t have an appointment or anything. The rich, spicy smell of the pizza made her stomach clench. When had she last eaten, anyway?

I think he’s finishing up with someone, but I’ll make sure he knows you’re waiting. Have a seat, if you like. The woman gestured to the Naugahyde couch behind Becca, the one that had probably been new when bell bottoms were fashionable, if the pea green color was any guide.

Thanks, Becca said. The cushion creaked as she sat.

The woman scooped the pies off the counter and disappeared behind a dividing wall. Oh, Mr. Rixey, your presence is requested, she said in a singsong voice. The response was muffled by an outburst of exclamations over the arrival of their dinner.

The strangers behind the wall hurled playful insults and sarcastic retorts at one another. Becca smiled, reminded of Charlie, her younger brother. The one she’d always felt motherly toward, despite only being a year older. The quiet one, who’d been withdrawing into himself more and more with each loss her family had experienced over the years. The one she hadn’t seen or been able to contact for almost a week—ever since their fight—not even through the private channels he’d set up just for the two of them.

And the one communication she’d received from him had ratcheted up her worry so much that she found herself sitting here. A ball of guilt and fear took up residence in her stomach and steamrolled right over those hunger pangs.

Five minutes passed. Ten. Fifteen. Becca mindlessly fingered the silver charms on her bracelet, a quirky collection of bars and circles, then spotted an album of photographs featuring satisfied customers with their finished tattoos. She flipped through the pages of colored ink, silently debating which ones she would’ve actually considered getting. Sighing, she returned the book to the table.

Damn, if coming to a tattoo shop with hopes of finding someone who could figure out what kind of trouble they were in wasn’t a sign of desperation, she didn’t know what was.

Footsteps approached from the back. Becca rose just as a man rounded the corner and stepped into the space behind the counter. The beat-up gray T-shirt he wore had an interstate sign that read ROUTE 69. Becca stared at it a minute and felt her eyes go wide when she realized what it said. Tattoos peeked out above his collar and down the lengths of both arms to his wrists. He was young and had emo hair, long and dark and disheveled in a totally sexy way. Two little rings of silver hung at the corner of his right eyebrow. She gaped for a moment, unsure what or who she’d been expecting. A flock of butterflies whipped through her abdomen.

He braced his hands on the counter. Hi. Sorry to keep you waiting. You need to see me?

Pull yourself together, Bec. Unable to sleep the previous night, Becca was already five cups of coffee into a possible nervous breakdown. She forced a deep breath. Uh, yes. You’re Mr. Rixey?

He smirked and flicked his tongue against the piercing on the side of his bottom lip. Yeah. What can I do for you?

Becca approached the counter, suddenly uncertain where to start. So she went with the basics. I need your help. The man frowned, but Becca pushed on. Look, I’m sorry to just barge in here, but I might be in trouble, and I’m pretty sure my brother already is. He sent me this. She rifled through her purse, removed the folded printout, and offered it to him.

His frown deepened as he unfolded the rumpled paper. She knew the words by heart—

You’ve got the wrong man.

Panic tripped her heart into a sprint. No, my brother sent me here. He wouldn’t have done that unless he thought you could help.

He shook his head, his odd yellow-green eyes filled with relief and sympathy. It’s not that. You gotta be looking for my brother, Nick. I’m Jeremy.

A headache bloomed behind Becca’s eyes. She pressed her fingers into her temple and rubbed a small circle. Oh.

He spun the sheet around on the counter and tapped his finger against the paper. See, I’ve never heard of your brother, and I don’t know any colonels. But I’m guessing that’s some sort of a reference to the Army. Which was my brother’s thing. Me? Not so much. He smiled, an expression that managed to be aw-shucks cute and flirtatiously sexy at the same time.

Becca accepted the printout of her last private message from Charlie, the one that had directed her to Find Rixey, the Colonel’s team, Hard Ink Tattoo, and sagged against the counter. Do you know where Nick is? It’s really important I find him.

I’m Nick Rixey. Who wants to know?

Becca jumped at the deep sound of the man’s voice. Geez. How long had he been standing there? And, big as he was, how had she not heard him approach? It was like he’d materialized out of thin air.

The surprise of his appearance pounded adrenaline through her system. Her racing pulse had absolutely nothing to do with the bulge of his impressive biceps straining the sleeves of his black T-shirt, the hints of ink just visible on his upper arms, nor with his harsh yet darkly handsome face. And definitely not with the way his jeans hung on those lean hips. Right. Definitely not.

Given who her father was, or had been, this was the type of man she’d expected to find at the end of Charlie’s cryptic note. His dark hair was a little on the long side, but the hard edges and leashed strength of his body clearly read ex-military. I’m Becca, she finally managed. I think something’s happened to my brother, and his last message told me to find you. She held the printout toward him, her bracelet jingling.

Arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the wall that led to the back of the business, Nick Rixey appeared for all the world to be nonchalant and unaffected. So then why did he remind her of a jungle cat poised to strike, all tense muscles and killer menace? His gaze held hers, and there was something so icy and calculating about it. She felt . . . observed and . . . evaluated. The color of his eyes was the same as Jeremy’s, but with none of the warmth. Becca had to make a point of not squirming under the intensity.

Just when she was certain he wasn’t going to take it, he slipped the paper from her fingers, his gaze never leaving hers until he finally glanced at the message. His eyebrows sank into an angry slash. Got a last name, Becca? he asked in a deadly calm tone.

She restrained from verbalizing the no that parked itself on the tip of her tongue. But after the week she’d had—hell, the whole year she’d had—Becca was in no mood to play, even with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dangerously Sexy. So she swallowed the sarcasm and made nice. After all, she was there to ask him for help. Merritt. My name is Becca Merritt.

His jaw ticked and his narrowed gaze went arctic. I can’t help you.

Becca glanced to Jeremy, still standing at the counter watching their little drama unfold, then back to Nick. But my brother—

If your brother’s in trouble, you should go to the police. He tossed Charlie’s message on the counter in front of her.

I have. They aren’t helping us. Her stomach dropped into her sneakers. She knew little about Nick, except that this man was the only solid lead she had for help.

He shrugged. Shrugged! Don’t know what else to say.

Blood roared through her ears. Anger, fear, and desperation swamped her. Charlie wouldn’t have sent me here without a good reason. I don’t know what else to do, where else to go, she gritted out, hating the pleading in her voice.

Sorry, he said in a tone that didn’t sound regretful at all.

Becca stared at him, stared at the impassive expression on the face she’d found so incredibly attractive just a few minutes before. Now she wanted to haul off and deck him. Just to make him react. Just to make him care about something.

She was so done with the vortex of mystery and anxiety and uncertainty swirling around the edges of her life. Ever since their father died, Charlie had grown paranoid, distant, and reclusive, especially lately—and that was saying something for a guy who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like. Becca had loved and admired her father, but she was so angry at him for getting himself killed and for never making things right with Charlie before he died. And she was equal parts sick with worry about her brother and pissed at herself for shutting him down when he’d tried to tell her about the supposed conspiracy he’d uncovered. Because, now that he was missing, maybe it wasn’t so crazy after all. But what it had to do with this Rixey guy, she couldn’t begin to imagine.

And now, another brick wall—this one made of six foot three inches of stubborn asshole. Clearly she’d put too much unwarranted hope into this stranger. She was as mad at herself for that as she was at him.

Grabbing the paper and stuffing it haphazardly into her purse, Becca heaved a deep breath. I am, too. Sorry to have bothered you. She lifted her gaze to Jeremy, wanting to thank him for being willing to listen, but she was unable to voice the words. I like your shirt came out instead. Awesome.

Without waiting for a reply or meeting the other Rixey brother’s gaze, she turned, walked past the wall of colorful images, and left Hard Ink Tattoo.

Fine. She’d figure this out on her own. Somehow. She just prayed Charlie was okay until she did.

Because no way was she losing another member of her family. Not again. He was all she had left.

DUDE, THAT WAS harsh, Jeremy said.

Resisting the urge to go after her, Rixey pulled his gaze away from the spot where Becca had stood and glared. His conscience was doing enough of a number on him without his brother starting in. Don’t you have something to do?

The younger man crossed his arms and returned the cold stare they’d both inherited from their father. Nope. Seriously, man, why wouldn’t you even hear her out?

Find Rixey, the Colonel’s team, Hard Ink Tattoo.

Because that message brought to the fore all kinds of bullshit he didn’t really want to deal with. He’d experienced enough trouble at the hands of a Merritt, thank you very much. No way he was signing up for more. Been there. Done that. Got the scars. And the discharge papers. No matter that he couldn’t ignore the way the woman’s pleading blue eyes had sliced into him. Or that a part of him wanted to put the hope she’d worn as she’d first looked at him back on her expressive face. He pushed off the wall. Gonna grab some chow.

Jeremy followed him into the back. Fine. Play it that way. But it was a dick move, and you know it.

Rixey passed the three tattoo rooms, the piercing room, and the shop’s office that comprised Hard Ink’s inner sanctum before stepping into the wide lounge, with its two tables in the center, a couch along one wall, and a wall-mounted TV in one corner. When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you.

Yeah, and how’s that been working out for you? Jeremy followed him in.

Jess looked up from her pizza. Oh, look, it’s the Bickersons. I swear you two revert to twelve-year-olds in one another’s presence.

Shut up, Jeremy said, smiling at Jess, his piercer, part-time artist, receptionist, and general Jill-of-all-trades. Nick’s little brother loved the girl like she was a sister, having saved her life a few years before. Rixey didn’t know the details, and he didn’t need to know. But he respected Jessica for the deep loyalty with which she repaid Jeremy. She’d more than earned the second chance he’d given her here.

Laughing, Taz rose and threw his plate in the trash. Thanks for the grub, Jer. I’ll head out.

Jeremy clasped hands with the man who was one of his oldest, regular customers. You got it. See you in a few weeks and we’ll start coloring that bad boy in.

Sounds like a plan. They exchanged good-byes and Taz left. Jeremy and Rixey sat at the table and accepted paper plates and drinks from Jess.

Thanks, Rixey said as he plated himself two slices. He took a big bite—

So what did that cute woman want? Jess asked.

Rixey managed to force the pizza down his throat without choking on it.

Cute? Cute didn’t begin to cut it. Becca Merritt was the all-American girl personified, with her fierce blue eyes and wavy hair the rich color of honey. Bet she tasted as sweet, too. And, damn, that body. It was all he’d been able to do not to gawk at the curves her fitted T-shirt hugged, or trace his eyes over the lace just visible through the thin cotton. It was like the sun had strolled through their front door, casting heat and light all over him. Only the haunted dark circles under her eyes ruined the analogy.

A part of him had felt twice as cold and dark when the door had closed behind her. She’d done just as he’d asked and split, so he didn’t understand the ache of emptiness ballooning inside his chest. No way he was examining it too closely, either.

Something about her brother being in trouble. Jeremy’s voice pulled Rixey out of his head. But she wasn’t here to see me, she was here for Nick. But Nick refused to talk to her, even though she had great taste in T-shirts.

Jess glanced between them and frowned as she ate. Her arched black eyebrow told Nick everything he needed to know about her opinion on the subject.

Rixey sighed and pushed up from the table, Becca’s hurt and disappointment playing on a loop in his mind’s eye. He grabbed his plate and an extra slice. Seeing her had brought the whole friggin’ mess with her father to the front of his brain. He was shit for company now. The loss of your friends, your career, and your honor did that to a man. Aw, sonofabitch. I’m gonna take this upstairs.

He tuned out their voices as he retreated through the back of the shop to the industrial stairwell that led to the upper floors. Jeremy had bought the three-story building with the money their parents left him, and Nick had given him most of his share, too, becoming a silent partner and occasional tattooist in his brother’s business. Not having been there to help Jeremy with everything that went down when their parents died in a car accident four years ago . . . Yeah, it was the least he could do. Literally.

Shit. He was on a roll with the bad memories.

On the second-floor landing, he turned right and keyed in a code. A metallic click sounded, and Rixey pulled open the heavy door to the warehouse-style apartment he shared with his brother. It was supposed to have been a temporary arrangement, but ten months later, he was no damn closer to getting a life because he couldn’t think of anything that came close to replacing the one he’d lost.

Inside, the space still possessed an industrial character, with its brick walls, exposed I beams, high, wide windows, and fifteen-foot ceilings. But Jeremy had done a phenomenal job refurbishing the place and installing modern amenities. Whether it was graphic art, tattoos, or building the interior architecture of their place, the boy had a pair of hands like you hear about. As much of a pain in the ass as Jer could be, Rixey had to give him that.

He crossed the wide living room, with its enormous leather sofa and pair of well-broken-in recliners claimed from their parents’ house, and headed down the hall to his office. He parked himself at his desk, booted up the laptop, and chowed on a slice of pizza while he waited for the login screen to load.

When the thing came to life, Rixey pulled up an internet browser and typed in Becca’s name. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was looking for, but something she’d said had dug its talons into his frontal lobe and refused to let go. "They’re not helping us." Not me but us. Who the hell was the us? Just the brother she’d mentioned? A husband? A kid? Man, two of the three of them gave him a real gut check he had no business feeling.

More distracting was the niggling question of how and why the Merritts would come to him, of all people. He didn’t expect them to know that bad blood flowed like a river after a hard rain between him and their father’s fabricated fallen-hero memory—they’d have no reason to, since the Army prettied that sitch up real good for public consumption. The bigger question was how they knew about Rixey at all. Or why they thought he was the best person to help.

None of it made any friggin’ sense.

And, so what? Why the hell did he care? He owed Frank Merritt absolutely nothing. And his daughter even less.

True. But Rixey couldn’t deny a kind of morbid curiosity about how the daughter of the man who’d ruined his life came to stand in his shop and ask him—of all people—for help.

Scrolling through the search results, listings appeared for Merritts by both the names of Becca and Rebecca. He ruled out the ones who lived too far away or had pictures that clearly weren’t his Becca. His? No. Not at all what he meant. For fuck’s sake.

In the end, he narrowed it down to one of two possibilities. The Becca who was an emergency department nurse at University Medical Center, or the Rebecca who was a kindergarten teacher at a private day school in the city. The woman he’d met seemed the sweet, nurturing type, the kind who brought warmth and comfort to others, so both jobs fit the bill. Rixey opened up the people search page and gathered some possibilities for address.

Why was he doing this again? He didn’t need her address if he had no intention of tracking her down, seeing her . . . helping her.

No. He just needed to convince himself she was safe. He’d devoted a dozen years of his life to Mother Army because he wanted to help people—and something about Becca had resurrected that desire after nearly a year of lying dormant. Once, he’d idolized Colonel Merritt, his former commander, before it had all gone to shit. So, fine. It wasn’t any skin off his nose to spend an evening checking things out. It wouldn’t be like the process server jobs he did where confrontation was part of the gig. For this, he’d stay on the periphery, out of sight. Rixey excelled at not being seen unless he wanted to be seen. What the hell else did he have to do anyway?

And wasn’t that cheery thought just par for the mothereffing course?

Whatever. It was just a little surveillance to make sure his curiosity didn’t keep him up all night—like he needed one more thing.

Printouts in hand, Rixey stalked into his bedroom and changed into a pair of black cargo pants. He secured his ankle carrier and sheathed a blade, then shrugged the holster onto his left shoulder over his tee. He knelt in front of the open closet door and entered the code on his gun safe. The M9 felt like an old friend in his grip. He inspected the piece, holstered it, and slipped a spare magazine into the pocket on his thigh. Jacket, keys, phone, and addresses in hand, he made his way through the apartment and out the back entrance of the building. Last thing he wanted was to play twenty questions with Jeremy and Jess.

The gravel of the parking lot crunched under his boots. The last light of day held on for everything it was worth, casting bright pinks and dark purples across the twilight sky. But the old warehouse veiled the lot in thick shadows, making the black Challenger, except for its silver racing stripes, nearly fade into the dusky murk. Man, he loved that car. After a dozen years of humping it around in armored vehicles built for stability, not comfort, he’d promised himself something sleek, fast, and kind to the ass once he joined the ranks of the civilians.

He’d just never expected that to happen quite so soon. Or against his will.


Rixey dropped into the driver’s seat and took all kinds of satisfaction in the growling rumble of the car’s engine. Small pleasures, man, but these days, he’d take ’em where he found ’em.

Now, to find Becca and prove to himself all was well. And then he could say good-bye to the Merritts once and for fucking all.

Chapter 2


Three hours later, Rixey found himself waiting in the dark on a quiet street wondering for the tenth time what the hell he was doing. The first address on his list had taken him into affluent Roland Park in the northwestern part of Baltimore. The woman of the house had had short black hair, so he’d headed crosstown to the second address located in the more middle-class neighborhood of Patterson Park. He’d been sitting there ever since, staring at her dark row house and hoping to get visual confirmation that Becca Merritt was doing just fine without him. Thank you very much.

The later it got, the more he became convinced he was just chasing ghosts. And that took his head to all kinds of places he didn’t want it to go.

Before his ass fell all the way asleep, Rixey pushed out of the car and sucked in a groan at the stabbing spasm the movement unleashed low on his left side. He might’ve been thirty-three, but, courtesy of two bullet wounds, he had the lower back of a seventy-five-year-old. At least, that’s how it felt sometimes.

Gritting his teeth, he crossed the narrow one-way street, his muscles slowly relaxing as he worked them. He’d do his due diligence—walk the property, check things out, and then get the hell out of there. Let the past stay in the fucking past.

Talking to Becca would’ve been the easiest way to gather intel, of course, but the little two-story row house was as dark and quiet as a tomb. Had been all night. So he ignored the front door and made for the cramped covered passageway that cut from the front sidewalk to the backyard. The rectangle of darkness was a mugger’s wet dream and seemed to swallow up any and all light.

Rixey paused at the edge of the pass-through and palmed the grip of the M9. All his senses came on line as he peered around the corner into the impenetrable darkness. Quiet. Still. Empty. He stepped into the shadows and let them swallow him up.

The far end opened onto a sidewalk the adjoined row houses shared. He scanned the visible landscape before stepping out of the passageway, then rescanned the full one-eighty from the back of the neighbor’s house to the back of Becca’s. A car passed by on the street, and Rixey crouched lower, moved quicker. The rear perimeter of the property met an alley, and he stole to the fence there and scanned again.

Clear and quiet. Just as it should be.

Time to bug out.

A dim light became visible toward the front of the house. In quick succession, lights illuminated the interior from front to back. And then Becca—the very same bright ray of sunshine he’d met earlier in the day—stepped into the window of the back door.

Heart suddenly double timing it in his chest, Rixey melded into the shadows of a tree at the corner of the yard.

Silhouetted as she was against the kitchen light, he couldn’t make out her features, just the gold of her hair pulled back from her face. She pressed close enough to the glass to peer right and left, then yanked a pair of curtains across the glass. At the next window, she repeated the maneuver—right, left, closed.

Rixey frowned. What was she looking for? Maybe she was just cautious. Or paranoid. She was the colonel’s daughter, after all. Surely some of the SOB’s traits had been passed down the Merritt family tree. Or, maybe something is making her paranoid. She had asked for help, after all.

She was home now. And, as far as he could tell, everything was fine. He should get the hell out of there. Now. Right. So why couldn’t he pull himself away from watching over her?

For a few moments, her silhouette moved around, then disappeared from sight. Soon after, a low glow fell upon both of the upstairs windows. And then the light came on in the bathroom, judging by the wavy glass blocks that comprised the window and obscured the view. Nothing happened for maybe another fifteen minutes, when lamplight illuminated the room next to the bathroom and Becca stepped into the open space between the window curtains. In a robe. Hair down and wet, if the darker color was any guide.

Tension ripped through Rixey’s body and settled in places it had no goddamned business settling. She repeated the right, left, closed routine one more time, and the heavy, opaque fabric put an end to the show.

Forcing himself to focus, Rixey did another three-sixty sweep of his location, then replanted himself against the bark of the tree and got comfortable with the idea of keeping lookout for a while. Just until she settled in for the night.

It took about an hour. She made a pass through the house, shutting off lights from bottom to top and ending with her bedroom. And then the place was dark again. Becca all tucked in her bed. Was her hair still damp? And was she an ancient-threadbare-T-shirt or sexy-pajamas kinda woman? He thunked his skull against the rough bark of the tree to divert his thoughts from imagining how both answers might look on her tight little body.

Shit on a shingle, what the hell was wrong with him?

Something else he was better off not thinking about right now.

Enough time passed that the moon shifted position in the sky, and Rixey gave the all clear. Nothing troubling going on here. Trying to relieve his screaming back, he rolled his shoulders and twisted at the waist, giving his traps, lats, and obliques a hi-how-are-ya before making his soundless way back to the Charger.

His baby came to life on a metallic purr. As he pulled a U-ey, the LED of his dashboard clock caught his gaze. 12:22 a.m.

Aw, hell, he was gonna hate himself in the morning. Seven-thirty chiropractor appointment—probably fortuitously timed, given how he’d spent his evening—followed by a day of being on call to serve papers to whichever poor bastards found themselves summoned, subpoenaed, ordered, evicted, divorced, or otherwise within the crosshairs of the law. Rixey specialized in what they called difficult services, which might find him doing witness or defendant location investigation—or skip tracing, dodging an angry fist, or chasing a soon-to-be-served asshole down a street. Good times.

At least Eastern Avenue was quiet at this hour of the night. Rixey sped along the strip usually bustling with business for the liquor stores and check-cashing joints located cheek by jowl next to storefront churches and generations-old ethnic restaurants. Hard Ink sat a few blocks off the main drag, between the run-down strip and one of the city’s industrial areas.

The long, low building hunkered down on a corner, two brick arms stretching a half block down each street, with a square gravel lot in the crook of the L

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