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Life is Fluid: A Women's Study From the Book of Ecclesiastes
Life is Fluid: A Women's Study From the Book of Ecclesiastes
Life is Fluid: A Women's Study From the Book of Ecclesiastes
Ebook71 pages43 minutes

Life is Fluid: A Women's Study From the Book of Ecclesiastes

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We flow on down the river and the rain comes, the river floods, and we are barely hanging on to a very weak limb. It would seem that the best spot in this fluid life would be a spot along the river where everything is picture perfect, where all is good with our life and we are at peace. However, as life goes, the river flows, and we are on the move again. Life is fluid.
Release dateOct 25, 2013
Life is Fluid: A Women's Study From the Book of Ecclesiastes

Marcy Lytle

Marcy Lytle is the author of two other books, Catching Fireflies (a family devotional) and Life Is Fluid (a women’s Bible study on the book of Ecclesiastes). She loves to write and encourage women of all ages to enjoy life and love God more.

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    Book preview

    Life is Fluid - Marcy Lytle

    Marcy Lytle

    Table of Contents

    Title Page


    From my blog…

    Ecclesiastes 1

    Those Kodak moments

    Hung up on a tree

    Bruised by a rock

    Alone in a cove

    All dried up

    I want out

    The cookie maker

    Clinging to the Vine, drinking that wine

    Why Ecclesiastes?

    Fluid is Life


    Drink recipes

    Life is Fluid

    © 2010 Marcy Lytle

    All rights reserved

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN: 978-1-935507-21-5

    Cover Design & Page Layout by David Siglin of A&E Media

    Art by Kendra Irwin

    Edited by Lydia Braddock


    Emerald House

    427 Wade Hampton Blvd.

    Greenville, SC 29609, USA


    The Mount

    2 Woodstock Link

    Belfast, BT6 8DD, Northern Ireland, UK

    The colophon is a trademark of Ambassador

    In her wonderfully creative and memorable way, Marcy helped me to recognize where I was hung up in the ever-changing river of my life and gave me practical and powerful truth-tools to get back in the flow. Liberating and refreshing, a deep drink of wisdom, healing, and joy!

    — Cindy Ryan

    From my blog…

    I have been aggravated of late at how life changes so much, and I actually have had trouble with a huge change in my life. My daughter got married, and I miss her so much. When she lived here, I often ranted about her messy room, her constant chatter on the phone, etc. However, now that she’s gone, I miss and long for those same things that annoyed me! This week I realized life is fluid. I would like to comment on that statement. If we try to freeze our life to capture a moment, it will eventually thaw out; if left frozen, it could even crack. Life is fluid. Other times, we feel like the very life we have is about to boil and evaporate away, perhaps due to too much stress and too many disappointments or trials. However, refreshing rain falls once again and cools things down, keeping our life fluid. I guess I’ll quit my yelling and bellyaching about change and just try to relax and enjoy the flow of my fluid life. Not only is my life fluid, but I need a daily drink of the fluid of my life-giver, Jesus Christ. I realize I may get tangled up in a bed of seaweed at times, or even hit up against a hard rock, but I know that rain is coming to break me loose and set me on my way again to some beautiful places that lie ahead—and I’m counting on that!

    Life is fluid. It cannot be frozen; life is a river that flows. Life has its moments of great joy and great sorrow. Sometimes life is full of rough rapids and waterfalls that are scary and make us want to get out of the river altogether. At other times our river of life seems to be full of huge boulders that we knock up against, which results in a bruised spirit and soul. Life can be awesome, enjoyable, and altogether fantastic, but this too is temporary. We flow on down the river and the rain comes, the river floods, and we’re barely hanging on to a very weak limb. There are places and times in this fluid life where we want to be alone, in solitude—away from the flow, out of sight, out of mind. We are tired of everyone and everything in the river. Finally, there are even dry spots in the river where no rain has fallen and we are not even able to swim. In those places, we long for the river to flow again, for the rain to fall

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