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Cat-echisms: Fundamentals of Feline Faith
Cat-echisms: Fundamentals of Feline Faith
Cat-echisms: Fundamentals of Feline Faith
Ebook82 pages19 minutes

Cat-echisms: Fundamentals of Feline Faith

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Everyone knows cats think they're so special.

But how can they explain why to mere humans?

Where do cats get their sense of superiority? How do they manipulate us so easily? Cat-echisms answers these eternal feline questions in an easy question-and-answer form. The result? A privileged peek inside the feline brain. In the process, cat owners--and even those who admire cats from afar--are entertained as well as enlightened. Fully illustrated with delightful photos of haughty (and gorgeous) cats, Cat-echisms collects the fundamental tenets of feline existence as if in a handbook to be given to all kitties at birth. Thus, for example, we read:

Q: Who is the most perfect creature in the household?

A: I am the most perfect creature in the household.

Q: Why are you the most perfect creature in the household?

A: I am the most perfect creature in the household because I am beautiful and exquisite and move in divine silence.

Release dateApr 13, 2010
Cat-echisms: Fundamentals of Feline Faith

Ellis Weiner

Ellis Weiner is the author of The Joy of Worry, Drop Dead, My Lovely, The Big Boat to Bye-Bye, and Santa Lives!  Five Conclusive Arguments for the Existence of Santa Claus.

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