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The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
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The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Release dateJan 1, 1891

Charles Dickens

An international celebrity during his lifetime, Charles Dickens (1812­–1870) is widely regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His classic works include A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, and A Tale of Two Cities, one of the bestselling novels of all time. When Dickens was twelve years old, his father was sent to debtors’ prison, and the boy was forced to work in a boot-blacking factory to support his family. The experience greatly shaped both his fiction and his tireless advocacy for children’s rights and social reform.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For the most part, I've liked the Dickens novels I've read; Bleak House is possibly the biggest exception, largely because that novel started to get bogged down about half-way through. This novel, albeit unfinished, doesn't really suffer from that problem. The pacing is good throughout, with perhaps the one exception of the sequence involving a dim London landlady that was nearly the last thing Dickens wrote. One can easily see why a few generations of readers have strained to come up with solutions for the mystery set by Dickens, since it is an intriguing one. (For my part, I believe that there has been no murder, and that Edwin Drood has vanished for his own reasons, to return later.) One of the joys of the book is the setting: Cloisterham (read: Rochester) is vividly evoked, to the point where it is easy to imagine the setting. The only character I wasn't keen on was Rosa Bud (ugh, name). Frankly, I think that Edwin Drood giving her up was a good job. A number of the other characters are a lot of fun, especially the nasty piece of work that is Honeythunder, and the gentle and good Crisparkle. Well worth a read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An incomplete, and final, book by Dickens. The fact that it was incomplete is a shame, really, because it had just started to pick up for me when the story abruptly ended and there was a lot of setting up, I thought, to make the plot able to flow. Nevertheless, this is not his strongest work and I felt that there was much that would have benefited from editing. Yet, as this is an incomplete work and never shown to publishers before death, I figure that you have to take the book as is.2.5 stars- worth checking out for Dickens fans.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Mystery of Edwin Drood shows Dickens at the height of his powers as a writer. The plot and mood echo the grand guignol leanings of Our Mutual Friend, with sinister figures conspiring in an opium den, a graveyard and mouldering Cathedral lodgings with winding staircases. The characters have all of the comedy and pathos that we would expect from the author of Bleak House, and there is very little of Dickens' sentimental or 'improving' mode in the half of the novel that was completed. Although the book's final resolution will forever remain open, there is more than enough in what remains of Edwin Drood to make a highly satisfactory read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This has been my least favorite Dickens Novel out of the five I've read. I thought the pacing was a little slow and the characters were more bland. I felt that the first half of the book was introducing characters and their relationships with one another. Then the murder finally happens and the pacing picks up, but then within a few chapters the pacing slows back down. This book took me about three months to read, I was able to finish Great Expectations, which is twice the size, within three weeks. I would only recommend this book to people who like early mystery novels or are avid fans of Charles Dickens.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Young Drood and younger Rosa were promised to each other by their now-deceased fathers. Neither looks to the other as the spouse they would have chosen, yet their wedding date is drawing near quickly. Drood has an uncle who is maybe too involved in his life, while Rosa has the headmistress of her school, and watching them both are the local clergymen. Their small community is thrown into an uproar when orphans, a nearly grown brother and sister from Ceylon, are delivered as wards. The brother instantly shows his feelings for Rosa and his violence towards Edwin, who soon after disappears.Peopled with so many interesting, but lesser characters, I can't say why this book of just over 250 pages has taken me over a week to finish. It has it's problems. The back cover of my edition calls it "not one of the writer's greatest works", mainly as Dickens didn't get to complete it. The mystery doesn't take place until over 100 pages in, and one of the main characters has an unfortunate nickname, turning some of the lines unintentionally funny. But Dickens has such a way of weaving these well-defined characters, giving them bits of humor, bits of anger and remorse that they are far more real than most written in his time.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I listened to this on audio book, and I think that added to the experience. This is Dicken's last book, and it is unfinished, meaning that we'll never really who did poor hapless Edwin in. The book was surprisingly amusing, some of the conversations and comments on the characters or their actions make this a gleeful listen. There is, though, the dark to counteract the lightness, and the brooding character of John Jasper is a dark enough to be my candidate for likely villain. His passion (unwanted) for Rosa and opium habit add up to that for me. There is an array of characters here to support the action. Mr Chrisparkle and Rosa's ward (no idea of the spelling) are both lovely characters, with a strong moral and common sense but a strong compassion and humanity that stand as a great deal of good to contrast with Jasper. Rosa shows signs of coming into her own by the time the book ceases, with Helena being a positive influence on her. She also has two other suitors, and the question as to who she will end up with remains open. There is a lot to like in this, the range of characters, the light and shade, the humour and the underlying mystery. I wonder where it was going to go...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Somewhat hard to rate this one, as it ends, of course, about halfway through. It sure would be great to know how Dickens planned to bring this book to a close - is Drood really dead? Who is Dick Datchery? But, even left undone, there are some great characters and good set pieces here, and even with some of the silly bits, it's quite a fun read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This would have been a tremendous book had Dickens lived to finish it. Definitely Dickens characters and mysterious plots at his very best. I will now read The D. Case which purports to solve the mystery and I think there is also a book in which several authors try their hand at writing the rest of the book. I think that would be fun as well.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Once again presumptuous to rate the book. But even by Dickens' standards this would merit five stars. Perhaps the biggest frustration is the title, wishing to know whether or not it is actually a mystery -- with my reasonably strong money being on the fact that it is not. I think it was Our Mutual Friend with the preface saying something like don't congratulate yourself on solving the mystery -- it's not supposed to be one. Either way, John Jasper is a worthwhile addition to the canon of characters, as are about a half dozen others in this novel that begins and essentially ends in an opium den.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I love Dickens more than perhaps any other author that has ever existed. The first Dickens I ever read was David Copperfield. I know from that experience, that it is in my nature to struggle with Dickens love of slow-building plots. It wasn't until almost page 400 of Copperfield that something had clicked with me, and by the end it was my favorite book of all-time.So the downside of Edwin Drood is that it is unfinished. Not that the blame can really be laid on Dickens himself, it's not as if he just up and decided to push off this mortal coil before finishing his story. Unfortunately, he left behind the slow-build. The endless character introductions and the beginning of plot-weaving. Due to it being a mystery novel, many, MANY characters are introduced and at one time I considered drawing a chart just to keep it straight. The afterword of my edition reflects upon other writers that have written about - or even tried to finish - Edwin Drood. The question you would ask is who was the murderer. The consensus seems to be it is John Jasper, which to me is highly unfortunate as the entire set up of Mr. Jasper is basically "this guy is a creep and he probably did it". In my dream ending, Rosa would have been the murderer - content to not be married to Edwin but not willing to let him marry anyone else either.Overall, I had a very difficult time reading the build-up knowing there would be no payoff. I considered not finishing the book a number of times. This work is for hard-core Dickens lovers only.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This one only has 3 stars from me because it is unfinished. Otherwise, I would have given it 4 stars. This is the second of Dickens' books I have read, and I enjoyed the intrigue and the wonderfully descriptive style he has, and his characters are so unique! I wish I had not read this on my kindle, though, as I think Dickens is far better read in a paper book, where you can more easily flick back and forth to remind yourself of who all the characters are!

    I would love to know how he would have ended it, but I like to think that Neville was innocent and Nadler guilty and he got his come-uppence in the end!

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Maybe a five star book if Dickens would've completed it. No fault of his. But still has his typical great writing, at times dark and foreboding at others funny and whimsical, and filled with amusing characters. Takes place in Cloisterum a gothic fictional town where Edwin disappears. I should also mention the reader does and excellent job with the different voices and accents. Deserves accolades on his own.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Liked it, but would have been able to give a better review had it been finished. I loved the BBC film interpretation. I think they made some excellent guesses as to the direction of Dickens's thoughts.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I love Dickens more than perhaps any other author that has ever existed. The first Dickens I ever read was David Copperfield. I know from that experience, that it is in my nature to struggle with Dickens love of slow-building plots. It wasn't until almost page 400 of Copperfield that something had clicked with me, and by the end it was my favorite book of all-time.So the downside of Edwin Drood is that it is unfinished. Not that the blame can really be laid on Dickens himself, it's not as if he just up and decided to push off this mortal coil before finishing his story. Unfortunately, he left behind the slow-build. The endless character introductions and the beginning of plot-weaving. Due to it being a mystery novel, many, MANY characters are introduced and at one time I considered drawing a chart just to keep it straight. The afterword of my edition reflects upon other writers that have written about - or even tried to finish - Edwin Drood. The question you would ask is who was the murderer. The consensus seems to be it is John Jasper, which to me is highly unfortunate as the entire set up of Mr. Jasper is basically "this guy is a creep and he probably did it". In my dream ending, Rosa would have been the murderer - content to not be married to Edwin but not willing to let him marry anyone else either.Overall, I had a very difficult time reading the build-up knowing there would be no payoff. I considered not finishing the book a number of times. This work is for hard-core Dickens lovers only.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Before reading any works by Charles Dickens, I really wanted to like everything he’d penned. I expected to like everything, in fact, because of his reputation. Alas! “Edwin Drood” is yet another of this highly-acclaimed and super-successful author’s novels that failed to engage me.Too many characters, too many adverbs, and too much rambling on with no purpose equals a slow and unengaging narrative.I see most others reviewers have high praise for both book and author, but sadly I can’t concur.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I honestly still do not know what to say about The Mystery of Edwin Drood. It is possibly one of the only mysteries which caught me off guard about how it ends. I did not expect it. But I need to say that the book is not finished. Dickens died before he was able to finish it and I don’t even think he knew how it was going to end.Anyway, Edwin Drood is a young man under the care of John Jasper. He is engaged to Rosebud. Well, not exactly engaged, there is an understanding (from when they were both young) that they would marry. Friends with Jasper is Mr. Crisparkle a parson who lives with his mother. Also included in this party is Mr. Grewgious, of when Rosebud is a ward.Mr. Crisparkle, soon after the novel begins is charged with the education of Neville and Helena Landless. Neville is known for having a temper and falls in love with the beautiful Rosa and he thinks Edwin does not deserve her. Helena becomes Rosa’s good friend and confidant to which she tells Helena about Jasper’s love (obsession I call it) for her. (I should mention that Jasper happens to be her music teacher.)To end this rather quickly, we skip forward about fifty pages, and Edwin and Rosa have ended their arrangement having love for one another only that of brother and sister with no romantic inclination at all. Shortly after this agreement is made, Edwin goes missing and is presumed dead. Most everyone thinks poor Neville did it (He threatened Edwin a couple of times.) They were never able to prove one way or another, but Neville still was shunned by most of the town.The book skips forward six months and Jasper is still adamant it was Neville, Crisparkle defends his charge, Neville lives in seclusion seeing only Crisparkle and Helena, and Rosa finds a way to run off from Jasper’s unwanted attentions.And yet we are without any explanation as to what happened to Edwin Drood.Dickens is amazing. This being his last book he has writing an interesting and engaging story down pat. I extremely enjoy his use of nicknames for most of the characters (which at times were confusing); he calls Crisparkles mother the China Shepardess, and Rosa is given the nickname of Pussy by Edwin, and the opium dealer is given the name of Her Royal Highness the Princess Puffer. (I didn’t mention that Jasper has an addiction to opium.)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The ending would have been GREAT!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ah, the unfinished novel. Charles Dickens died a few hours after writing part of this book, about half way through his plan for 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood'. Edwin Drood mysteriously disappears Christmas Eve. His timepiece is found in the river. He just broke it off with his fiance, Rosa Bud, that it seems everyone in the town is in love with. Being a mystery, the murder of Edwin Drood went unsolved when Dickens died. If there even was a murder, as they never find the body of Drood. Dickens loved his surprise twist endings. Anyone could have been the murderer. Or it could have been something other than murder entirely. If Dickens had the story entirely planned out, maybe the murderer hadn't even been included as a character up to the halfway point. Imagine if the ending to 'Great Expectations' wasn't known. So there are points off for no ending. But Dickens is always enjoyable. I love the style of writing from the 19th century. I especially loved a description of an old timey food pantry/cupboard. The sweet jars had calligraphy labels while the savory jars had bold print. As it stands, there is isn't really the usual Dickens theme of addressing an important topic, such as poverty. 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood' seems to be just a murder mystery. The pricelessness of this book (and this edition: the Modern Library) is a transcript of a mock trial held featuring some famous writers 50 years after 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood' was published. The trial seems to take some liberties with the plot, but it brings up some interesting points. But with a half-finished mystery, it's hard to tell what happened within the mind of Charles Dickens. We will never know. My enjoyment of the lesser known (and unfinished) Dickens work makes me think I wouldn't have a problem reading any of the others. I'm looking forward to them.. if only my reading time would allow such hefty tomes. I'm also looking forward to 'Drood' by Dan Simmons... and the BBC movie airing next month.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Alas! we shall never know the true fate of Edwin Drood, or whether the one who acts with obvious villainy is truly the villain. Nor shall we know which of several potential suitors, if any, eventually wins the hand of the beautiful but delicate Miss Rose Bud. What sinister purpose was served by Jasper's midnight visit to the crypt? And is the inquisitive Mr. Datchery a detective, a blackmailer, or neither?From its opening scene in a London opium den, it's apparent that The Mystery of Edwin Drood was to have been a shade darker than Dickens' previous novels and more akin to the "sensation novels" of Wilkie Collins. Yet it is still suffused with Dickens' startling wit and peopled with his unique and lovable eccentrics. It's such a shame that he died with the second half of the novel unwritten.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    But Mr. Grewgious seeing nothing there, not even a light in the windows, his gaze wandered from the windows to the stars, as if he would have read in them something that was hidden from him. Many of us would, if we could; but none of us so much as know our letters in the stars yet -- or seem likely to do it, in this state of existence -- and few languages can be read until their alphabets are mastered.

    Not one of my favourites, this is perhaps an unfair claim to lodge against a half-finished work. Drood, Dickens 15th novel and the last of his 24 "major" works, was to be published in 12 monthly volumes, but he sadly passed away while putting the finishing touches on instalment 6.

    What we are left with is an intriguing mystery in which the core questions seem to have obvious answers, but the purpose of it all remains undefined. Edwin Drood, a seemingly attractive and nice lad, if a bit cocksure, mutually breaks off his engagement with Rosa Bud, his lovely fiancee-since-childhood, receives an ominous warning from the mistress of a local opium den, and then goes walking with a new friend from Ceylon before disappearing into the mist, never to be seen again. Amidst the murky cast of characters who inhabit the world around the intimidating Rochester Cathedral are the two orphans from Ceylon, a quick-witted reverend, an alcoholic gravekeeper, a playwriting secretary and a mysterious new arrival to town (the latter two of whom may be one and the same).

    Aesthetically, the novel is a surprise turn, coming after Dickens' dense, autumnal late works like Bleak House and (especially) Our Mutual Friend. Flowers bloom, music fills the air, and Dickens' authorial voice is less controlling, allowing the characters to speak quickly and to the point. The 1860s had been a decade of turmoil for Dickens on a personal level, and one feels like he was breaking away from the heaviness that characterised his most recent novels. There's more in common, perhaps, with his Uncommercial Traveller series written across the mid-to-late '60s, in which Dickens captures moments of life in London and the countryside. At the same time, this has a major drawback in that most of the characters, including Edwin himself, lack many defining traits. Indeed, Helena and Neville - the Ceylonese orphans - are so vague that we're still not sure whether they're merely "dark" from the sun, or are in some way natives!

    Much of this is intentional, of course. The late arriving figures of Tartar and Datchery were intended to be filled out later, and no doubt the same is true of Helena and Neville. The novel plays more with Reverend Crisparkle, who seems to be the Inspector Bucket of this piece, and Rosa Bud, who emerges perhaps not fully formed but at least a woman with some great level of initiative, combining the best parts of both Lizzie and Bella from Our Mutual Friend. At the heart of the piece is Edwin's uncle, John Jasper, a man deep in unrequited love and addled by his addiction to opium. Much like Edwin, though, John's character journey comes to an unwitting end and, sadly, it feels like the next instalment would've been the beginning of Dickens piecing together all of the disparate threads.

    Evidence from Dickens' family, friends and letters suggests that he wasn't that concerned about the two key mysteries - who is Datchery and what happened to Edwin - being all that ... mysterious. Indeed, he wrote to one friend a suggestion that the novel might become, in its final chapters, a meditation on the evil of the murderer, rather than a surprise revelation. This is actually very fitting, when you consider one of the most tortured characters from Our Mutual Friend, who spends the second half of the novel preparing for, then covering up, a vicious crime, in chapters that are the closest - give or take Lady Dedlock - to internal character study Dickens ever came.

    On the subject of endings, I thoroughly recommend Gwyneth Hughes' 2012 adaptation for the BBC, of which the final 40 minutes or so comprise entirely original material. While removing Tartar (who seems intended to become the male romantic lead in Dickens' original mind), Jones follows the commonly believed (obvious?) answers to Datchery and the killer, but then throws in numerous surprises, none of which seem at all unreasonable given what came before. In fact, I daresay a few of them sound downright likely.

    So, is Drood worth reading despite being unfinished? I'd probably rank it below any other Dickens novel, primarily because of its half-completed status. At the same time, once you've read it, it's fascinating to gaze into the 150 years of Drood-specific arguments that have come from academics and writers of all kinds. There's some great beauty in this novel, particularly the Cathedral which looms large as a character and which almost certainly (as Gwyneth Hughes knew) would have been the setting for the book's climax, whatever that may have been. As a work, the book lacks the sublime level of symbolism that characterised Little Dorrit's creaking buildings, Bleak House's combustible crooks, or Our Mutual Friend's piles of dust. It also lacks satisfying character arcs, since everyone except for Rosa seems to be half-hidden from us, by the very nature of the piece.

    Still, for Dickens completists, and those who don't mind a read that ends mid-thrust, it's not half bad.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In a quiet English town, something very mysterious is about to occur. Mr. Edwin Drood, a young man blessed by fate and circumstances is going to vanish without trace. Only his watch and shirt pin are found. The most likely suspect is his rival, another young man, less fortunate and possessed of a passionate disposition. It seems the two loved the same young girl and many suppose that the one did away with the other. However, as the reader knows, the young Drood and his lady Rosa have recently broken off their engagement. It had been decided upon by their deceased parents and the two feel unsuited. Moreover, Drood's uncle was also powerfully obsessed with young Rosa. After the disappearance, he makes violent love to Rosa in the garden and threatens her with some dreadful consequence if she does not give herself to him.This story has become quite famous as an unsolved and unsolvable mystery. It was began by the author shortly before his death and it's conclusion is unknown. The plot is dark and haunting and full of much promise.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Although not a great fan of Dickens - my tally of his titles in my library stretches to two and a half (of Bleak House) - I was intrigued by the premise of his last, unfinished novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The trailer for the recent BBC adaptation (not based on Madden's version) spurred me into action, and I downloaded the first 'completed' text on Kindle. And apart from my usual misgivings with Dickens - his use of caricatures, pathetic women, heavy-handed social commentary - I must say that I enjoyed Edwin Drood! Madden picks up the many threads of Dickens' narrative with ease and a studied fidelity to the original, and there are some amusing characters (my favourites were Deputy, the stone-flinging urchin, and Bazzard, Grewgious' frustrated assistant). Of course, nobody writes quite like Dickens himself, and Madden admits to moderating the distinctive dialect of some characters for fear of sounding like a 'Monty Python' sketch, but overall, Madden's anniversary edition of Dickens' last novel works well.'I find it a little obvious', observed Tartar thoughtfully; 'but that is probably only because we have such an expert to guide us through these mysteries,' he quickly and generously added. The mystery of Edwin Drood is really more of a howdunnit, that a whodunnit or even a whydunnit, and the tension of the story starts to build only after the disappearance of the eponymous character - will justice prevail, and who will close the mystery? There are several 'detective' figures in Madden's continuation - the Reverend Septimus Crisparkle, city lawyer Mr Grewgious, and the mysterious Dick Datchery - and some Dickens readers have suggested that various characters are actually masquerading as others, but I think Madden has the right balance of coincidence and co-operation. Exotic beauty Helena Landless is also an intelligent and active agent, working to clear her brother's name, in a satisfying contrast to the blushing bimbette Rosa Budd, nick-named 'Pussy' (by Dickens).Apparently there have been various other attempts to solve Dickens' last mystery - by Wilkie Collins and even Dan Simmons (!) - but I need read no further: David Madden's respectful continuation has tied up all of the loose ends for me. I don't even think I will bother with the BBC adaptation now!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Once again presumptuous to rate the book. But even by Dickens' standards this would merit five stars. Perhaps the biggest frustration is the title, wishing to know whether or not it is actually a mystery -- with my reasonably strong money being on the fact that it is not. I think it was Our Mutual Friend with the preface saying something like don't congratulate yourself on solving the mystery -- it's not supposed to be one. Either way, John Jasper is a worthwhile addition to the canon of characters, as are about a half dozen others in this novel that begins and essentially ends in an opium den. 
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    French translation with an original (apocryphal) conclusion. The solution of the mystery makes of this version an original creation based upon the unfinished novel by Dickens.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you'd told me 20 years ago I'd find a Dickens that I didn't want to end, I'd have laughed myself sick, but here it is. Dickens's final, unfinished novel centers around the mysterious disappearance of a young man who's recently both broken up with his fiance and fought with one of her other admirers. The Penguin Classics edition has extensive introductory material and appendices that go into exhaustive detail about what Dickens's plans for the novel are known to have been, using his own notes and reports of conversations he had with his illustrator. There's a helpful appendix on opium usage in England as well that explains some of what Dickens is likely to have been thinking about when creating the character of Jasper Johns. The half-novel itself is, as always, very funny and very tightly plotted; it's a pity that Dickens did not live long enough to finish the story, because it would undoubtedly have been excellent, and I'd love to know how he meant to tie all of the pieces of the mystery together in the end. (The extra material in the Penguin edition hints at how this might have been done; as usual I wish I'd left the introductory material for after I read the story, as Penguin introductions tend to give away too much.)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dickens died before he finished it, and the female lead is described in terms that would make any feminist snarl, however, even with those frustrations, it's a heck of a read. Dickens descriptions of the opium addicts alone are worth the book's effort. It's all classic Dickens - the names, "Rosa Bud," (with the unfortunate nickname of "Pussy") "Grewgious," "Rev. Crisparkle," "Durdles," "Dick Datchery," "Princess Puffer" (the opium seller), and a boy known as Deputy who is consistently described as "a hideous boy. There is allusion to class prejudice, as well as racial prejudice, and Dickens' famous sense of injustice is well evident. Suspenseful and at times laugh-out-loud funny, I recommend it. However, if the idea of reading an unfinished novel is discouraging, the intrigued reader can find some hints as to the murderer's identity in the work of Dicken's biographer and friend, John Forster, (The Life of Charles Dickens, 1876 in two volume II: p. 451-452). Forster tells of correspondence he received on the subject from Dickens:"...was to be that of the murder of a nephew by his uncle; the originality of which was to consist in the review of the murderer's career by himself at the close, when its temptations were to be dwelt upon as if, not he the culprit, but some other man, were the tempted. The last chapters were to be written in the condemned cell, to which his wickedness, all elaborately elicited from him as if told of another, had brought him. Discovery by the murderer of the utter needlessness of the murder for its object, was to follow hard upon commission of the deed; but all discovery of the murderer was to be baffled till towards the close, when, by means of a gold ring which had resisted the corrosive effects of the lime into which he had thrown the body, not only the person murdered was to be identified but the locality of the crime and the man who committed it. So much was told to me before any of the book was written; and it will be recollected that the ring, taken by Drood to be given to his betrothed only if their engagement went on, was brought away with him from their last interview. Rosa was to marry Tartar, and Crisparkle the sister of Landless, who was himself, I think, to have perished in assisting Tartar finally to unmask and seize the murderer."
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is Dickens’ last unfinished novel. My cunning plan is to read this, then read some of the many novels that attempt to finish the novel for Dickens, or deal with the end of Dickens life. Any excuse to read more books!Actually, even though the novel is unfinished, it’s a satisfying read. Edwin Drood disappears. He is a young, happy-go-lucky, man who was engaged in an arranged marriage. Just as Edwin and his fiance break off their engagement, he disappears. Public suspicion falls on a friend of his, another young man. But all clues tend to point to his uncle Jasper, who seems obsessed with Edwin’s fiance. Jasper is also a secret opium addict, smoking it in the opening scene in a den in London.No one knows where Dickens intended to take the novel. Is Edwin really dead? Or has he just disappeared because of the termination of his engagement? We’ll never know, but that hasn’t stopped other writers from speculating.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not much of a mystery, but a fine story! Lots of tension and suspense and some great characters, just like a good Dickens tale. I was quite drawn in and even a bit surprised by some of the characters reactions and actions. Pleasantly surprised I should say. I did think it unraveled a bit towards the end, but Mr. Dickens probably would have fixed that if he had lived a bit longer.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I knew at the outset that Dickens died before he had the chance to finish this novel, but I didn't realize how incredibly eager I was going to be to have it solved! It seems that he was just getting somewhere, and that there was going to be some climactic action coming up shortly, and then poof. No more book. But on the other hand, it was so good getting to that point, and as noted, I am aware that The Mystery of Edwin Drood was unfinished, so I can't say that I was all that frustrated, really. It's the getting to the end (or the leave-off point) that mattered, and it was a great ride. I won't go over the story/plot here; it is very well known. Movies have been made; I believe there was a stage production or two as well, and there are (as I saw written somewhere) entire websites and pundits devoted to solving the mystery.This edition has a preface by Peter Ackroyd, a Dickens biographer, and an appendix by GK Chesterton. Chesterton provides several theories about what may have followed if Dickens had been alive to finish his work. One more thing: I read this on the heels of Dan Simmons' most excellent novel "Drood," and it puts a lot into perspective.I would definitely recommend it -- if you MUST have an ending, then don't read it, but as I said above...the getting there is most of the fun. Most excellent.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Four years, many speaking engagements, and a trip to America intervened between Charles Dickens' penultimate novel and his final one, The Mystery of Edwin Drood.Ever since his involvement in a train accident in 1865 on his return from France, and perhaps even before, Dickens was ailing with a variety of illnesses, some of which were at least aggravated by overwork and his refusal to reduce his schedule. It was thus in 1869 that he began writing his final novel of which the first six of the originally intended twelve monthly parts were published in 1870. He died in June of that year with the mystery unfinished.Edwin Drood begins in an opium den and the air of mystery that surrounds that venue grows as the story progresses. At the center of the story is Edwin Drood, his fiancee Rosa Budd, his uncle John Jasper, Canon Crisparkle, and the Landless twins, with others to numerous (as was Dickens' way) to mention. The style is fresh and new for Dickens, especially when contrasted with the heavier more convoluted style of Our Mutual Friend which immediately preceded it. The first half of the story introduces conflict and doubt for the young Drood and we see glimmers of danger headed his way in the remaining finished sections. Although incomplete, the novel has appeal and is well worth reading.

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The Mystery of Edwin Drood - Charles Dickens

The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, by Charles

Dickens, Illustrated by Luke Fildes

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Title: The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Author: Charles Dickens

Release Date: December 25, 2010  [eBook #564]

[This file was first posted on April 15, 1996]

Language: English

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Transcribed from the Chapman and Hall, 1914 edition by David Price, email



An ancient English Cathedral Tower?  How can the ancient English Cathedral tower be here!  The well-known massive gray square tower of its old Cathedral?  How can that be here!  There is no spike of rusty iron in the air, between the eye and it, from any point of the real prospect.  What is the spike that intervenes, and who has set it up?  Maybe it is set up by the Sultan’s orders for the impaling of a horde of Turkish robbers, one by one.  It is so, for cymbals clash, and the Sultan goes by to his palace in long procession.  Ten thousand scimitars flash in the sunlight, and thrice ten thousand dancing-girls strew flowers.  Then, follow white elephants caparisoned in countless gorgeous colours, and infinite in number and attendants.  Still the Cathedral Tower rises in the background, where it cannot be, and still no writhing figure is on the grim spike.  Stay!  Is the spike so low a thing as the rusty spike on the top of a post of an old bedstead that has tumbled all awry?  Some vague period of drowsy laughter must be devoted to the consideration of this possibility.

Shaking from head to foot, the man whose scattered consciousness has thus fantastically pieced itself together, at length rises, supports his trembling frame upon his arms, and looks around.  He is in the meanest and closest of small rooms.  Through the ragged window-curtain, the light of early day steals in from a miserable court.  He lies, dressed, across a large unseemly bed, upon a bedstead that has indeed given way under the weight upon it. Lying, also dressed and also across the bed, not longwise, are a Chinaman, a Lascar, and a haggard woman.  The two first are in a sleep or stupor; the last is blowing at a kind of pipe, to kindle it.  And as she blows, and shading it with her lean hand, concentrates its red spark of light, it serves in the dim morning as a lamp to show him what he sees of her.

‘Another?’ says this woman, in a querulous, rattling whisper.  ‘Have another?’

He looks about him, with his hand to his forehead.

‘Ye’ve smoked as many as five since ye come in at midnight,’ the woman goes on, as she chronically complains.  ‘Poor me, poor me, my head is so bad.  Them two come in after ye.  Ah, poor me, the business is slack, is slack!  Few Chinamen about the Docks, and fewer Lascars, and no ships coming in, these say!  Here’s another ready for ye, deary.  Ye’ll remember like a good soul, won’t ye, that the market price is dreffle high just now?  More nor three shillings and sixpence for a thimbleful!  And ye’ll remember that nobody but me (and Jack Chinaman t’other side the court; but he can’t do it as well as me) has the true secret of mixing it?  Ye’ll pay up accordingly, deary, won’t ye?’

She blows at the pipe as she speaks, and, occasionally bubbling at it, inhales much of its contents.

‘O me, O me, my lungs is weak, my lungs is bad!  It’s nearly ready for ye, deary.  Ah, poor me, poor me, my poor hand shakes like to drop off!  I see ye coming-to, and I ses to my poor self, I’ll have another ready for him, and he’ll bear in mind the market price of opium, and pay according.  O my poor head!  I makes my pipes of old penny ink-bottles, ye see, deary—this is one—and I fits-in a mouthpiece, this way, and I takes my mixter out of this thimble with this little horn spoon; and so I fills, deary.  Ah, my poor nerves!  I got Heavens-hard drunk for sixteen year afore I took to this; but this don’t hurt me, not to speak of.  And it takes away the hunger as well as wittles, deary.’

She hands him the nearly-emptied pipe, and sinks back, turning over on her face.

He rises unsteadily from the bed, lays the pipe upon the hearth-stone, draws back the ragged curtain, and looks with repugnance at his three companions.  He notices that the woman has opium-smoked herself into a strange likeness of the Chinaman.  His form of cheek, eye, and temple, and his colour, are repeated in her.  Said Chinaman convulsively wrestles with one of his many Gods or Devils, perhaps, and snarls horribly.  The Lascar laughs and dribbles at the mouth.  The hostess is still.

‘What visions can she have?’ the waking man muses, as he turns her face towards him, and stands looking down at it.  ‘Visions of many butchers’ shops, and public-houses, and much credit?  Of an increase of hideous customers, and this horrible bedstead set upright again, and this horrible court swept clean?  What can she rise to, under any quantity of opium, higher than that!—Eh?’

He bends down his ear, to listen to her mutterings.


As he watches the spasmodic shoots and darts that break out of her face and limbs, like fitful lightning out of a dark sky, some contagion in them seizes upon him: insomuch that he has to withdraw himself to a lean arm-chair by the hearth—placed there, perhaps, for such emergencies—and to sit in it, holding tight, until he has got the better of this unclean spirit of imitation.

Then he comes back, pounces on the Chinaman, and seizing him with both hands by the throat, turns him violently on the bed.  The Chinaman clutches the aggressive hands, resists, gasps, and protests.

‘What do you say?’

A watchful pause.


Slowly loosening his grasp as he listens to the incoherent jargon with an attentive frown, he turns to the Lascar and fairly drags him forth upon the floor.  As he falls, the Lascar starts into a half-risen attitude, glares with his eyes, lashes about him fiercely with his arms, and draws a phantom knife.  It then becomes apparent that the woman has taken possession of this knife, for safety’s sake; for, she too starting up, and restraining and expostulating with him, the knife is visible in her dress, not in his, when they drowsily drop back, side by side.

There has been chattering and clattering enough between them, but to no purpose.  When any distinct word has been flung into the air, it has had no sense or sequence.  Wherefore ‘unintelligible!’ is again the comment of the watcher, made with some reassured nodding of his head, and a gloomy smile.  He then lays certain silver money on the table, finds his hat, gropes his way down the broken stairs, gives a good morning to some rat-ridden doorkeeper, in bed in a black hutch beneath the stairs, and passes out.

That same afternoon, the massive gray square tower of an old Cathedral rises before the sight of a jaded traveller.  The bells are going for daily vesper service, and he must needs attend it, one would say, from his haste to reach the open Cathedral door.  The choir are getting on their sullied white robes, in a hurry, when he arrives among them, gets on his own robe, and falls into the procession filing in to service.  Then, the Sacristan locks the iron-barred gates that divide the sanctuary from the chancel, and all of the procession having scuttled into their places, hide their faces; and then the intoned words, ‘When the Wicked Man—’ rise among groins of arches and beams of roof, awakening muttered thunder.


Whosoever has observed that sedate and clerical bird, the rook, may perhaps have noticed that when he wings his way homeward towards nightfall, in a sedate and clerical company, two rooks will suddenly detach themselves from the rest, will retrace their flight for some distance, and will there poise and linger; conveying to mere men the fancy that it is of some occult importance to the body politic, that this artful couple should pretend to have renounced connection with it.

Similarly, service being over in the old Cathedral with the square tower, and the choir scuffling out again, and divers venerable persons of rook-like aspect dispersing, two of these latter retrace their steps, and walk together in the echoing Close.

Not only is the day waning, but the year.  The low sun is fiery and yet cold behind the monastery ruin, and the Virginia creeper on the Cathedral wall has showered half its deep-red leaves down on the pavement.  There has been rain this afternoon, and a wintry shudder goes among the little pools on the cracked, uneven flag-stones, and through the giant elm-trees as they shed a gust of tears.  Their fallen leaves lie strewn thickly about.  Some of these leaves, in a timid rush, seek sanctuary within the low arched Cathedral door; but two men coming out resist them, and cast them forth again with their feet; this done, one of the two locks the door with a goodly key, and the other flits away with a folio music-book.

‘Mr. Jasper was that, Tope?’

‘Yes, Mr. Dean.’

‘He has stayed late.’

‘Yes, Mr. Dean.  I have stayed for him, your Reverence.  He has been took a little poorly.’

‘Say taken, Tope—to the Dean,’ the younger rook interposes in a low tone with this touch of correction, as who should say: ‘You may offer bad grammar to the laity, or the humbler clergy, not to the Dean.’

Mr. Tope, Chief Verger and Showman, and accustomed to be high with excursion parties, declines with a silent loftiness to perceive that any suggestion has been tendered to him.

‘And when and how has Mr. Jasper been taken—for, as Mr. Crisparkle has remarked, it is better to say taken—taken—’ repeats the Dean; ‘when and how has Mr. Jasper been Taken—’

‘Taken, sir,’ Tope deferentially murmurs.

‘—Poorly, Tope?’

‘Why, sir, Mr. Jasper was that breathed—’

‘I wouldn’t say That breathed, Tope,’ Mr. Crisparkle interposes with the same touch as before.  ‘Not English—to the Dean.’

‘Breathed to that extent,’ the Dean (not unflattered by this indirect homage) condescendingly remarks, ‘would be preferable.’

‘Mr. Jasper’s breathing was so remarkably short’—thus discreetly does Mr. Tope work his way round the sunken rock—‘when he came in, that it distressed him mightily to get his notes out: which was perhaps the cause of his having a kind of fit on him after a little.  His memory grew Dazed.’  Mr. Tope, with his eyes on the Reverend Mr. Crisparkle, shoots this word out, as defying him to improve upon it: ‘and a dimness and giddiness crept over him as strange as ever I saw: though he didn’t seem to mind it particularly, himself.  However, a little time and a little water brought him out of his Daze.’  Mr. Tope repeats the word and its emphasis, with the air of saying: ‘As I have made a success, I’ll make it again.’

‘And Mr. Jasper has gone home quite himself, has he?’ asked the Dean.

‘Your Reverence, he has gone home quite himself.  And I’m glad to see he’s having his fire kindled up, for it’s chilly after the wet, and the Cathedral had both a damp feel and a damp touch this afternoon, and he was very shivery.’

They all three look towards an old stone gatehouse crossing the Close, with an arched thoroughfare passing beneath it.  Through its latticed window, a fire shines out upon the fast-darkening scene, involving in shadow the pendent masses of ivy and creeper covering the building’s front.  As the deep Cathedral-bell strikes the hour, a ripple of wind goes through these at their distance, like a ripple of the solemn sound that hums through tomb and tower, broken niche and defaced statue, in the pile close at hand.

‘Is Mr. Jasper’s nephew with him?’ the Dean asks.

‘No, sir,’ replied the Verger, ‘but expected.  There’s his own solitary shadow betwixt his two windows—the one looking this way, and the one looking down into the High Street—drawing his own curtains now.’

‘Well, well,’ says the Dean, with a sprightly air of breaking up the little conference, ‘I hope Mr. Jasper’s heart may not be too much set upon his nephew.  Our affections, however laudable, in this transitory world, should never master us; we should guide them, guide them.  I find I am not disagreeably reminded of my dinner, by hearing my dinner-bell.  Perhaps, Mr. Crisparkle, you will, before going home, look in on Jasper?’

‘Certainly, Mr. Dean.  And tell him that you had the kindness to desire to know how he was?’

‘Ay; do so, do so.  Certainly.  Wished to know how he was.  By all means.  Wished to know how he was.’

With a pleasant air of patronage, the Dean as nearly cocks his quaint hat as a Dean in good spirits may, and directs his comely gaiters towards the ruddy dining-room of the snug old red-brick house where he is at present, ‘in residence’ with Mrs. Dean and Miss Dean.

Mr. Crisparkle, Minor Canon, fair and rosy, and perpetually pitching himself head-foremost into all the deep running water in the surrounding country; Mr. Crisparkle, Minor Canon, early riser, musical, classical, cheerful, kind, good-natured, social, contented, and boy-like; Mr. Crisparkle, Minor Canon and good man, lately ‘Coach’ upon the chief Pagan high roads, but since promoted by a patron (grateful for a well-taught son) to his present Christian beat; betakes himself to the gatehouse, on his way home to his early tea.

‘Sorry to hear from Tope that you have not been well, Jasper.’

‘O, it was nothing, nothing!’

‘You look a little worn.’

‘Do I?  O, I don’t think so.  What is better, I don’t feel so.  Tope has made too much of it, I suspect.  It’s his trade to make the most of everything appertaining to the Cathedral, you know.’

‘I may tell the Dean—I call expressly from the Dean—that you are all right again?’

The reply, with a slight smile, is: ‘Certainly; with my respects and thanks to the Dean.’

‘I’m glad to hear that you expect young Drood.’

‘I expect the dear fellow every moment.’

‘Ah!  He will do you more good than a doctor, Jasper.’

‘More good than a dozen doctors.  For I love him dearly, and I don’t love doctors, or doctors’ stuff.’

Mr. Jasper is a dark man of some six-and-twenty, with thick, lustrous, well-arranged black hair and whiskers.  He looks older than he is, as dark men often do.  His voice is deep and good, his face and figure are good, his manner is a little sombre.  His room is a little sombre, and may have had its influence in forming his manner.  It is mostly in shadow.  Even when the sun shines brilliantly, it seldom touches the grand piano in the recess, or the folio music-books on the stand, or the book-shelves on the wall, or the unfinished picture of a blooming schoolgirl hanging over the chimneypiece; her flowing brown hair tied with a blue riband, and her beauty remarkable for a quite childish, almost babyish, touch of saucy discontent, comically conscious of itself.  (There is not the least artistic merit in this picture, which is a mere daub; but it is clear that the painter has made it humorously—one might almost say, revengefully—like the original.)

‘We shall miss you, Jasper, at the Alternate Musical Wednesdays to-night; but no doubt you are best at home.  Good-night.  God bless you!  Tell me, shep-herds, te-e-ell me; tell me-e-e, have you seen (have you seen, have you seen, have you seen) my-y-y Flo-o-ora-a pass this way!’  Melodiously good Minor Canon the Reverend Septimus Crisparkle thus delivers himself, in musical rhythm, as he withdraws his amiable face from the doorway and conveys it down-stairs.

Sounds of recognition and greeting pass between the Reverend Septimus and somebody else, at the stair-foot.  Mr. Jasper listens, starts from his chair, and catches a young fellow in his arms, exclaiming:

‘My dear Edwin!’

‘My dear Jack!  So glad to see you!’

‘Get off your greatcoat, bright boy, and sit down here in your own corner.  Your feet are not wet?  Pull your boots off.  Do pull your boots off.’

‘My dear Jack, I am as dry as a bone.  Don’t moddley-coddley, there’s a good fellow.  I like anything better than being moddley-coddleyed.’

With the check upon him of being unsympathetically restrained in a genial outburst of enthusiasm, Mr. Jasper stands still, and looks on intently at the young fellow, divesting himself of his outward coat, hat, gloves, and so forth.  Once for all, a look of intentness and intensity—a look of hungry, exacting, watchful, and yet devoted affection—is always, now and ever afterwards, on the Jasper face whenever the Jasper face is addressed in this direction.  And whenever it is so addressed, it is never, on this occasion or on any other, dividedly addressed; it is always concentrated.

‘Now I am right, and now I’ll take my corner, Jack.  Any dinner, Jack?’

Mr. Jasper opens a door at the upper end of the room, and discloses a small inner room pleasantly lighted and prepared, wherein a comely dame is in the act of setting dishes on table.

‘What a jolly old Jack it is!’ cries the young fellow, with a clap of his hands.  ‘Look here, Jack; tell me; whose birthday is it?’

‘Not yours, I know,’ Mr. Jasper answers, pausing to consider.

‘Not mine, you know?  No; not mine, I know!  Pussy’s!’

Fixed as the look the young fellow meets, is, there is yet in it some strange power of suddenly including the sketch over the chimneypiece.

‘Pussy’s, Jack!  We must drink Many happy returns to her.  Come, uncle; take your dutiful and sharp-set nephew in to dinner.’

As the boy (for he is little more) lays a hand on Jasper’s shoulder, Jasper cordially and gaily lays a hand on his shoulder, and so Marseillaise-wise they go in to dinner.

‘And, Lord! here’s Mrs. Tope!’ cries the boy.  ‘Lovelier than ever!’

‘Never you mind me, Master Edwin,’ retorts the Verger’s wife; ‘I can take care of myself.’

‘You can’t.  You’re much too handsome.  Give me a kiss because it’s Pussy’s birthday.’

‘I’d Pussy you, young man, if I was Pussy, as you call her,’ Mrs. Tope blushingly retorts, after being saluted.  ‘Your uncle’s too much wrapt up in you, that’s where it is.  He makes so much of you, that it’s my opinion you think you’ve only to call your Pussys by the dozen, to make ’em come.’

‘You forget, Mrs. Tope,’ Mr. Jasper interposes, taking his place at the table with a genial smile, ‘and so do you, Ned, that Uncle and Nephew are words prohibited here by common consent and express agreement.  For what we are going to receive His holy name be praised!’

‘Done like the Dean!  Witness, Edwin Drood!  Please to carve, Jack, for I can’t.’

This sally ushers in the dinner.  Little to the present purpose, or to any purpose, is said, while it is in course of being disposed of.  At length the cloth is drawn, and a dish of walnuts and a decanter of rich-coloured sherry are placed upon the table.

‘I say!  Tell me, Jack,’ the young fellow then flows on: ‘do you really and truly feel as if the mention of our relationship divided us at all?  I don’t.’

‘Uncles as a rule, Ned, are so much older than their nephews,’ is the reply, ‘that I have that feeling instinctively.’

‘As a rule!  Ah, may-be!  But what is a difference in age of half-a-dozen years or so? And some uncles, in large families, are even younger than their nephews.  By George, I wish it was the case with us!’


‘Because if it was, I’d take the lead with you, Jack, and be as wise as Begone, dull Care! that turned a young man gray, and Begone, dull Care! that turned an old man to clay.—Halloa, Jack!  Don’t drink.’

‘Why not?’

‘Asks why not, on Pussy’s birthday, and no Happy returns proposed!  Pussy, Jack, and many of ’em!  Happy returns, I mean.’

Laying an affectionate and laughing touch on the boy’s extended hand, as if it were at once his giddy head and his light heart, Mr. Jasper drinks the toast in silence.

‘Hip, hip, hip, and nine times nine, and one to finish with, and all that, understood.  Hooray, hooray, hooray!—And now, Jack, let’s have a little talk about Pussy.  Two pairs of nut-crackers?  Pass me one, and take the other.’  Crack.  ‘How’s Pussy getting on Jack?’

‘With her music?  Fairly.’

‘What a dreadfully conscientious fellow you are, Jack!  But I know, Lord bless you!  Inattentive, isn’t she?’

‘She can learn anything, if she will.’

If she will!  Egad, that’s it.  But if she won’t?’

Crack!—on Mr. Jasper’s part.

‘How’s she looking, Jack?’

Mr. Jasper’s concentrated face again includes the portrait as he returns: ‘Very like your sketch indeed.’

‘I am a little proud of it,’ says the young fellow, glancing up at the sketch with complacency, and then shutting one eye, and taking a corrected prospect of it over a level bridge of nut-crackers in the air: ‘Not badly hit off from memory.  But I ought to have caught that expression pretty well, for I have seen it often enough.’

Crack!—on Edwin Drood’s part.

Crack!—on Mr. Jasper’s part.

‘In point of fact,’ the former resumes, after some silent dipping among his fragments of walnut with an air of pique, ‘I see it whenever I go to see Pussy.  If I don’t find it on her face, I leave it there.—You know I do, Miss Scornful Pert.  Booh!’  With a twirl of the nut-crackers at the portrait.

Crack! crack! crack.  Slowly, on Mr. Jasper’s part.

Crack.  Sharply on the part of Edwin Drood.

Silence on both sides.

‘Have you lost your tongue, Jack?’

‘Have you found yours, Ned?’

‘No, but really;—isn’t it, you know, after all—’

Mr. Jasper lifts his dark eyebrows inquiringly.

‘Isn’t it unsatisfactory to be cut off from choice in such a matter?  There, Jack!  I tell you!  If I could choose, I would choose Pussy from all the pretty girls in the world.’

‘But you have not got to choose.’

‘That’s what I complain of.  My dead and gone father and Pussy’s dead and gone father must needs marry us together by anticipation.  Why the—Devil, I was going to say, if it had been respectful to their memory—couldn’t they leave us alone?’

‘Tut, tut, dear boy,’ Mr. Jasper remonstrates, in a tone of gentle deprecation.

‘Tut, tut?  Yes, Jack, it’s all very well for youYou can take it easily.  Your life is not laid down to scale, and lined and dotted out for you, like a surveyor’s plan.  You have no uncomfortable suspicion that you are forced upon anybody, nor has anybody an uncomfortable suspicion that she is forced upon you, or that you are forced upon her.  You can choose for yourself.  Life, for you, is a plum with the natural bloom on; it hasn’t been over-carefully wiped off for you—’

‘Don’t stop, dear fellow.  Go on.’

‘Can I anyhow have hurt your feelings, Jack?’

‘How can you have hurt my feelings?’

‘Good Heaven, Jack, you look frightfully ill!  There’s a strange film come over your eyes.’

Mr. Jasper, with a forced smile, stretches out his right hand, as if at once to disarm apprehension and gain time to get better.  After a while he says faintly:

‘I have been taking opium for a pain—an agony—that sometimes overcomes me.  The effects of the medicine steal over me like a blight or a cloud, and pass.  You see them in the act of passing; they will be gone directly.  Look away from me.  They will go all the sooner.’

With a scared face the younger man complies by casting his eyes downward at the ashes on the hearth.  Not relaxing his own gaze on the fire, but rather strengthening it with a fierce, firm grip upon his elbow-chair, the elder sits for a few moments rigid, and then, with thick drops standing on his forehead, and a sharp catch of his breath, becomes as he was before.  On his so subsiding in his chair, his nephew gently and assiduously tends him while he quite recovers.  When Jasper is restored, he lays a tender hand upon his nephew’s shoulder, and, in a tone of voice less troubled than the purport of his words—indeed with something of raillery or banter in it—thus addresses him:

‘There is said to be a hidden skeleton in every house; but you thought there was none in mine, dear Ned.’

‘Upon my life, Jack, I did think so.  However, when I come to consider that even in Pussy’s house—if she had one—and in mine—if I had one—’

‘You were going to say (but that I interrupted you in spite of myself) what a quiet life mine is.  No whirl and uproar around me, no distracting commerce or calculation, no risk, no change of place, myself devoted to the art I pursue, my business my pleasure.’

‘I really was going to say something of the kind, Jack; but you see, you, speaking of yourself, almost necessarily leave out much that I should have put in.  For instance: I should have put in the foreground your being so much respected as Lay Precentor, or Lay Clerk, or whatever you call it, of this Cathedral; your enjoying the reputation of having done such wonders with the choir; your choosing your society, and holding such an independent position in this queer old place; your gift of teaching (why, even Pussy, who don’t like being taught, says there never was such a Master as you are!), and your connexion.’

‘Yes; I saw what you were tending to.  I hate it.’

‘Hate it, Jack?’  (Much bewildered.)

‘I hate it.  The cramped monotony of my existence grinds me away by the grain.  How does our service sound to you?’

‘Beautiful!  Quite celestial!’

‘It often sounds to me quite devilish.  I am so weary of it.  The echoes of my own voice among the arches seem to mock me with my daily drudging round.  No wretched monk who droned his life away in that gloomy place, before me, can have been more tired of it than I am.  He could take for relief (and did take) to carving demons out of the stalls and seats and desks.  What shall I do?  Must I take to carving them out of my heart?’

‘I thought you had so exactly found your niche in life, Jack,’ Edwin Drood returns, astonished, bending forward in his chair to lay a sympathetic hand on Jasper’s knee, and looking at him with an anxious face.

‘I know you thought so.  They all think so.’

‘Well, I suppose they do,’ says Edwin, meditating aloud.  ‘Pussy thinks so.’

‘When did she tell you that?’

‘The last time I was here.  You remember when.  Three months ago.’

‘How did she phrase it?’

‘O, she only said that she had become your pupil, and that you were made for your vocation.’

The younger man glances at the portrait.  The elder sees it in him.

‘Anyhow, my dear Ned,’ Jasper resumes, as he shakes his head with a grave cheerfulness, ‘I must subdue myself to my vocation: which is much the same thing outwardly.  It’s too late to find another now.  This is a confidence between us.’

‘It shall be sacredly preserved, Jack.’

‘I have reposed it in you, because—’

‘I feel it, I assure you.  Because we are fast friends, and because you love and trust me, as I love and trust you.  Both hands, Jack.’

As each stands looking into the other’s eyes, and as the uncle holds the nephew’s hands, the uncle thus proceeds:

‘You know now, don’t you, that even a poor monotonous chorister and grinder of music—in his niche—may be troubled with some stray sort of ambition, aspiration, restlessness, dissatisfaction, what shall we call it?’

‘Yes, dear Jack.’

‘And you will remember?’

‘My dear Jack, I only ask you, am I likely to forget what you have said with so much feeling?’

‘Take it as a warning, then.’

In the act of having his hands released, and of moving a step back, Edwin pauses for an instant to consider the application of these last words.  The instant over, he says, sensibly touched:

‘I am afraid I am but a shallow, surface kind of fellow, Jack, and that my headpiece is none of the best.  But I needn’t say I am young; and perhaps I shall not grow worse as I grow older.  At all events, I hope I have something impressible within me, which feels—deeply feels—the disinterestedness of your painfully laying your inner

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