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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Release dateJan 1, 1996

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814–1873) was an Irish writer best known for his horror fiction. A meticulous craftsman Le Fanu was a master of tone and effect, rather than “shock horror”, and frequently reworked plots and ideas from his earlier short stories for his novels, which also included Gothic fiction and mysteries. A leading writer of the Victorian era, his most popular works are Uncle Silas, Carmilla, and The House by the Churchyard.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent! I loved every minute of this vampire classic. Certainly one of my favorite vampire reads of all time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Before Dracula there was Carmilla!Originally published in 1872, Dracula in 1897, this chronicles the story of a young woman's susceptibility to another seemingly young woman's (Carmilla) affections. But something is very wrong and has been wrong ever since Carmilla came into the picture. Can they stop this evil before it goes too far?This is complete and utter speculation but I just want to put it out there... this could very well be the novel that Bram Stoker read that indeed inspired him to write the novel Dracula. This novel together with Bram Stoker's Irish heritage and folklore would indeed come together beautifully to create the novel that we all know and love.But enough about Dracula. Let's talk about Carmilla! I think it's absolutely fabulous that the very first vampire ever to grace the publishing world was indeed a female. Personally I found her word usage and talk of everlasting love to be so seductive that I damn near threw my arms around her in submittance. I always find it very interesting when the author of a certain sex decides to write from the point of view of the opposite sex. We find that here as the author who wrote the novel was a man and is writing from the point of view of Laura who was the victim in this tragic tale of vampirism. Nevertheless, Le Fanu pulls it off with flying colors! You really do feel as if you are reading the words of a distraught woman penning the details of a horrific occurrence.Although this novel held no secrets or mystery for me (the ever-faithful horror fanatic) it is indeed nothing less than a heart pounding page turner. This one had my heart racing and me reading through the pages as fast as I could to find out what happens next. This is a very well done novel and I can't quite understand why it hasn't gotten the praise that it deserves over the years... or should I say decades now?This is one that every true horror fan should read! Most definitely recommend! ❤️
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In the rapture of my enormous humiliation I live in your warm life, and you shall die--die, sweetly die--into mine. I cannot help it; as I draw near to you, you, in your turn, will draw near to others, and learn the rapture of that cruelty, which yet is love; so, for a while, seek to know no more of me and mine, but trust me with all your loving spirit.

    Carmilla proved to be a delicious detour. Such was a GR group read. I flashed from the gate on a rather warm October evening and finished the novel in a single vault. Unlike the more famous Dracula, Carmilla maintains a sustained focus on the titular creature. Her danger is not being simply a lesbian vampire but rather someone who saddles up to victims, recognizes their insecurities, their vulnerability and pursues and cultivates such to a slow boil and unseemly ends. The Central European milieu affords a pulsating menace whereas the novel's female protagonist proceeds blindly into the wicked endeavor. Her loneliness has been seized by the vampire and she's reluctant to acknowledge her peril. The conclusion is a fitfully bloody affair and worth anyone's time
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Written in 1872, this is a Gothic novella by Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and one of the early works of vampire fiction. It is older than Bram Stoker's Dracula. Laura is a young lady living in a remote schloss or castle in Austria and a young woman named Carmilla stays with the family after a carriage accident. Carmilla and Laura develop a relationship that is both captivating and uncomfortable to Laura. This is a lesbian vampire story. "Sometimes after an hour of apathy, my strange and beautiful companion would take my hand and hold it with a fond pressure, renewed again and again; blushing softly, gazing in my face with languid and burning eyes, and breathing so fast that her dress rose and fell with the tumultuous respiration. It was like the ardour of a lover; it embarrassed me; it was hateful and yet overpowering; and with gloating eyes she drew me to her, and her hot lips travelled along my cheek in kisses; and she would whisper, almost in sobs, 'You are mine, you shall be mine, and you and I are one for ever'." (Carmilla, Chapter 4). Another quote from the book; "if your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours" and "I live in your warm life, and you shall die--die, sweetly die--into mine." This novella is an example of literature addressing sexual issues of it's Victorian times and is a Gothic horror story of dangerous temptations.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I decided to listen to this because:1. I wanted to listen/read to at least one "scary" book in October. 2. It was suggested by my friend Giselle Bradley. 3. I hadn't read this book in years and wanted to see if I still liked the book as much as I did when I was younger.I still liked it but not as much as I did the first time. I picked up on the parts that make people claim it's the first book with a lesbian love affair, I believe I had read an abridged version when I was younger. It was a good book, I'm glad I took Giselle's advice to re-read it. I did drop it from a 5-star to a 4-star but I think that's because I'm a bit pickier when it comes to star ratings. I probably would have given it a 3 or a 3.5 if it wasn't for the narrator. I was lucky to find an audiobook that was narrated by Megan Follows, an actress who I love, so the rating got a bump because of that. It's a great spooky read for this time of year and something lovers of Gothic classics should read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great short story detailing the beginnings of vampires.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An influential classic of the horror/vampire genre, Carmilla tells the story of a female vampire (but wait...what about the mother and the really pale servant) who preys solely on young women. There’s certainly a lesbian erotica undertone here. Nothing tediously overt, but you really can’t miss it. The narrator, Laura, is Carmilla’s main target, and her seduction of Laura is well-done and fairly compelling. Other young women in the area are falling ill and more or less wasting away, and finally Laura becomes ill.This is an early vampire tale, pre-dating the great Dracula. Many of the ideas and themes will occur again and again in later works by other authors.It was hard to rate this because so many vampire books have been written since this one. I’d give it three stars just on its own merits, but I’m jumping it up to four because of its long, long shadow in horror literature.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Before Dracula there was Carmilla. An excellent way to spend a rainy evening if you want horror without gore.It was the first book to get under my skin so bad it actually gave me nightmares.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A concise gothic horror. Interesting to have a female character as the villain. Enjoyable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    "Read" this by listening to B.J. Harrison's rendition on the Classic Tales Podcast - which I highly recommend. This is my first exposure to Le Fanu and I was impressed. I was surprised at his frank exploration of the lesbian themes, and at least until the end I felt he was using vampirism as a way to explore the psychological and social aspects of sexual "perversion" as it was seen in his time and culture. However the ending was a huge let down. It was as if a different author took over. The rich, dark and moody story morphed into a silly docudrama on vampires. I was waiting for one last dramatic confrontation with Carmilla but instead got a moralistic monotonic reporting of events which disengaged me from the story and its protagonists. Knowing how to end a good story is what differentiates the masters from the merely good. Le Fanu falls into the latter category, at least based on this. But it does inspire me to read Uncle Silas and to watch all the camp versions of Carmilla on film.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The author of this story is an unnamed woman, a young lady at the time she writes the narrative who lives a relatively isolated life with her father. This father and daughter receive a charming pair of visitors, a mother and daughter. The mother must leave on urgent business but her daughter has been quite ill and the mother fears for her daughter's life so she makes an unusual request to the father who is a stranger to her - she asks if he will take her daughter and she will return in about a month's time. Surprisingly the father says yes mostly because his daughter is so taken with the girl. This book is considered a gothic novel and was ahead if it's time for talking about female vampires.

    Considering how old this story is the language flowed smoothly and making it easy to get into the story. It's hard to believe in these modern times that this gothic story was considered scary or scandalous. Enjoyable, quick read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I very much enjoyed this book. I read it in eBook form, but I think I might buy a print version just to have on my shelf. The book was first published in the 1800's and it shows in the writing style, but not so much as to be difficult to read or understand. I found it an easy, fast, entertaining and enthralling read from start to finish and I would definitely recommend it. I also absolutely loved the ending, which reminded me of the first few pages and had me really thinking even after I finished it. Definitely glad that my friend recommended me this book and I would absolutely recommend it to others.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A rare Victorian read that is short, crisp, and genuinely creepy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Predating Dracula by 26 years, Le Fanu's novella is a classic vampire tale that gets a lot less attention than it should. It is loaded with Gothic atmosphere and also introduces a lesbian vampire theme that, while appropriately circumspect, is unmistakable and something that I never would have expected in a novella written in the 1870s.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Published in 1872, this is considered one of the first vampire tales, predating Stoker's Dracula. The simple, short story is deceptive - it's a chilling tale, suspenseful and well-written. The characters are well-told, in particular the beautiful Carmilla. Haunting! A perfect read of the gothic tale enthusiastic or the vampire lover.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Carmilla is such a short book that it's totally inexcusable for any vampire fan not to have picked it up at some point. It's also a worthwhile read for people that are interested in depictions of homoeroticism in 19th century literature.Carmilla is the story of a young girl who comes to meet the titular character after she falls ill near her family's home and she is allowed to rest there until her family returns for her. Of course, Carmilla is a vampire -- and a peculiar one at that that seems to prefer to prey on a specific subset of people. She is a sympathetic character despite her monstrousness, and at times it's hard to tell whether Carmilla is simply manipulating Laura entirely or legitimately has feelings for her. The truth about Carmilla is revealed gradually over the course of the story, as Laura falls further under her spell, and the build up is exciting and a little terrifying as you can tell that Laura does not want to believe what she does about her new friend, however ambivalent her feelings are about her. There were a lot of questions left unanswered, such as the nature of the group of people that leave Carmilla at Laura's home and I would be curious to read more about them. There are some attempts at bridging a history between Carmilla-of-the-past and Carmilla-of-the-future, but it's left sadly underdeveloped due to the length of the book. I'm tempted to go searching for expansions that I feel SURE must have been written later on by other writers featuring this character because she's so enchanting, but on it's own, Carmilla is still a brilliant early vampire book that really set the stage for a lot of the attributes we consider synonymous with vampires in fiction today.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I like vampire stories so I liked those story. I had to get used to Le Fanu's style of over description and the fact it is written in first person.

    I've seen many claims that Carmilla is a lesbian love story, but it just doesn't read that way to me. While I think Carmilla was a lesbian the narrator, Laura, never seems to return any of the affection shown to her at least not as one lover to another.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a gripping short story about the mysterious Carmilla who appears in the lives of Laura and her father and becomes a compelling and almost irresistible force. Full of supernatural suspense, Le Fanu reveals the horrible truth slowly through this tale of ancient horror.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is one of the oldest vampire books ever written, predating Bram Stoker's Dracula by 26 years. It is well read, creepy, and strangely modern despite its Victorian setting. I think the parallels between this story and Bram Stoker's Dracula are quite striking. They both have a vampire hunter tracing the movements of the abomination. Both vampires sneak in at night and attack the victim several times before death occurs. Carmilla turned into a large cat instead of a dog, as in Dracula, but both vampires slept in coffins. On the other hand, it's been a while since I've read Dracula, but I'm pretty certain he was unable to withstand sunlight, whereas Carmilla moved freely throughout the day. The parallels are likely due to use of the same primary sources of Slavic vampire folklore.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This month's book club selection, so I went up to the attic and dug out my old childhood copy of this... How very, very excellent is the cover art on this edition? (1971 Scholastic).
    The negative aspect of this edition is that there are no introductory notes or even anything about the date that the story was written (classy, Scholastic).
    Still, this is a classic vampire story: a must-read, and worth a re-read.
    I personally feel that the lesbian aspect of the story has been overemphasized - there are only a few times it crosses the line over from that old-fashioned 'my very dear friend' kinda thing... so don't expect too much in the way of eroticism.
    But LeFanu achieves a psychologically complex and morally ambiguous tale, as he tells this story of a lonely young woman who invites a stranger into her home and her heart.

    Structurally, there are a few aspects to the story I feel could be better, and a few oddly unanswered questions... but hey, it was written in 1872, and was so very influential and historically important that any possible failings are only to be forgiven.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

    This is an old book,a classic. Published around 1872 and about 25 years before Bram Stoker's Dracula. This is a must read for all vampire lovers.

    I would consider this to be quite mild compared to many of today's versions of the Genre but there are many elements that still come through to today.

    One of these that shows up markedly in Camilla is the lustful sexual nature of vampirism. In this instance it is of particular note in that there are undertones of lesbianism within the writing. Although it is circumspect enough, understandable for the time it was written, that it could be construed as a relationship of very close friends. It could even be considered as a cautionary tale about such friendships leading to no good.

    This also chronicles the nature of the vampire stalking its prey with a persistence and a predatory nature that borders on both excessive compulsion to strange desire. It plays into the hypnotic nature of the vampire to the intended victim and the almost helplessness of that victim to recognize the danger they are in.

    We also see that little bit about poking fun at itself in that there is an added explanation that when the vampires are among society they look normal and health as opposed to pale cyanic.

    In their casket and grave they are still somewhat lifelike faint breathing but are surrounded by a pool of blood.

    To be killed, they are staked and beheaded.

    The story takes place in Styria a state in Austria. Laura and her father live in a remote castle whose nearest neighbor is an abandoned village where the family of Karnstein once lived.

    Laura begins her story by recounting a nightmare she had as a child where a strange but beautiful woman comes to her bed. It starts out as a delightful comforting experience until she feels two needles poke her near her breast.

    Fast forward to a young adult and she shows us how isolated and lonely her home is. She is hopeful for a visit from their friend, General Spielsdorf's, niece, Bertha Rheinfeldt. Much to her horror and dismay a letter is received explaining Bertha's untimely death. All of this figures into the story.

    As fortune might have it one day while enjoying the evening air and the moonlight. This scene sounds like its straight out of those old black and white movies we loved so much and stayed up late watching on tv. A mist like smoke over the low ground like a transparent veil. Only in the story Laura makes it sound beautiful instead of foreboding. A carriage, almost out of nowhere, arrives in a seeming hurry that causes it to have a near catastrophe.

    From the carriage come a stately lady and her, purported, daughter. The lady has some immense secret emergency and she fears taking her injured and sickly daughter too far. This seems to play on Laura's father's sense of chivalry and he offers to take the girl into his home to have Laura's governess take care of her and to afford companionship for Laura.

    It is not until later inside the castle home that Laura discovers the face of this woman matches the face in her dream. Despite the horror it gives her Laura is inexplicably drawn to this woman. They become fast friends though many times the liberty that Carmilla takes with that friendship cause Laura uneasy feelings.

    Camilla seems to be afflicted with some sort of illness and always seems weak. She is paranoid and has to lock herself in her bedroom at night, alone. She doesn't rise until around noon. She often lapses into moods where she expresses a very deep affection for Laura.

    When reports start coming in of some malady killing women in a nearby village and Laura begins to have dreams similar to the one she had so long ago. Laura begins to feel tired and desperate, thinking she may be suffering from the unexplained illness that is going around.

    It is not until the General comes back to the area to visit that things begin to unfold and make sense. But, Laura is conflicted by here feelings for Carmilla when she hears what must be the truth.

    There is an interesting, perhaps signature aspect in this story. The vampire seems to go by names that are anagrams of her original name. Millarca, Mircalla, and Carmilla.

    Any aficionado of Vampires should read this book to delve into the root of the earliest published tales of this type of fiction.

    If I have one disappointment from this; it's that there seem to be a group of people aiding this creature in getting ingratiated with their victims who are mentioned and noted in two different instances but we never know what their true role is in all of this.

    J.L. Dobias
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    One of the reasons why I liked Carmilla so much is it's a very good vampire story. It would be even better if I didn't know that from the beginning. Nobody's fault. Everyone knows Carmilla is a vampire story.

    It was first published 1872 and people usually expect those to be a bit harder to get through. Carmilla is definitely not like that. It almost reads like a contemporary story.

    There are sixteen chapters but the story itself was sort of divided in two parts. One is told to us by Laura, our young narrator, years later. The other is almost the same story which happened to another girl. This one is told to Laura and her father by the father's friend. It doesn't end well.
    I won't retell the story itself.

    Carmilla the character drove me crazy. I'll give you just one example what annoyed me about her. At one point of the story a funeral procession is passing by. People are singing a hymn. Laura, being a decent person, stands up and joins in the singing. Carmilla starts with you offend me with this and 'how can you tell that your religion and mine are the same'. She is a freaking guest there and neither Laura nor those people did anything offensive.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dracula is a snooze compared to this. Who knew vampires could be so entertaining? Get your Gothic fix here.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An incredible vampire story predating Dracula by 50 years. Some parts were really well done. The sensual, sapphic, romantic vibes were done really well, and the interplay between that, and the dark, mysterious horror was really compelling.

    That being said, the climax was kind of a let down. Told with absolutely no tension, and felt really rushed.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The first narrator narrates the words of the second narrator, narrating the same events previously narrated by the first narrator herself.

    Say what? Fear? No, not really. Just booooooredom :p
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    too old-fashioned for me. (and me an Austen-Stan)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Pre-Dracula, female vampire story. It's short (more of a novella than a novel), but all the nuts and bolts are there. Lesbian overtones are well-played for 1872. Now must watch the movie adaptations.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read this slim novel during college, and forgot how much I enjoyed it. I'm a big fan of gothic fiction, and so the slow build up of this novel doesn't bother me, I quite enjoy it. That being said, what I would consider the "meat" of the novel was contained in the last ten pages, which might put some readers off. I read this in a class called "The Others": a class about the otherizing of marginalized peoples--in this case I think we were exploring the stereotypes of women in literature.If you enjoy gothic fiction, or vampires, and want to read one of the pre-Dracula vampire stories, it is an enjoyable, quick read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a beautifully illustrated book, which I have never read before. If your a fan of older creepy stories about vampires, then you will certainly love this book, it is a must have. The story is really fascinating and hypnotic to read, I couldn't stop reading it.(The version of the book that I wrote this review for has a different cover) Carmilla: A Pomegranate Vintage Vampire Edition is the version of the book that I brought, it is illustrated.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After my re-read of this classic, I would give Carmilla 3.5 stars.

    I loved the atmosphere and the language, even if I thought it was a bit too flowery at times.

    I know that it's wrong to judge a work of this age by today's standards, but man, everyone in this book seemed stupid and too naive to be believable. The whole time, I was thinking "My God, man, wake up!"

    I'm glad I re-read this one but I think that shall be it for me with Carmilla.

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Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

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