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The Doctrines of Salvation
The Doctrines of Salvation
The Doctrines of Salvation
Ebook164 pages2 hours

The Doctrines of Salvation

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This book is one of those special books that can be utilized in the Bible College classroom and in a New Converts Sunday School Class on Sundays.

PublisherBob Gray, Sr
Release dateAug 2, 2010
The Doctrines of Salvation

Bob Gray, Sr

Dr. Bob Gray Sr. pastored for 33 years and has been an ordained Baptist preacher for 40 years. He pastored the Longview Baptist Temple for 29 years. He became their pastor in 1980. Since then the church’s attendance grew from a low of 159 to averaging 2,041 in 2008. Dr. Gray retired March 1, 2009 and LBT called his son Dr. Bob Gray II to be their pastor. The last year Dr. Gray pastored LBT they baptized 4,466 converts. In his 29 years of pastorate at LBT they had 1,116,887 people who trusted Christ for payment of their sins. 253,042 walked the aisles professing faith in Christ and 164,457 of those followed the Lord in baptism. LBT was the number two church in America in professions of faith and baptisms. $ 9, 328,835.69 was given to missions and $ 335, 584.81 to help the less fortunate in those 29 years. Dr. Gray had 506 trust Christ through his personal soul winning with 153 of those following the Lord in baptism in 2009. In his 29 years in Texas he has preached in every state in the union except for North Dakota plus 17 foreign countries. He has personally led 14, 957 to Christ and had 4,399 of those follow the Lord in Baptism in those 29 years. Under Dr. Gray’s leadership the ministries of LBT developed to include the following: TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE- a four-year Christian college LONGVIEW BAPTIST ACADEMY- A Christian school for bus kids INDEPENDENT BAPTIST WORLD MISSIONS- A local church mission board NATIONAL TEEN CONVENTION- A nation wide conference for teens NATIONAL SOUL WINNING CLINIC- 29 years of training pastors & workers THE BAPTIST MAGAZINE- 11 years of publishing During Dr. Gray’s ministry at LBT the bus ministry expanded by purchasing a 15,000 square foot building on Cotton street for maintenance of the buses. The church grew to owning 42 buses and operating 30 Sunday school bus routes. He led the church in four major building projects plus the purchasing of numerous properties. The church’s property value grew to over 17 million dollars. Dr. Gray attended the Galesburg-Augusta grade school and high school system of Galesburg, Michigan, and graduated in 1963. He was an All-Conference football player and second team All-State tackle. He attended Michigan State University 1963-67 and was employed in 1967 by Fisher Body Division of General Motors for seven years in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He attended Hyles-Anderson College in Crown Point, Indiana, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1976. He was employed by Hyles-Anderson College while working on his Masters Degree. Dr. Gray has received doctorates from Hyles-Anderson College, Tri-State College, and Texas Baptist College. He has authored 10 books as of this writing. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Ann Gray have been married for 45 years and have four children with ten grandchildren. Both of their sons are in the ministry. Dr. Bob Gray II was installed as pastor of LBT on March 1, 2009. Dr. Scott Gray is a faculty member at Hyles-Anderson College. The two daughters, Kim and Karen, are active in the ministry and personal soul winners. Kim is married to Mark Simmons, a deacon and Sunday school teacher at LBT. Karen is married to Tim Forgy, a Texas Baptist College graduate, and is employed as Youth Pastor for LBT.

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    Book preview

    The Doctrines of Salvation - Bob Gray, Sr

    The Doctrines of Salvation

    By: Dr. Bob Gray, Sr.

    Copyright 2010 Bob Gray, Sr.

    Published by Bob Gray Sr. at Smashwords

    This book is also available in print at

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.


    This book is dedicated to my four children: Kimberly, Bob, Karen and Scott. God has blessed Mrs. Gray and me with four wonderful children. Each of them has given us a special joy. Kimberly, Bob, Karen, and Scott have exhibited, in their adult lives, the choices they made in their young lives to follow our Lord. Words cannot begin to express our gratitude to them for their decisions to continue to serve the Lord Jesus after they left our home to start their own homes.

    The real test of child-rearing is not found in the decisions made while in one’s youth, rather it is when they, like the ant of Proverbs, have no overseer and yet do what is right in the sight of the Lord. If they do right in their youth that is certainly commendable, but when they decide to do right in their adult life that is certainly admirable.

    The cement that holds life together is our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the reason this book on THE DOCTRINES OF SALVATION is so necessary for the young and old Christian. Our children were taught the value of an inspired, preserved, flawless, and perfect King James Bible from which truth flows. The doctrines are only as good as the Scriptures! Thank you, for your mother and I have no greater joy than to know that our children are serving the Lord Jesus!


    Pronunciation: \ˈdäk-trən\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin doctrina, from doctor

    Date: 14th century

    1 archaic : teaching, instruction

    2 a : something that is taught b : a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : dogma c : a principle of law established through past decisions d : a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations e : a military principle or set of strategies

    This book is one of those special books that can be utilized in the Bible College classroom and in a New Converts Sunday School Class on Sundays. It is the foundation that is also, at the same time, the building. It is an example of how sermons should be preached and lessons taught. There is something here for the oldest and something for the youngest of the children of God. I would recommend this for the newest of the children of God as well as the oldest of the children of God.

    You will find this material will never grow old, and you will find yourself revisiting this material over the years. It will be a tool to cause us to know truth so that the recognition of false teaching is easily accomplished. We must spend more time studying truth than we do studying error. I am not suggesting that we be ignorant concerning false teachers or their teaching, but I am saying that a book like this must be a part of the library of every Christian so that it is easy to spot error!























    Psalm 32:1-2, Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. ²Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

    God’s people are saved not because they look like it or sound like it! They are saved by putting their faith in Jesus Christ as payment for their sins. Peter did not look like nor sound like he was saved while he was cursing and denying the faith. Lot was in Sodom and the Scriptures say, It vexed his righteous soul. Yet, Lot had succumbed to the lifestyle of Sodom and even offered his own daughters to vile, wicked men.

    Do you remember where you were when you asked Christ to be your Saviour? So much more happened to us than you or I realize! So many things happened when we were saved!

    When a custodian comes into the church auditorium and flips one little switch, it is amazing all that takes place with a flip of that switch. I do not understand all that occurs, but the electrician could explain it to you in detail. Someone did a lot of work behind the scenes and now all we do is flip on a switch to have lights.

    Faith is the switch that starts all of eternity into action. At that moment when I said yes to Jesus Christ, so many wonderful things took place. Let me explain our predicament. First, we are all sinners! There is none righteous, no, not one. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:10, 23) Second, our sins were recorded in Heaven in the Book of Life. Third, there is a price that must be paid for those sins written down in Heaven’s book. For as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men. The wages of sin is death! (Romans 5:12; 6:23)

    Three things created problems for all of us! We sinned, our sins were written down in the book in Heaven, and there is a price of death for our sins written down in Heaven.

    So, in order for us to go to Heaven, our record must be cleared! No one will go to Heaven unless his or her record is clean in Heaven without a spot on it.

    Thus, three things must happen in order for us to go to Heaven when we die! First, our sins must be taken off of our record in Heaven. Second, no other sin can be added after our sins are taken off that record in Heaven. Third, our record cannot remain blank. It must have righteousness in the place of unrighteousness!

    It is not the absence of unrighteousness, but the presence of righteousness that saves a soul from the penalty of sin. To have a blank page on my record is not enough. I must have righteousness! Works saves you and me, but they are not our works!

    Sometimes we say, Salvation is free! Oh, no! Salvation was purchased! It is free to us but it cost God His Son!

    Don’t forget we are sinners, our sins are recorded in Heaven, and our sins have the price of Hell on them. Remember, three things have to happen in order for us to go to Heaven. One, our sins must be taken off of our record in Heaven. Two, no other sins can be added after being saved. Third, righteousness must be put on our record in place of our sins.

    We sing, Gone, gone, gone, yes my sins are gone but that is not all of it! Righteousness must be on our page in place of our sins. A blank page will not allow you to go to Heaven when you die.

    The whole matter of salvation of the soul is hidden in the sin question and the Son question! God has a simple plan of salvation. You must know that you are a sinner. You must know that Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son and He alone can pay for your sins. You do not turn from your sins for salvation. You must face your sins and turn to Jesus Christ as payment for them!

    You and I are sinners! Our sins are recorded in the books of Heaven! The price of our sins is Hell! So, we must figure out how to get our record cleared, have no more sins added, and have righteousness added to our record in Heaven!

    Jesus does not forgive sin; He pays for sin! When you turn a car back into the bank and you say to yourself, That debt has been forgiven, that is not true! Someone will pay for that unpaid debt. There is no such thing as a financial debt that is forgiven. Sooner or later the consumer will pay for that unpaid debt. The books must be balanced! This liberal leadership we now have in America that is bailing everyone out is racking up a debt that our grandchildren will have to pay later on!

    Three things created this predicament and three things must happen in order to allow us to go to Heaven! It is possible to go to Heaven when you die!

    Take note of Psalm 32:1, Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Now, look at verse 2, Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity… According to these verses, we are two-thirds there in order to be able to qualify to go to Heaven when we die. Don’t forget, our record must be clean, our future sins cannot be added, and we must have righteousness on our record in Heaven. Two out of three isn’t bad, but not good enough!

    The sin question and the Son question must be cared for! Romans 4:3-5, "For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." That’s it! WOW! That is the way to have righteousness put on our record in Heaven so we can go to Heaven when we die!

    When I read those Scriptures, I know what it is not because it is he, …that worketh not... So, our works cannot blot out our sins and cannot keep future sins from being recorded. Also, our works cannot put God’s righteousness in our sins’ place.

    There is a way to have my record cleared and filled with God’s righteousness, but it is for sure not works, good deeds, joining a church, living a good life, behaving myself, being a moral person, or obeying the Ten Commandments.

    Wait a minute! God says it is possible to go to Heaven, but you and I cannot do it ourselves. You can have your past sins removed. You can have your future sins not recorded. You can have God’s righteousness placed on your record in Heaven.

    How can this be done? Something is in my way and it is called the law. When the law came, sin revived. When the law measures my life, my life falls short! The law is called a plumb line. It shows me how crooked I really am! The law is a mirror and it shows me as being filthy! The law reveals my condition, and the law is in the way to me going to Heaven.

    Romans 5:13, (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law… We must meet the requirements of the law, because the law is knowledge of sin. My covetousness, my lust, my stealing, and my laziness are exposed, or uncovered, by the Scriptures. Romans 7:13, "Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death

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