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When One Door Closes
When One Door Closes
When One Door Closes
Ebook133 pages1 hour

When One Door Closes

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About this ebook

Four shorts and a long tale of fortitude through difficult relationships, tugged heartstrings, soul-ties and wishful thinking.

Lesson Between the Lines- A woman ruminates on the lessons learned from an ex lover.

The Battle is Not Between Us-A woman confronts whom she thinks is the person having an affair with her husband.

No Regrets- A rejected wife and mother of eight finally takes a stand and puts an end to the mistreatment she receives from an ex-husband.
The Cooking Class- Franklin Henderson finds his true love behind the recipes in a cooking class.

Betrayal- A young mother, thrown out of her home by her husband and her child taken away finds out love can heal a broken heart

PublisherEy Wade
Release dateAug 2, 2010
When One Door Closes

Ey Wade

Ey loves to interact with her readers. Find her on:(Pinterest) @itsmeeywade (Instagram) imtheauthor_eywade (Twitter)@jumpouttheboat (Facebook) eywade2 (FB fan group)Ey Wade-Simply Writing where she shares freebies and snippets.--READERS are connecting and saying great things about Ey Wade:*"Looking forward to reading more of Ey Wade's books!"Janet Brown* "Ms. Wade, WOW, that's my feeling right now, after reading your book...I will be reading more of your work. "Cassondra* "Ey Wade takes words and paints the picture..." SeaWitch*"Ey Wade is a talented author and I definitely will be reading more of her work and expecting more good works from her."Lisa*"Ey Wade is genius!" Keke Chanel"Wade takes us on this creative romantic journey of thrills, disappointments, and ultimate happiness. Read and cheer for your favorite couple. This is truly a modern-day fairy tale for the romantics at heart."-Michelle Monkou USATODAYEy considers herself to be a caged in frustrated author of thought provoking, mind bending eBooks, an occasional step-in parent, a fountain of knowledge, and ready to share. She is the mother of three daughters that were previously home-schooled and are now either attending college or graduated from college and the drooling 'Lovey' to a baby boy. Ey was born in Texas and reared as an Army brat. There is the constant need to speak, writing and telling stories is the way she choose to socialize.As a writer she had an essay in Essence magazine, published nine books and had several articles printed in the local paper and magazines. As the single-parent of three daughters, Ey Wade has worked in the childcare profession for over thirty years. Child safety has always been a concern in her life and she has drawn on those experiences to write the novel which has gained the attention of parents, parents-to-be, and child care professionals.All of her books are highly recommendable to your friends, family and coworkers.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHECK OUT THESE BOOK REVIEWS-Must read for History buffs!,bookmom -This review is from: Beads On a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History (Kindle Edition)BEADS ON A STRING is an approachable, conversational, and interactive history of diversity in America. Instead of a melting pot, Ey Wade envisions the country as a piece of jewelry where the contributions of all of the people who have immigrated here from all over the world add to the beauty of our society. It honors all of the peoples that contributed to this country in a nicely balanced way. Designed as a resource for students it suits the classroom or homeschool classroom but also is an enjoyable read for armchair historians and fans of the History Channel. It's a must read for history lovers._____________A Must-Read In So Many Ways,By Jonathan Ellis "This works." (New York, New York) This review is from: Beads On a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History (Kindle Edition)I just finished Beads on A String and in all sincerity I have to say it is a work of subtle genius. Several years back I read one of the most unusual history books ever written, "The Peoples' History of the United States." Anyone who has read that revelation of history as events that really happened, as opposed to events as reported by those who were left holding the most power, will see a similar sort of understanding in this amazing work by Ey Wade. An alternative title for her work could well be, "A History of the People of the United States. I can give this work no higher compliment.I was consistently fascinated by unexpected connections, accomplishments and contributions being added to the ongoing tapestry of our country by so many people from so many ethnic and cultural backgrounds, that I simply couldn't put the book down. If I could ask for anything more, it would literally be just that...more.This is the story of the heroes of our collective past. What is incredibly moving is that so many of these heroes have gone unsung for so long.I can gladly recommend this book to anyone interested in the historical journey of the land we live in. Beyond that, I can just as easily recommend it to anyone who just likes a great read.__________ The Perfect Solution -Isn't!,By Patricia Hardy "patticake 545" (New Orleans,LA USA) THE PERFECT SOLUTION-A suspense of choices (Kindle Edition)The story dealing with the abduction of a pre-K student from a day care center shows the necessity for more stringent safety measures to be applied to all day care centers. The characters are sympathetically portrayed and you do feel concern for their predicament, but you just wanted to shake the people who ran the day care center and ask "What were you thinking"I would recommend this to anyone who would enjoy a well-paced suspense story.________________A Perfect Read !!!!,sjp (uk) - THE FISHING TRIP-A TRIAL BY WATER, EXECUTION AND A DELIVERANCE OF RETRIBUTION (Kindle Edition)Ms Wade, has shown the mastery that she truly has in the writing, construction, and execution of this book. It tells of how once you are something, no matter how well you try to mask yourself, the truth will ALWAYS rear its ugly head.The jumping back and forth works perfectly, as does all of the situations Ms Wade has created.I would highly recommend this book as a must read.I was unable to put it down, and felt a part of the story embedding itself into me.100% perfect !!!!TRIPPING PRINCE CHARMING: "Something very differentThere is a difference between being fated and being star crossed, being blessed and cursed. Yet sometimes its very difficult to tell and extremely difficult to convince a skeptic that fairy tales can come true even if you have to walk through the fires of hell to convince them. This is a most unusual book and I don't know how to classify it. It is a romance, yes. In fact is it three of them. On one level. On another, its a bit like a musical (think fiddler on the roof. Oh yes, quite literally think that...) It reads like a screen play complete with a musical sound track and wonderful sets and locations. The back story to the entire thing could be a novel in itself, and toward the end it comes to center stage and rescues the entire effort. Another book by Ey Wade that is different from any other I have read, including her own. Its daring, often humorous, at times just a bit heart breaking, and highly original. There is a palette of flavors both sweet and at times bitter." A. E. DruryRIBBONS & BELLE:Book Diva"Infertility and abortion are two heavy topics to handle in a work of fiction well I couldn't do it. Ey Wade has done an outstanding job telling Tyson & Belle's road to family and relationship. Although a bit awkward at first it is a very enlightening story told from different perspective and circumstances. Well written and engaging. Very happy that I read this book! Approach reading this ready to start conversations because you will be talking about it long after the last page!!!"ISMET'S HONOR:Jude P"A Story Of Loss And Unrequited Love.Belle and Tyson's story in 'Ribbons and Belle' was heartbreaking but love won through in the end.Sunny was there for Belle but there was so much more that we were not told about her. So many unanswered questions.Now her story has been told and what a story it is!Ey Wade has done it again. This story will break your heart, make you angry, gasp and most definitely root for Ismet and Sunny.Another difficult subject is tackled in this story. We get to see the other side of paternity, the father's side and their rights to their children. Ismet is their hero who fights for their rights. He is a man who is a product of what life has thrown at him. He is the best man for the job.Sunny' life has not been the best and she has suffered at the hands of the people who should have cared for her. She has had to fight for the life she has.Sunny and Ismet should be together but there are so many deep rooted obstacles that you cannot see them achieving what they both want.Ey's writing has the effect of wringing every emotion from you. I loved this story. You will too."

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    Book preview

    When One Door Closes - Ey Wade




    It’s a matter of heartstrings, soul-ties and wishful thinking.

    Four shorts stories and a long tale of fortitude through difficult relationships.

    LESSON BETWEEN THE LINES: A woman ruminates on the lessons learned from an ex lover.

    THE BATTLE IS NOT BETWEEN US: A woman confronts whom she thinks is the person having an affair with her husband.

    NO REGRETS: A rejected wife and mother of eight finally take a stand to put an end to the mistreatment she receives from an ex-husband.

    THE COOKING CLASS: Franklin Henderson finds his true love behind the recipes in a cooking class.

    BETRAYAL: A young mother, thrown out of her home by her husband and her child taken away finds out love can heal a broken heart


    By Ey Wade


    Copyright © 2016 by Ey Wade

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Lessons Between the Lines

    Well, there I was twenty-one years of age, first time moving away from home, first apartment, first time not having to share a bedroom with a sibling, and into a first relationship. What a mind blowing rush. Thomas was not the cutest guy or the smartest, but at that time in life he was the nicest. Buff as any hard working longshoreman, he reminded me of Simpson, from Ashford & Simpson, probably why I fell for him. I was going through a love for hairy faces phase. Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't him, but the hair on his face that took my breath away. Five years later it was the anger and sadness as he stood on the other side of the neonatal bed while we watched the life seep away from our newborn son that made me want to take his breath away. I hated Thomas.

    The months of stress and regret over our dead relationship had taken its toll by causing me to go into early labor. My heart ached at the knowledge that I was the cause of this child losing his fight with life and being disconnected from the life supports. I looked into Thomas' face and I wanted to reach over that little glass crib, grab him by the throat and have him take the place of my child. A child he hadn't even wanted. From my heart I deemed him useless and worthless and undeserving of life. From my eyes I saw the tears roll down his face and my heart softened. This is when I realized I had become a grownup. This is when I learned an adult forgives and goes on. This is when I learned that being a grownup has nothing to do with being in love. Love has no intelligence; no rational thrives on emotions. Love is a raw, blinding, burning rush of feelings that consume you. If you relax and let it flow you can come out whole or you can fight it and get consumed.

    You know, even though the relationship with Thomas turned out to be one of the worst experiences in my life, he was also the best instructor in my life. He taught me the strategies of life when he taught me the game of chess. Pay attention, have fun, but keep yourself covered. He taught me the ends and outs of man/woman relationship through pool. I learned you have to take the knocks and sideswipes, and you may come out a winner. He taught me it isn't necessary to have a store bought Christmas tree. You could go into the woods grab a tree, cut half the top off to fit in the house and the presents would still look great under it. I learned it’s not what you get in life, but how you use it. He taught me it is so much easier to forgive a person than to hold onto grief and anger. I learned how to deal with life and go on. I also learned that when the end comes and the ‘adult’ in you has kicked in, you can just walk away and never look back.

    No Regrets

    Israel, can I ride with you to Port Arthur? I want to put in an application for employment.

    O’Shay’s youngest but much taller baby brother, Israel, straightened from his position under the hood and wiped the oil from his hands to the leg of his jeans. He studied her carefully.

    Why are you lyin’ O’Shay? You know you just wanna go see James.

    I’m not lying, okay I’m, but it’s not what you think. So don’t ask because if I tell you I’ll have to kill you.

    Don’t get all puffed up and irritated I was just asking. I know and you know why you’re lyin’. I’m leaving at six thirty in the morning so don’t have me waiting for you.

    I’ll be ready and standing right here.

    O’Shay backed to the garage door and turned to leave before Israel could enact his habit of reneging and change his mind.

    What are you doing with the kids? he asked. Don’t bring them here, Mom has a cold.

    I know. I have a neighbor keeping them.

    That neighbor must be some good friend. That’s a lot of damn little children to keep.

    What are you trying to say? My kids are well behaved.

    True. Just too damn many. Eight little nappy-headed kids less than six years old could make you go crazy. He turned back to work under the hood of the car and yet she still heard his muffled comment. I would have run off just like that sorry bastard James Earl Maxwell.

    Naw, you wouldn’t have. You’re nothing like that measly bastard.

    Israel’s head hit the underside of the hood when he straightened in surprise.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean for you to hear that.

    Not a problem. I understand. I’ll see you in the morning. Oh, and my kids aren’t nappy headed. O’Shay laughed to show she wasn’t taking the comments seriously and walked out the door. She sauntered slowly down the sidewalk barely registering the smooth cool breeze or the soft sounds of the birds singing the last songs of the day. Her thoughts were so filled with mentally ticking the list of plans she had for kicking the ass of that sorry bastard James Earl Maxwell and getting back her $15,000.00. In her mind her triumph was met just as she landed on the last step to the door of her home, a mere five houses from her mother’s. She walked straight through the living room to the back door. Stopping at the screen she stopped to watch the mêlée outside. Four little girls and four little boys ages four and five ran around the well equipped play area enjoying their last few outside minutes. In her mind she saw two sets of quadruplets. In the medical mind they were four sets of identical twins. How she had the unfortunate fate of having so many babies one year apart, born on exactly the same date and being married and divorced from James within three years was something she questioned God about on a daily basis. How she kept it together she had no idea. Lately her main focus had been on beating James to within an inch of his life for stealing money out of her bank account. Stepping through the door she was immediately pounced upon and hugged by the very people that kept her going. Finally disentangling herself she flopped into the chair next to her best friend and neighbor.

    So the plan is on? Jackie asked.


    O’Shay never turned to look in Jackie’s directions. She just watched the children play from behind her sunglasses.

    You sure you wanna do this?

    Yep, it’s not even about the money anymore. I can always replace the money. I’m just tired of him fu… messin’ with me. James made it plain he doesn’t want me. I got these papers in the mail this morning saying he has terminated his parental rights. What the hell kind of man disowns his children so totally? He doesn’t pay child support and then he steals my money. Hell naw. The plan is in full force. Yesterday was his pay day and I know he doesn’t trust the banks, I can guarantee you the fool has all of my money in his pockets. Probably makes him look like a big spender when he’s flashing it to the little idiots on the streets. I know what time his break is and I know what door he comes out of at work. I’m going to roll up on him, kick his ass like a sick puppy, and take whatever is in his pockets.

    "You sure you

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