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Blessed Margaret of Castello
Blessed Margaret of Castello
Blessed Margaret of Castello
Ebook46 pages47 minutes

Blessed Margaret of Castello

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Blessed Margaret of Castello was not wanted and abandoned by her parents because of her deformity. Bob and Penny Lord travel to Cittá di Castello where she had her ministry, and where her body lies incorrupt in her church. Plus the Shrine of Bl. Margaret in Citta di Castello.

Release dateSep 15, 2010
Blessed Margaret of Castello

Bob Lord

Bob and Penny Lord renowned Catholic Authors and hosts on EWTN. They are best known for their media on Miracles of the Eucharist and Many Faces of Mary. They have been dubbed experts on the Catholic Saints. They produced over 200 television programs for EWTN global television network and wrote over 25 books and hundreds of ebooks.

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    Blessed Margaret of Castello - Bob Lord

    Bl. Margaret of Castello

    Bob and Penny Lord

    Published by Bob and Penny Lord at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010 Bob and Penny Lord

    Discover other titles by Bob and Penny Lord at

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    Blessed Margaret of Castello

    Saint of the unwanted

    In a world where life is cheap and death is expedient, where women are killing their own babies in their wombs, where the span of ones life is dependent on another’s evaluation of his/her quality of life, where the Culture of Life has been overtaken by the Culture of Death, it is time for a Saint, a Saint of the unwanted. Although Margaret, at this writing has only been declared a Blessed, and has not been officially declared a Saint, those who knew her and pray to her for her intercession believe she is a Saint. She is not only, because of her affliction and history, a Saint of the unwanted, not only of the unborn (who most certainly are unwanted), but she was known in her lifetime and after as Margaret, Miracle Worker.

    For those who consider themselves too ugly, too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, too this or too that, read the astounding heartbreaking most glorious story of a miracle working in this little Blessed whose body is still there in the church where she was laid to rest, for us to see and believe - in God’s Love for us all, that He died for us all and that He is with us, manifesting His Power to save us.

    We have said, when writing Mother Angelica’s story, that she is the greatest contradiction in the Twentieth Century. Writing some of these chapters, we find ourselves thinking of her and the great sign that she is to all of us, of God’s Love for all His children who say Yes. To quote Mother Angelica, If we will but do the ridiculous, God will do the miraculous.

    The Renaissance,a time of glory and devastation,

    of honor and dishonor,a time of selfishness and selflessness.

    We are in Italy, and we find ourselves again in the area which gave birth to Renaissance, the Region of Tuscany.

    In the Twentieth Century, a Martyr, Blessed Edith Stein, as she was awaiting her death in Auschwitz - the infamous Death Camp, said, Someone will have to pay for this. She went to her death, not only for her fellow Jews, but for the Nazis who were killing her and the other Jews, saying if she did not pray for them, who would!

    In the Thirteenth Century, the Renaissance was definitely a time of the haves and the have-nots, the privileged and the underprivileged, the time of the greatest Saints and the worst sinners, it was a time of cruelty and compassion. This story encompasses all these positives and negatives with more to boot.

    Did you ever notice how evil begets evil, and good begets good? Our story takes place in a time of greed, pride and power, with these evils compounded by man’s unquenchable thirst and gluttonous appetite, devouring and consuming all three. There was a war between the old order and the new; man had lived through the devastating period called the Dark Ages and in his quest for happiness threw out the baby with the bath water. With

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