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Tapping Into Christian Power Daily
Tapping Into Christian Power Daily
Tapping Into Christian Power Daily
Ebook51 pages34 minutes

Tapping Into Christian Power Daily

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About this ebook

This is not meant to be nice, polite,
feel-good teaching to tickle your ears.
This is meant to slap you upside the head,
get your attention, and let you know
how much power is available for you
to use in your daily walk with Jesus.
Walking in the Spirit is radical Christianity—
allowing the presence of God to infuse your life.

Release dateAug 8, 2010
Tapping Into Christian Power Daily

David Bergsland

David's art & design career began in 1967 with the promotional materials for his rock band. After he was graduated in 1971 with a BFA in Printmaking from the University of Minnesota, he immediately began working in publishing, beginning as an illustrator. By 1979, he was working as a graphic designer in West Virginia. In the early 1980s in Albuquerque, he developed skills as a graphic designer, typographer, and art director in-house for a commercial printer. Beginning in 1991, he began teaching the commercial printing program at a large technical-vocational school. By 1996, he was developing and heading up the Business Graphics digital publishing program at that school. In 1994 he began designing fonts which he used to format his first textbook, "Printing In a Digital World", released in 1996. He began teaching online that same year as well as publishing ebooks for his curriculum. By 2002, he was publishing through Lulu, then Createspace, then Kindle, and then all the rest. He began writing and publishing full-time in 2009. Though most of David's books are about typography, graphic design, font design, and book design, he has also been teaching scripture since 1974. Since that time he has normally taught one to three Bible studies a week. Once he began writing and publishing full-time, he started releasing verse-by-verse, and topical Bible studies. His vision is to share his experience with young authors.

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    Tapping Into Christian Power Daily - David Bergsland

    Tapping into Christian Power Daily

    By David Bergsland



    Copyright ©2010 by David Bergsland

    All rights reserved.

    This book is available in print at Lulu.

    This is a work of informed opinion. All opinions are the author’s. If you do not like those opinions, too bad!

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    As the end approaches

    One of the things that really concerns me as I watch the world in the second decade of the new millennium is the sad state of preparedness in the church. Notice I used the word church—not the Body of Christ. For our purposes here, we really need to separate these things.

    Churches are organizations no longer lead by God or people sent by God. They are self-sustaining. They are run by committees and lawyers. They are considered businesses. In this view churches are all those congregations where the original founder has left—like Luther died several years back.

    The Body of Christ is all the people of God who have been born from above like Jesus talks about in John 3. That is an essential part of salvation. The problem is that accessing the power of God in your life is not essential to salvation. It is very possible for a believer to be almost completely unequipped to deal with real, severe troubles.

    Some of this is not your fault

    The sad truth is that many churches: catholic, protestant, Pentecostal, and non-denominational no longer teach what is actually available in reality for believers. Paul told us this was coming in II Timothy 4:3. I'll use the ESV here.

    For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,

    Now you may find yourself in a church like this. They do dominate the Christian world in America at this point. In fact, we find increasingly that true Christianity is ridiculed, persecuted, and mocked. True believers are called fanatics or much worse. You can't find a conversation about what Jesus is doing in our lives today.

    A lot of it is your fault

    If you have been born from above, you have (or had) a real hunger to learn more about the things of the Lord. What's available at your church may not be very satisfying, but the Holy Spirit is in you to teach you these things.

    If you seek first the kingdom of God

    If you are willing to do what it takes to come to know your Lord well

    If your goal is to please Jesus

    If you ask Him

    If you study diligently

    The key is to understand that you were completely equipped for your walk in the Lord from the moment you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The power is there. All you have to do is give it permission to be active in your life.

    If you are not, repent of your sin and ask Him to forgive you. Then you need to ask Jesus to be Lord of your life. This is just the first step. The next one is up to you. Before you became alive in Jesus you were not free to access the power of God. Now you are.

    Go for it!

    You need to be possessed by the Spirit of God.

    Possession has a really bad ring to it, doesn't it? However, that is simply due to the fact that we always preface possession with demon. Demon possession is a bad thing—obviously. More than that it is exceedingly dangerous to all of those people around the one who is possessed.

    However, the Holy Spirit is God himself and a gentleman at the

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