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Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness
Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness
Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness
Ebook45 pages39 minutes

Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness

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A terrified elf no bigger than a dime hides in a boy's ear to escape from the dangers of the world. Despite the boy's plea for the visitor to leave, Elias stays and slowly reveals a magical identity. A friendship grows between the two, and through a hair-raising adventure courage is restored to elf and happiness returns to the boy's life. It's a family Christmas tale with relevance all year round.

PublisherCarl Reader
Release dateSep 30, 2010
Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness

Carl Reader

Carl Reader trained as a journalist at Temple University and has worked as a reporter, photographer and editor in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Montana. He's published short stories in literary magazines and on the Internet and has self-published a children's Christmas story called THE TWELFTH ELF OF KINDNESS.That book was partially published in Russia under the Sister Cities program. He's also self-published a novella called THE PERSECUTION OF WILLIAM PENN, which has been well-received in several college libraries. He works as a professional photographer and freelance writer.

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    Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness - Carl Reader

    Elias, The Twelfth Elf of Kindness


    Carl Reader

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 1990 Carl Reader

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be

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    All characters in these stories are purely fictional.

    Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is strictly coincidental.

    Chapter I

    In class that day Penman Duckworth felt someone pressing on the inside of his ear. He heard a voice whispering, Damascus! Damascus! Say Damascus!

    W-what? Penman mumbled, awakening from his daze.

    Not ‘What,’ Penman, said Miss Copeland, the teacher. Answer the question if you can. Otherwise you'll have to stay in at this afternoon's recess again.

    Penman felt the pressure on the inside of his ear once more and the word Damascus! repeated with urgency.

    Damascus, said Penman, without knowing why.

    That's right, Penman, said Miss Copeland. I can see you've finally begun to study your geography. Today is the first day you'll be allowed out for the afternoon recess in a week, isn't it?

    It's the first day in two weeks, Penman corrected the teacher.

    That's right, smiled Miss Copeland, lifting her nose in the air. We will now move on to another country in the Mideast. Can anyone tell me in which nation we would find the city of Baghdad?

    Several children sitting by Penman giggled and exchanged glances, and he thought they were giggling at him, since he had finally answered a question correctly. He had heard Miss Copeland's second question, but didn't for a moment think of what the answer might be. He pressed with the palm of his hand on his ear and heard a groan. He pressed harder and heard a voice cry out, I gave you the answer to the question. What more do you want of me? Stop crushing me and leave me alone!

    But I want to know what you're doing in my ear, said Penman.

    What was that? Miss Copeland asked quickly.

    Iraq, said the voice inside Penman's ear.

    Iraq, repeated Penman.

    That's correct. Very good, said Miss Copeland. I can see that you really have been studying, Penman. Very, very good.

    The bell for recess rang. All twenty-nine of Penman's classmates jumped to their feet, grabbed their winter coats from the coat rack to ward off the December chill, and ran bumping and tripping out the side door to the playground. Penman, who usually had to be restrained from running out the door, had not moved. He sat carefully holding his ear in the air. He had no idea of what to do with the little man in his ear. And he had no idea of what the little man in his ear was going to do with him.

    Well, Penman? asked Miss Copeland. Are you going outside?

    Penman did not move.

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