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Are You Sure You Are a Believer?
Are You Sure You Are a Believer?
Are You Sure You Are a Believer?
Ebook53 pages45 minutes

Are You Sure You Are a Believer?

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Have you ever wondered if you really understood your Christian faith? Do you know what it is to be a believer? "Are You Sure You Are A Believer" will challenge your thinking and your faith.

Identifying many common myths that infect our churches today, "Are You Sure You Are A Believer" gives you a reality check on being a true Christian and arms you with the knowledge of what God says about your faith, straight from the Bible.

"Light, fun, and enlightening for all."
"...powerful for Christians old and new, even non Christians... everyone needs to read this book"

PublisherPastor Tace
Release dateSep 15, 2011
Are You Sure You Are a Believer?

Pastor Tace

Pastor Tace has been preaching and teaching across America since 1982. Pastor Tace has also accomplished many writing projects. He has written many technical reports, training manuals, quality assurance department guides, Christian articles and sermons, Christian books and recently completed the innovative daily planner/organizer/passion guide The PlannerGoose© a "Passion Life Integration Planner Management System". Pastor Tace is currently working on the "Pharmacy Technicians' Nuts and Bolts", a training guide for new techs and a powerful working resource guide for practicing technicians. It is scheduled to be release in mid November. His next work is the book "Baptism then and now", a comprehensive guide to understanding Baptism straight from the Bible. More can be found at

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    Book preview

    Are You Sure You Are a Believer? - Pastor Tace


    Have you ever wondered if you really understood your Christian faith? Do you know what it is to be a believer? This book will challenge your thinking and your faith. It identifies many common myths that infect our churches today, and gives you a reality check on being a true Christian.

    What others are saying about ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE A BELIEVER?

    It’s a really good book y’all need to get it and read it! B. D.


    By Pastor Tace

    Copyright 2011, Gary Kenyon

    Smashwords Edition

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




    Christian, Believer, Born Again Christian, or Disciple

    Are You Along Just for the Ride

    Christ Came with a Sword Not a Pacifier

    Repentance and Forgiveness

    Elements of Discipleship

    The Lord Said Take Up Your Cross, The Second Element

    The Third Element: Jesus said, "And follow me

    Finders Losers or Losers Keepers

    Gain the World, Forfeit the Soul

    Final Words"


    Scriptural References


    What does it mean to be a believer?

    What does it mean to be a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ?

    What does it mean to be a Christian?

    Can one be a Christian and not be a Disciple?

    Can one be a believer and not be a Christian?

    Can one be a Disciple and not be a Christian?

    How does one become a believer?

    How does one become a disciple?

    How does one become a Christian?

    What is a born again Christian?

    Does being a born again Christian come after being a Christian; after being a Disciple; or when?

    So many questions that are at the very root of our faith, yet most today cannot answer them. How can a person claim to be of the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ and yet not understand the answers to these questions?

    The question I seek to cover here is that of Are you sure you are a believer? What does it take to be a believer? Why be a believer? And what is the cost of being a believer? Yet if you cannot answer the previous questions, you cannot even begin to understand the concepts involved in the what, the how, and the cost.

    Many of today's churches preach the easy road to heaven: But what about the Bible? What about the very book---the word of God---that they are supposedly preaching about? Does the Bible say the easy road to heaven? Does the Bible say that only Christians will go to Heaven? Does it say that only Disciples will go to Heaven? Or maybe it says that only born again Christians will go to Heaven? Do you know??? Does it say that it is easy to go to Heaven? Does The Bible say...say this phrase, click your heels three times and you're off to heaven? Halleluiah, let's ride!!!

    I'm going to cover, at least in part, the above questions. I need to bring you to the point of understanding on these issues that will allow you to understand the concept of the cost of Discipleship. Then I will discuss what is involved, and the high cost as laid out by

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