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Bite Size Tips for the NEW Entrepreneur: Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It
Bite Size Tips for the NEW Entrepreneur: Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It
Bite Size Tips for the NEW Entrepreneur: Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It
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Bite Size Tips for the NEW Entrepreneur: Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It

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Bite Size Tips for the NEW Entrepreneur -
Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It

This collection of advice and insights is from an array of business experts who have run the risk of being an entrepreneur and made it! It’s a proven road map to help you along your path of being a successful entrepreneur and business owner.

Written by: Michele Molitor, Sydni Craig-Hart, Kevin Hoelscher, Elinor Stutz, Sallie Goetsch, Evan Denbaum, Lee Richter, Holly Barrios-Gayman, Kathleen Ronald, Annetta Wilson, Jane Lurie, Claudia Medina, Analia Morris, Pragito Dove and Betram L. Furman

Compiled and edited by Michele Molitor

Copyright 2011 Michele Molitor

Release dateSep 16, 2011
Bite Size Tips for the NEW Entrepreneur: Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It

Michele Molitor

Michele Molitor has been described as enthusiastic, inspiring and a bit of a rebel... She instigates new ideas, successful strategies and more authentic leadership in her clients through her passion as a business coach and consultant. She will stir the pot, get you thinking and probably make you a bit uncomfortable, which inevitably leads to you shining more brightly, contributing your gifts more authentically and creating YOUR version of success! Shs is an executive coach, organizational development trainer, business consultant, author and speaker helping leaders create substantial organizational growth and success. As founder and CEO of Nectar Consulting, Inc., she brings passion, commitment, and over 24 years experience to her work as a professional certified coach, trainer and consultant. With an engaging style and interdisciplinary approach, she is driven to help individual contributors, managers and executives, excel and lead their team or organization more effectively. Her passion for learning, understanding the human dynamic and helping business professionals bring their full strengths and talents to their work, gives her a unique set of insights, tools, and strategies to offer her clients to move past obstacles and enhance their success. Whether working one-on-one or with an entire organization, Michele shares her expertise to assist clients in making the shifts necessary to create positive change, get them into action and create greater career success and life balance. This ultimately leads to increased clarity and productivity, enhanced communication and leadership skills, and decreased conflict to achieve optimal performance, job satisfaction and success. Translation? Measurable, bottom-line results. Michele is the former host of the hit radio show, “Inspired Business – Courage, Risk & Raising a Ruckus” on VividLife Radio ( She is also the co-author of two books: A Guide to Getting: A Clear, Compelling Vision and Bite Size Tips For The New Entrepreneur – Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It, and has also given many talks and programs to help individuals and entrepreneurs alike expand their growth both personally and professionally, to lead more satisfying lives and successful careers. To learn more about her unique approach to helping busy executives and teams create high performance organizations, visit

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    Book preview

    Bite Size Tips for the NEW Entrepreneur - Michele Molitor

    Bite Size Tips For The NEW Entrepreneur

    Wisdom From The Experts Who’ve Made It

    This collection of advice and insights is from an array of business experts who have run the risk of being an entrepreneur and made it! It’s a proven road map to help you along your path of being a successful entrepreneur and business owner.

    Written by:

    Michele Molitor, Sydni Craig-Hart, Kevin Hoelscher, Elinor Stutz, Sallie Goetsch, Evan Denbaum, Lee Richter, Holly Barrios-Gayman, Kathleen Ronald, Annetta Wilson, Jane Lurie, Claudia Medina, Analia Morris, Pragito Dove and Betram L. Furman

    Compiled and edited by Michele Molitor

    Copyright 2011 Michele Molitor

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.


    Table of Contents

    1. Getting the Best from You and Your Team By Michele Molitor

    2. How to Be a Successful Business Owner By Sydni Craig-Hart

    3. Business Planning By Kevin Hoelscher

    4. Top 12 Business Tips for the New Business Person By Elinor Stutz

    5. Branding: A Successful Brand Is a Verb By Kevin Hoelscher

    6. Ten Things Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Podcasting By Sallie Goetsch

    7. Top Ten Tips for Getting Your Article Published By Lee Richter

    8. Tips for Successful Writing By Evan Denbaum

    9. The Top 10 Lessons of Public Relations By Lee Richter

    10. Project Management By Holly Barrios-Gayman

    11. 8 Reasons to Embrace Documentation By Elinor Stutz

    12. Seven Deadly Sins of Business Networking By Kathleen Ronald

    13. Never Be Caught Off Guard Again! By Annetta Wilson

    14. How to Make the Most of Being on Live Television By Jane Lurie

    15. Questions Business Owners Often Find Themselves Asking By Claudia Medina-Caporal

    16. Human Resource Tips for a Successful Business By Analia Morris

    17. Clarity. Focus. Action. By Michele Molitor

    18. Laugh Your Way To Enlightenment! By Pragito Dove

    19. 12 Steps to Getting Healthy, Having More Energy and Feeling Great By Betram L. Furman

    20. Weekly Meditations By Pragito Dove


    This book is for You.

    In today’s world, the option of becoming your own boss and starting your own business is more and more appealing. It takes courage, risk, and determination to make the shift into self-employment (and it’s not for everyone)!

    This ebook is dedicated to all you edge walkers and risk takers who dare to venture out on your own. It’s filled with many years of wisdom from folks just like you who dared to leap into the unknown to make their own path and create their own version of success.

    The tricky part is once you’ve made the leap, it doesn’t always come with a road map for the trip, so this collection of bite size nuggets of advice and insights is intended to help you along your way with fewer headaches and more joy!

    I hope you find the information here of service and are inspired to continue doing the good work you’re doing and sharing your gifts out into the world.

    The world needs your brilliance!

    To your ongoing success~


    Michele Molitor

    Founder, Nectar Consulting, Inc.


    Getting the Best from You and Your Team:

    Coaching Tips for Executives

    By Michele Molitor, PCC

    What’s different in today’s workplace? Everything. Chances are, your work force includes different generations as well as different perspectives. The old rules of managing from the top down are no longer effective if you want to keep the best talent happy and productive for your business.

    Below is a list of simple (but not always easy to apply) tips to help you be a better leader and manager while also getting the best results from your team.

    1. Listen for what's under the words. Find out what is really being said in the unspoken field. Take clues from body language, tone of voice and the energy of the speaker. As much as 80% of communication is non-verbal, so pay attention to what you hear, feel and see during an interaction. That old adage, Actions speak louder than words still holds true and can help you listen on a deeper, more aware, level.

    2. Ask curious, open-ended questions. Don’t assume that you know the answer or the outcome to a situation. Step into the conversation with an open mind and new possibilities or opportunities are more likely to become evident.

    3. Expand your understanding of different communication styles. People have different ways of communicating and sometimes those styles don’t match up. This can result in misunderstandings that lead to breakdowns in the dialogue, as well as productivity.

    Some things to be mindful of: is the person you’re talking with more introverted or extroverted? Do they base their decisions more on logic or on feelings/intuition? Do they process information quickly or over time? Understanding these subtle differences can contribute to how well your communications are understood or misinterpreted.

    4. Resolution is the place to focus. Don’t spend too much time in the ‘what happened,’ the ‘story’ or the ‘drama.’ Get the basic facts necessary and then focus your attention on finding out what the ideal outcome would look like for the other person. Help them to create a solution for themselves or collaborate with them to create a resolution. The more a person is responsible for their own solution, the more ownership they will have (versus just buy-in) and the more likely they are to succeed in executing it.

    5. Responsibility is an example. Take 100% responsibility for your part in every interaction, including your feelings, thoughts, actions, reactions and impact. In other words, lead by example. Ask others on your team to adopt the concept of 100% responsibility as well and watch what unfolds.

    6. Believe in and look for the strengths in each

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