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The fin backs are back for more, and this time, time and fate are against them! When an out-of-control time machine drops Zaratustra and his exotroopers in the path of an alternate Earth's zombie apocalypse, a trio of survivors may be their only way home. But can an evil scientist's plans include a happy ending?

David N. Brown resides in Mesa, Arizona.

Release dateSep 18, 2011

David N. Brown

David N. Brown is a nearly lifelong Resident of Mesa, Arizona, with longstanding interests in science and technology,folklore and disability issues. He earned a bachelor's degree in paleontology from Northern Arizona University in 2005. His first books, Worlds of Naughtenny Moore and Walking Dead, were originally published in 2006 and 2007 by Open Page Publishing, a venture with Brandon Willey, Kara Willey Warren and syndicated cartoonist Tony Carillo. In 2009, he began self-publishing through Amazon, and also created the autism resource site He has contributed to sites including,, and This biography is INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of the author. Reposting AS IS is permitted. MALICIOUS ADDITION OR ALTERATION WILL BE TREATED AS INFRINGEMENT.

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    Zombies Vs. EXOTROOPERS! - David N. Brown

    Zombies Vs.


    By David N. Brown

    Smashwords edition copyright 2011 David N. Brown

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    In a semi-urban stretch of what had once been the state of California, the sun was low in the sky, casting plenty of light but leaving long, dark shadows. But no street lamps were turning on in anticipation of the dusk, and the only cars on the road were wrecks piled one on top of another. Here and there, a human shape skulked among the cars, and inside an abandoned grocery store, a man with a pale, lesioned face looked out at the sound of approaching voices. Then the meek shot of a .22 Long rimfire rang out, and the figure fell dead.

    A young woman and a girl of about 13 arrived first, followed by a young man with curly hair.

    Okay, we have ten to fifteen, maybe twenty minutes till the zombies regroup, the young man said. Here’s the list by order of importance: Meat and dairy, nonperishable if possible. Bottled water. Soap and hand sanitizer. Paper towels. Canned vegetables and fruit. Crackers. Cold and flu medicine. Vitamins… His words were drowned out by a blast of the woman’s shotgun.

    They pulled out a shopping cart, and lined the baskets with a tarp, to hold their final haul, and took hand baskets for the initial gathering. Do we split up? said the girl.

    No, Abilene, the man answered, at least not till we do a sweep.

    That would take too long, the woman said. Take a basket and see what you find in the back. I’ll stay with Austin.

    Wow, Krista, the man said, great job undermining any nominal authority structure in our group.

    Okay, I’ll give you a structure: You come up with plans, and I get to approve or veto them. And if you don’t like it, you can search the country for another woman to take your virginity. Austin blushed, but did not protest.

    They had a mild argument as they went through the pharmacy, with Austin insisting that the most prominently displayed products didn’t really work. When they had filled the basket with bottles of medication, they loaded the contents into a cart at the checkout counter and went back for more. Abilene came the other way, carrying a basket of Spam and beef jerky. I'm not sure, she said, does spray cheese count as dairy?

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