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About this ebook

The ultimate warriors face an invincible foe from an unknown future. Can they prevail- and at what price?

David N. Brown resides in Mesa, Arizona.

Release dateSep 20, 2011

David N. Brown

David N. Brown is a nearly lifelong Resident of Mesa, Arizona, with longstanding interests in science and technology,folklore and disability issues. He earned a bachelor's degree in paleontology from Northern Arizona University in 2005. His first books, Worlds of Naughtenny Moore and Walking Dead, were originally published in 2006 and 2007 by Open Page Publishing, a venture with Brandon Willey, Kara Willey Warren and syndicated cartoonist Tony Carillo. In 2009, he began self-publishing through Amazon, and also created the autism resource site He has contributed to sites including,, and This biography is INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of the author. Reposting AS IS is permitted. MALICIOUS ADDITION OR ALTERATION WILL BE TREATED AS INFRINGEMENT.

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    Book preview

    Cyborg Vs. EXOTROOPERS! - David N. Brown

    Cyborg Vs. EXOTROOPERS!

    By David N. Brown

    Smashwords edition copyright 2011 David N. Brown

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Prologue: Museum Pieces

    "You’re not officially cleared to see this yet, said the lieutenant. But off the record, it’s a tradition to let every new guy in on what’s housed here. There have been leaks over the years. One of the better ones actually inspired a motion picture franchise decades ago. But, we’re confident none have come from our staff."

    "I’ve already heard some of the leaks, said the corporal. It was a crazy story about a flying saucer captured from the Nazis, which they built with either help from aliens or from psychic communications with a super race in the future."

    The lieutenant laughed. That one’s been kicking around for decades. Surrendering Nazis did turn over a few specimens, but there wasn’t anything like a vehicle or weapon among them. And the Third Reich certainly didn’t build them.

    He entered a code, and a door worthy of a bank vault opened.

    Inside was a corridor, lined with strange objects. Some looked like pieces of human bodies, some like circuitry, and most like strange combinations thereof. The corporal looked curiously at a severed head whose eyes followed them as they walked. He hastened at the sight of a hand whose fingers wiggled at his approach. Thin circuitry was momentarily visible in the pink tubing that protruded from the wrist.

    Diplomatic Mission

    2044: For two years war had raged between the alliances of Albania and Kosovo and Serbia and Montenegro. The war had been a bloody stalemate, but with Serbia’s limited resources and growing support for the Albanians in the wider world, the Serbs would need to develop new, strategically decisive weapons to win. Their best hope was their small corps of exotroopers, known to Serbskis as hercegs and to the rest of the world as finbacks.

    Over an audio-video feed, Gen. Rausch, commander of strategic counteroffensive operations in Federal Army of Serbia, scowled at Lt. Anton Princip. His huge and hugely overweight body made his frown fearsome to behold. But there could be no doubt that Princip was unmoved, even behind

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