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Helping Kismet
Helping Kismet
Helping Kismet
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Helping Kismet

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Ciji Fay never had a problem with taking the difficult assignments, so when her job at the UN sent her to Saudi Arabia to audit a charity foundation, she fully intended to immerse herself in the culture and the history of the amazing country. She never thought she would be in the midst of danger and running for her life. The numbers were wrong, and some very important people now wanted her dead. When she was pulled into a shop in the middle of the marketplace, Ciji looked into the eyes of her savior, Layth Ghassan. He was a prince and a soldier who walked in both worlds. He took it upon himself to protect her and get her to safety behind his castle walls. There he could get her passage back to London. In the midst of danger, Layth whispered all the words she wanted to hear, and the chemistry between then was as hot as the desert sun. She could feel herself falling for this brave warrior, but the differences between them seemed overwhelming. Was it kismet that put them on a collision path into each other’s lives? Or would she be dealt a bad hand by fate and walk away with her heart broken by a prince of the sands?

PublisherDahlia Rose
Release dateSep 21, 2011
Helping Kismet

Dahlia Rose

Dahlia Rose is the USA Today best-selling multi genre author from Urban fantasy to Romance with a hint of Caribbean spice. She was born and raised on the island of Barbados and now currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her life revolves around her family and her grandson who she’s fondly nicknamed ‘the toddler overlord, long may he reign.” She has a love of dark fantasy, crazy sci-fi B-movies, and delving into the unknown. Dahlia writes from romance to suspense, giving her characters the voices they deserve, if she doesn’t, they surely won’t let her sleep. With over seen dozen books published, Dahlia has become a reader favorite. Not only because of her writing but her vivacious attitude in talking to her fans online and at various events. Being a BIPOC, author of color, her books feature strong heroines with a Caribbean or African American culture, that is showcased in the vibrancy of her words. Books and writing are her biggest passions, and she hopes to open your imagination to the beauty of possibilities between the pages of her books. LinkTree:

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    Book preview

    Helping Kismet - Dahlia Rose

    Helping Kismet

    By Dahlia Rose

    Published by Dahlia Rose at Smashwords

    Copyright © September 2011 Dahlia Rose

    Cover Art by For the Muses Design

    ISBN 978-1-936668-87-8

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Your highness it’s highly unlikely I’m wrong. I never make mistakes. Her dark eyes flashed defiantly behind the traditional dress of Saudi Arabia.

    Prince Layth Ghassan watched her with interest sitting beside his father at the long conference room table. They listened as this woman pointed out what she’d found when she was auditing a charity in their country that was in conjunction with the United Nations. It wasn’t good at all, but Layth wasn’t paying it as much attention as he was to her. Her British accent was a delight to listen to combined with her husky voice, filled with fire and indignation at his father’s words. She was all proper. He remembered English girls well because he was educated in her country. So stiff and prim until you got under their skin. He wondered about her skin beneath the veil and clothes. From her hands he could see that she was a beautiful milk chocolate color. Her eyes were shaped like wide almonds and light brown. They sizzled in her anger easily enough as if she’d said the words to show her anger. He decided it might be wise to listen to the conversation instead of thinking about her. His father was the king of these lands. He didn’t want to see the young woman thrown into a jail because of disrespect. No, not one that enthralled him enough with one glance.

    His father began speaking. Miss Fay, Let me assure you that the charity you speak of is run by my top financial aide. This is my daughter’s special project, and I will allow no one else to work with her except Josef. If there are discrepancies in the numbers, you obviously need to check them again.

    Sir, if I may be so blunt, again I do not make mistakes. She took off her glasses and unclipped the veil from behind her ear. The reason why I work in the United Nations audit department is because they know this. My intelligence level is over one hundred and eighty-five, well past genius stage, and I have a photographic memory. Take that ring your son is wearing for instance. Ask me what it looks like ten years from now, and I could describe it down to the ruby set as the lion’s eye. I resent the implication that it is I who has made an error. Furthermore, I have some of the women of your country who talk to me that live close to my hotel. There is no widows and orphans home in Diriyah. Right here in the paperwork is exactly what fourteen million dollars has been allotted to do, seven from your government and seven from the UN. I don’t know if you are accustomed to losing that amount of money, but certainly, sir, we are not.

    Temper, temper, Layth thought with a mental laugh. There weren’t many who his father would let speak to him in such a way. He’d actually only heard his mother chastise his father which more delighted his father than upset him.. Yet a quick glance over to his father showed him that the king was trying very hard not to let his mouth curve into a smile. His father liked fiery women, and it seemed Layth inherited that trait as well. Right now Ciji Fay excited him like no other had.

    What do you think, my son? his father asked.

    I think if she is correct then investigation needs to be started immediately, Layth answered readily. We do not need to give the world pause when it comes to our honor. We take care of our people, Miss Fay, and this matter will be investigated thoroughly.

    She took a deep breath. Thank you so much. I have given my superiors the initial information and will keep my report open until you have more about what’s going on for me to give to them. I can be reached at the Palms Hotel. She rose to leave. "My apologies if it seems I came off rather abrupt on this matter. It’s an honorable thing you are doing for your people. I

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