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How To Succeed as an Online Student
How To Succeed as an Online Student
How To Succeed as an Online Student
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How To Succeed as an Online Student

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About this ebook

Online education is offering new opportunities to students of all ages. How To Succeed as an Online Student is full of practical advice from a veteran online instructor on how to get the most of out your class, whether you are seeking a degree, a certificate, or just trying to fulfill continuing education requirements.
Learn about how to plan your study time and how to stay motivated to complete your course. Decide what computer hardware and software you need. Get tips for choosing a program that’s right for you. Figure out who you need to be talking to and how. Discover proven strategies for doing your best in all the common assignment types. Learn when to get help and from where.

How To Succeed as an Online Student is a valuable resource for anyone considering online classes or already taking online classes. Parents and people with jobs will find specific advice for balancing coursework and other responsibilities. Tips on time zones and handling communications with a school at a distance will be helpful for people in remote locations or just taking classes at an out of town school.
Find out what experienced online students wish they had known before they started!

PublisherLisa Shier
Release dateSep 30, 2011
How To Succeed as an Online Student

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    Book preview

    How To Succeed as an Online Student - Lisa Shier

    How to Succeed as an Online Student

    By Lisa Shier, Ph.D.

    Published by Lisa Shier at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Lisa Shier.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase and additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Why Learn Online?

    Get the Stuff You Need

    Planning for Your Class

    During the Class

    Time Management


    Effective Communication

    Making It Happen

    About the Author

    Why Learn Online?

    Online learning is bringing new and better educational opportunities to all kinds of people. Traditional college students are taking some classes online. People who are unable to manage attendance in traditional courses are finding online education is a ticket to a college degree. Not just colleges and universities, but also large companies and other organizations are utilizing online training.

    This book will give you practical, real world tips for succeeding as an online student no matter who you are, which classes you choose to take, or the type of institution you take classes from. It is all about being prepared, being organized, making it happen, and staying motivated.

    Online education gives you more choices. You are not limited to schools in your local area. Dozens of schools across the country offer whole online degree programs and many more offer some coursework online. Choosing online education lets you choose the school, program, or course that fits your needs. Online education has been a particular boon to people in very remote locations or who are stationed in foreign countries.

    Online education also lets you choose the time and the place where you work on your class. It is a wonderful option for stay at home parents and other caregivers. You can arrange your class schedule around your kids’ schedule, rather than the other way around. Child care needs are sharply reduced.

    People with odd or shifting work schedules find that online education can work very well. There’s not a problem with working on your class at 3AM, if that’s the time you have available. There’s no need to commit to being in class at a particular time for a whole term. You can even take your class with you if you have to travel. Greater time flexibility can lead to better student success if you can stay committed to the class.

    Online education is great for people who have limited ability to travel to class due to physical limitations, weather conditions, lack of a car, or being on call. Even blizzards that shut down a city won’t stop you from logging in and making progress in your online class. You’ll be able to complete your class from the comfort of your own home.

    Online education generally isn’t generally less expensive than traditional courses. However, some of the education related costs can be less. Online courses don’t require you to drive to a campus or pay parking fees. You might spend less on beer and burgers with other students. Parents will likely have fewer child care expenses associated with the class. If you choose to do a whole degree program online, you might be able to avoid moving to a different city to attend classes. However, you may find that you spend a bit more on a fast internet connection or computer hardware and software than you would for a more traditional class.

    Online education can be a great way to broaden your horizons. Online classes generally draw people from a much larger geographic area than traditional courses. You can meet people from different towns, states, or even countries. Their experiences can enrich your educational experience. Online classes often attract people who are well beyond traditional college age, whose real world experiences in life and work can illuminate practical applications of your course

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