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Shadow Love
Shadow Love
Shadow Love
Ebook46 pages34 minutes

Shadow Love

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“Maybe. Zack, I have a strange feel about what's to come.”

“I told you, it’s the two of you together that is stirring them up,” Zack told her.

“You’re being redundant.”

“Stop sucking face and things will quiet.”

“Ha, ha.”

“What?” Bobby asked.

“Zack says they’re jealous and trying to get my attention, so we need to stop sucking face.” His eyes narrowed, and she found it amusing to watch him look around the place. “He can’t see us.” She tapped the headset. “Hearing.”

“Oh,” he said before a grin crept across his face.

“Zack, while the troops feel they need to gather, I’m going in to do some fishing.”

“Not a good idea. Too many.”

“I’ll be fine. They love me, you said so yourself.”

“Right now, it may not be unanimous if you get my drift.”

“Yeah, I get it.” It would definitely be worth it if her infatuated ghost was jealous enough to take things to a new level.

“I think it’d be interesting to take Bobby in the house with you and see what happens.”

She laughed. “You’re ornery.”

“Well, go have fun. I’ve got your back.”

“Appreciated. Switching to wireless.” She set the headset down and turned it off. “Remember what I said. Don’t interfere,” she reminded Bobby while putting on a wireless headset and attached the battery pack to the back of her jeans.

“What’re you doing?”

“My job. You can watch and listen, but you won’t be able to talk to me. Nor will I be able to hear you.” Flipping on the speaker nestled between the monitors near a receiver, she informed him, “Only Zack will be able to talk to me.” Carla pulled a jacket on, grabbed her kit, put the file of photos in it and turned at the door. “I’ll be back,” she said in the gruffest tone she could manage. He didn’t smile. She walked up to him and kissed him. “Relax.”

Carla left and crossed the street to enter the property. Her heart pounded against her chest cavity. She latched the gate behind her, took out her handheld thermal meter along with the K2 meter, turned them on and went up the walk to the porch steps and up to the front door. She shivered when she entered a cold spot. “I’ve entered coldness, fifty-one degrees.”

“Daybreak temps been steady at fifty-seven.”
“No visuals, but you,” Bobby added.

She pulled the keys from her pocket. “Going in.”

PublisherBekki Lynn
Release dateOct 2, 2011
Shadow Love

Bekki Lynn

I, Rebecca Lynn Davis, am the CEO behind authors Bekki Lynn and Rena Kalb. I live in Illinois around my growing family and friends. By growing, I mean grandchildren and many second and third cousins. I have three beautiful granddaughters and two handsome grandson. I have so much fun with them! My backyard is split into multiple sections: a play area for them, a garden and greenhouse area, two ponds and waterfall split with a bridge my husband and youngest son built for me. The west pond is my frog habitat. And to the south of ponds is small patio. Back behind the waterfall is a Toad habitat. Beyond that is our back patio and fire pit. We had to or make changes every Spring. It's our sanctuary.I began writing in high school and the need to continue never waned. Starting with poetry and what I guess would be considered fan fiction today, I moved onto romance and women's lit. In 2007 seven, I learned, due to the nature of the sexual content in my books, I was writing erotic romance. The things you learn as you grow.My first published book was A Psychic Hitch, the first in the Servin' It Up series. It was contracted thirteen months after I wrote it in December of 2006 after a grueling NANO month. Book two, Last Glass of Wine, was written in 2007 and followed book one into the published world in 2008 a couple months after book one. Book three is written and book four is in progress. In 2009, my third book 'Jewel of the Sun's BLOOD DESTINY' and a few novellas were published.Obviously, Bekki Lynn, comes from my name, but Rena came from researching my great grandmother who was Blackfoot. I was reading about a Blackfoot family and they had a daughter named Rena, very pretty. Kalb is my paternal grandmother's maiden name. I'm heavy into genealogy.Now, for a downer.There are things I would like you to know since it does affect my daily life and my writing life - mostly the blogging, Facebook time, and joining in group conversations. I worry about offending anyone or going off the wrong side of what's normal for me as I did in 2008, before I was diagnosed in 2012. I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder - I've been told I was probably born with it), Dysthmic Disorder, ADD, Panic Disorder, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Chronic Headaches & Migraines, and PTSD along with physical ailments as a result of the treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer and other issues in 2011/2012. I go through periods where I shut myself off from the world and it can last a week or a month. Along with medication, I've learned to recognize the warning signs. I don't want anyone to think I'm not serious with my writing. Or worse, think I'm not interested in socializing.What am I working on right now, besides my new website? Check out my blog (which is attached to my website) for updates. I have some goodies coming your way from both Bekki and Rena.See you soon!Rebecca

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    Book preview

    Shadow Love - Bekki Lynn

    Shadow Love


    Bekki Lynn

    WARNING: This book is for single owner purposes only. You may not sell or share in any manner for it would violate International Copyright laws. This law overrides any other laws or permissions individuals or companies say you have such as Adobe Reader and The Nook Proprietors. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The only exception is the use of brief excerpts for the use of reviews and promotional use which is hereby given permission from the publisher or author.

    This book contains sexually explicit content and for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY.

    Please store your files away from the eyes of those under the age of eighteen.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters participating in sexual acts are over the age of eighteen. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Published by Bekki Lynn at Smashwords

    First Independent Publication

    Original version published July 2011 with eXcessica Publishing in the Strange Love Anthology

    Cover Design by Bekki Lynn

    All rights reserved

    Copyright 2011 Bekki Lynn

    Chapter One

    Well, guys, work calls, Carla said, rising from the stool. She finished off her drink and set the glass down. Eyeing her high school buds, she told them, I guess I’ll see you in five years.

    What? Whoa, now, David responded. You’re not coming to the dinner tomorrow night?

    Nope. Working, she answered while zipping up her jacket. It’s Halloween. I work midnight to midnight.

    I thought your interest in the occult was a teenage trend, Pete piped up with his cocky manner.

    Where you guys been, she’s written and published many articles on local haunts and is obtaining quite a reputation in the paranormal field, Tina informed them. Carla Kingston and her sidekick, Zackary Rumble are the paranormal queen and king of Chillicothe, Illinois.

    Want some company? Bobby asked.

    Carla cocked her head and looked at him. One dance, few words all evening and now he wants to hang out with her. What for? She was sick, a nutcase and needed a psych evaluation, so he flung at her ten years ago. Not bothering to respond, she addressed Pete, Paranormal, not occult, and no, it’s never been a trend, hobby or anything else deemed a passing fancy.

    Where do you find ghosts around here? asked Sara, who’d come with Pete

    She leaned over and slowly spread her fingers into the air. They’re everywhere, she whispered. "If you live in an old home, chances are

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