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Lilith: Screenplay
Lilith: Screenplay
Lilith: Screenplay
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Lilith: Screenplay

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Lilith unsatisfied with the making of her incarnation Eve, retaliates by causing a war in Heaven.

Release dateOct 4, 2011
Lilith: Screenplay

Maximus Romulus

Maximus Romulus is a novelist and philanthropist from Princeton New Jersey.

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    Lilith - Maximus Romulus



    Maximus Romulus

    Published by

    Maximus Romulus at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2011 Maximus Romulus.

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    Maximus Romulus

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    FADE IN:


    On a hill overlooking farmland below, we see two entities. A feminine entity (GOD), and a masculine entity (SHAYTAN), surveying the land below. As they watch, a middle-aged man exits a farmhouse quite a distance away.

    GOD Shaytan, look upon my servant, Job. He's like no other man on earth. Look, how blameless, and upright he is.

    SHAYTAN Ah, But does Job fear you for nothing? Have you not put a hedge around him, and his household, and everything that he has?

    Indicates all of the farmland with a sweep of his hand.

    SHAYTAN (continuing) You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. However, stretch out your hand, and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.

    GOD Very well, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.

    Shaytan stretches out his hand, and strikes Job’s land.

    VOICE OVER: And so it was. Job curses the Lord, as the story is told, in one of the most well-known parables in Biblical tales. However, long ago, in the before time, God, and Shaytan consented upon yet another wager. This story is illustrated in the gospel of Lilith, a parable which has been banished from the scriptures for centuries. So, I'll tell it to you now in secret; the greatest story never told; the story of Lilith.


    Shaytan and God are gathered together in a completely white space. Nothing has been created as of yet. God forms a feminine creature, and calls her Lilith. Shaytan creates a masculine being, and calls him Metatron. God and Shaytan then combined their efforts together to produce a formless entity, a Spirit. They each gave Spirit a luminous object.

    GOD We name you Spirit, and we gift you the key to Knowledge.

    Gives Spirit a luminous object.

    SHAYTAN You are Metatron, and I gift you the key to Life.

    Gives Metatron a luminous object.

    GOD I name you Lilith, and I gift you the key to Providence.

    Gives Lilith a luminous object. Lilith, Metatron, and Spirit lived for eons. To the three entities, God and Shaytan were so similar, so easily interchangeable that the spirits called them both by one name: Tetragrammaton.


    Spirit hovers around the emptiness of space, while Lilith and Metatron supervises from afar.

    VOICE OVER: During this time Lilith, Metatron and Spirit, together created the earth, and the heavens along with nine echelons of angels.

    METATRON Let us introduce new beings. Let's make creatures in our image, in our likeness.

    SPIRIT I shall breathe into their nostrils, the breath of life, as they shall become living souls.


    In the center of the Garden of Eden, Lilith, Metatron and Spirit play among the peaceful animals, lush background, and colorful flowers. Birds chirp, and a huge dragonfly flies across the screen, buzzing beautifully. Lilith mixes some dirt, and water to make a paste. She forms a woman in her own image.

    LILITH You will be called Eve.

    Metatron mixes dirt, and water to form man in his own image.

    METATRON I call you errr...Adapu, Adamu, errr...Adam.

    Spirit breathes into Adam first, and Adam jumps up. He feels his chest, and face, and twirls in excitement. Spirit then breathes into Eve, and Eve jumps forth excitedly as well. She joins Adam in celebrating life.

    LILITH Oh! My, they look fantastic.

    Metatron looks toward Adam, and Eve with satisfaction; proud as to what they have accomplished.

    LILITH (continuing) But! What about Spirit here? Poor, Spirit doesn't have his own incarnation in this realm.

    METATRON What do you propose we do about that?


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