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A Case of Identity
A Case of Identity
A Case of Identity
Ebook30 pages29 minutes

A Case of Identity

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Josh Thompson is an ordinary guy trying to make his way in the world, working hard at his job and getting by until agents from the Bureau of Identity Theft, the BIT, arrive and complicate his life. Someone has stolen his identity, and in Josh's world, this means much more than the simple theft of his personal information. In Josh's world, it is nothing less than life-changing.

Also Included in Space and Waste, Anthology #2 (ISBN 9781476146225) and Anthology #3 (ISBN 9781476122038)

PublisherPaul Comstock
Release dateOct 7, 2011
A Case of Identity

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    A Case of Identity - Paul Comstock

    A Case of Identity


    Paul Comstock


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    Paul Comstock on Smashwords

    A Case of Identity

    Copyright © 2008 by Paul Comstock

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    A Case of Identity

    The news this morning wasn't anything to get excited about, unless you counted the story about me being dead. Well, I guess it wasn't really me, but what else could I call it? They found the body, my body, a crumpled and broken mess on Highway 76 over by the industrial park, a victim of some freak accident. That was bad enough, but even worse my coffee was getting cold and I was going to be late for work.

    You have two visitors, the entry VOX declared in its irritating, mechanical voice. The cold and bitter tasting coffee went down the drain and I went to the door. Looking through the peephole I could see it was the BIT, the bulges of their stun guns betraying the commonness of their dull gray suits. Great, just what I needed, another thing to make me even later. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was.

    Yeah, I said through the VOX. What do you want?

    Mr. Thompson, we're with the Bureau of Identity Theft. There's been an incident and we need a word with you.

    They said it in a flat, nasally monotone as if I wouldn't know what they were talking about. I didn't really want to talk to them, but I didn't want to appear guilty of anything, either, especially since I hadn't done anything wrong. Not that wrongdoing was a requirement if they wanted to make my life hell. It was better to cooperate, but I was still annoyed enough to make them work a little for it.

    Show me your badges, I said. The shiny badges glared, and I couldn't make out much detail, but they looked real enough. Okay, come in.

    Thank you, Mr. Thompson, the first agent said, entering with his partner following behind, both pushing past me. They looked like twins with their hair cropped down to a fine matting on their perfectly shaped heads showing off their somewhat crooked ears. They even wore the same cologne, a sickly sweet one I had always hated. The similarity in the two wasn't surprising. One was a

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