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SteampunX: Episode One: Funk and Puck
SteampunX: Episode One: Funk and Puck
SteampunX: Episode One: Funk and Puck
Ebook49 pages38 minutes

SteampunX: Episode One: Funk and Puck

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In the Victorian tradition, SteampunX is a serial novel released monthly starting in October 2011.
It’s 1875 on the Columbian calendar. Anowarakowa, the New World, has been at peace for a century. By treaty and vigilance the land has been divided among the English Colonies in the Northeast, New France in the South, the Aztecs in the West, and the League of Ten Hundred Nations in the Midwest.
Deep in the woods of the Ten Hundred Nations, the man called Thunder creates miracles from wire, wood and stone. Where Thunder goes lightening follows. When twin teenagers discover the mangled body of Thunder’s cervine automaton, a plot is uncovered that could lead to the end of the hundred year peace and turn the people of Anowarakowa against each other. Together Thunder and the twins embark on a journey to cross the continent and prevent this New World War.

Release dateOct 8, 2011
SteampunX: Episode One: Funk and Puck

Benjamin Jacobson

Benjamin Jacobson is the award-winning author of such stories as "A Hatful of Rabbits" and "Brother, Can You Spare the Time?" His short fiction has appeared all over the Internet and even on paper. SteampunX is his first foray into serial fiction.

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    Book preview

    SteampunX - Benjamin Jacobson

    SteampunX –

    Episode One: Funk and Puck


    Benjamin Jacobson

    Copyright 2011 Benjamin Jacobson

    Smashwords Edition


    The Birch Stag leapt through the forest with mechanical grace. His lacquered body glinting as he landed where the sun broke the canopy only to bound again deeper into the woods. Puck watched from her perch atop a fallen tree. The smooth whirr of the wooden creature’s clockwork mechanics mimicked the buzz of insects and faded as it disappeared beyond her vision. She allowed the silence to swallow her until the stag passed beyond all her senses.

    What makes you think you’ll ever find it? she asked her twin, Funk, who sat behind her sorting through a stack of stones. His attention commanded completely by the task. He meticulously browsed the pile and collected a few the size of arrowheads, if not the shape.

    I’m the best hunter in the Ten Hundred Nations. He replied without looking up.

    You’re not a hunter at all, just a boy trying to impress some men who don’t have any use for him. Funk ignored her. He often did. She placed her hand on the trunk and cart-wheeled to the ground. She settled herself into a bloom of wildflowers, in imitation of her brother, and assembled a bouquet.

    The Birch Stag isn’t meant to be hunted. Two Trunks says it’s a symbol of the Nations.

    Funk stopped to consider his answer, running his hand through his dirty blond hair. All stags are meant to be hunted. That’s why the Great Spirit created them. They honor us with their lives. Why create a stag if not to hunt?

    The Great Spirit didn’t create this stag; the wizard did. Puck wove the flowers into a daisy chain.

    It doesn’t matter who created it. A stag is meant to be hunted.

    The wizard doesn’t think that way. He’s crazy. How many fires has he started? The village burned down three times before Two Trunks sent him away.

    Funk continued at his task without acknowledging her.

    Puck persisted, That’s just the times I remember and I’m still young.

    Not so young.

    Thirteen summers is young. That’s what Two Trunks says, too young to hunt this stag or any other.

    I didn’t bring Two Trunks on this hunt with me, or you for that matter. If you don’t like it, why don’t you go back to the village?

    A look of hurt flashed across Puck’s face, but her brother didn’t notice. She squared her shoulders and crowned herself with the wildflowers. Because! she yelled, frightening a family of robins from a nearby nest. I am Victoria! Queen of Angland! Your Lady and Master! She danced, her limbs flailing about in wild exaggeration. The edges of Funks lips curled up, just slightly at his sister’s antics and she knew she’d won.

    She saw the stag again then, but this time so did her brother. He stood on a nearby overhang. His antlers, untrimmed branches, contrasted his elegantly-carved torso. The creature’s glass eyes glared at the twins. Her brother pulled and loosed an arrow, before a word could pass between them.

    The hard thunk of the shaft intersecting a piece of finely planed wood startled them. The stag jumped down the overhang,

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