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Family Secrets
Family Secrets
Family Secrets
Ebook205 pages2 hours

Family Secrets

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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They Say the Truth Can Set You Free
But Can the Robertson Family Handle the Truth?

Shelia Robertson should be happy as she walks into the room filled with family and friends. After all, it is a celebration. Instead, Shelia is terrified of how her family will react. For years, she’s kept a secret hidden deep inside, and figured she’d take it to the grave. But she has no choice; she has to tell it. She owes it to her husband, children, and friends. Now, she’s determined to shine a light on what she’s buried.
But Shelia isn’t the only one with a secret. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that Shelia’s family members and her two best friends are also concealing something. One by one, they’re being exposed. And for some of them, it’s a matter of life and death. For others, the truth will change their lives irrevocably. But can they handle the truth?
Filled with family intrigue, dynamic plot shifts, and a whole lot of mystery, Family Secrets is about the surprises that lurk inside all of us and the courage it takes to open up.

PublisherSharon Rhodes
Release dateOct 11, 2011
Family Secrets

Sharon Rhodes

Sharon Rhodes is originally from Alabama and joined the Air Force right out of high school. She traveled the world for 20 years and retired from the Air Force in 2009. She now lives in Bossier City, Louisiana, with her husband and son. She holds a master’s in public administration from Central Michigan University. Rhodes is currently working on her second novel.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Truth Shall Set You FreeIn "Family Secrets," Sharon Rhodes creates a theme around truth. We never really know a person. We only know what they present. After 30 wonderful years in the military, Shelia is retiring. She has invited friends and families to her engagement. Afterwards, she's having a gathering at her home where she plans to reveal a secret to her closest friends and family. Well, she's not the only one with secrets! The characters and their situations of "Family Secrets" are so real. The emotions are vivid. The ending really caught me off guard. I would love to know what happens with the secrets not shared. Reviewed by: Jas

Book preview

Family Secrets - Sharon Rhodes


June 8, 1976 was a typical summer day in Alabama. The air was hot and humid. Although it was unbearably hot to some folks, the kids in the Hemmingway Projects were outside playing because playing, except Shelia Taylor.

As Shelia lay across her bed, she thought about what she would do the rest of the summer. Although school had only been out about a month, she missed going. She loved school and was excited about starting high school in the fall. Shelia was a dreamer, always dreaming about what she saw on the TV and what she read in books. She wanted to visit the places she read about in the books and possibly live in a house like the folks on TV. She knew it wasn’t a farfetched thought because she was always told she was a good girl who would be successful at whatever she put her mind to do. So being successful was what she strived to be.

As she looked out the window at the other kids, she thought about how she was being bad at that moment. She had lied about not feeling well so she could stay inside. She felt guilty about her little white lie, but she figured she deserved something nice because she had been good up to that point. She couldn’t imagine anything bad happening to her just because of her little white lie. Shelia turned away from the window when the phone rang. She thought about not answering but decided she’d better answer in case it was her momma checking in on her.

Hello, said Shelia.

It was Lenny Holder from across the sidewalk.

Shelia, can you come over to braid my hair? asked Lenny.

No, I can’t today, maybe tomorrow.

Shelia, I need you to do it today, I combed my braids out last night so I need for you to braid my hair today.

Lenny, I can’t, I don’t feel good, why don’t you get Amy to do it for you, that’s who did it last time.

I don’t want Amy to do it; I want you to do it. Don’t make me beg you, Shelia.

Lenny, I’m not supposed to be outside. I’ll get in trouble if my momma finds out.

Your momma don’t get home till four o’clock, you can be done in an hour and back home by one o’clock.

Shelia was silent. She hadn’t planned to be outside in the heat, especially braiding hair. Lenny, it’s too hot to braid hair, can you wait until tomorrow?

Naw, Shelia, I need it braided now because I need to be somewhere later today. I’ll pay you a dollar if you do it now.

Shelia wanted to say no but she knew Lenny would continue to bug her, and getting a dollar would allow her later to get a honey bun and a grape soda at the neighborhood store. All right, Lenny, I’ll be right over.

She walked across the sidewalk to Lenny’s house and knocked on the screen door before sitting in the chair on the porch. Lenny came to the door and told her to come inside. She didn’t expect to braid his hair inside because his momma didn’t like them being in the house, but she was happy to get out of the heat. She opened the screen door and stepped into the living room. She stood there waiting for Lenny to sit in the chair next to the door. Lenny motioned for her to follow him to the back where they had set up a den. The Holders were the only family in the Hemmingway Projects with a five-bedroom apartment. The two older boys no longer lived there, so his parents converted the extra bedroom to a den. Shelia walked to the den with some reservation. She discovered they were the only two in the house.

No wonder he wanted her to braid his hair in the house, his family wasn’t home, thought Shelia.

Something told her to turn around and leave, but she ignored her feelings. She sat on the only piece of furniture in the den, a brown- and beige-stained, plaited couch. Lenny sat on the floor between her legs. They talked but Shelia mostly listened.

Lenny went on and on about how fine she was at age fourteen and that she was going to grow up to be a beautiful lady. Shelia had heard this many times from Lenny, so it never dawned on her that it was leading up to something awful. Shelia finished the last braid and was happy since she was starting to feel uncomfortable in Lenny’s house. She stood up to leave but Lenny blocked her.

Where are you going? You don’t have to leave now.

Yes I do, stated Shelia. Can you move?

Lenny stared at her with a weird look in his eyes. I want you so bad, Shelia. Let me touch it, girl, you are so fine.

No! Move so I can go.

I just want to touch it. I promise I won’t do anything else to you.

No! I have to go before my momma comes home.

Lenny moved closer to Shelia and started touching her in places that made her uncomfortable.

Move out of my way, Lenny! screamed Shelia.

Lenny pushed Shelia on the couch. I’m getting me some of this fine ass today. I don’t know why you are fighting it. Lenny pushed Shelia back onto the couch and jumped on top of her and started grinding.

Stop! Stop! Stop! Get off of me.

If you be still I promise it won’t hurt, assured Lenny.

Lenny managed to unzip Shelia’s shorts and forced his hands between her legs. Shelia started crying; she twisted, turned, and pushed but Lenny didn’t budge. Lenny started kissing her on the neck. Shelia moved her head rapidly from side to side, making sure he didn’t kiss her in the mouth. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Lenny was strong and determined. He held her down with his arm while unzipping his pants with his other hand. Shelia screamed as loud as she could but realized no one was coming to her rescue.

Be still, demanded Lenny, it’s not going to hurt.

No! No! Please don’t do this, Lenny.

Girl, I’ve been thinking about this fine ass for a long time. Why don’t you just let me have it?


Lenny managed to unzip his pants and pulled out his penis. He jabbed it between her legs. She screamed again, then hit him in the face with her fist.

Bitch, I know you didn’t slap me.

She hit him again in his face. He slapped her back in the face. She screamed louder. He held her arms down with his knees while he pulled her shorts and panties down.

Please, Lenny, you are hurting me. Stop it, I’m going to tell, pleaded Shelia.

Stop moving, I’m not going to hurt you, and if you tell anyone, I’m going to kill you, you hear me?

Shelia shook her head. She was scared. She believed Lenny would kill her; he had that look in his eyes. She closed her eyes waiting for Lenny to get off her; she couldn’t understand why this was happening. She could see in Lenny’s eyes that he had gone mad.

Ouch! You are hurting me, please stop.

Lenny continued to force himself between Shelia’s legs as she screamed louder. She’d never felt pain like the pain she was feeling at that moment. When Lenny was done, he pulled his pants up and looked down at Shelia. You better not tell, demanded Lenny.

Shelia lifted herself slowly off the couch. She wanted to move faster but she couldn’t. She continued to cry as she pulled her panties up from around her knees. As she stood and pulled her shorts up, she noticed blood on the couch. Lenny smiled as he looked at the blood. I popped that cherry.

Chapter 1

Shelia looked around in admiration as she walked towards the family room. She couldn’t believe she was retiring from the Air Force after 30 years of service. Time went by so fast; it was just yesterday that she remembered running around in the Hemmingway Projects playing with her friends. As she looked around the room, she was happy with what she saw. She had a beautiful home and nice things to go with it. She always dreamed she would be successful one day, but she never imagined it would actually happen. But it had happened and she was happy about her life until two weeks ago. As she let out a loud sigh, she took in the peace and privacy of her home. She looked at the portrait of her family. Her wonderful husband, Ricky, who had two years left in the Air Force before he would retire. Her handsome son, Derrick, was a sophomore at The University of North Carolina. He was her pride and joy; he possessed a sensitive side that she admired. He was on a basketball scholarship and was doing quite well in school. Her daughter Sade, beautiful and petite, always had a look of mischief in her eyes. Although Shelia was as proud of her as she was of her son, Sade had not lived up to the expectation she wanted for her daughter. Sade had become pregnant in high school with her two beautiful children, Brianna and Brandon. It hurt Ricky to know that his daughter did not go to college to become the lawyer that she had talked about being since she was ten years old.

Shelia closed her eyes and exhaled. My big day is finally here. But it may not be as happy as I hope it to be, thought Shelia. How will the family react when I make my announcement? What will my children think of me and how will my husband take the news? Her two closest friends, Karen and Veronica, would also be in attendance for her celebration, and they too would be in for a shock.

Karen was her childhood friend whom she had known since the third grade. They had remained friends through the years even when Karen’s family moved to New York, then back to Alabama. Karen went back to New York after finishing high school because she thought the jobs were better up north. She moved back to Alabama after realizing that being a single mom raising two teenagers was a lot of work, especially in a big city. She moved back to Alabama to be in a safer environment. Ironically, things hadn’t turned out the way she’d wanted for either her or her kids because her daughter Kelly was dead and her son was in prison for life. Their father had also been killed in a drive-by shooting when her kids were very young.

Veronica was a military friend of twenty years. She had lost her husband to a massive heart attack and blamed herself for his death. Shelia was curious to see how Veronica was holding up since it had only been eight months since Stephan’s death. Yes, it was going to be an interesting celebration, but she couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Shelia reclined her chair and looked at the picture of her mother. She wished her mother could be at her retirement. She knew her mother would be proud of her for all she had achieved and would also be her moral support. Her mother was the only person that knew of her secret, but she kept Shelia’s secret and took it to her grave.

Shelia shifted in the recliner remembering how her mother smiled whenever she was proud of her daughter. Shelia wished she could see that smile again. She smiled and looked towards the ceiling. She believed her mother was smiling at that very moment. Shelia smiled to herself and drifted back in time.

Shelia, are you done with your hair, because I’m ready to walk you to the school crossing.

Yes, Momma, I’m coming, shouted Shelia. She hurried and ran down the stairs to join her mother.

Why are you in your Sunday dress? You need to go back upstairs and put on your school clothes.

But Momma, its Valentine’s Day and I want to look extra pretty.

Shelia, you are too young to know anything about Valentine’s Day, plus what do you know about having a valentine?

I know I will get a valentine today and I have to look extra pretty when I receive it, said Shelia in a matter-of-fact tone.

Shelia’s momma knew that they didn’t have time for her to change clothes, so she said, Okay, let’s go.

Her momma walked her to the school crossing every day. She turned her daughter over to the crossing guard and continued to walk to her job.

When the bell rang, Shelia walked to her classroom. She had a big smile on her face. She was so excited because she was going to experience what it was like to have a valentine. Her valentine was named George. George wasn’t from around the way. His dad was a military man who was a recruiter in the nearby town. All the girls liked George. He was the most popular boy in the third grade. All the girls were hoping to be his valentine.

The time had come to exchange valentines. Shelia couldn’t believe it when she received three cards from three different boys. But the best was from George. He not only gave her a Valentine’s card, he also gave her a box of candy. Yes, this was a day she would never forget, and she couldn’t wait to get home to tell her momma all about it.

Momma, Momma, guess what, I got some candy from George. I told you I was going to have a valentine.

Yes, you did, she said with some apprehension. Her mother didn’t like the idea of her daughter receiving candy at age nine.

So, what are you going to do with the candy, you don’t like chocolate?

I know, Momma, that’s why I’m giving it to you for Valentine’s Day. Is it okay for you to be my valentine? asked Shelia.

Yes, baby, and thank you, you are such a thoughtful and giving child.

Shelia remembered the smile on her momma’s face. It was the smile she so often wanted to see from her momma. That’s why she did everything possible to make her momma proud, even now.

Chapter 2

Shelia heard a car pull into the driveway. She was excited; her first guest had arrived. She walked to the window and looked out to see a taxicab in the driveway. It was her childhood friend Karen. She hurried out to greet Karen as she paid the taxi driver. They hugged each other. Where is Calvin? asked Shelia.

He’ll get here on a later flight; he couldn’t break from work so I decided to come out without him. I already had the reservations. Karen felt bad about lying.

Great, you know Ricky would be disappointed if he couldn’t see his boy. He has been talking all week about beating Calvin in a game of dominoes.

Yeah, I know, Calvin has been talking the same noise. Those two are a mess when they get together; but he’ll be here later, said Karen as she looked away from her friend.

How are the kids and where are they? asked Karen.

They are fine. Sade was here earlier and Derrick will be flying in later.

I can’t wait to see them, especially your grandkids.

Girl, they are a mess, but I love them to death.

"I know you do, but you weren’t happy when you found

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