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M.I.L.F - Those letters don’t mean what you think they mean!

Bettina is the very young and very attractive mother of one of Tiger's dear friends. Tiger doesn’t care about their age differences, but Bettina does...a lot. Can this May/December relationship make it? Should it? Read how they struggled to overcome all the obstacles between them.

(One of Suprina Frazier's mainstream books - pen name Mi'Chelle Dodson)

Release dateAug 23, 2009

Mi'Chelle Dodson

Suprina Frazier (Pen name: Mi'Chelle Dodson) If you're looking for books that will entertain, inspire, enlighten, and even encourage you, Suprina Frazier/Mi'Chelle Dodson has just what you seek. Though she writes mostly Edgy Inspirational novels, she also offers a growing Mainstream selection, and a Buxom Beauties line - which features plus-sized heroines and heroes. In short, there's something for everyone. No one walks away from Suprina's books the same as they were before...and that's a good thing.

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    M.i.l.f. - Mi'Chelle Dodson

    M. I. L. F.


    Mi’Chelle Dodson

    M.I.L.F. Copyright © 2007 by Suprina Frazier (aka Mi’Chelle Dodson)

    Second Edition: 2014

    * * *

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher.

    All characters in this publication have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. Except for the states and major cities of distinction, all other cities and towns referred to herein are fictional and purely the invention of the author. All song lyrics and titled have been properly cited within the text.

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    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Special Thanks to God – He’s a Way-Maker.

    * * *

    Other published works by this author:

    Pretty Packages

    Big Girlz Won’t Cry

    Sweet Lips

    My Lover, My Friend

    The Professor

    Pulling Him Back

    * * *

    Contact Info


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    She said...


    I met Tiger when I was twenty-two. He was only fourteen at the time; the same age I was when I had my first child – Wyclef, ‘Clef’ for short.

    Tiger, which is actually his real name, by the way, was always mature for his age. He seemed to have more sense than the rest of his peers, was studious, focused, and already knew what he wanted to do with his life at a young age. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was when he befriended my son.

    Clef was eight at the time, a bit of a wild child like his father, and in terrible need of a positive male role model. I didn’t care if that role model came in the form of a big brother figure or a father figure. I just wanted my son to have living proof that all men weren’t dogs like his good-for-nothing daddy.

    After impregnating me the night I lost my virginity, Clef’s father pretty much didn’t want anything else to do with me. Chuck was only three years older and had no intentions of being tied down so young. Nor was he keen on assuming the responsibility of a child.

    All fine and well, except for the fact that I was just a kid, too. At least Chuck got to finish high school. With me just being a freshman, I had no way to take care of myself, much less a baby.

    My mother, who was a single parent, too, wanted me to have an abortion. Besides me, she had three other kids to take care of and wasn’t interested in adding any more. When I flat out refused to abort my child, she sent me from Atlanta, Georgia to live with my retired grandmother in Augusta. I stayed there with my son until Grandma died.

    Fortunately, Grandma insisted that I get my high school diploma and take a few business courses at night while she babysat for me. She also taught me how to drive, hold down a job, and maintain a household. Thus I was able to take care of my son without public assistance. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take care of Clef quite as well after she passed.

    Gone was Grandma’s financial contribution to the household. I suddenly had to foot all the bills on my own. Gone was my anytime babysitter. I suddenly had the added expense of daycare and babysitting fees. Thankfully I still had Grandma’s reliable blue sedan, which kept me from having transportation issues.

    Sadly, I eventually had

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