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Secret World War: Sgian Dubh
Secret World War: Sgian Dubh
Secret World War: Sgian Dubh
Ebook22 pages23 minutes

Secret World War: Sgian Dubh

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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A limited edition ebook version of some of the most popular stories from the Secret World Chronicle podcast, Secret World War: Sgian Dubh tells the story of Roddy MacSgian's daring rescue of Echo's top metas, Yankee Doodle and Dixie Belle, from behind enemy lines. One of four official Secret World War short stories from the authors of the Secret World Chronicle.

Release dateJun 19, 2010
Secret World War: Sgian Dubh

Mercedes Lackey

Mercedes Lackey is the author of the bestselling Valdemar series, the Obsidian Trilogy (The Outstretched Shadow, To Light a Candle, and When Darkness Falls), the Enduring Flame trilogy (The Phoenix Unchained, The Phoenix Engendered, and The Phoenix Transformed), and The Phoenix Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms. She has written many other books, including Trio of Sorcery, Phoenix and Ashes, Sacred Ground, The Firebird, The Fairy Godmother, and Alta. Lackey is the co-author, with Andre Norton, of the Halfblood Chronicles, including Elvenborn. Mercedes Lackey was born in Chicago and graduated from Purdue University. She has worked as an artist’s model, a computer programmer, and for American Airlines, and has written lyrics and recorded more than fifty songs. She lives in Oklahoma.

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    Book preview

    Secret World War - Mercedes Lackey

    Tales of the Secret World War

    Exclusive eContent for The Secret World Chronicle

    Sgian Dubh

    Mercedes Lackey

    Smashwords Edition.

    Copyright 2010 Mercedes Lackey

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    Not for the first time, Roddy MacSgian wished he hadn’t been born a bloody metahuman.

    It wasn’t that he was unhappy with being dragooned into MI6…the good gods knew that every man jack and plenty of woman jills were needed in this war. The bloody damned Nazis had run over everything in their path and had eaten most of France by now. About the time they took all of the Netherlands, they had started bombing the hell out of London…not just the damned Luftwaffe but the Luftwaffe Ubermenschen too. The Superior Men, like Eisenfaust and his squad. Blitzkrieg, they called it, and it looked like a lightning storm every night. Not that Roddy had seen it when it first started, no, he’d been where the Auld Woman said he belonged, right on the farm, tending the shaggy, sleepy-eyed cattle, like his father, and his father’s father, and so on back to the first of his line to hold

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