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Which Came First
Which Came First
Which Came First
Ebook35 pages31 minutes

Which Came First

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About this ebook

The Space Cruiser Carl Sagan is dispatched by the Science Counsel to test their latest theories.
This however is not the typical scientific field trip. For this trip they needed a powerful military vessel to venture to the edge of the abyss, the black hole Cygnus X1.

PublisherLee Crystal
Release dateNov 26, 2010
Which Came First

Lee Crystal

I've been writing ever since High school and have even made a few rough drafts of novels. I took a break from the novels (A sample of one is available on smashwords.) to work on my short stories. Including a flash fiction series SUMP (Not available on smashwords since it is a serial.) Some of these stories were published, but is not available any longer. (Magazine issues pulled from being online and publisher going out of business.) I made all my own covers and if you like me to make one for your work of Science Fiction contact me through my website. Price of my original artwork will depend on what you would like. My artwork has also be published including the front cover of issue #120 of NOVUM. Another of there publications PROXIMA will feature another cover with my work soon.

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    Book preview

    Which Came First - Lee Crystal

    Which Came First

    By Lee Crystal

    Published By Lee Crystal at Smashwords

    Copyright 2007 Lee Crystal

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    SPACE a vacuum, an almost empty nothingness. Only scant amounts of matter litter the immense void. It collects together into large swirls of gas and hangs in the inky darkness like great unsigned works of art. Some of these particles are destined to become stars. Those suns live for a time and then die. After their demise the raw elements are returned back to the universe, to begin the cycle of creation and destruction all over again.

    The large dull silver cone shaped star cruiser, Carl Sagan, moved silently through space. Halfway along its hull were a ring of bright glowing braking engines. They kept the ship in orbit a safe distance from the black hole, Cygnus X-1.

    Hot gases from a nearby sun were steadily streaming into the violent vortex. This massive gravity whirlpool was once this suns companion star in a binary system a long time ago. For millions of years it has been sapping the life out of its former partner. In some time, yet to come, it will have completely consumed it. Sending the matter to some other place in this or another universe, maybe even to another time.

    A small silver sphere emerged from the Carl Sagan. The globe’s small engines lit up and steered it towards the vortex. Suddenly it was grabbed with a furious jerk from the intense gravity of the Black Hole. With its small engines it was only able to offer some resistance, just enough to adjust its course as it fell inward. The sphere gained speed, merged with the hot swirling gases streaming off the nearby star bound for the same fate. Then it was gone.

    Configured in a circle at the center of the ships square, gray bridge were a set of consoles. These were most of the ships main control stations. Several other consoles were arranged along three of the four walls of the bridge. Facing the bow of the ship, taking up most of the

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