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When disaster strikes, there are only three types of people: victims, predators, or survivors. By their very nature the criminal element in our society are poised to assume the predatory role. This implies that the vast majority of the civilized population must make a conscious decision to be a victim or to survive. Lack of planning and foresight automatically relegates a huge percentage of society to the role of victim.

With just a little planning and awareness, individuals can change their potential lot in life from victim to that of a survivor. Again, intent of this book is to help individuals prepare to survive disruptions in our modern society. The reader will not find all of the answers in this book; perhaps you will find no answers in this book. I hope that this book will point some in the direction of survival.

Again, this is not written as the definitive survival manual, much of what you read will be suggestions that may not be applicable for every situation. With a little luck, no one will ever have to use the advice of this book to survive a disaster. That being said, many experts expect a nuclear device to explode on American soil within the next few years.

The concept of this book is based upon total societal collapse, with little or no hope for restoration of life as we know it. Many people will read this and immediately discard it as ‘rubbish’ since it is in opposition with their beliefs. Hopefully, others will read it and say, “Hmmm.”

NOTE: All of the content of this book plus more is included in "SURVIVAL II". This version remains available for historical purposes.

Release dateOct 14, 2011

Ronald N. Goulden, MBA, PMP

Ronald Goulden has written novels and stories for thirty years. Having served in Viet Nam as a Translator/Interpreter, He quickly adapts to new cultures and sees a story or an adventure everywhere. He has ‘dabbled’ in witchcraft, though he is not a witch.All of his novels and stories have interconnecting threads that link them into a larger universe, spanning space and time. Some of the links are obvious, while others are very subtle.Some of the events in the stories are based on real life, while others are pure fiction. The distinction between fact and fiction is up to the reader.Having studied witchcraft many years earlier, it had always been in my mind. When I became an IT Director for the Farm Credit bank system in Wichita, I observed the ‘power’ a small group of ladies expressed over others in the bank and their general disdain for many of the men.I had also researched the BTK Killer during his spree and developed a program that allowed me to ‘predict’ his next attacks. As such, I saw the potential for violence in anyone.After being treated rather rudely by the band of bank beauties, I decided to write a story to explain their odd and overbearing personalities. Using newspaper stories and personal experiences, I settled on baby sacrifices and Satanism.While the personalities and physical attributes are based upon real people I knew at the time, their involvement is this story is purely fiction. There are many ‘links’ in this story to the other novels I’ve written over time, essentially building an alternate universe.

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    Survival - Ronald N. Goulden, MBA, PMP


    Ronald N. Goulden, MBA, PMP

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2011 Ronald N. Goulden, MBA, PMP


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover design by Ronald N. Goulden

    Table of Contents









    Other Books by Ronald Goulden

    Preview - A Question of Honor

    Coming Soon - A Time of Uncertainty



    As our civilization becomes more civilized, it becomes more at risk for disruptive failures. These failures may occur in a variety of forms, ranging from natural disasters to man-made calamities. Y2K clearly indicated the level of potential risk imposed by technology, while the 911 attacks proved that we may be own worst enemy.

    The numerous California riots demonstrate the volatility of our communities and the ease by which we can slip back into barbarism. In many cases, civilization is just a thin veneer waiting to slip from the face of humanity.

    Our dependence on technology and an existing delivery infrastructure positions the 'civilized' societies for devastating failure. Any event or circumstance that causes wide scale or prolonged interruption to our technology or the delivery of essential products such as food, water, and power can push the most rational of us into a state of barbarism. It has been said that humanity is only three meals away from anarchy.

    There are many survival books on the market today. The intent of this book is to provide a quick How-to reference for surviving potential societal failures, whether from natural or man-made influences. Please do not expect this book to provide you with all the answers, tailored to your specific needs or situations.

    Look at this book as an exercise in planning and as a tool to determine your priorities and your goals in the event of a major disaster. Think of it as grandfatherly advice, to be heeded or discarded at your own discretion.

    Disasters come in many forms. We all have experienced frequent, small-scale technological disasters such as power grid failures communications failures and widespread computer failures resulting from viruses or other technological sources. Weather-related disasters are also frequent but typically on a small scale. These may include hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards. Geologic events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, floods, and fires are also typically localized.

    Perhaps the most anticipated disasters are those related to terrorism. Terrorist related disasters may stem from bombings, biological attacks, chemical attacks, or nuclear attacks; including dirty bombs and even suitcase nuclear devices.

    On the biological front, the most currently feared pandemic is a mutation of the H5N1 influenza virus, commonly known as bird flu.

    Any of these events, can, and most likely will, result in social disorder including rioting and looting along with increased gang, and other criminal activities. The first question one must ask is; What would I do if...?

    When disaster strikes, there are only three types of people: victims, predators, or survivors. By their very nature the criminal element in our society are poised to assume the predatory role. This implies that the vast majority of the civilized population must make a conscious decision to be a victim or to survive. Lack of planning and foresight automatically relegates a huge percentage of society to the role of victim.

    With just a little planning and awareness, individuals can change their potential lot in life from victim to that of a survivor. Again, intent of this book is to help individuals prepare to survive disruptions in our modern society. The reader will not find all of the answers in this book; perhaps you will find no answers in this book. I hope that this book will point some in the direction of survival.

    Again, this is not written as the definitive survival manual, much of what you read will be suggestions that may not be applicable for every situation. With a little luck, no one will ever have to use the advice of this book to survive a disaster. That being said, many experts expect a nuclear device to explode on American soil within the next few years.

    The concept of this book is based upon total societal collapse, with little or no hope for restoration of life as we know it. Many people will

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