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Ecstasy Mage
Ecstasy Mage
Ecstasy Mage
Ebook39 pages22 minutes

Ecstasy Mage

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Ecstasy Mages, wizards who delve into the mysteries of love and intimacy, are feared and hunted mercilessly throughout the Known Worlds. Led to a dark forest by mysterious dreams, one young sorceress of the Order finds love, terror, and destiny.

PublisherPaul Lucas
Release dateOct 14, 2011
Ecstasy Mage

Paul Lucas

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, just a few snow drifts away from Buffalo, NY. I am a life long science fiction and fantasy fan, and avidly keep up on developments in the fields of science, technology, and ancient cultures.Currently I am a freelance writer and artist, with fifteen years of experience in the field. In 1998 I had a tabletop RPG published, and in 2005 my first novel CREATURA came out. My shorter works have seen the light of day in publications such as Strange Horizons, Afterburn, Tales of the Talisman, Fables, and others. Currently I do a lot of personal commissions and ghost writing work.

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    Book preview

    Ecstasy Mage - Paul Lucas

    Ecstasy Mage

    By Paul Lucas

    Copyright 2011 Paul Lucas

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    * * * *

    The soft hay of the cot tickled my bare skin as stray slivers of moonlight poured through the shutters, lending a soft, ethereal illumination to our lovemaking.

    My spell was subtle, a mere feather-touch of power flowing between us as Tully tentatively entered me. I didn't want to overwhelm him, just enhance what was naturally there. This was Tully's first time, my gift to him, and I wanted to ensure it would be truly memorable. My hand stroked his shoulders, my spell mixing and merging our separate sensations into one.

    I could feel his delighted astonishment as my warmth enveloped him. I sensed how beautiful he thought me at that moment, churning beneath him and gasping at his touch. He pushed deeper and deeper until his pubic mound brushed the center of my soul, sending an electric shock of pleasure through us both.

    It was one of the very few times I did not regret my path of magic.

    Tully had been so kind to me since I came to the Randy Dryad Inn in my wanderings, pulled to this area of the world by haunting dreams. The establishment was owned by his cousin Shakara, for whom he did odd jobs when his family did not keep him busy in the fields. I seemed to have caught his attention immediately, despite my carefully maintained plain looks and boyish figure.

    My magical senses could detect his virgin blood surging with desire every moment I was near him. He struggled with his shyness for days before he finally summoned the courage to speak more than a few words to me. Then we talked for hours at a time in the days that followed, he enraptured by my tales of worldliness and tales of travel, me by his refreshing small-town humor and sincerity.

    He had asked me shyly for a long walk in the forest surrounding the roadside town the Inn serves. He was a complete gentleman, never once insisting on anything more than holding hands. The next morning, when I emerged sleepy and gummy-eyed from my room at the Inn, I was delighted by a present of wildflowers and elderberries on my doorstep.

    Seasons help me, I felt a flutter in my heart as I inhaled deeply of Tully's gift. It had been far too long since anyone had shown me such kindness, and thoughts of Tully stirred feelings within me I had thought

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