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F&R, Family Love
F&R, Family Love
F&R, Family Love
Ebook291 pages3 hours

F&R, Family Love

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Marie’s life is all she could wish. Still young, and now the wife of her perfect man for nearly six months. The perfect life, what more can she ask for. The vacation to the family cabin is about to shatter her perfect world. Her prefect man, the man she has promised to share the rest of her life with, the last man she ever expected to have sex with wants to share her with his brothers. And if the thought that her prefect husband giving her to his brothers is not enough to shake her world, the fact that he expects her to have sex with his brother’s wives certainly is. It is bad enough that he wants her to service his brothers but Marie has never had a bi-sexual or lesbian thought in her life. Is this vacation doomed to be the end of her prefect marriage or the beginning of blissful happiness?
Other books available by Trixie T:
Training Trixie
Trixie and Krissy
Trixie's Girls
Trixie's Tricks
F&R, Virgin Blood

Release dateOct 17, 2011
F&R, Family Love

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    F&R, Family Love - Trixie T

    F&R, Family Love

    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright October 17, 2011 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    One more time Don.

    I can’t. I swear you are trying to fuck me to death babe.

    Maybe. I reply with a pout.

    I am laying with my head on the chest of my husband of just under six months and playing with his flaccid, sperm coated and pussy wet cock, trying to get it hard again. We have been making love for just over an hour and as he worked all day I can’t really blame him for being tired but dam I want to feel his nine inch cock back inside me again. I love fucking as I am sure Don does, but apparently tonight I have worn him out. He plays with my long blonde hair as I flick his cock a few more times. I know I could probably get him hard again by giving him a blowjob, but I just cannot bring myself to sucking his cock that is now coated with my pussy juice. I do not mind the sperm so much but to suck on my own juice…I give a small shudder.

    Beside, we have to be up early tomorrow morning if we are going to be at the cabin at a decent time. You get everything you needed packed Babe?

    Yes. Well almost. I have a couple of things to pack in the morning but that’s it.

    You really don’t mind going do you Marie? Don asks me as he tickles my 38C cup breast.

    Of course not. You know I love your brothers and I have nothing bad to say about their wives.

    I’m glad because the next ten days are going to be special for you. Don replies sleepily.

    What’s going to be so special? I give his balls a gentle squeeze.

    Ummm. Don replies almost asleep.

    I rub my hardened nipple against his chest and think of the upcoming vacation. Don and I have been married six months less a couple of days and before that, we dated for almost a year. He is twenty-six and I am twenty-four; not too young or too old to be married and so far, I have not regretted a minute of it. It also helps that Don’s three brothers and their wives are great and have treated me like one of the family from the start.

    Like Don, his brothers are all good-looking men being just shy of six feet and well toned; from plenty of exercising I am sure. The brothers are involved in construction, which I am sure also has a lot to do with their fine toning, but this business of theirs also results in them having to be away from home from time to time when they get jobs out of the city.

    Best of all is that the whole family have all been exceedingly nice to me and have accepted me readily. This made moving to a new city to live with Don much easier after we got married for when I moved I left my family and friends behind and I have yet to make new friends here. As for Don’s family, the closest brother lives an hour and a half away so regular visits with them is not always possible.

    Therefore, I have no problem with the thought of spending the next ten days lying around tanning and chatting to the other wives while the men go fishing. The change and the female companionship will be nice. Besides, I have never been to the cabin and I am looking forward to it.

    I really do have to start making friends here. This is my new home and it is time I made it such.

    Giving Don’s balls one more squeeze I snuggle up to him and prepare to sleep. He wraps his arms around me in his sex-exhausted stupor and I close my eyes.


    The next morning I wake up when Don jumps onto the bed and takes hold of my butt.

    Don’t start anything unless you plan on finishing. I mummer to him sleepily.

    You better get up if you want a shower before we leave. Don replies and I can hear the cheeriness in his voice.

    "What time is it?


    Six! You have got to be… I finish with a scream for Don pulls the covers off me and shakes the water from his hair over me.

    You snake! I get out of bed laughing and he skips out the bedroom.

    I’ll make you breakfast while you shower. He yells back at me.

    Deciding that a shower is just what I need to finish waking up I head to the ensuite bathroom, turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm. While I shower, I find myself getting eager to be on the road. Don’s work takes him away from time to time and we have not had a chance for an extended holiday of any sorts since the honeymoon so I am looking forward to the next ten days as much as he is. So I wash my hair quickly and my body almost as quickly then I am out of there. Cleaning done I exit the shower, grab a towel and remembering I still have a couple of things to pack I dry as I make my way back into the bedroom.

    Usually I use a separate towel to dry my hair and my body but this morning I am in too much of a hurry, so once my body is dry I use the same towel to get the excess water out of my hair. Multi-tasking, I gather up the last few items I need and throw them into the suitcase that lies open on the bedroom floor.

    I look into the suitcase and try to think of what else I may need. The one strange request Don made for the holiday was that I pack some nice evening clothing. I am still not sure what he has in mind but I see no need to argue with him for I love surprises. I have to admit that I have let my style of dress get much more casual since we married but I still love to dress up for Don. So if there is to be a special night planned, I had better be able to dress for it. I go to the closet to consider what to bring. It is not that I do not have anything nice to wear; I just do not bother most of the time. Selecting a dress, I place it carefully into the suitcase. Not able to think of anything else, I throw the towel into the hamper, sit in front of the bedroom dresser mirror to finish off my hair, and as it is still mostly wet as it slaps against my breast the coolness harden my nipples.

    I finish my hair and then look at myself in the mirror. My skin is much too pale and I am looking forward to getting it tanned over the next few days. Reaching up I take hold of a breast in each of my hands and play with their stiffening nipples.

    Fuck that feels so good. I wish we had time for a quickie this morning.

    I grin at the thought. Releasing a breast, I bring that hand between my thighs and sure enough, I am hot and wet….Dam.

    A flicker in the mirror catches my eye and I look up to see the reflected image of the face of the teenage boy who lives next door peeking into our bedroom window. I freeze in shock. I recognize the boy for I know his twin sister, though the boy has been much too shy to mumble much more than a good morning whenever we cross paths. From what I recall from my conversation with his, they are seventeen years old and it cannot help to be noticed that he is as fair looking as she is. I imagine he must get a lot of teasing in school for his soft feminine looks, though I have seen his bare chest when he does yard work and there is nothing feminine about his hard muscled chest. His sister and I have gotten to know each other half decently since I moved in; not like come over to visit or any such thing but enough to stop and chat when we meet on the street and we have mentioned sunbathing together some day, but that has yet to happen. Their mother had died a couple of years back so that it is only their father and the twins living in the house next door. All these facts flash through my mind as I stare back at the face staring in.

    I open my mouth to yell for Don then snap it shut.

    No, these ten days mean too much, I won’t spoil it before it even starts. I’ll tell him when we get back and he can go have a talk with the boy.

    It is just as I come to that conclusion that I realize I still have one hand cupping my breast, my thumb tracing the silver dollar areolas that are much too dark for my too pale complexion; my other hand is playing between my legs. In embarrassment, I pull my hands from their respective areas and standing I turn to the window. The face in the window disappears. I breathe a sigh of relief for I really did not want to have to start anything this morning.

    I dress quickly in a bra, panty, shorts and t-shirt. Funny how Don had asked me to make sure I had plenty of panties for the vacation for he has never showed any interest in my panties before, except for what they do to his hormones, and to admire their prettiness before taking them off that is. Shrugging I get a few more pairs, put them in the suitcase and make my way to the kitchen for the breakfast Don promised.


    The trip to the cabin is quite a drive. We have been on the road for about four hours and I am resting my head against the window half dozing. I am beginning to wonder what I can do to liven things up and so far giving Don a blowjob while he drives is toping the list. I am just thinking of sliding over to zip down his zipper when my thoughts go back to the boy that I caught peaking in our bedroom window this morning. I wonder how long he has been peaking into our window and what all he has seen Don and I doing.

    Don is not the first man I ever fucked, though I believe he will be the last. That said I cannot keep my mind from wondering and thinking about the boy watching us. I remember his wide-opened eyes staring intently at me this morning; how he watched me play with my breasts and my pussy.

    Go figure. The first time I play with myself since marrying Don and I end up having an eyewitness. I wonder if he can look into our bathroom from there for I never close the door when I take a shower or even when I go to the bathroom.

    I cannot keep my mind from wandering and frankly, I do not even try. I have never really thought of being an exhibitionist but then this morning it was something else, it was unexpected…..I was doing it to please only myself before I noticed he was there.

    Dam I am getting hot just thinking about it…

    I unsnap my short, zip down the zipper and let my fingers delve between my thighs. My fingers slide over my pussy lips and sure enough, I am not only hot but also wet. I slide my fingers between my pussy lips and run them around the rim of my cunt.

    Fuck that feels good.

    The sudden jerking of the truck makes me snap my eyes open. I look to Don questioningly.

    Sorry, wasn’t looking where I was going. Don gives my hand inside my shorts a quick look.

    I give Don a huge smile. You like that do you?

    You looked sexy as hell playing with yourself. Don replies.

    You never told me that before. My finger tickles the bud of my clit and I moan softly.

    It’s not like I have seen you do it before so… Don ends with a shrug.

    Well I guess we are just going to have to see how much you like it. I give Don a grin and he grins back.

    I lift up my hips then slide my shorts and bikini panty down my legs. I am actually a little nervous for as Don stated I have never done this for him before. That said, I’ll be the first to admit that I am almost always horny and my recently wandering thoughts have not helped in the least.

    I place my shorts and panty on the pickup seat beside me and spread my legs for my husband, giving him a direct view at my hairless pussy with what he calls delicate pussy lips topped with a large protruding nub that begs to be licked.

    Just make sure you don’t drive off the road. I smile and then run my fingers up my thighs to my already wet pussy; Don licks his lips and gives me a smile back.

    I close my eyes and picture that teenage boy at my window again; how long had he been watching me, is this the first time….My fingers slips between my swelling pussy lips. There is no denying the wetness or the heat. I sigh in pleasure as my finger flicks the bud of my clit and then as they run down my clit to my cunt. I run my finger around the rim of my cunt for a few seconds and then plunge my fingers inside. I release a hiss of pleasure and finger myself for another couple of minutes before pulling my wet fingers from my cunt and running them back up to my clit. I go back to tickling the bud of my clit with my long nails and the moan I have been trying to keep inside escapes. I arc my back and no longer caring what my husband thinks of me or will when I give myself an orgasm I concentrate fully on pleasuring myself.

    My fingers continue to pleasure my clit with the occasional trip down the interior slickness to my pussy lips; I am getting wetter and hotter by the moment.

    Don’s large fingers enter my cunt. I open my eyes, look down to my pussy and see that Don has two of his fingers buried inside me. I raise my hips and he pushes them in even deeper.

    Oh shit Don that feels so good!

    And you look sexy as hell too. You really have to do that more often for me! Don quips.

    I have barely closed my eyes to enjoy the finger fucking when Don’s fingers suddenly leave my cunt and he exclaims, Dam!


    Almost missed the turn…It should only be another ten minutes or so for us to get there.

    Not much time then I suppose.

    Scooting closer to Don, I unzip his shorts and reach inside while Don turns into the road leading to the cabin.

    You’re getting wicked Marie. Dam you are going to love this vacation. Don releases a gusty sigh.

    Uncertain as to what he is referring to I give him a quizzical look but then the sight of his nine-inch already hard cock slipping out of his shorts captures my attention. I kneel on the seat of the truck, stroke his ballooning cock with one hand, and finger my pussy with the other. For a couple of minutes or so, I give him a hand-job and finger myself.

    Geez Don, I got to have you now! I give his ear a bite, then without even giving him a chance, I straddle his lap.

    I can’t see where I’m driving. Don exclaims as I rub his cockhead across my wet pussy.

    Then don’t drive. I place his mushroomed headed cock against my cunt and push my hips down.

    Don’s cock is fantastic and I do love fucking it. His cock head becomes exceedingly swollen and large when his cock becomes hard and the feel of it entering and stretching my cunt open is always sensational. This time as my cunt opens up to him, it is no less sensational and I release a breathy sigh.

    I could fuck you forever Don!

    By now, Don has stopped the truck and he does not waste any time. He runs his hands under my t-shirt and releasing my breasts from my bra he starts squeezing them the way he has learned I love to have them squeezed. Don pushes my t-shirt even higher and I guide my nipple to his mouth. My nipple, already hard and long enters his hot, wet mouth. I give a sigh of pleasure and push his cock further into my cunt….

    The sound of a horn beeping makes both of us jump. I look out the back window to see a pickup just coming to a stop behind us. For just a fraction of a second, I consider ignoring the truck and continuing with my pleasure…

    Fuck! I snap and Don gives a disgruntled groan himself.

    I raise my hips until Don’s cock slips out of me, then turn around and sit myself on the seat. Don stuffs his cock back inside his shorts and having a need for haste; I ignore my panty, take hold of my shorts and pull them on.

    Don is grinning as he pulls up his zipper and then he opens his door and jumps out of the truck. He quickly jumps back in when the truck lurches forward….he forgot to put the truck in park.

    Throwing the turn into park he climbs back out to greet his brother and sister-in-law that have by now exited their own truck and come up to ours. Buttoning up my shorts, I open my door and exit to greet them.

    Shit forgot to do up my bra.

    I am just rounding the back of the truck when Page pulls away from Don’s embrace, and I swear he was squeezing her ass.

    Looks like we interrupted something. Page states with a grin then takes hold of Don’s still hard cock poking hard against his shorts.

    Yes you did. Don replies easily.

    I have no time for the shock of my sister-in-law grabbing my husband’s cock to set in for I find myself suddenly lifted by Bairn. He had come around the front of the truck and behind me while my attention was engaged with Don and Page.

    Hey sexy, how’s it going. Bairn gives me such a squeeze that I find it hard to breath.

    Bairn and Page live the furthest from us so we have not seen them in almost a month; as such, the greeting they give is enthusiastic. Bairn gives me a bite on the back of my neck before finally letting me back down and then it’s Page crushing me.

    You animal, you undid her bra! Page spits at Bairn when she finally releases me from the hug.

    If I had I’d have my hands full of her tits right now. Bairn replies cheerily.

    My face is now flaming with embarrassment, the rest are grinning at my discomfort, even Don.

    Sorry Marie, I couldn’t resist. Sorry for interrupting your fun also. Turn around and let me do you up. Page states as she takes hold of my shoulders to get me moving.

    Page gets me put back together again and then gives my ass a slap. There you go, now let’s get to the cabin, unless you want to finish what you started that is, in which case why did I bother to do you back up and oh, can we watch?

    My face is flaming red again and I manage to mumble a reply Ah that’s okay.

    Well that’s settled then. Looks like you guys destroyed my chance at a good lay so we may as well get moving. Don pipes up.

    We all get into our respective vehicles and Don starts for the cabin again.

    Well that was embarrassing. I state after a couple of minutes of silence.

    Don is still grinning. He is obviously happy, in fact much happier than I have seen him for some time.

    Don’t worry about it. You will get use to it by the time we have to go back. The cabin is more of a large house than a cabin but even so, there is no way to keep things like that a secret. I love this time of the year when we all get together. Here you don’t have to worry about pleasing anyone, no customers, no worries about someone catching you doing something you shouldn’t. Anything goes, relax, enjoy it and make the most out of it. Don has a twinkle in his eyes.

    Anything? Including you mauling Page’s ass or her pulling on your cock. Okay I have to admit I may be just a little miff for even I have to admit Page is a good-looking woman with her dark sensual looks and breasts that are larger than my own.

    Don laughs. Anything Babe. How can I put this….enjoy yourself, let yourself go, if you want to squeeze my cock in front of my family do it, if you want to squeeze my brother’s cock, well that’s okay to. As for me I love getting a handful of my sisters-in-laws asses. This vacation is all about us, the family. They love you already so there’s nothing for you to worry about.

    I am in shock and deep in thought over what Don has said but even more, over how he had said it so there is no more conversation until we get to the cabin. The truck stops and suddenly there is no more time to even consider what Don said, as the rest of Don’s brothers and their wives are already there, resulting in a new round of greetings and I must say that the hands that embraced me seem to be a little too free with where they touch. Thankfully, Abbey ends it before I have to verbally stop it by hauling me away and telling the guys that they can take care of the luggage. I give her a look of gratitude.

    We have only gone a few feet before I hear Don’s oldest brother call out.

    Whoa, what’s this? Someone get lucky on the way here?

    Like everyone else, I turned around to look and then in horror I cover my mouth as Vic waves my tiny white bikini panty around; the panty I neglected to put back on when Bairn and Page interrupted us.

    Yep, Marie was not too thankful when we pulled up behind them. Page calls back.

    Page’s remark causes general laughter and then Vic pipes up again.

    Ha, I got the first pair and our vacation has hardly started, you guys own me five bucks each. Vic proceeds to stuff my panty in his pocket.

    I look to his wife Kai in horror. She smiles back at me, takes me by the arm and the three of them lead me into the cabin then into the kitchen. When we are finally away from the guys, I turn to them.

    I’m so sorry, that was so embarrassing.

    Don’t be sorry it’s all part of the holiday. Kai states as she hands me a beer.

    But… I try again.

    Abbey pipes up. Look Marie, your honeymoon is over. You are now all of ours to share, and that is in part what this holiday is all about. Don no longer has the right to squirrel you away for himself. You have two choices, enjoy the next ten days letting us get to know you and you us to its fullest or be miserable as hell ….I prefer enjoyment.

    I look at the three of them. I really don’t understand everything Abbey has just told me, not the least being the squirrel away comment for I’ve met and visited with all the brothers and their wives more than a few times since I first started dating Don and then after when we married.

    I really do like all of Don’s brothers and their wives. They have always treated me like one of the family and right now, I can see that none of them is at all upset about what just happened. Last of all, I really do want to enjoy the next ten days …I come to the decision that I will try to take my lead from the rest of them.

    Okay, if you guys are not upset, I won’t be. I’m also starting to get a feeling that this holiday is going to be something like pledge week in college and that I’m going to be in for some shocks or surprises or whatever you guys have planned. I can understand this; I’m the new girl so all I can promise is that I will try to enjoy myself. I give them my best smile.

    Well welcome new girl now let’s drink to one hell of a good time. Page pipes

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