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Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS!
Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS!
Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS!
Ebook56 pages43 minutes

Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS!

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Zaratustra leads the exotroopers on a mission into space... and discovers who was there first.

David N. Brown resides in Mesa, Arizona.

Release dateOct 21, 2011
Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS!

David N. Brown

David N. Brown is a nearly lifelong Resident of Mesa, Arizona, with longstanding interests in science and technology,folklore and disability issues. He earned a bachelor's degree in paleontology from Northern Arizona University in 2005. His first books, Worlds of Naughtenny Moore and Walking Dead, were originally published in 2006 and 2007 by Open Page Publishing, a venture with Brandon Willey, Kara Willey Warren and syndicated cartoonist Tony Carillo. In 2009, he began self-publishing through Amazon, and also created the autism resource site He has contributed to sites including,, and This biography is INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of the author. Reposting AS IS is permitted. MALICIOUS ADDITION OR ALTERATION WILL BE TREATED AS INFRINGEMENT.

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    Book preview

    Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS! - David N. Brown

    Space Nazis Vs. EXOTROOPERS!

    by David N. Brown

    Smashwords edition copyright 2011 David N. Brown

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Prologue: The Eagle Has Flown

    1. Pie In the Sky


    94.25 m



    Closed Quarters



    Escape Velocity


    Prologue: The Eagle Has Flown


    It was May. Berlin was fallen. Hitler was dead. The armies that had overrun Europe were reduced to starved, scarred, scared and scattered tithes of themselves. The cities they had defended were blasted to rubble by Soviet tanks and American planes, and Hitler himself had ordered his followers (who for once proved less than willing) to demolish what remained to consummate his own imminent self-annihilation. But, while the Soviet hordes in the east had little left to do but glut their lusts, the US armies in the west was still straining toward the mountainous border territory of Obersalzberg, where it was thought that remnants of the Nazi army and leadership were gathering for a final gotterdamerung.

    What's the point? the major fumed from the cupola of a Sherman, from which he surveyed a cluster of buildings that had been deemed worth close examination but not a bombing raid. Command can talk all they want about hidden bunkers and secret tunnels. But I swear, if there was anything here that the bombers missed and the Krauts didn't blow themselves we'd've seen it by now!

    The gunner opened his hatch. What about those buildings, sir?

    The major frowned as he examined them through binoculars. There was one rectangular structure over one hundred feet long, and two smaller rectangular buildings that each ended in a tall silo. Finally, he sighed. The building exteriors are just wood and canvas. Decoys to lure our bombers away from real installations, for all the good it did.

    But, sir, mightn't they be camouflage for something else?

    I'll tell you what, son, the major said, if you're set on seeing what's in there, then hit something- how about that silo?

    The gunner ducked back down, and the turret traversed just enough to line up the gun. The range was long for the tank's stubby 75 mm gun, but the shell went sure and true, for an off-center hit that collapsed the facade like a house of cards. The major gave a single hmm and started to climb back down. Ah... sir? said the gunner.

    The major looked up again, to see the silo mockup complete its collapse, as the rest of the fascade started to cave in. Only, something remained. Ahh.... command? the major said into his radio.

    What the silo had concealed was a titanic rocket, at least thirty feet tall with its base sunk an unknown depth into the ground, and within the tottering, half-stripped shell of the remainder of the structure was a huge, gleaming black aircraft shaped like a stretched ace of spades. Already, a half-track and two jeeps were rolling in with a score and more of men, and strangely-clad Germans were coming out of the building

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