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Hell Has a Name - The Seven Sons of Skeda (Werewolf Romance)
Hell Has a Name - The Seven Sons of Skeda (Werewolf Romance)
Hell Has a Name - The Seven Sons of Skeda (Werewolf Romance)
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Hell Has a Name - The Seven Sons of Skeda (Werewolf Romance)

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All Melissa wanted was to grow up and participate in the normal, simple, uncomplicated straight forward life she had watched other people enjoy. Marry a nice boy, have two children and live in a nice little house with a picket fence. You dream dreams like that when you grow up in an orphanage with no one to call family but two best friends.

The problem is, when you grow up, how do you hold on to your dreams of normalcy when everything around you suddenly starts to go insane? When you’re prince charming is a werewolf, when his six brothers appear to be little more than demons from hell and when battles and war seem to follow wherever he goes? Do you cash in your dreams for a nightmare and what if the nightmare gets worse? Could love prevail?

What started out as a fun cruise around Africa turns out for Melissa and her two young friends to be much more than they bargained for.

PublisherDarlene Gibbs
Release dateOct 22, 2011
Hell Has a Name - The Seven Sons of Skeda (Werewolf Romance)

Darlene Gibbs

My name is Darlene Gibbs. I'm Barbadian and a hopeless romantic. To learn more about me and my ebook specials follow me on my website. I hope you read and enjoy my work

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    Book preview

    Hell Has a Name - The Seven Sons of Skeda (Werewolf Romance) - Darlene Gibbs

    Chapter 1

    I glanced about as I stood in line in front of the large cruiser. This was like the most exciting moment of my life! I had my peeps – Cherry and Mike. Mike’s name was really Michelle but even though we were all eighteen years old Mike was still as much of a tom-boy as she had been when she was seven. She still wore her hair in the ridiculous crew cut that made her look like a soldier boy brat and she didn’t have one skirt or dress to her name. She was pretty okay for looks though, brown eyes, brown hair and a respectable looking face, but she did nothing to accentuate it, she was like the opposite to my other best friend Cherry.

    To understand Cherry you had to understand that we three grew up in an orphanage. None of us have any family and we know what it feels like to live a life feeling as if no one loves you, a life where you have to fight to win the love of someone and fight to be seen as special to someone. Mike opted to act as if she didn’t care after her seventh birthday when the couple that was supposed to foster her never showed up, that was the third couple that had changed their minds, Mike adopted the attitude that she didn’t want any family, she didn’t need anyone, and she did all sorts of mean tricks to scare away potential adopters. I knew it was her way of putting up a wall and hiding from the hurt that rejection caused her.

    Cherry had a different type of wall altogether. Cherry was...there is no delicate way to put it, she was a slut. Sure, she was my best friend but the truth cannot be embellished, she was a complete whore. But as I said, every one finds a persona to hide their pain behind and that was Cherry’s persona.

    I sighed at the memory of the tears we had shared so many nights with her. She looked for love in all the wrong places, every new boy that arrived at the orphanage became Cherry’s new crash and she would do anything to get his attention, and she would do anything with him to keep him. But boys are strange creatures, they don’t ever settle down with the sluts, and so they moved along and Cherry was heartbroken, but she never learnt.

    Mike and I had talked to Cherry about the birds and the bees, but she still kept dreaming of meeting Mr. Right and being swept off her feet and taken away from the orphanage and living this elaborate movie star life. What was sad was that deep down she was really sweet, she would give her last dime to someone in need and do without. All she really wanted was love, but what a price she was paying to get it. I told her, go join a church, there’s love for free there, but she wasn’t interested. God had very little impact on our lives, if it was one thing we didn’t feel at the orphanage – it was blessed. Cherry was pretty though, really, really pretty. She had this lovely blonde hair – out of a bottle, her real color had been brown – and she had beautiful blue eyes, contacts, the real color had been grey; which I actually thought was way more beautiful. She had full lips, a beautiful tanned complexion which I totally envied and the cutest upturn nose. Any man would love her, if she just allowed him to see the real, natural her.

    This is great. Mike said draping her arm over my shoulder casually. I’ve always dreamed of blowing that joint and going to see the world. She was smiling; she had a beautiful smile when she chose to use it.

    I know. Can you imagine, us, eighteen? I thought I would never grow up in that place! I screamed. I brushed my wind swept natural blonde hair from my face and turned to look at Mike, my green eyes gleaming merrily.

    A cruise to the African peninsula. I giggled. Are we crazy or what? I demanded.

    You think Africa will have a lot of hot boys? Cherry cut in, she was filing her nails.

    It’s a big place, and I don’t see why not. Anyway, we aren’t going to Africa to live, most of the boys we’ll probably see will be the ones on this cruise. I pointed out. Cherry hadn’t been as excited about the Africa thing, she would have preferred Paris, or Italy or anywhere where she could find loads of cute guys, being locked on board a ship was not her idea of fun.

    She glanced around now taking in the group of bustling passengers as they headed on board the Cruiser.

    There must be at least two thousand people on this trip. I said gripping Mike’s hand and squeezing it with excitement.

    Hottie alert. Cherry said suddenly and both Mike and I swung around in the direction she was pointing.

    Not bad. A little short though. Mike commented.

    I can do short. Cherry muttered.

    Unfortunately, you can do anything. I responded and we all laughed. This was what I loved about my peeps, we could all be totally blunt with each other and we never stopped being friends. We always had an open relationship, no secrets.

    Oh my gosh...more hottie alerts, more hottie alerts. Cherry squealed tugging at my arm and pointing at the guys who were coming onto the ramp. They were pretty good looking, kind of buff and pretty tall too, one was brown haired and the other’s hair was a brownish black.

    Let’s get over there, closer to them. Cherry muttered and gripped my arm before I could protest and started to pull me over to where the boys stood. They looked about nineteen or twenty years old and were laughing and teasing each other.

    Cherry, don’t, we’ll look desperate. Mike was saying but she had no choice but to follow Cherry as she tugged me along by the arm.

    You can get one. I have dibs on the taller one with the gorgeous blue eyes and the brownish black hair. Cherry muttered. You guys can fight over the other one. Who would have thought that so many young people would be interested in travelling to Africa?

    It is a luxury cruiser, and they are probably with family or something. I cautioned as we halted just beside the boys.

    Hi, my name is Cherry and these are my two girls, Mel and Mike. She said, you had to give it to Cherry, she was way bolder than Mike and I put together.

    Melissa. I corrected, I only allowed Mike and Cherry to shorten my name. My name was all I had from my parents before they had died in a horrible accident, somehow it seemed important for people to know what it was properly.

    Melissa. The two boys turned towards me, okay, I’m pretty hot. I have long blonde hair, green cat like eyes – that people claim sparkle, pouty lips and dimples. I’m also what people describe as ‘voluptuous’. I have large breasts, broad hips and my butt is firm and rounded, most guys start to salivate when they see me – these two boys were no different. Cherry is always trying to compete with me for boys’ attention, the truth is; I’m not usually even trying to get their attention!

    Melissa. Nice to meet you. The tall one Cherry had chosen for her self said with a half smile on his face.

    She’s interested; not me. I said bluntly and Mike giggled behind me. Okay, so I had a tendency to be a little rude, I never said I was perfect. He blushed and Cherry stuck her hand through his arm, he carefully extricated his arm from hers.

    I’m Drake and this is my brother Ansel. So what are you guys doing here? He asked; still looking at me. Oh no, he was going to be one of the dumb types.

    It’s a cruise, we’re cruising. I pointed out. He blushed again.

    I didn’t mean like that. I meant like how come Africa? He explained still looking embarrassed.

    We all turned eighteen in the last two months, we were all in an orphanage and we got our walking papers so now we’re free. We thought we would see an exciting part of the world to celebrate our freedom – and drain our bank accounts. Cherry explained. Gosh, the girl was always telling strangers our business.

    You want to tell him how I have a scar on my butt?! Mike piped up.

    Don’t be ridiculous. We being orphans is nothing to keep a secret, how can we hope to get to know each other better if we start by hiding the truth? Cherry asked looking up at Drake with sincerity and adoration in her eyes. Gosh, he looked like he was ready for flight; Cherry was really pouring it on pretty thick.

    Well, it was good seeing you guys and all of that, maybe we will meet you onboard. I said and gripped Cherry’s arm firmly and started to pull her away from the boys.

    What are you doing? She demanded, a frown forming on her face.

    I know you may think he’s going to be your next husband, but let’s not start the proposal today, save it for tomorrow. I said sarcastically.

    I wasn’t going to propose. But, now that you mention it, don’t you think we would make great babies together? Cherry asked and Mike growled angrily gripping Cherry’s other arm and tugging her away.

    This is hottie intervention. I explained and Cherry laughed. We had just reached close to the point where we had been standing when I saw them.

    Oh my. The words tripped off of my tongue before I could hold them back. I blushed profusely, making myself look even guiltier.

    What? Cherry asked, turning around to look in the direction I was staring in. She gasped and licked her lips.

    What’s with you two? Mike demanded and turned around, and even Mike’s eyes shot open wider.

    Fan me, fan me, fan me, I think I’m going to get a heat stroke. It’s sooo not cool for so many hot guys to stand together! Cherry declared and for the first time I had to totally agree with her. There were seven of them and they all looked like Greek gods. Every one stood at least three or four inches above the people around them. They all had jet black hair and features that looked as if a master chiseler had crafted them and black eyes that seemed to bore into your soul even from the distance they stood. I was disappointed to note that we could only see their faces as the crowds at the bottom of the ramp clustered around their bodies.

    We have got to get closer; I need to know what kind of body goes with a face like that! Cherry exclaimed Drake and Ansel already forgotten. And there are enough of them that each of us can get one.

    I laughed, but this time when Cherry gripped my hand and headed down the ramp I didn’t resist. There was something about these men that drew me to them and I couldn’t figure out what it was.

    Don’t you go up to them talking. Just make it look like we’re just milling around. Mike said sternly.

    You guys are such fun busters. Cherry complained but she nodded.

    As soon as we got within two feet of them Cherry gripped my shoulder and squeezed it hard.

    I think I’m going to faint, it’s way too hot down here. I would have laughed but I was too busy staring. Most of the girls at this level were staring too, so at least we were not unique. Even though the boys all wore casual jeans and simple shirts, it did nothing to hide how hot their bodies were. They were built. Broad shoulders, well developed chest and the shirts were close fitting enough that you could see they had eight pack abs – every one of them.

    Seven hotties in one place. Is this what heaven will be like? Cherry asked in a daze. I didn’t answer, she was right, all seven of the boys could have been a drop dead movie star or model in his own right, but it was the guy at the back that seemed to draw my attention. He was the same height as the others, same jet black hair – except his hair had about three streaks of a brownish red through it – I had never seen anything like that before, he looked younger than the others as well, I would have guessed about eighteen years old, while the eldest looked about twenty three.

    Oh my gosh, I have to talk to them. Cherry was saying.

    Don’t you dare. Mike protested, panic in her voice. I couldn’t help myself from staring at the boy, he looked up at me and seemed to stare directly into my eyes, as if he were separating me from the entire crowd. Our gazes locked and held and I gasped, his eyes weren’t the black soulless color of his brothers, for I could clearly see they were brothers, but his eyes were a strange purply black. Just looking at him I could feel myself become damp, my heart beat quickened, my breasts tingled and a need I had never known in my life threatened to overcome me. I stepped forward automatically towards him, pressed by a need to touch him; to feel him but then he turned away from my gaze suddenly and pulled the hood of his shirt over his head. I turned back without warning towards Mike my breathing raspy and hard.

    You okay? She asked, alarmed.

    Lets go, I think I’ve seen enough. I muttered. Looking at the boy had definitely shaken me up, and I wasn’t easily shaken, but there was something about him that I didn’t understand and for me when you didn’t understand, you simply ran away from it. You pretended it didn’t exist – yeah, that was how I had learnt to deal with my pain.


    Chapter 2

    Okay, I get the top bunk – it will give me privacy if I have company, you guys never have company. Cherry said, giggling as she tossed a couple of her bags up to the bunk bed.

    And I don’t intend to have any over either. Mike grunted going to sit on the lower bunk and dragging her bag behind her. I nodded my head absently as I made my way over to the last lower bunk and dropped my stuff on it. I couldn’t help remembering the boy at the bottom of the ramp, the way I had been drawn to him; I had never experienced anything like that in my life before. It was almost like automatic pilot my body seemed to have been working on, getting close to him had seemed like the most natural thing to do. True, he was drop dead gorgeous, but still.

    Earth to Melissa, earth to Melissa. Mike was saying laughingly.

    She’s been spaced out since we saw those hot boys a few hours ago, maybe we’ll get to see them tonight at dinner. We have to bathe and change and show them that we can look hottie hot too. Cherry said.

    I laughed, but still a little nervously, he was just a boy, attractive, but just a boy. Maybe I was reading way too much into the way I felt drawn to him. He was handsome and I was a warm blooded girl, it was normal for me to have felt what I felt. Right! So that’s the end of that then, and if I’m lucky, we shan’t run into each other on the boat.

    Earth to Melissa, earth to Melissa. Cherry was saying, probably disappointed that I had not responded to her teasing. I laughed again, a little more relaxed this time. I wanted this trip, the idea of sailing half way around the world was mine, and there was no way I would allow anything to cause me to have less than a great time.

    I had always had a fascination with Africa. Its wild and unique animal life, its varied cultures, its ancient history, even the talk of Somalia being a high risk destination couldn’t deter me. The Matron at our orphanage had tried to dissuade us from going on this trip. She had insisted that the Cruise was the first of its kind, it would be sailing to parts of Africa not generally sailed to by most African Cruisers and she had rounded it all off by pointing out that there had been news of increased pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia. I wasn’t stupid, I knew there would be dangers, but you die crossing the street at home too. No, I had lived my life all caged up in an orphanage and I wanted to be free, if there was one thing I associated with Africa it was wide open spaces of freedom!

    I’m here, I’m here. I’m first to the shower. I said. Digging into my bag and pulling out my toothbrush and a few toiletries. We are going to have a great time! I can’t wait to visit the first class dining area and maybe spend some time dancing.

    Yeah, and I am so going to do one of those boys if I meet them tonight. I’m definitely going to take one of them home with me. Cherry said seriously.

    Cruises are no place to plan long term relationships. Mike said firmly glaring up at Cherry. Don’t go giving it up to some strange boy and getting your self hurt.

    I nodded my agreement, Cherry could be a real piece of work sometimes.

    But that’s what makes cruises fun! Cherry complained staring down at us pleadingly.

    NO. I said firmly.

    But it’s going to be a whole month of sailing. You can’t expect me to not even look at a boy in that time! She insisted.

    You can look, you can dance…okay; you can even kiss, but NO SEX! Both Mike and I screamed ‘no sex’ at the same time and Cherry giggled.

    Fine, fine…no boom boom for me. Cherry said and we both laughed with her.

    You’re incorrigible. I grinned as I hurried into the bathroom, I could hear Mike and Cherry talking as I closed the door behind me. This was going to be great; we would see things we had never seen before, visit small islands just off Africa and come face to face with different and unique animals. I sighed happily; this was going to be not only a great vacation, but one heck of an adventure.


    When we strolled into the fancy first class dining room all eyes turned to stare at us. Truth be told Cherry was wearing an unbelievably short red skirt and a matching red tank top that revealed cleavage and stomach. When she had finished dressing Mike had asked her where the rest of the outfit was, she had the gall to look embarrassed. An outfit like that was always sure to turn heads. Mike dressed completely on the other end of the spectrum, she wore a long sleeve light blue shirt and a loose fitting blue denim pants. Both Cherry and I tried to convince her to wear one of our outfits, but she insisted she was more comfortable in a pants and shirt. Sometimes I really worry about her.

    They’re looking at you. Cherry said, glancing over at me. I smiled. I was wearing my hair in a twisty and I had allowed a few strands to fall about my face in an accidental yet ordered look, I was wearing a light green body hugging dress that brought out the color of my eyes and ended just above my knees and accentuated my full bust line.

    I don’t think they’ll notice me with you about. I responded, and Cherry smiled happily.

    You think so? She asked, pulling down her tank top just slightly to reveal a little more cleavage.

    Where shall we sit? Mike asked; we were way too accustomed to Cherry’s antics to take any notice of her.

    Over there, in the centre of the room, we’ll be sure to be spotted. Cherry explained leading the way.

    We hurried off behind her allowing her to select a table that had two large semi circular sofas that looked as if they could hold almost six persons.

    There are just three of us. Mike pointed out.

    Let’s hope that changes before the night ends. Cherry whispered back.

    This is so exciting. I think I’m going to try something totally different, that I know nothing at all about. I said pulling open my menu with a great deal of enthusiasm. I was determined to enjoy the trip, I was going to live a little and throw caution to the wind.

    Sounds fun, I’ll have whatever you’re having.

    Me too. I can’t even pronounce this. Let’s have it. Mike suggested.

    Don’t look up, Geek alert. Pretend like you don’t see him and maybe he’ll see we’re not interested. Cherry muttered.

    Too late, I think he’s making his way over here. Mike advised.

    Oh no, I hope he doesn’t scare off any cute guys! Cherry groaned. I couldn’t help laughing.

    If you don’t want to talk to him, just tell him to get loss. I said.

    It will hurt his feelings. Cherry moaned. That’s where I came in, I was always the one chasing stragglers away from Cherry, she didn’t have the stomach to be tough. Mike helped too, but I did it with so much more finesse.

    Hi… The five foot eight, skinny, brown haired, black rimmed glasses twenty one year old boy said. He offered us a bright smile – which definitely did something for his face.

    Bye. I muttered and smiled up at him sweetly. He blushed.

    My name is Peter and I was wondering if I could join you ladies. He said. I grinned in my mind, but he was persistent, I would give him that.

    No. Now run along. I said, signaling for the waiter to come and take our order.

    You have plenty of space, and I feel stupid eating alone. He complained, working hard at giving me the puppy dog eyes. I had to admit, he had the face for it, the kind of face you’d kind of feel sorry for. He looked like the kind of guy popular guys always beat up.

    I’m trying to be polite kid, and it’s not my natural disposition, so leave before I get tough. I advised. He was still standing there looking hesitant.

    Okay, let me put it this way, these seats are reserved for cute guys...and you don’t qualify. I said and gave him a bright smile.

    Ouch. He muttered. I had to admit, he had a pretty cool personality; most geeks would be slinking off already and looking to lick their wounds. He was tougher than he looked.

    I waved goodbye at him.

    Double ouch. He muttered. I can take a hint. He stepped away from the table just briefly flashing a smile in Cherry’s direction.

    If you could have taken a hint, you would never have stopped at our table. I pointed out. He actually laughed and just briefly he looked like a totally different person.

    He wasn’t too bad, a little pushy, but not bad. Cherry said as he walked over to a table and sat by himself.

    I pointed to the item on the menu that I wanted to try, putting in the order for my peeps as well and then I turned to face Cherry.

    No pity sex. I said bluntly. Cherry laughed.

    I can’t believe you can be so cold. He’s such a darling, do you know how much courage it must have taken for him to come over here and talk to us? Cherry asked.

    Courage? Geeks get horny too, just like cute guys. If you think he was interested in anything more than bedding one of us you’re sadly mistaken. I said.

    You are such a skeptic, maybe he looked over here and saw me and it was like love at first sight. Cherry suggested and I laughed straight in her face.

    The ten guys you slept with were all love at first sight, honey. Don’t you think you should give up on that fairy tale by now? I asked and she pouted cutely at me.

    You have you’re dreams and I have mine. You only find what you’re looking for, I’m looking for love, and one day I’m going to find it. Cherry said with her eyes all dreamy.

    Well, I hope you do. I said, and I really meant it. Cherry deserved her fairy tale ending; it was just a pity real life just didn’t offer you fairy tale endings. She should know that, hadn’t we all lost our parents? Spent our entire lives in an orphanage, rejects of society? What the heck was so happily ever after about that?

    Check it out. That was Mike, poking Cherry and I in our sides and pointing towards the dining area door.

    Thank you, there is a God! Cherry exclaimed, tugging her tank top down a bit further to reveal a little more cleavage. Let the show begin.

    I sighed heavily as I watched the seven guys we had seen earlier today stroll into the dining area. They walked in as if they owned the place, the guy at the front of the group looked like the eldest, the six followed close behind him. The boy I had been staring at straggled along behind the entire group looking disinterested.

    We have to attract their attention. Cherry said but a table with four girls was already calling towards the seven.

    Darn it, you guys are too slow. Cherry complained.

    Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. I suggested finding that I was a little relieved that I did not have to come into contact with the boy again.

    No. I have to meet them. Cherry insisted.

    Please don’t do anything embarrassing, I thought to myself.

    I’ll pretend my fork dropped by their feet. Cherry suggested hurriedly.

    You’d have to throw it for it to drop all the way over there. Mike pointed out with a grin.

    I completely ignored the conversation, glad that the waiter had brought our food so I could start digging in and pretending as if I wasn’t hearing what was going on around me.

    Oh my gosh, I think he’s coming over here. Cherry squealed suddenly and I looked up. Sure enough, the boy I had been staring at had broken away from the pack and was headed straight over to us. I looked down at my food and pretended to be concentrating on it, but my heart was beating double time and I had no idea what I was eating.

    Hi, I’m Tyrese. I don’t want to be presumptuous, but... His voice was so smooth, deep and sexy I thought I was going to melt into my chair as soon as he spoke. May I sit with you ladies?

    Of course, of course. Cherry said; I glanced up just briefly enough to see her scooting around on the sofa to make space for him to sit next to her. He stepped to a side and sat in the smaller space next to me and I could feel the heat of his leg against my skin through his pants.

    You’re really cute, and I’m totally glad you came and joined us. Cherry was rattling on while I tried to appear as if I was totally calm and relaxed.

    Thanks. I think you’re cute too, but, I really like your friend. He said and I almost choked on the bit of food I had been swirling around in my mouth for the past few minutes.

    I won’t say I’m not disappointed. Cherry admitted. But it’s okay. Melissa’s my girl. Cherry introduced me to Tyrese; who stretched his hand out slightly towards me and I shook it nervously, my palms were sweating. I pushed against Mike, forcing her to scoot around so that there would be a little more space between Tyrese and me.

    Nice to meet you, Melissa. He said and then he stared directly into my eyes, and just like on the ramp I found myself totally mesmerized. Oh my gosh, I’m stuttering like a fool. I could hear Mike beside me giggling and my face went completely red.

    I think Melissa likes you. Cherry said and Tyrese smiled.

    I hope so, because I really like her. He said and I scooted around closer to Mike again, who shucked me back towards Tyrese, I turned around and glared at her.

    So why are you girls cruising all the way to Africa? Tyrese asked and he was looking straight at me when he asked it.

    We thought it would be fun. Mike said, looking at me with something of a smile still on her face.

    No parents? He asked.

    Nope. Just us. Cherry responded. I stuffed another forkful of food into my mouth.

    Doesn’t Melissa talk? Tyrese wanted to know.

    She’s probably just a little shy around you. Cherry volunteered.

    Is that a good thing for me or a bad thing? He asked.

    It’s an unusual thing, so I’d say it’s good. Mike volunteered. I felt like a three year old that everyone was speaking for. I just couldn’t figure out what it was about this boy, Tyrese, that so totally unnerved me. He was cute; I wanted to talk to him, so why was I acting like such an idiot?

    Soooo...six brothers; that must be interesting? Mike said.

    You have no idea. Was all Tyrese responded.

    What are they like? I asked, finally finding my voice. He looked at me in a sort of weird way; I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

    Reece is the eldest. He’s kind of in charge when Dad’s not around, Rock’s twenty three – kind of anti social, Drak’s twenty two, Ren and Tagor are twenty – a twin but totally opposites, Ren’s actually my favourite brother, well, kind of and then there’s Anac; he’s nineteen and I’m eighteen – the runt. He said, almost talking by rote, almost as if he memorized the entire thing.

    I stared at him, realizing I was losing myself in his eyes again I looked down at my food.

    You’re lucky, you have a family. I muttered.

    You don’t? He asked. I bit my lip, I didn’t want him to pity me, poor little orphan girl.

    They died. I said bluntly and stuffed my mouth full with the awful tasting grub.

    Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh... Cherry squealed totally breaking into my sad moment. I think one of your brothers is coming over here. This one’s mine. She warned, staring firmly at Mike who laughed and held up surrendering hands.

    I don’t think you’d like Reece... Tyrese was saying at just about the time Reece arrived at our table.

    Baby brother, surely you wouldn’t be as greedy as to have us six share four girls while you take three for yourself? He said.

    I glanced up at Reece, he was good looking, and he was wearing a half smile on his face that said he was a bad boy.

    He’s more than willing to share. Cherry offered happily, Reece chuckled.

    Is that an invitation to sit, pretty lady? Reece asked, but he didn’t take his eyes off of me.

    Yes, it is, it definitely is. Cherry chirped.

    I see you’ve ordered already. Reece said signaling to the waiter.

    May I speak to you for a moment Reece? Tyrese asked politely, but even though his tone was polite I could feel the muscles in his leg tense against mine.

    Why? Whatever you have to tell me you can tell me in front of these lovely ladies. We have no secrets. Reece responded casually as the waiter made his way over to our table.

    Steak for me please, rare, very, very rare. He said and smiled. The waiter nodded and glanced over at Tyrese.

    Caesar salad. Tyrese muttered and Reece laughed loudly.

    What? I glanced at Reece questioningly.

    He’s vegetarian. Reece explained.

    What’s so funny about that? There are lots of people who are vegetarians. I said. I was surprised at how annoyed I was that Reece was trying to put Tyrese down because of his eating habits.

    I’m sorry. We always rag each other; that’s just how brothers relate. Reece responded swiftly reaching across the table to hold my hand and squeeze it reassuringly. Cherry spared me a nervous glance; I guess she was worried that Reece might be expressing an interest in me too.

    Beside me I felt the muscles in Tyrese’s leg tense more and he started to rise to his feet but Reece released my hand just as suddenly as he had taken it and I felt Tyrese relax once more beside me. I glanced at him thoughtfully, trying to figure out what the heck had just happened. These guys were playing some kind of game, I had the awkward feeling that I had no idea what the rules of the game were, but somehow, I was the chief pawn in the game and they were both players.


    Chapter 3

    No harm done. I muttered, glancing from one to the other. Tyrese smiled and seemed to relax.

    No harm done at all. He said.

    I would have expected the balance of the

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